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Aimée Carter

Author of The Goddess Test

32 Works 4,100 Members 401 Reviews 6 Favorited

About the Author


Works by Aimée Carter

The Goddess Test (2011) 1,351 copies, 183 reviews
Goddess Interrupted (2012) 619 copies, 80 reviews
Pawn (2013) 488 copies, 48 reviews
The Goddess Inheritance (2013) 428 copies, 33 reviews
The Goddess Legacy (2012) 263 copies, 18 reviews
The Goddess Hunt (2012) 166 copies, 10 reviews
Captive (The Blackcoat Rebellion) (2014) 159 copies, 12 reviews
Simon Thorn and the Wolf's Den (2016) 122 copies, 5 reviews
Queen (2015) 95 copies, 4 reviews
Royal Blood (2023) 85 copies, 7 reviews
Phoenix Ashes (2002) 34 copies
Royal Scandal (2024) 28 copies, 1 review


(133) 2011 (15) 2012 (20) 2012-release (10) 2013 (35) adventure (13) ARC (16) books-i-own (16) dystopia (24) dystopian (47) ebook (54) fantasy (139) favorites (20) fiction (82) Greek mythology (62) Hades (25) Kindle (38) library (11) netgalley (27) nook (14) own (13) paranormal (41) Persephone (20) read (35) read in 2015 (12) read in 2017 (12) retelling (15) romance (86) science fiction (37) series (41) short stories (13) signed (15) supernatural (16) teen (35) teen fiction (12) to-read (726) trad-pub (14) wishlist (17) YA (105) young adult (168)

Common Knowledge



Fantasy, Modern Greek Mythology in Name that Book (April 2012)


{my thoughts} – This book is about a seventeen year-old girl named Kitty Doe. She lives in an America where you have to take an aptitude test of sorts in order to determine where it is you will be the most productive in society. When she is labeled a III she tries to figure out what she can do in order to keep her and her boyfriend together. She makes a series of unwise choices which lead her to the predicament at hand.

The Prime Minister offers her the option of becoming a VII and she has very little time to decide. Without putting much thought to it she agrees and that is all she can remember once she wakes up two weeks later in a hospital like bed. Now it is up to Kitty to do what she is meant to do with her life.

This book covers a lot emotions. It covers sadness, loss, revenge, happiness, anger, impulse and so many more. I really enjoyed reading this book because I think it is nice to have the option to choose if you want to stand your ground or allow others to push you around. This book is about understanding one’s destiny and what it means to be chosen for a role even if you were forcefully placed in it. It’s a well written book and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

{reason for reading} - I received a copy of this book from netgalley in return for an honest review.
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Zapkode | 47 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |
When the American President comes to visit, Evan finds herself the center of attention once again as Thaddeus, the President's son shows interest in her. Gossip and innuendo follow Evan as she tries to find a way to be useful in her new role. Suddenly, though, that doesn't seem important when threats against her life and Kit's make it impossible for her to anything but hang out in the castle.

Royal Scandal continues the story of Evan and her life as illegitimate daughter of the King of England. Much of the early part of this book focus on the tabloids and the distrust of Evan by the majority of the British royals and the general population of Britain. At the halfway point, the focus shifts to danger and intrigue with several attempts on Evan's life. This part of the plot is over the top dramatic as well as addicting. Unlike the first book that spent time unearthing a mystery, this is more of a thriller. Overall, Royal Scandal is a very engrossing and entertaining read by lacks the charm of the first book in the series.… (more)
ftbooklover | May 14, 2024 |
I enjoyed this, these books like this are up my ally when I want a quick read, I also do not over analyze books because to me that just takes away the joys of reading.
Kate has been chosen to either pass some "tests" to see if she would be the one for Henry (Hades), if she passes he will continue ruling and she will be his wife for 6 months in the underworld and 6 months above-- basically a Persephone and Hades type of story, which I am always up for, I love them even the cheesiest ones, call it my guilty pleasure but I will always enjoy different variations (well mostly lol) . Moving on ,, she is makes a deal with Henry that she will do her best to past these test and do what she must in exchange he will allow her more time with her dying mother. Now I will be clear this is not accurate to the stories of the Greek Gods ( no offense to those that believe they were real, just my opinion so don't come at me) but it's not like I believe them to be real to begin with so with that being said I enjoyed the book, it had cute, fluff and none of this over done spice that seems to be in way too many books lately so that alone was awesome for me.
and I look forward to reading the next book.
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Enid007 | 182 other reviews | Feb 6, 2024 |
* I got this book for review from the publisher*
I loved this book. Maybe it was prefect time, prefect place. But i loved this book. Finding out you are the princess to the king of enlgland and all the wild things that occured. I also loved the mystery that infused in this novel. I loved the outside elements that help to expand this world. I also loved the small group of characters that were the focus of this read!! I loved all the plotical drama and also the family dynamcics that devleoped throughout this reead. The mysery went in a direction that i was not expecting and i am so excited for more books in this series. if you loved american royal but wanted mroe murder, check it out!! This book does have a trigger for sexual assult!!… (more)
lmauro123 | 6 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |



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