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17 Works 298 Members 3 Reviews

About the Author

As a child in New York, author Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) became interested in Native Americans and mythology through books about American Indians and visits to the American Museum of Natural History. He wrote more than 40 books including The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), The Mythic Image show more (1974), and The Power of Myth (1988) with Bill Moyers, and is now considered one of the foremost interpreters of sacred tradition in modern time. Campbell earned his B.A. and M.A. degrees at Columbia University in 1925 and 1927, but quit the doctoral program when he was told that mythology was not an acceptable subject for his thesis. He subsequently studied medieval French and Sanskrit in Paris and Germany, taught at the Canterbury School, and in 1934, joined the literature department at Sarah Lawrence College. During the 1940s and 1950s he collaborated with Swami Nikhilananda on translations of the Upanishads and The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. show less

Works by David Campbell


Common Knowledge

Other names
Campbell, D.



The 1st Soviet-Finnish War
Review of the Osprey Publishing eBook edition (2016)

This is a very well done overview of the opposing forces in the so-called Winter War 1939-40 (from the Finnish Talvisota). The nickname derives from its taking place over 105 days of winter from November 30, 1939 to March 13, 1940 when it was concluded by the rel="nofollow" target="_top">Moscow Peace Treaty. The book provides short summaries of the main battle events (The Taipale Sector Dec. 6-27, 1939; The Raate Road Dec. 23-Jan. 8, 1940; the 'Millionaire' & 'Poppius' bunkers Feb. 11-13, 1940), from which you get a good general overview. The main draw is the amount of research and detail about the various orders of battle and the extremely finely detailed colour paintings of the uniforms. These are often based on black & white photographs of the time, of which there is also a generous number included.

Although Finland did end up conceding territory to the Soviet Union in the Treaty, the fact that it was able to not be overrun by overwhelming forces is the main issue of historical interest. Finland's motivated small army made up of forces well used to its winter climate and terrain and knowledgeable in skiing and hunting was able to make a stand against a hapless Soviet army untrained and unfamiliar with the terrain and demoralized by Stalin's purges of its officer class from 1937 onwards.

See photograph at
Photograph of a Finnish machine gun crew during the Winter War. Image sourced from Wikipedia at the above Winter War wikipedia link. The same photograph appears in the Osprey book.

Finnish Soldier vs Soviet Soldier: Winter War 1939-40 is part of the Combat series of books published by military history publishers Osprey Publishing. Related books are Soviet Soldier vs Finnish Soldier: The Continuation War 1941–44 (Osprey Combat #49, 2020), The Mannerheim Line 1920–39: Finnish Fortifications of the Winter War (Osprey Fortress #88, 2009), and Finland at War 1939-45 (Osprey Elite #141, 2006)

I read the eBook edition available through Scribd. A useful feature of the online version is that you can click on the images to examine the finer details of the photographs and the maps and uniforms as drawn by contributing artist Johnny Shumate.

Trivia and Links
A fictional account of the Winter War was made in the novel Talvisota (1984), translated as The Winter War (2003) by Finnish novelist Antti Tuuri. It was adapted into a film as Talvisota (1989) by director Pekka Parikka and a trailer from its recent 4K restoration can be viewed on YouTube here.… (more)
alanteder | Nov 9, 2021 |

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