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Frank Bonham (1914–1988)

Author of Durango Street

65+ Works 987 Members 16 Reviews

About the Author

Frank Bonham was born on February 25, 1914 in Los Angeles. He was a graduate of UCLA. Bonham was known for his works for young adults written in the 1960s, with tough, realistic urban settings such as The Nitty Gritty and Durango Street. He also wrote several westerns. Several of his works have show more been published posthumously, many of which were drawn from his magazine stories, originally published between 1941 and 1952. Durango Street was an ALA Notable Book. His novels include Dakota Man: Western Stories, Devil's Graze: Western Stories, and The Dark Border: A Western Quartet. Frank Bonham passed away in 1988 at the age of 74. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the name: Frank Bonham

Image credit: Frank Bonham 1945

Works by Frank Bonham

Durango Street (1965) 172 copies
The Missing Persons League (1976) 132 copies, 3 reviews
The Forever Formula (1979) 68 copies
Mystery of the Fat Cat (1968) 47 copies, 2 reviews
Mystery in Little Tokyo (1960) 43 copies
The Mystery of the Red Tide (1966) 42 copies
The Nitty Gritty (1968) 19 copies
Viva Chicano (1971) 17 copies, 2 reviews
Chief (1971) 17 copies, 1 review
Snaketrack (1972) 16 copies
Tough Country (1979) 15 copies
The Ghost Front (1968) 15 copies, 1 review
Last Stage West (1979) 14 copies
Cool Cat (1971) 14 copies
The Phantom Bandit (2005) 12 copies
War Beneath the Sea (1962) 12 copies
The Eye of the Hunter (1989) 11 copies
Bold Passage (1980) 11 copies
Trago (1979) 11 copies
Lost Stage Valley (1978) 11 copies
Logans Choice (1981) 10 copies, 1 review
The Feud at Spanish Ford (1981) 10 copies
Hey, Big Spender (1972) 8 copies
Rawhide Guns (1978) 7 copies
Sound of Gunfire (1979) 7 copies
The Last Mustang (2003) 7 copies
Furnace Flat: A Western Duo (2015) 7 copies, 1 review
Devil's Graze (2008) 7 copies
Hardrock (1981) 7 copies
Defiance Mountain (1979) 7 copies
Dream of Ghosts: 2 (1973) 7 copies
Fort Hogan (1980) 7 copies
Devilhorn (1978) 7 copies
Deepwater Challenge (1982) 6 copies
Break For The Border (1980) 6 copies, 1 review
By Her Own Hand (1965) 5 copies, 1 review
Premonitions (1984) 5 copies, 1 review
Blood on the Land (1978) 5 copies
honor bound (1963) 5 copies
The Golden Bees of Tulami (1974) 5 copies
Cast a Long Shadow (1980) 4 copies
One for Sleep (1966) 4 copies
The Loud, Resounding Sea (1963) 3 copies
Stage Trails West (2003) 2 copies
Night Raid (1984) 2 copies
The Skin Game (1961) 2 copies
Speedway contender (1964) 2 copies
Skip und sein Delphin (1983) 2 copies
The Vagabundos (1969) 2 copies
Dakota man (2014) 2 copies

Associated Works

The Mammoth Book of New Historical Whodunits (1993) — Contributor — 142 copies, 1 review
Famous Short Short Stories (1966) — Contributor — 16 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge




A Mexican-American youth from a California urban ghetto breaks his parole when unjustly accused of an attempted murder.
LynneQuan | 1 other review | Aug 29, 2024 |
Henry Crowfoot, high school senior and hereditary chief of a small band of California Indians, resurrects a little-known treaty in an effort to improve the lives of his people.
LynneQuan | Aug 9, 2024 |
Everything in Dogtown, including the Boys Club, was run down and beat up. The Health Department wanted to close the Club because it was full of rats and cockroaches. But that only meant that kids like Buddy Williams, Johnny Pastelito, Rich Smith, and Cool Hawkins would be out on the street again with no place to go. They didn't want trouble. They just wanted to raise money to save the old place. Once they started looking, though, things began to pop. Before long, the whole town was in on the search for a very rich and mysterious cat.… (more)
LynneQuan | 1 other review | Aug 9, 2024 |
In June, 1944, Tom and Andy Croft, Eighteen-year-old twins, enlisted in the 106th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army. They believed, as did the Allied Forces and Army intelligence, that the Germans had been permanently put to rout after the Normandy Invasion. It seemed a military impossibility that the Third Reich could plan—much less launch—a counteroffensive.
And the, on December 16,1944, Hitler's army broke through the thin line of American defense provided by the 106th Division in the Ardennes mountains. The Battle of the Bulge had begun.
Suddenly, Tom and Andy found themselves part, not of a victorious army, but of an army whose lines had been broken, whose communications had been all but destroyed, and whose commanding headquarters had less of an idea about what was going on than did the small bands of men roaming the countryside in search of leadership.
Before the German counteroffensive began, Tom and Andy had become separated. For the first time in their lives, in the chaos that followed the enemy breakthrough, each was on his own. This is the story of their separate experiences during the first days of the Battle of the Bulge.
… (more)
LynneQuan | Aug 9, 2024 |



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