Picture of author.

Sarah Bird

Author of The Yokota Officers Club

21+ Works 1,571 Members 85 Reviews 7 Favorited

About the Author

Sarah Bird is the author of four previous novels: "Virgin of the Rodeo", "The Boyfriend School", "Alamo House", & "The Mommy Club", which received the Texas Institute of Letters 1991 Fiction Award. She lives in Austin, Texas.

Includes the name: Tory Cates

Disambiguation Notice:

Has also written under the pseudonym Tory Cates.

Image credit: Credit: Larry D. Moore, Texas Book Festival, Austin, Texas, Nov. 1, 2008

Works by Sarah Bird

The Yokota Officers Club (2001) 261 copies, 5 reviews
Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen (2018) 247 copies, 23 reviews
The Boyfriend School (1989) 138 copies, 2 reviews
The Flamenco Academy: A Novel (2006) 132 copies, 5 reviews
The Gap Year (2011) 132 copies, 16 reviews
How Perfect Is That (2008) 120 copies, 9 reviews
Alamo House (1986) 107 copies
Above the East China Sea: A novel (2014) 107 copies, 11 reviews
The Mommy Club (1991) 98 copies
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier (2022) 78 copies, 12 reviews
Virgin of the Rodeo (1993) 55 copies
Cloud Waltzer (1984) 9 copies
A High, Hard Land (2014) 9 copies, 1 review
Different Dreams (1985) 8 copies
The Boyfriend School [1990 film] (1990) — Author — 6 copies
Where Aspens Quake (2014) 5 copies
A Passionate Illusion (1986) 4 copies
Handful Of Sky (1982) 4 copies

Associated Works

Child of Mine: Original Essays on Becoming a Mother (1997) — Contributor — 53 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Other names
Cates, Tory
Places of residence
Austin, Texas, USA
Disambiguation notice
Has also written under the pseudonym Tory Cates.



During the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl era in the 1920-1930’s, there were a lot of people struggling to make ends meet. It was a time when people were concerned about the country and the political changes they prayed would alleviate their suffering. Of course, history reveals that not everyone endured the financial hardships of the failing economy. In this story, the Amadeo’s were such a family who seemed to “own��� Galveston with their lucrative illegal business transactions.

Unfortunately, there were families who struggled to survive, sometimes denying their present situation of loss. Evie Grace Devlin was raised in Vinegar Hill which was as acidic as the name suggests. Evie was raised with a father who made money dancing through vaudeville circuits when circumstances made him close his dance school. Evie holds on to memories of her father who died while she was young and helping him teach dance to students. Her mother was a distant, selfish wannabe actress concerned only in her own welling being.

Evie works hard and finally finds her way out of Vinegar Hill when she receives a charity scholarship to attend a nursing school taught by nuns in Galveston. It’s a dream come true for Evie who becomes instant friends with Sophie Amadeo in nursing school who also wishes to extract herself from her family’s high expectations. Although Evie studies hard and is at the top of her graduating class, she is denied her coveted title as nurse due to her upbringing within the vaudeville community. Embarrassed and needing a job, Evie finds herself being hired to work dance marathons where the dancers needed medical care from lack of sleep and being on their feet for hours on end. For some people this was a way for them to support themselves during these times of poverty as well as an inexpensive form of entertainment.

Evie is content attending to the dancers as a nurse until she is eventually brought in dance. She ends up being paired with Zave who coincidently was trained to dance by Evie's father. She becomes part of the dance duo who would attract crowds to the venue. They prepare for a major dance event at the Starlight Palace on the historic Starlight Pier until tragedy strikes. The story of survival, dedication and resilience dominate the theme. Recommended for historical fiction fans for its unique view of the time era.

Thank you NetGalley and St Martin's Press for sending this book for review
consideration. All opinions are my own.
… (more)
marquis784 | 11 other reviews | Mar 12, 2024 |
This book is based on the true story of the freed slave Cathy Williams who ends up being the first female to serve in the U.S. military. Mistaken for a boy by the general who enlists her, she masquerades as a man which creates complicated relationships. The story presents a complex perspective on race and gender.
dcvance | 22 other reviews | Dec 21, 2023 |
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

4+ stars
This was filled with a ton of emotion and probably needs some content warnings so I would suggest looking those up. I really got pulled into the stories and loved the growth of (most of) the characters. It was really interesting to read a historical fiction set during the Great Depression as a reminder of how bad things have been in the past - even less than 100 years ago. If you like historical fiction I definitely recommend this!… (more)
Fatula | 11 other reviews | Oct 4, 2023 |
FROM AMAZON: Set on the island of Okinawa today and during World War II, this deeply moving and evocative novel tells the entwined stories of two teenage girls - an American and an Okinawan - whose lives are connected across 70 years by the shared experience of both profound loss and renewal.

Luz, a contemporary U.S. Air Force brat, lives with her no-nonsense sergeant mother at Kadena Air Base. Luz's older sister, her best friend and emotional center, has died in the Afghan war. Unmoored by her death, unable to lean on her mother, Luz contemplates taking her own life.

In l945, Tamiko has lost everyone - the older sister she idolized and her entire family - and finds herself trapped between the occupying Japanese and the invading Americans whom she has been taught are demons that live to rape.

On an island where the spirits of the dead are part of life and the afterworld reunites you with your family, suicide offers Tamiko the promise of peace. As Luz tracks down the story of her own Okinawan grandmother, she discovers that the ancestral spirits work as readily to save her as they do to help Tamiko find a resting place. And as these two stories unfold and intertwine, we see how war and American occupation have shaped and reshaped the lives of Okinawans.
… (more)
Gmomaj | 10 other reviews | Apr 16, 2023 |



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