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13 Works 100 Members 3 Reviews

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Includes the name: K.J. Bell


Works by K J Bell


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I really did have all sorts of mixed feelings regarding this book. I loved it to begin with, it confused me after i have passed half of it, it disappointed me two thirds in, and annoyed the hell out of me by the end.

It wasn't too obviously written, and that was my main reason for finishing it. There weren't flashing neon signs saying oooooh chica, watch out, this shit's bout to happen.

The story was an alright but i have to correct the blurb, it was so not about the two brothers at all, well maybe a bit in the end. I think that Harrison (the third guy) got more spotlight then Tug. And with all honesty he should have gotten all of it from the beginning.

Brady i hated with a burning passion of seven suns. I get that he had some shit happening in his life, but how big of a pussy was he??? He did nothing but cause trouble and run away when things became difficult.

Tori wasn't the brightest bulb on the boardwalk either. Trough all that has happened i just don't know how on earth do you live in someone else's house when you know they don't want you there????

There were a few elements to this story that were too far fetched and killed an additional star to this review.

This story left me uninspired, it was alright but nothing to gush about. I will forget it tomorrow. Would i recommend it? Sure, if you got time to kill and let your mind wander at the same time.
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IvieHill | 1 other review | Aug 6, 2015 |
I’ll admit it; I almost stopped reading this book. Not because it was bad per se, but it just couldn’t hold my attention for very long. I am here to say that I’m glad I stuck with it and have never been so glad to be so wrong. This review will be unlike most of my others in that you won’t see any quotes I’ve highlighted. Sometimes, rarely, I read books and just enjoy them for what they are; a journey. There were no profound speeches, nothing I could think to make graphics out of; I just simply enjoyed the ride. It was a road full of self-discovery, overcoming past discretions and wrongs committed against them, but mostly it was a story of forgiveness and acceptance. I will say that what I thought the story was going to be going into this ended up being vastly different and through all my preconceptions right out of the window! And in the end I am not ashamed to say that I had to fight the urge to shed tears. This book, as only the best can, took an emotional toll on me but I enjoyed it every step of the way.

It’s difficult to describe any one detail about this book as they are all tightly woven together in an intricate pattern that only fully becomes known in the end. Like not many before it, this was one deep rooted onion, and peeling back all the layers was half the battle. Hadley and Miller’s journey begins when you least expect it and travels to places I never could have dreamed. I absolutely adored his family, every last one of them. I loved how rooted they were in their culture and how fiercely they protected La Familgia. To that extent, I believe that family is not only who you are born with, who you are blood related to, but also who you choose, and I loved who Hadley chose for her family. Here was a woman, who for all intents and purposes, should not be functioning in society, yet she was. Hadley was proof that it can be done. I promise when you read the story you will not only understand but agree with me.

Then we have Miller. Here was a man so intent on saving the world, running from the guilt of something he had no control over. Like Hadley, he is a mystery that I very much enjoyed unwrapping. There was just something about him that even from the beginning pulled me in. Though I was awestruck by Hadley’s strength, I was brought to my knees my Miller’s heart. This man loved with an unstoppable force and wouldn’t let anyone get in his way. He was the best kind of strong male character and one I didn’t realize I had been missing.

This was my first book from Bell, but based on this one alone I can guarantee I’ll be back for more! Highly recommend for anyone who enjoys an intricately woven story. You are guaranteed one here!
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BooksToBreathe | Jul 2, 2014 |
Irreparably Broken is a seriously swoonworthy, squee-tastic book! I loved every minute about it! I loved the bit of darkness this book has, but I really love the hints of humor here and there. I think the thing I most like is the part that the book cover represents! Everytime I think about the cover and the scenes it represents, it makes me go, "AWWWW." The drama at the end was totally an unexpected gift. It seems to me that a lot of NA books are going the same direction.. "tattooed bad boy, you can't help but love, he messes up and we work on taking him back." Bell adds a big twist to the end of this book that left me totally dumbfounded for a minute. It's one of my most recent favorites. I would definitely recommend it!!… (more)
asgwilli | 1 other review | Dec 2, 2013 |



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