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2008 ICANN Correspondence

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Correspondence Affiliation Date Issue
Letter from Erik Wilbers to John Jeffrey [PDF, 13 KB] World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center 30 December 2008 Paperless UDRP
Letter from Under-Secretary General Sha Zukang to Dr. Paul Twomey [PDF, 50 KB] United Nations 23 December 2008 Enhanced Cooperation
Letter from Meredith Baker to Peter Dengate Thrush [PDF, 738 KB] US Department of Commerce 18 December 2008 New gTLD Process
Letter from Jordi Iparraguirre to Patrick Jones [PDF, 25 KB] Fundació puntCAT 5 December 2008 Release of to the Abadia de Montserrat
Letter from Senator the Hon. Stephen Conroy to Paul Twomey [PDF, 247 KB] Australian Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy 4 December 2008 New gTLDs
Letter from Gregory Paulger to Paul Twomey [PDF, 232 KB] European Commission 4 December 2008 New gTLDS
Letter from Tim Switzer to Paul Twomey [PDF, 30 KB] NeuStar 23 November 2008 .BIZ Notice of Fee Increase
Letter from Jonathan Spencer to Paul Twomey [PDF, 586 KB] VeriSign 12 November 2008 Assignment of .NAME Registry Agreement
Letter from Andrew Romanov to Paul Twomey [PDF, 382 KB] .ru ccTLD Coordination Center 1 November 2008 Letters in support of .ru ccTLD CC being the designated ccTLD manager for .rf (.РФ)
Letter from Andrey Romanov to Paul Twomey [PDF, 697 KB] Coordination Center for TLD RU 1 November 2008 Letter of interest for Cyrillic .rf (.РФ) fast-track application
Letter from Paul Twomey to Janis Karklins [PDF, 125 KB] ICANN 28 October 2008 GAC request for translation and travel assistance
Letter from Paul Twomey to National Governments and cc Operators [PDF, 70 KB] ICANN 24 October 2008 New gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook available for public comment
Letter from GNSO Registries Constituency to Peter Dengate Thrush [PDF, 111 KB] GNSO Registries Constituency 21 October 2008 Registry Services Evaluation Process
Letter from Indian Technology Mediation and Arbitration Center to ICANN [PDF, 306 KB] Indian Technology Mediation and Arbitration Center 8 October 2008 UDRP Provider Proposal
Letter from Paul Twomey to National Governments [PDF, 111 KB] ICANN 2 October 2008 The introduction of IDNs at the lop level of the domain name system
Letter from Paul Twomey to National Governments [PDF, 140 KB] ICANN 2 October 2008 New gTLDs and the treatment of geographic names Letter
Letter from Stacy Burnette to April Hu [PDF, 65 KB] ICANN 30 September 2008 Notice of Breach of Registrar Accreditation Agreement
Letter from Stacy Burnette to Jan Legenhausen [PDF, 65 KB] ICANN 30 September 2008 Notice of Breach of Registrar Accreditation Agreement
Letter from Meredith Baker to Paul Twomey [PDF, 87 KB] U.S. Department of Commerce 9 September 2008 Implementing DNSSEC Protocol in the Root Zone
Letter from Paul Twomey to Meredith Baker [PDF, 124 KB] ICANN 2 September 2008 Implementing DNSSEC Protocol in the Root Zone
Letter from Arab Center for Dispute Domain Name Administrative Procedure to ICANN [PDF, 472 KB] Arab Center for Dispute Domain Name Administrative Procedure 1 September 2008 UDRP Provider Proposal
Letter from Paul Twomey to Alexa Raad and Milton Mueller [PDF, 469 KB] ICANN 29 August 2008 IDN Implementation
Letter from Paul Wilson to Peter Dengate Thrush [PDF, 358 KB] APNIC 28 August 2008 APNIC Community Request for ICANN to Sign DNS Root
Letter from Paul Twomey to Meredith Baker [PDF, 523 KB] ICANN 16 August 2008 DNSSEC
Letter from Paul Twomey to Dr. Plamen Vatchkov [PDF, 182 KB] ICANN 13 August 2008 IDN ccTLD
Letter from Paul Twomey to George Anastasopoulos [PDF, 182 KB] ICANN 13 August 2008 IDN ccTLDs
Letter from Haiyan Qian to Paul Twomey [PDF, 24 KB] United Nations 13 August 2008 Enhanced cooperation public policy issues pertaining to the Internet
Letter from Paul Twomey to Janis Karklins [PDF, 1.34 MB] ICANN 8 August 2008 Implementation of new gTLDs
Letter from Paul Twomey to Sha Zukang [PDF, 249 KB] ICANN 6 August 2008 Enhanced cooperation public policy issues pertaining to the Internet
Letter from Paul Twomey to H. E. Oleg Shchegolev [PDF, 1.56 MB] ICANN 5 August 2008 Russian Federation's Interest in Internationalized Domain Names
Letter from Paul Twomey to H.E. Oleg Shchegolev (Русский) [PDF, 1.58 MB] ICANN 5 August 2008 Russian Federation's Interest in Internationalized Domain Names
Letter from Alexa Raad and Milton Mueller to Paul Twomey [PDF, 49 KB] PIR and ICANN NCUC 29 July 2008 IDN implementation
Letter from George Anastasopoulos to Paul Twomey [PDF, 43 KB] Secretary General for Communications, Hellenic Republic 28 July 2008 IDN ccTLDs
Letter from Janis Karklins to Paul Twomey [PDF, 17 KB] Chairman, GAC 10 July 2008 Administrative assistance for the GAC
Letter from Guido Bertucci to Paul Twomey [PDF, 303 KB] United Nations 8 July 2008 Enhanced cooperation public policy issues pertaining to the Internet
Letter from Angel Gurría to Paul Twomey [PDF, 65 KB] Secretary General, OECD 1 July 2008 Future of the Internet Economy
Letter from Francis Gurry to Paul Twomey [PDF, 75 KB] WIPO 1 July 2008 Registrar trends related to UDRP
Letter from Paul Twomey to Sha Zukang [PDF, 121 KB] ICANN 26 June 2008 Enhanced cooperation on public policy issues pertaining to the Internet
Letter from Paul Twomey to Jane Collins [PDF, 121 KB] ICANN 20 June 2008 GNSO Improvements
Letter from Igor O. Shchegolev to Paul Twomey [PDF, 689 KB] Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation 19 June 2008 IDN ccTLD
Letter from Dr. Plamen Vatchkov to Paul Twomey [PDF, 328 KB] Chairman, State Agency for Information Technology and Communications, Republic of Bulgaria 18 June 2008 IDN ccTLD
Letter from Sha Zukang to Paul Twomey [PDF, 44 KB] United Nations 12 June 2008 Enhanced cooperation on public policy issues pertaining to the Internet
Letter from Paul Twomey to Francis Gurry [PDF, 125 KB] ICANN 11 June 2008 Registrar trends related to UDRP
Letter from Jane Collins to Paul Twomey [PDF, 87 KB] Marques 27 May 2008 GNSO Improvements
Letter from Peter Dengate Thrush to Janis Karklins [PDF, 833 KB] ICANN 23 May 2008 GAC recommendations for WHOIS studies
Letter from Paul Twomey to Alexa A.S. Raad [PDF, 113 KB] ICANN 19 May 2008 Notice of Fee Increase
Letter from Paul Twomey to Roland LaPlante [PDF, 115 KB] ICANN 19 May 2008 Notice of Fee Increase
Letter from Paul Twomey to Janis Karklins [PDF, 135 KB] ICANN 19 May 2008 Response to questions raised in the GAC - ICANN Board Open Session in New Delhi regarding the Implementation of the Policy for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law
Letter from Paul Twomey to Tim Switzer [PDF, 104 KB] ICANN 17 May 2008 Notice not to Increase Fee
Letter from Stacy Burnette to Daniel Sundin [PDF, 78 KB] ICANN 15 May 2008 Notice of Breach of ICANN Registrar Accreditation Agreement
Letter from Tim Switzer to Paul Twomey [PDF, 25 KB] NeuStar 13 May 2008 Notice not to Increase Fee
Letter from Paul Twomey to Alexei Sozonov [PDF, 442 KB] ICANN 9 May 2008 The IDN string from Russia to use in its ccTLD
Letter from Alexa A.S. Raad to Paul Twomey [PDF, 42 KB] Public Interest Registry (PIR) 1 May 2008 Notice of Fee Increase
Letter from Roland LaPlante to Paul Twomey [PDF, 214 KB] Afilias 29 April 2008 Notice of Fee Increase
Letter from Alexei Sozonov to Paul Twomey [PDF, 505 KB] Russian Language Name Internet Consortium 28 April 2008 The IDN string from Russia to use in its ccTLD
Letter from Kurt Pritz to Trey Harvin [PDF, 781 KB] ICANN 25 April 2008 Authorization to Deploy IDNs
Letter from Paul Twomey to Sha Zukang [PDF, 414 KB] ICANN 24 April 2008 Annual performance report as follow-up to the Tunis Agenda on Information Society
Letter from Paul Twomey to Maud de Boer-Buquicchio [PDF, 420 KB] ICANN 24 April 2008 International law and human rights
Letter from Janis Karklins to Peter Dengate Thrush [PDF, 32 KB] GAC 16 April 2008 GAC recommendations for WHOIS studies
Letter from Francis Gurry to Paul Twomey [PDF, 12 KB] WIPO 16 April 2008 Registrar trends related to UDRP
Letter from Brian Davis to Paul Twomey [PDF, 37 KB] VeriSign 27 March 2008 Notice of Fee Change
Letter from Sha Zukang to Paul Twomey [PDF, 41 KB] United Nations 12 March 2008 Annual performance report as follow-up to the Tunis Agenda on Information Society
Letter from Trey Harvin to Paul Twomey [PDF, 50 KB] .MOBI sTLD 20 February 2008 IDN Roll-out
Message from Leo Vegoda to Paul Wilson and David Conrad [PDF, 22 KB] ICANN 29 January 2008 RIR distribution of "various registries" address space
Message from Paul Wilson to David Conrad and Leo Vegoda [PDF, 74 KB] NRO EC Chair 28 January 2008 RIR distribution of "various registries" address space
Letter from Chair, ccNSO to ICANN Board of Directors [PDF, 21 KB] ccNSO 21 January 2008 GNSO Council's recent message regarding Board Resolution 07.89
Letter from Maud de Boer-Buquicchio to Paul Twomey [PDF, 904 KB] Council of Europe 21 January 2008 International law and human rights
Letter from Paul Twomey to Janis Karklins [PDF, 443 KB] ICANN 15 January 2008 Important Recent Initiatives at ICANN
Letter from Peter Dengate Thrush to Suzanne R. Sene [PDF, 100 KB] ICANN 9 January 2008 Midterm Review of the Joint Project Agreement
Domain Name System
Internationalized Domain Name ,IDN,"IDNs are domain names that include characters used in the local representation of languages that are not written with the twenty-six letters of the basic Latin alphabet ""a-z"". An IDN can contain Latin letters with diacritical marks, as required by many European languages, or may consist of characters from non-Latin scripts such as Arabic or Chinese. Many languages also use other types of digits than the European ""0-9"". The basic Latin alphabet together with the European-Arabic digits are, for the purpose of domain names, termed ""ASCII characters"" (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). These are also included in the broader range of ""Unicode characters"" that provides the basis for IDNs. The ""hostname rule"" requires that all domain names of the type under consideration here are stored in the DNS using only the ASCII characters listed above, with the one further addition of the hyphen ""-"". The Unicode form of an IDN therefore requires special encoding before it is entered into the DNS. The following terminology is used when distinguishing between these forms: A domain name consists of a series of ""labels"" (separated by ""dots""). The ASCII form of an IDN label is termed an ""A-label"". All operations defined in the DNS protocol use A-labels exclusively. The Unicode form, which a user expects to be displayed, is termed a ""U-label"". The difference may be illustrated with the Hindi word for ""test"" — प��ीका — appearing here as a U-label would (in the Devanagari script). A special form of ""ASCII compatible encoding"" (abbreviated ACE) is applied to this to produce the corresponding A-label: xn--11b5bs1di. A domain name that only includes ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens is termed an ""LDH label"". Although the definitions of A-labels and LDH-labels overlap, a name consisting exclusively of LDH labels, such as"""" is not an IDN."