Small Orange Fruit Quotes

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Small Orange Fruit Small Orange Fruit by Mandy Ashcraft
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Small Orange Fruit Quotes Showing 1-30 of 72
“When nothing around you makes sense, everything is equally threatening.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“The utopian candy shell melted away to a hard center of bizarre reality.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“He smiled at her, the same smile stapled to the mask of every career politician.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“They each raised their glasses from the puddles on the table, and clinked them together in celebration. They weren't sure what they were celebrating, but more than anything it felt like they were celebrating that exact moment in time and all of the incredible events that had to take place for it to have existed in time at all.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“She was angry and humiliated and hurt, but she wasn't belligerently vicious. She was clever.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“The pieces didn't really coordinate and could be described in no other way than 'eclectic', but once labeled 'eclectic', valuable mismatches generally become fantastically stylish. Very similar to the way adding cash value to 'crazy' results in a whimsical 'eccentric'; you have to buy more flattering adjectives.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“The money he stuffed into the gaping void of family fell limply through to the floor of a mansion he lived in alone.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“...from sweaty-palmed anxiety blooms vivid imagination.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“He wore a tailor's masterpiece of obsidian fabric so expensive that it would've been personally offended to have been referred to as a 'black suit'. It was a really nice black suit.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“She was an anomaly of her own universe and of his, and represented the collision of everything he'd ever known and everything he'd ever wanted to.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“What we wanted was to see planets taste life in a way they never had.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“...celebrating in a sea of little more than cacti and a billion stars.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“It was as if a mad scientist had sold all of his important tools and chemicals at a yard sale, leaving a makeshift laboratory of scrap materials that the neighbors didn't want.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“In order to cope with death, you need the correct punctuation. Not a final period, not a comma as on Aleya, but a chance to fill in the blank--- life, 'dot dot dot'.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“She was fantastically beautiful, so even though her words sounded like fragile utopian glass that would shatter horrendously on Earth in about five minutes, it sounded nice when she said it.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“He didn't think his mother's brother used drugs and yet the number of spoons and trap house Feng Shui seemed to keep the option open.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“Standard procedure; the usual high volume of paperwork required to even sneeze on another planet.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“The hatred was, in a word, monochromatic.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“It was as if humans' lives didn't end per se, but kind of trailed off with punctuating ellipses. After that third dot it was open-ended, brilliantly poised for anything one could imagine. Earth was warm with potential like that.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“The doors closed behind him, and Kelvin was swallowed into the elevator shaft that took him back down to the belly of his self-made monster.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“There just seemed to be so many evolutionary layers to each individual person, some more than others, that they were able to blend their differences into a living mural the way a planet like Hessdalen never could. And never would, seeing as how it had ceased to exist entirely. It had missed it's chance.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“Those concocting evil schemes rarely perform them in descending order of evilness, so he could assume phase two was to be worse.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“Every loving, endearing, romance of language he published in the newspapers about the haunted mansion had only been to lower her guard. To weaken her. To lure her. To keep it from being demolished before he got the chance to bleed her of everything she'd ever been worth.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“Sorry it took me so long to get back here. I went out front to smoke, and then I saw Angel's truck was unlocked and made myself a burrito with a crushed up fortune cookie inside,' said the only person they knew that would say that, carrying the little grey kitten. He pulled a wet paper fortune out of the beans. 'My burrito says 'Keep your eye on the prize'.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“Please stop redirecting my calls!" Kelvin screamed into the receiver, the cord wrapped and strangling his left arm and right foot like a boa constrictor that only vaguely understood how it's supposed to catch prey.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“They had thought it was uncharacteristic of him to try and eat his cigarette in the driveway.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“They had not just slipped into that frigid pool, they lived there now. They didn't want a ladder.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“...they were mixing and mingling their powerful supporters together like a hearty granola of golfballs and checkbooks.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“Mens formalwear is not conducive to such un-refined things as cowering in an office corner, or curling up in the fetal position on a desk.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit
“Kelvin could request favors within the administration easily, as those marionette strings looked remarkably like lines of ink that read 'Pay to the Order of'.”
Mandy Ashcraft, Small Orange Fruit

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