Angels (and Demons) Quotes

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Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them? Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them? by Peter Kreeft
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Angels (and Demons) Quotes Showing 1-30 of 43
“In fact, I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers to God make, and all the people those little prayers were destined to affect, and all the consequences of those effects down through the centuries, we would be so paralyzed with awe at the power of prayer that we would be unable to get up off our knees for the rest of our lives.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“But we can influence (not compel) each other’s choices through the mediating channels of imagination and emotion. So can angels. They can’t put judgments in your mind or choices in your will, but they can put images in your imagination and feelings in your heart. (Feelings don’t compel you either; your will can choose whether to follow your feelings or not.)”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“We too can love with the will even when we do not have loving emotions or feelings. We make this distinction toward ourselves quite easily, so we should be able to do it toward others too when necessary.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Each angel is inferior or superior to every other angel. From the fact that angels are pure spirits it logically follows that they are unequal.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“The root reason for this is the denial of the human essence, the human equality, the human family—judging people’s worth only by how efficiently or intelligently or quickly they function. This is confusing the essence with the nonessential.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“The major heresies of our day are not about God but about man.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“We see that the universe is full of all sorts of species. Every possible rung on the cosmic hierarchy is filled. There are no gaps. Below us there are intelligent animals, like apes, then less intelligent animals, like fish, then barely intelligent animals, like slugs and TV producers, then plants, then minerals.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Because” is ambiguous. It could mean only a subjective motive (“Because I’m paranoid, I believe that man is going to kill me”), or it could mean an objective reason (“Because he’s pointing a gun at me and squeezing the trigger, I believe that man is going to kill me”). “We believe in angels because we seek security” is only a subjective, psychological motive. “We believe in angels because God has revealed to us in the Bible that they exist” is an objective reason”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“The only honest reason for anyone ever to believe anything is that it is true, that it is really there.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Belief in angels makes an even bigger difference if you believe in God and pray, because your prayers to God to send angel help will be answered.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“U svakom području života, tajna je originalnosti prestati pokušavati biti originalan i reći istinu onako kako je vidiš.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them?
“Zabuna o odnosu između poimanja osobe i čovjeka može uzrokovati golemu štetu. Američki Vrhovni sud dvaput je pokazao da mu je prijeko potrebna lekcija iz filozofije jer ne shvaća da ljudska bića spadaju pod osobe, a ne obrnuto, da su sva ljudska bića osobe te kao takve posjeduju temeljna ljudska prava. Dred Scott proglasio je crnce nepotpunim osobama opravdavši tako ropstvo i provodeći povratak odbjeglih robova kao da se radi o vlasništvu, a ne o osobama. Time im je oduzeo drugo temeljno ljudsko pravo, pravo na slobodu. Jedno stoljeće kasnije slučaj Roe protiv Wade oduzeo je nerođenoj djeci prvo osnovno pravo svake osobe, pravo na život. Ovo se temelji na filozofiji koja je zapravo identična nacističkoj: država uzima sebi moć da proglasi jednu vrstu ljudskih bića ne-osobama [bilo crnce, bilo Židove, bilo nerođene]. Osim što je riječ o prestrašnu moralu, radi se i o jako lošoj logici. Naime, smatra "osobe" užom kategorijom od "ljudskih bića". Postojanje anđela pokazuje da se zapravo radi o višoj kategoriji.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them?
“Kamo god da ideš, s tobom ide i tvoj anđeo čuvar. Prije nego što se spremaš nekamo ići, razmisli je li to mjesto prikladno za jednoga anđela.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels (and Demons): What Do We Really Know About Them?
“are more like Dog and Cat and Bird than like Lassie and Fido and Spot. Therefore,”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“the God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—is moral today.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Some philosophers”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Humans are the lowest (least intelligent) of spirits and the highest (most intelligent) of animals. We are rational animals, incarnate minds, the smartest of animals and the stupidest of spirits:”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Many people disbelieve in angels because they disbelieve in spirit. They believe only matter exists.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Spirits have more possibilities for nearly everything than do bodies—for example, more pleasures and pains, and more subtle and profound pleasures and pains, than bodies.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“There is no equality among angels,”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“More than five billion,”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“God is infinite bodiless spirit, your soul is finite embodied spirit, and angels are finite bodiless spirits.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“It’s like a government agency that really works.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“More accurately stated, man is not both angel and animal because he is neither angel nor animal; he is between angels and animals, a unique rung on the cosmic ladder.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Tempting is not forcing.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“the medieval idea that angels were required to move the heavenly bodies.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Aristotle had discovered only half the principle of inertia—that a body at rest remains at rest unless moved by another—but not the other half—that a body in motion remains in motion unless acted on by another.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Aristotle also believed that a vacuum was impossible.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?
“Physical emotions are moved by chemicals, nerve endings, weather, digestion, hormones, and a thousand other things in the body or the physical world. Animals can’t love without physical emotion. Angels can’t love with physical emotion. We can love with or without physical emotion.”
Peter Kreeft, Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know about Them?

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