Escaping from Houdini Quotes

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Escaping from Houdini (Stalking Jack the Ripper, #3) Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco
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Escaping from Houdini Quotes Showing 1-30 of 91
“I love you... More than all the stars in the universe. In this life and ever after. I love you.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“If you wish to go, I’ll never make you stay. I might not do and say the proper thing all the time, but I do know that I love you enough to set you free.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping From Houdini
“I love when you look at me that way."
I searched his eyes. "How?"
"Like you might possibly love me in the same extraordinary way that I love you.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“What a fortunate surprise, Miss Wadsworth." He took my hand in his, pretending to kiss it, and pulled an ink-blue rose from the air. "A rose for the lovely Audrey Rose."

"Oh, wonderful." Thomas said. "Satan has decided to claw his way out of Hell and join us. I had no idea he did subpar tricks, though.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Most stories are too good to be true. That's what makes them enchanting.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
tags: liza
“Some risks are worth taking, even if they seem impossible at first.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“We women could be called creatures, if only the men who said such careless words accepted our claws were fearsome things when we decided to scratch.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Sometimes we choose not to see things we know are true, simply because we wish to keep the fantasy of what could have been alive,”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“She’s the muscle. I’m clearly the charm.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Such sharp words,” he said. “Your tongue ought to come with a warning.”

“Truth is often compared to a blade,” I said. “I question those who marvel when it pricks.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“People often admire physical strength, but I believe it's the simple things one does after a tragedy that defines them. There is no greater show of power than continuing to live when you'd like nothing more than to lie down and let the world fade.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Magic is science. It’s simply a fancier term for showing people the impossible is attainable.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“All my life I'd longed for freedom - freedom to pick and choose every detail of my life. To make good decisions and horrible ones. Decisions that would break my heart and remake it ten times over. I just never knew having choices could be so hard.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Hope is the true magic - its the spark and draw.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Hope in an invisible yet might force. Don't dismiss it's power.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Sometimes you need to stand out in order to blend in.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Normal is overrated.” Cassie nudged me toward the bar. “Extraordinary is unforgettable.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Love was a tricky, complicated thing - so morally gray. Both grand and terrible things were often done in its honour. But could something truly be done out of love if it had the potential to hurt the one at its heart?”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“The promise of death was as alluring, if not more so, than the prospect of falling in love. What morbid creatures we were, craving danger and mystery in place of happily-ever-afters.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“You may hate the truth, deny it, curse it, but the fact remains you are equally enchanted by it. Knowing the flames are hot isn’t always a deterrent from playing with fire.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Let's play act a murder, Wadsworth.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“I cannot promise all will be well, Audrey Rose.”

I exhaled loudly. “This is one of those times it’s all right to lie, Thomas. I’m quite aware of how dire things are, but I’d like to pretend otherwise. At least for a few moments.”

“Right,” he said, turning his thoughts inward. “What I mean is, I promise to stand by your side through whatever comes our way. You’ll end up being the hero, no doubt, but I’ll look good beside you. And that’s what truly counts.”


He drew back, feigning being affronted. “You can’t possibly have all the glory. Good looking and the hero? This is one of those times it’s all right to lie, Wadsworth.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“I’m in favor of hiding in your chamber for the remainder of the week.” A smile twitched across his lips as I raised a brow. “Drinking, kissing, debauching ourselves until we arrive in New York.” He sighed dreamily. “You must admit, we’d be safe from the murderer. Deliriously happy. And both of those options are much better than standing over cadavers.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“He drew back, feigning being affronted. “You can’t possibly have all the glory. Good looking and the hero? This is one of those times it’s all right to lie, Wadsworth.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“The crowd hopes for the impossible to become possible. It shows them dreams don't belong only in our heads - with hope those fantasies can become real. Taking hope away is like taking life from someone. We all need to believe we can achieve the impossible.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Have you no—” He brushed his lips against mine and I forgot about my worries, just as he’d intended. The kiss started off tentative and sweet, a distraction and promise itself, but soon turned deeper and more urgent. I wound my arms around his neck, bringing him closer, getting lost in the rhythm of both the sea and our kiss. Even on the coldest night, he could ignite a fire within me. I worried that one day the blaze might consume me entirely.
Much too soon, he broke away. In times like this I thought he was right—we ought to announce our intentions and marry immediately. Then I might kiss him whenever I pleased.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“You know? I believe this is the most precious rose I’ve ever received.”

He gave me a slow, playful smile. “My magic trick was fairly impressive, too. Do you think Mephistopheles will take me on? I could practice. Actually,” he said, taking my arm in his, adjusting his gait as I moved unsteadily beside him, “we ought to do an act together. What do you think of ‘the Amazing Cressworths’? It’s got a pleasant sound to it.”

“Cressworth? Did you honestly combine our names? And why does your name go first?” I stared at him out of the corner of my eye, mouth curved upward despite my best efforts. “I think the most amazing part of our act would be not lulling the audience to sleep with your wit.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Everyone deserved to live freely and in honor of themselves. A basic right should not be a luxury.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“Dreams are strange curiosities,” he said, eyes still on the balloon.
“Sure, everyone possesses the ability to lay their heads down and imagine,
but to do so without limitations or doubt? That is something else entirely.
Dreams are boundless, shapeless things. Given strength and form from
individual imaginations. They’re wishes.” He looked at me, then reached
out and removed my hatpin. “All it takes is one shard of doubt to wedge
itself into them”—he swiftly stuck the balloon with my pin, and the air
whooshed out as it descended to the ground—“and they deflate. If you can
dream without limits, you can soar to great heights. Let the magic of your
imagination set you free.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini
“I think you’ve broken one of my ribs. Was that really necessary? Next time you tackle me, be sure it’s in one of our bedchambers.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Escaping from Houdini

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