Royal Wedding Quotes

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Royal Wedding (The Princess Diaries, #11) Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot
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Royal Wedding Quotes Showing 1-30 of 31
“Despite all evidence to the contrary, Grandmère believes that Ron Weasley, not Voldemort, is the villain of the Harry Potter series.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“That’s the problem with your generation, Amelia. You all want happy endings.”
I was so stunned I think my eye stopped twitching momentarily.
“We don’t, actually,” I said. “We want endings that leave us with a sense of hope, possibly because the world we’re living in seems to be falling apart right now.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“It wasn’t me,” Lars supplied, from the front seat. “I didn’t tell.”
“Of course it wasn’t Lars,” Michael said, having overheard him. “Tell Lars no one is blaming him.”
Seriously, if my life were one of those romance novels with a love triangle, Lars and Michael would be the sexy paranormal alpha males, but the two of them would be in love with each other and just ignore me.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“I always thought when I became an adult everything would become less confusing, but unfortunately, everything's only becoming more confusing.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“I’m completely demanding an autopsy on my grandmother’s brain when she’s dead so I can see what I’m in for as I age.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Well!” the woman cried, offended. “See if I ever come to visit Genovia!” “No one wants you there,” Lars informed her”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Michael and I are an anomaly. Hardly anyone stays together forever with their first significant other, except maybe in YA novels. And usually when they do, it’s because he’s a vampire or a werewolf or owns a beautiful estate called Pemberley or something.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Hey,” he said, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs wide.
“I’m more than willing to change my last name and give up my citizenship for you. I’ll even walk two steps behind you in public after we’re married, like a proper prince consort. But the birth control thing is going to have to be up to you, because obviously nothing can contain what these bad boys are packing.”
“Did you seriously just refer to your testicles as ‘bad boys’?”
“I did. It’s not as if you didn’t have warning, Mia. As has been previously stated—by that bastion of fine reporting, InTouch, no less—I am the world’s greatest lover.”
“More like the world’s greatest idiot.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
tags: love
“People everywhere pray for a job where they can “work from home,” so I guess, going with the gratitude theme, I should be grateful for this opportunity. I wonder how, though, when people get one of these jobs, they keep themselves from spending the entire day going on YouTube and looking at videos about baby deer that have been adopted by golden retrievers. Because that’s all I’ve accomplished today so far.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“but you know the minute I graduated high school I never looked at a single math problem again, right? I send everything with numbers on it to my accountant, or I make Michael deal with it.” “Great. Spoken like a true feminist,”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Why doesn’t the CIA hire your grandmother to interrogate terror suspects? She does a much better job than they do of getting classified information.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“A lot of stuff, I’ve noticed, gets manipulated by writers when it’s shown on television—even so-called reality television—and makes us think we’re supposed to think and act and look certain ways, when the true reality is totally the opposite. Often there’s no “right way” to look or think or act, but because we’ve been so conditioned by the media to think so, we actually mistrust our own better judgment.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“I’m not some shy virginal college student who only owns one shirt.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“However much they’re paying teachers these days, it is not enough. Middle-schoolers are animals.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“That part of the press release about me asking your father’s permission to marry you was true—well, partly true, anyway. I didn’t ask permission—I knew you wouldn’t like that, it’s sexist. You’re not your father’s property. But I did see him before we left, to tell him I was going to propose to you this weekend, and ask for his blessing.”

I was stunned. “Wait . . . is this what you meant when you said before we left that you’d talked to my parents?”

“Yes. I spoke to your mother, too, because she played an even bigger role in raising you. I thought it was the right thing to do. How do you think you got out of doing all those events—and birthday Cirque du Soleil with your grandmother—so easily?”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Reader, I married him.

Ha! I've always wanted to write that!”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“The good thing about being in one's midtwenties is that you know nothing bad is going to happen if you don't return people's texts and voice mails”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Come on.” He pressed his forehead against mine, grinning.
“You’re happy about this. I can tell. It wasn’t exactly what we had planned, but it’s a surprise, not a disaster. A surprise is a good thing. Right?”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Lars watches Pretty Little Liars.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“They could be making her sleep in a closet under the stairs!”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Still, when someone who is mistreated in their home travels very far and under horrible conditions to get to yours, shouldn't you at least offer them shelter and something to eat and drink until they sort things out? It seems like common courtesy to me.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“I’m going to ignore the haters, get out of this bed, and get to work doing what human beings were put on this planet to do: leave it a better place than they found it.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Worse, in the video for it (which is also played everywhere constantly), Boris is singing to a girl who is dying in a hospital bed, and Boris is telling her (lyrically) that he'll give her a million stars (plus his love) if she'll find the strength within herself to not die, and love him forever.
Of course the girl is so moved by this hot rocker dude's amazing song that she doesn't die. Because it is a medical fact that people with fatal diseases only need a hot rocker dude to sit on the edge of their hospital bed and sing them a rock ballad in order to give them the strength to go on living.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“The wonderful, amazing, but occasionally distasteful and sometimes even horrifying world where most people are incredibly decent and well meaning, but occasionally you do encounter someone who is going to try to use you, or even abuse you, and when that happens, there isn't always going to be a bodyguard--or parent--around to rescue you.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“Lots of people go through life not having the slightest idea what names to put in the blanks on their “Who Am I?” work sheets, and they aren’t bothered in the least by it.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“But the most amazing thing is the sight I’m looking at right now, and I don’t need the binoculars to see it either: Michael wearing nothing but board shorts as he lies in the hammock across from mine, reading a book on microprocessing (I do hope the micros and the processors end up happily ever after at the end)”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
tags: humor, love
“Honestly, what good is owning a castle if the person you love doesn't want to share it with you?”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“I swear to God someday I am going to tie that Scandinavian to my bed and do unspeakable things to him. "

"I know it’s been a while since you’ve had a date, but please keep in mind that Lars has been my bodyguard since I was 14 years old, so I think of him as an older brother."

"I’m pretty sure you do unspeakable things to MY older brother on a pretty regular basis.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
tags: lily, mia
“they don’t seem to me to be as talented as either Adele, Taylor, or of course my sweet, sad Britney.”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding
“...when I ask young girls (and boys) at the center what they hope to be when they grow up (so lame, I know, and a sign that I'm getting old, because only adults ask young people this question. Why do we do it? Because we're looking for ideas! I'm twenty-six and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up...”
Meg Cabot, Royal Wedding

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