Dark Prince Quotes

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Dark Prince (Dark, #1) Dark Prince by Christine Feehan
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Dark Prince Quotes Showing 1-30 of 520
“The trouble is not really in being alone, it's being lonely. One can be lonely in the midst of a crowd, don't you think?”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“-She is like the wind, open and free. If I cage the wind, would it die?
-Then don't cage it, Mikhail. Trust it to stay beside you.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Someone needs to drag you kicking and screaming into this century.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“You're the kind of man my mother warned me about.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“-Mikhail?...Try making suggestions next time, or just plain asking. You go do whatever it is you're doing, and I'll go search you extensive library for a book on manners.
-You will not find it.
-Why am I not surprised?”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“I just want some time, Mikhail, to think things through. It’s frightening, the way I am about you. I think about you every minute; I want to touch you, just to know I can, to feel you beneath my fingers. It’s as if you crawled into my head and my heart, even my body, and I can’t get you out.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“I'm putting up a great front, then because I feel like I'm breaking apart inside.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“You are the leader here. Obviiusly your skills are far superior to mine. I don't think I could fit into your life. I'm a loner, not the first lady.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“If you are a vampire, then a vampire is not the creature of the legends.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“You know, my love, you are not responsible for my happiness, or even my health. I've had a choice every step of the way, from our very first meeting. I chose you. Clearly, in my heart and in my head, I chose you. If I had it to do all over again, even knowing what I would have to go through, I would choose you without hesitation.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Raven stared up at his face, drinking in the strong lines and the way he looked at her with something close to adoration. She smiled at him. “I think you’ve managed to put some kind of spell on me.”
“If I did,” he whispered, “it backfired, and I managed to ensnare myself as well.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“I need you with me, Raven. You chase away the shadows and lighten the terrible load that threatens to drown me.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Accept your nature, Mikhail. Accept yourself as you are.”
Mikhail’s laughter was bitter. “Everything is so clear to you. You say I am one of God’s children. I have purpose, I should accept my nature. My nature is to take what I believe is mine, hold it, protect it. Chain it to my side if necessary. I cannot let her go. I cannot. She is like the wind, open and free. If I caged the wind, would it die?”
“Then don’t cage it, Mikhail. Trust it to stay beside you.”
“How can I protect the wind, Edgar?”
“You said cannot, Mikhail. You cannot let her go. Not would not, will not. You said cannot. There is a difference.”
“For me. What of her? What choice am I giving her?”
“I have always believed in you, in your goodness and your strength. It is very possible that the young lady needs you as well. You have heard the legends and lies associated with your kind for so long, you are beginning to believe the nonsense. To a true vegetarian, a meat eater can be repulsive. The tiger needs deer to survive. A plant needs water. We all need something. You take only what you need. Kneel, receive God’s blessing, and go back to your woman. You will find a way to protect your wind.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“I could love you all night, Raven,” he murmured enticingly against her throat. His hands moved over her body, leaving fire in their wake. “I want to love you all night.”
“Isn’t that the point? It’s dawn.” Her hands had a mind of their own, finding every defined muscle with her fingertips, stroking across his hard male form, seeking her own exploration.
“Then I will spend the day making love to you.” He whispered the words against her mouth, bent closer to nibble at the corners of her lower lip. “I need you with me, Raven. You chase away the shadows and lighten the terrible load that threatens to drown me.”
She skimmed her fingertips across the hard edges of his mouth. “Is this possession, or is it love?” She dipped her head to press her mouth to the hollow of his sternum, to slide her tongue over the ultrasensitive skin above his heart. There was no mark, no scar, but the sweep of her tongue followed the exact line of his earlier wound, where he had forced her to accept his life’s blood. She was merged with him, reading his mind, his erotic fantasies, wanting to bring them to life.
His gut clenched hotly, his body responding with fierce aggression. Raven smiled at the feel of his hard length burning against her skin. She had no inhibitions when she lay with him, only a fierce desire to burn with him. “Answer me, Mikhail--the truth.” Her fingertips brushed his velvet tip, fingers curled around the heavy thickness of him sending hunger raging through his body. She was playing with fire, but he didn’t have the strength to stop her; he didn’t want to stop her.
His hands curled in her damp hair, two tight fists. “Both,” he managed to gasp.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“She had inadvertently released the monster. He hoped she was as strong as he believed her to be, because he had no idea what he was capable of anymore.
Mikhail closed his eyes against his self-loathing. He had learned centuries ago that there was little point. And this time he didn’t want to fight it. This was not simply a strong sexual attraction he felt; it was far more than that. It was something primal, something deep within him calling to something deep within her. Perhaps she craved the wildness in him as he craved the laughter and compassion in her. Did it matter? There would be no escape for either of them.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Mikhail seated himself across the small table from her, his eyes drifting lazily, possessively, over her alluring curves. "Why do you dress in men's clothes?" he asked.
"She laughed, soft and melodious, and her eyes lit with mischief. "Because I knew it would annoy you."
He threw his head back and laughed.

-Mikhail & Raven”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Excitement surged through her, anticipation. His eyes drifted over her with so much hunger, so much possession. With so much tenderness. That melted her heart, made her want to cry that he could have so much feeling for her. Everywhere his gaze traveled, her skin burned for him, her body ached for his touch.
She reached up to loosen his hair, to fill her hands with it, to revel in her ability to smooth her fingertips over his heavy muscles. She could feel him tremble under her caressing hands, feel the wildness in him striving to break free. It touched something wild in her. She wanted to feel him in her arms, trembling for her, his hard muscles against her soft skin, his body surging into hers. She sent him the erotic pictures dancing in her head as she tasted his skin with her soft mouth.
His hands were everywhere, and so were hers. His mouth blazed fire, and so did hers. His heart pounded, and hers matched it. Their blood surged like molten lava.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“I have lived centuries and endured vampire hunts, wars, and betrayals. Until you came into my life, I have never lost control. I never had anything I wanted so much. I never had anything to lose.” She pulled his head down to her and pressed little healing kisses to his throat, to his strong jaw, to the hard corners of his mouth. “You are a good man, Mikhail.” She grinned impishly, her blue eyes teasing. “You just have too much power for your own good. But don’t worry, I know this American girl. She’s very disrespectful, and she’ll take all that arrogant starch out of you.” His answering laughter was slow in coming, but with it the terrible tension drained out of him.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“I’m not going to sleep with someone I don’t know because I’m lonely.”
He laughed softly, low and amused. “Is that what you think? That you would be sleeping with me because you are lonely?” His hand was at her throat again, stroking, caressing, heating her blood. “This is why you will make love with me. This.” His mouth fastened on hers.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Gregori heaved a sigh. “Take command of your woman, Mikhail. That is the best advice I can give you.” “She needs to feel free.” Gregori’s eyebrow shot up. “She is essential to the existence of our species. You need to keep her under tight protection.” He meant under control, and disapproval tinged his tone. Mikhail burst out laughing. “I want to see you find a lifemate, Gregori, one like Raven. She will hold you in the palm of her hand.” “If I ever find what you have, I will never allow her to risk herself. She will never go near danger, not even to feed. And she will not defy me.” “You cannot keep a lifemate prisoner, Gregori.” There was a hint of amusement in Mikhail’s voice. “She will do as she is told.” Mikhail turned away to conceal his grin. Gregori had no idea how a woman could twist a man’s insides and make it impossible to breathe without her. If Gregori ever found his lifemate, he was in for a shock.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Mikhail, are you asking me to marry you?” “I am not really certain I know how it is done. Should I be on my knee?” He was grinning openly at her. “You’re proposing to me with a carload of assassins approaching?”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Raven, come here to me, please. I am weak and it would take most of my strength to come to you.” There was gentleness in his voice, an honesty she found heartbreaking.
She closed her eyes against the power in his voice, the soft caressing tone that rubbed sensuously like black velvet over her skin and crawled into her body, wrapping itself around her heart. “Not this time, Mikhail. We not only live in two different worlds, we have two separate value systems. We tried--I know you wanted to--but I can’t do this. Maybe I never could have. It happened too fast and we don’t really know one another.”
“Raven.” Heat curled in her very name. “Come here to me.”
She pressed her fingers to her forehead. “I can’t, Mikhail. If I let you get around me again, I’ll lose respect for myself.”
“Then I have no choice but to come to you.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“You are the only reason I am living right now. I told you I would make mistakes. You cannot give up on me, on us. You do know me, everything important. You can look into my mind and know I need you. I would never hurt you.”
“You have hurt me. This hurts. Those people out there are your family, your people. I’m from another country, a different race. This isn’t my home, and it never will be. Let me call them to you and just let me go.”
“You are right, Raven. I told you there would be no lies between us, yet I have this need to protect you from anything violent or frightening, anything that can hurt you.” His thumb moved over her delicate cheekbone, slid lower to caress her silken mouth. “Do not leave me, Raven. Do not destroy me. It would kill me if you left me.” His eyes were eloquent, persuasive, meeting hers unflinchingly, not attempting to hide the raw truth of his words from her, his total vulnerability.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Mikhail, I don’t know what you want.” She didn’t know what she wanted either.
He stood up then, power and grace combined. His shadow reached her before he did. His strength was enormous, but his touch was gentle as he pulled her to her feet. His hands slid up her arms, rested lightly on her shoulders, thumbs stroking the pulse in her neck. His touch sent warmth curling in her abdomen.
She was so small beside him, so fragile and vulnerable. “Do not try to leave me, little one. We need one another.” His dark head bent lower, his mouth brushing her eyelids, sending little darts of fire licking along her skin. “You make me remember what living is,” he whispered in his mesmerizing voice. His mouth found the corner of hers, and a jolt of electricity sizzled through her body.
Raven reached up to touch the shadowed line of his jaw, to place a hand on the heavy muscles of his chest in an attempt to put space between them. “Listen to me, Mikhail.” Her voice was husky. “We both know what loneliness is, what real isolation can do to a person. It’s beyond my imagination that I can be this close to you, physically touch you, and not be swamped with unwanted burdens. But we can’t do this.”
Amusement crept into the dark fire of his eyes, a hint of tenderness. His fingers curled around the nape of her neck. “Oh, I think we can.” His black velvet voice was pure seduction, his smile frankly sensual.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“Next time you make love to me, do you think we might go for convention and find a bed?” She sat up gingerly.
Mikhail’s arm curved around her in support. “Did I hurt you?”
She laughed softly. “Are you kidding? Though I wouldn’t mind a long soak in a hot tub.”
He rubbed the top of her head with his chin. “I think we can arrange that, little one.” He should have realized the wood floor would not be the most comfortable of spots. “You tend to drive every sane thought from my head.” It was an apology as he lifted her into his arms. His long strides took them through the house to the master bathroom.
Raven’s eyes warmed, melted, her smile so loving his breath caught in his throat. “You do tend to get a little primitive, Mikhail.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“A woman, young, full of life and laughter, a human with a psychic connection to him. A human filled with compassion, intellect, and strength. Death and damnation could wait another day while he satisfied his curiosity.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“He settled on the balcony outside her second-story window and became still, a part of the night, blending for a moment into the very fabric of the building. Her bedchamber was one of the rooms with a light, proclaiming that she was unable to sleep. His dark, burning eyes found her through the clear glass, found her and claimed her.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“She was everything. His air. His breath. His heart. Mikhail’s mouth found hers in long, drugging kisses, moved to her throat, her breast, found his mark. One taste. Only one.
Raven moved in his arms, turned her head to give him better access, her hands entwined in his hair. “I’d better marry you, Mikhail. You need me desperately.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“It was her acceptance that brought him back to sanity. This woman was not in a trance; she was offering herself freely because she felt his raging need, because she trusted him to stop before he hurt her, before he killed her.
Mikhail’s tongue lapped across her breast, closed the wound. He lifted his head, his dark eyes still glowing with the beast, the taste of her in his mouth, on his lips. He swore softly, bitterly, his self-loathing total. She was under his protection. He had never hated himself or his kind more. She had freely given of herself and he had taken selfishly, the beast in him so strong he had given in to the ecstasy of uniting with one’s lifemate.
He gathered her limp body to him, cradled her in his arms. “You will not die, Raven.” He was furious with himself. Had he done this on purpose? In some dark corner of his mind, had he wanted this to happen? He would try to find the answer to the question at a later date. Right now she needed blood, and she needed it fast.
“Stay with me, little one. I remained in this world because of you. You will have to be strong for both of us. Can you hear me, Raven? Do not leave me. I can make you happy. I know I can.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince
“It was beyond his imagination that such a miracle could occur. Just when he knew he would walk into the sun without hesitation, he had been sent an angel. A slow smile softened his mouth. His angel refused to do anything he told her.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Prince

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