Hemlock Grove Quotes

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Hemlock Grove Hemlock Grove by Brian McGreevy
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Hemlock Grove Quotes Showing 1-30 of 54
“God doesn't want you to be happy, He wants you to be strong.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“I have an ugliness it's impossible to love.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Pain was as much a part of this life as the summer and the winter and the rain, and there was no greater asshole than the one who believed you can cure it.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“If a problem can't be solved within the frame it was conceived, the solution lies in reframing the problem.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Fear is a communicable disease; it comes out in the sweat and passes from host to host. Fear is an incendiary agent; it combusts with stupidity.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Wisdom is where the brain meets the heart.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“There is no upward limit to the number of times you can make the same mistake.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Our love must not be a thing of words and fine talk. It must be a thing of action and sincerity.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“And remember: the flesh is as sacred as it is profane.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Of course, minute as its impact may be in our physical universe, the fact of quantum entanglement is this: If one logically inexplicable thing is known to exist, then this permits the existence of all logically inexplicable things. A thing may be of deeper impossibility than another, in the sense that you can be more deeply underwater--but whether you are five feet or five fathoms from the surface you are still all wet.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Senses will lie as dreams wake. You are not on solid ground. Don't look down.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“And it made me hurt inside of my bones with sadness. Because in a life that is long and well lived there are sorrows and darkest doldrums that cannot be understood by those who live day to day like it could be any other.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“The thing about coming back from the dead was that your life went on.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
tags: dead, life
“That if a thing is defined in contrast that's what life is, the shadow of death. So the mystery of death couldn't be the bad thing, because without it there wouldn't be life. The badness was life, just happening, as essential a part of the good as the good. And what was there to do but to take it as it comes and to hope, to hope constantly and carnally and with no time to lose.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Hey hey hey,” said Roman, “we don’t love with our teeth.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“But she would make it, because maybe he wasn't much of a warrior but if there was one thing that he was cut out for it was an epic and retarded act of love.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“A question is a door and an unopened door is just part of the wall and as long as it's standing it's doing its job.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“It's weird that impossible is even a word.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“The first step to liberty is respecting the rights of others.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Tiring because he felt prematurely the weight of carrying how stupidly fucking sad this was for the rest of his days.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“He had not actually known what to expect in coming here tonight, much less that it would reveal to him two essential truths of life: that men do become wolves and that if you have the privilege to be witness to such a transformation it is the most natural and right thing you have ever seen.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Well what?” said Peter. He knew but had learned that if there was one advantage to the male sex it was that your obtuseness would never be underestimated; if you pretend you don’t know what the problem is, half the time it just goes away.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
tags: men
“There was so much to learn from every place. Or at least something worth watching. Who was in love with their best friend's boy- or girl-friend, who was in love with their best friend, who cut, who starved, who locked themselves in the handicapped bathroom to jerk off or cry, who was addicted to what or raped by whom--it was everywhere, a wonderful world of darkness and desire right under the roaring bleachers, if you had your eye out.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“No good ever came out of possessing a firearm in a Patsy Cline singing mood.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“We can't know if we laugh at ourselves for being silly or to forget that we're not and that we are still here only by a sufferance that can be no more predicted than appeased. Like most things, probably a little of both.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“But there are frogs deadlier than sharks”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Fear is a communicable disease; it comes out in the sweat and passes from host to host. Fear is an incendiary agent; it combusts with stupidity.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Write it on the bottom of your shoes for the devil to read.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“All in all, Peter’s love of being Peter was so great that like an overfilled bucket of paint it slopped over even in the smallest moments of his day.”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove
“Destiny is no more than the fulfillment of purposive potentialities within us. The human cerebral cortex is a single sheet composed of more neurons than there are stars in the known universe folded like a paper crane to fit in a quart-sized cubbyhole; there is enough potential energy in a single person that if released would equal thirty hydrogen bombs. Destiny is nothing to sneeze at!”
Brian McGreevy, Hemlock Grove

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