Think a Second Time Quotes

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Think a Second Time Think a Second Time by Dennis Prager
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Think a Second Time Quotes Showing 1-13 of 13
“People can become addicted to fame, money, and attention as deeply as they become addicted to drugs.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“Whatever one does for a living, three questions need to be confronted before it is too late: What really matters to me? What price do my spouse and kids pay for my career success? What price does my soul pay?”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“Very rarely do people make big compromises with their integrity. Almost every compromise is a small one that is easily justified. The downhill slide is usually a result of many little compromises.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“Compromise, while at times morally necessary or at least justifiable, is more often only the first permission for a person (or society) to begin a long downhill descent.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“It is extremely difficult to do anything constructive, let alone deep, on daily commercial television, especially on a talk show.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“The best way to combat racism is to have blacks and whites relate to one another as individuals, rather than as racial abstractions.... It becomes much harder to make a nasty generalization about another group after you have spent time in the home of one if its members.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“If we are to save a society in deep trouble, many changes are necessary. In terms of "rights," two changes are mandatory. First, far more Americans need to ask "what is good for society?" before asking "what is good for my group?" Second, we need people to speak up on behalf of the one truly helpless group—children. For this to happen, people must start to think of children as human beings, not as property.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“Unlike other countries, the United States is more an idea than a place, ethnicity, or race. Unfortunately, most American young people today cannot answer, "What is America for? What is it about? Why was it founded? Why is it different?" They can't answer these questions because they haven't been taught an answer.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“The essential message of Judaism and Christianity is that life is not an end in itself. Life is to be a means—to goodness, to sanctity, and to God. The belief in life as an end in itself is a form of idolatry.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“We live in a world in which people can do unbelievably beautiful or unbelievably horrible things to other people. And if those horrible acts argue against the existence of God, then the beautify acts must argue for God's existence.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“We live in a world in which people can do unbelievably beautiful or unbelievably horrible things to other people. And if those horrible acts argue against the existence of God, then the beautiful acts must argue for God's existence.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“Children are not owned by parents. They have an inalienable right to come into this world to a loving mother and father who are married to each other. And they have an inalienable right to be protected from all who would hurt them.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time
“I dream of a day when governments and societies no longer value blood and race over children, and the millions of unwanted children are freed at birth for adoption by people of every race. Aside from all its other benefits, massive adoption is the best assurance that people will never again slaughter the "other." When members of every family are one of those "others," such hatreds will become, finally, impossible.”
Dennis Prager, Think a Second Time