Ashley (Xaden Riorson's Version) > Status Update

Ashley (Xaden Riorson's Version)
Ashley (Xaden Riorson's Version) added a status update
Everyone on east coast USA, please stay safe and prepare accordingly!
Sep 26, 2024 07:16AM

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message 1: by Isabella (new)

Isabella Wait WHY

Ashley (Xaden Riorson's Version) Hurricane coming through! Big risk for a bunch of people!

Storm The Gremlin Child ~Semi-Hiatus~ I am northern from that so I am good. We just get the aftermath of it

message 4: by Kayleigh (new)

Kayleigh I’m in Florida rn and im scared

message 5: by Isabella (new)

Isabella Oh no! I’ll keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers! It’s not going to pass to me but I’m still scared for everyone

audrey (in my fall era) good luck everyone! I don't live on the east coast but i'm sending good vibes <3

message 7: by Kayleigh (new)

Kayleigh I also don’t live on the east coast. I’m just in FL for vacation. Thank you!🩷

message 8: by EnchantedEva (new)

EnchantedEva Praying for everyone it’s going to hit! We’re getting rain and wind here, but the hurricane isn’t hitting us directly. I hope everyone stays safe!

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