aimee (aimeecanread)’s Reviews > The Fill-In Boyfriend > Status Update

aimee (aimeecanread)
aimee (aimeecanread) is 20% done
For some strange reason, I'm really not liking this so far. :( SOMEONE PLEASE HIT ME UPSIDE THE HEAD.
May 10, 2015 08:47AM
The Fill-In Boyfriend


Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Ari (last edited May 10, 2015 09:00AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ari Oh well, I feel your pain :| But maybe you will like it better later on...

aimee (aimeecanread) Hopefully so. >_<

Evelyn (devours and digests words) I haven't read this actually but....

*hits you upside the head with a pan*

You asked for it xD

aimee (aimeecanread) OUCH! But thank you. ;) Hopefully now I'll see this book through a new pair of eyes, haha!

Kirsty-Marie Jones *hits you upside the head with the book* There, that's twice, hopefully that solves it. ;) Hang in there!

Denisa I hope you get into it! Maybe it's the expectation? But I really liked this one, I hope you do too!

aimee (aimeecanread) @Kirsty: Why did you have to use such a big book?! Heh, I hope I end up liking this.>_<

aimee (aimeecanread) @Denisa: I think so, too. :( So glad you liked it though!

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