♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus ’s Reviews > The Color of Dragons > Status Update

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 90% done
I don't know what to do w life anymore....I actually liked Griffin....I knew Jori was being shady but ...Griffin!?!? I really hope he isn't actually in on all this....
Jun 13, 2023 02:19PM
The Color of Dragons


♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡’s Previous Updates

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 87% done
I am so utterly speechless rn......is this..is this why Griffins chapters aren't in first person? I swear if he doesn't come to save her..I'm punching a hole in the nearest wall.
Jun 13, 2023 02:04PM
The Color of Dragons

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 83% done
I'm sorry....WHAT!?!?! nooooo no no no.... this is not supposed to be happening right now. Maggie needs more time to train
Jun 13, 2023 01:28PM
The Color of Dragons

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 78% done
His expression turned grim, and suddenly I feared for Griffins place beside him. "It was nothing Jori. Only a kiss". A lie, but a necessary one for the prince and myself

**Jori is so obsessed it's insane. but like Maggie needs to start pretending to like him cuz it looks like everything is about to go downhill.
Jun 13, 2023 12:31PM
The Color of Dragons

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 62% done
you know what I think? This stupid, ugly, illiberal, rotten King Umbert can go die in a hole. like now.
Jun 12, 2023 12:57PM
The Color of Dragons

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 51% done
"His hand brushed mine and squeezed. There was no time to ask him why he did it, or what it meant. No time to understand why it made my heartbeat quickin."
* like 4 pages later
"But he knew. deep down. Because as much as he wanted to yell at her, he, to the same extent, wanted to kiss her."
Jun 12, 2023 11:24AM
The Color of Dragons

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 49% done
And then ... he hugged me.The smell of rot gone, replaced by his own scent, which I liked more than I should. I laughed to hide my embarrassment but didn't let go.

** I swear if they don't get together at the end of this book I might just cry...also I really want Griffin to just not kill the dragon and they can run away off into the sunset together 😭
Jun 12, 2023 10:58AM
The Color of Dragons

♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus
♡☆~Marina~ 24☆♡ semi-hiatus is 42% done
listen...at first I wasn't sure If I liked this book yet....I'm still not sure but I do know that I am 100% shipping Griffin and Maggie rn....
Jun 11, 2023 07:05PM
The Color of Dragons

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