Jen’s Reviews > Muscling Through > Status Update

Jen is 53% done
Oh fuck.
Dec 26, 2012 04:41PM
Muscling Through


Jen’s Previous Updates

Jen is 86% done
"It makes me glad I wasn't born a few centuries ago." BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Dec 26, 2012 05:49PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 79% done
*DIES AGAIN* "...The [Japanese] food's really tiny, so you got to order lots of it." So true, Al. So true.
Dec 26, 2012 05:39PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 77% done
"But I didn't do any eggs, 'cause I thought Larry might not want to think about them getting broken right now." ;_; Why aren't ALL men this sweet and thoughtful?!
Dec 26, 2012 05:33PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 68% done
WHAT?! This cat situation is too freaking adorbs for words...
Dec 26, 2012 05:15PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 65% done
Shampoo and horses' doovers???!?!?!! *DIES*
Dec 26, 2012 05:05PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 63% done
"We were all covered in sweat and spunk, but I thought I'd never want to wash again." That is weirdly romantic.
Dec 26, 2012 05:01PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 59% done
...And now I want to kick in Larry's mother's smarmy teeth. Grrrrrrrrr.
Dec 26, 2012 04:49PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 49% done
*wince and facepalm*
Dec 26, 2012 04:37PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 32% done
Poor Al, having to overhear that row with the sister!! :-(
Dec 26, 2012 04:09PM
Muscling Through

Jen is 21% done
"I went and kissed him to wake him up just like Sleeping Beauty. Although I guess with me it was more like Beauty and the Beast." ;_; Shit, this boy is killing me.
Dec 26, 2012 03:17PM
Muscling Through

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