Jody ’s Reviews > The Screaming Staircase > Status Update

Jody is on page 10 of 401
It's never pleasant, sitting in a haunted house, waiting in the dark. The night presses in around you and the silence beats against your ears; and soon, if you're not careful, you start to see or hear things that are the products of your mind.


Reading this to my daughter. Should be interesting! :)
Oct 10, 2018 08:21AM
The Screaming Staircase (Lockwood & Co, #1)


Jody ’s Previous Updates

Jody is on page 340 of 401
The bloodstain on the ceiling now spread almost wall to wall; in our corner, a single triangle of clean space remained. Elsewhere torrents of blood fell in curtains, roaring, driving, gusting like rain waves in a thunderstorm.


I may not have any fingernails after this book. Getting intense!
Oct 18, 2018 01:46PM
The Screaming Staircase (Lockwood & Co, #1)

Jody is on page 211 of 401
The mist grew thicker as we went; it coiled about the iron railings, and wound around the ghost-lamps, muffling and twisting their intermittent beams. Our boots rang on the empty sidewalks, echoing strangely so that it sometimes seemed as if another trio walked invisibly alongside us.

Oct 16, 2018 10:04AM
The Screaming Staircase (Lockwood & Co, #1)

Jody is on page 89 of 401
"Lucy!" Lockwood's cry rose above the howling wind. I turned my head' saw the ghost-girl come rushing at me through the rising flames. Her face was blank, her eyes bore into mine; her arms were stretched toward me as if in greeting or embrace. It wasn't the type of embrace I fancied.

Oct 12, 2018 01:52PM
The Screaming Staircase (Lockwood & Co, #1)

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