pearl’s Reviews > Alphabet of Thorn > Status Update

pearl is 20% done
Jul 31, 2018 05:41PM
Alphabet of Thorn


pearl’s Previous Updates

pearl is 90% done
Oh my... Damn.
Aug 04, 2018 12:22AM
Alphabet of Thorn

pearl is 80% done
Aug 03, 2018 11:42PM
Alphabet of Thorn

pearl is 63% done
Aug 03, 2018 06:18PM
Alphabet of Thorn

pearl is 34% done
"Easier to understand the wind, she thought. Easier to walk on the surface of the frothing sea, than to remember the hunger to do it. Easier to remember knowledge than ignorance, experience than innocence. Easier to know what you are than remember what you were, so long ago that what you were then lived in an entirely different world…"
Aug 02, 2018 05:40PM
Alphabet of Thorn

pearl is 30% done
Aug 02, 2018 09:37AM
Alphabet of Thorn

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