Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell’s Reviews > You Think It, I'll Say It > Status Update

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 110 of 256
Ooh, that was another good one. A tense interview between a new-mom journalist and a young and vulnerable-seeming starlet who's on the rise. The ending was so Machiavellian. I loved it.

4.5 stars
Jul 16, 2018 06:21PM
You Think It, I'll Say It


Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨’s Previous Updates

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is finished
Last story was kind of depressing. After Trump's 'win', a man realizes that his student council win in high school was basically an example of that same sexism (brash male defeating non-conventionally attractive but smart and overqualified female). It moves him to apologize to her/seek her out, and she gives him an overdue dressing down that totally checks his privilege. YAS

3 stars
Jul 16, 2018 07:52PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 149 of 256
10th story is called "Do-Over"
Jul 16, 2018 07:06PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 148 of 256
Hmmm yet another good one. All the good stories appear to be in the back of this book, which is a mistake.

This story is about an OCD volunteer at a low income/women's shelter. She fixates on one of the other volunteers, suspicious that the woman in question is some kind of sociopath. But there's a twist.

4 stars
Jul 16, 2018 07:05PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 128 of 256
9th story is called "Volunteers Are Shining Stars"
Jul 16, 2018 06:38PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 127 of 256
Wow, yet another good one. This is about a woman who spite-watches this female evangelical farm-to-table social media influencer while quietly seething over her hypocrisy because they were lovers when they were kids. Then the influencer comes out as bisexual and everything shatters.


4.5 stars
Jul 16, 2018 06:37PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 111 of 256
8th story is called "The Prairie Wife"
Jul 16, 2018 06:22PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 95 of 256
7th story is called "Off the Record."

Jul 16, 2018 06:07PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 94 of 256
Interesting story about two married couples who meet at a resort. The wives knew each other in high school; one was the awkward loser, the other was the pretty, mean girl. Now the awkward loser is rich and successful, but the meeting brings all her old neuroticism about the hierarchy of the social strata back.

I think this is my favorite in the collection so far.

4.5 stars
Jul 16, 2018 06:07PM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 73 of 256
6th story is called "A Regular Couple"
Jul 15, 2018 10:29AM
You Think It, I'll Say It

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell is on page 72 of 256
I liked that one a lot more than I thought I would, even though it's kind of about cheating. It's about two brothers, one married and one not. The married one is always venting about his wife and how much he wants to cheat on her. Little does he know that his single brother has struck up an email correspondence with his wife....

4 stars
Jul 15, 2018 10:29AM
You Think It, I'll Say It

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