Karina Halle’s Reviews > Jenny Pox > Status Update

Karina Halle
Karina Halle is on page 180 of 310
Starting to lose the plot a little bit and rearing into The Dead Zone territory.
Feb 28, 2012 10:07PM
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)


Karina’s Previous Updates

Karina Halle
Karina Halle is on page 173 of 310
Kindle says this book is 309 pages long, not 214 so I don't know what the progress is. What I do know is that it is seriously pissing me off. Jenny better catch a break soon.
Feb 28, 2012 01:45PM
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)

Karina Halle
Karina Halle is on page 129 of 310
Ah, drinking, drugs, sex. Bryan captures the teen years well. Except for the whole "I don't want to give my bf a blowjob so I'm going to physically force my best friend to give him one instead. In front of me" - musta missed that phase.
Feb 26, 2012 11:52AM
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)

Karina Halle
Karina Halle is on page 122 of 310
"Ugh my stomach is haunted" - loving this tale.
Feb 26, 2012 11:05AM
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)

Karina Halle
Karina Halle is on page 35 of 310
Glad I picked this charming indie up - a delight to read so far.
Feb 25, 2012 11:05PM
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)

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