Kamas Kirian

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John Daniel Barron
“Nevertheless, the radio continued to blare forth statistics demonstrating how under the visionary leadership of the gifted agronomist Krushchev, Soviet agriculture was overcoming the errors of Stalin and producing ever-larger quantities of meat, milk, butter, bread and other foodstuffs.
If we have so much bread, why am I standing in line at four A.M., hoping I can buy some before it runs out? And Milk! There has been no milk in all Rubtsovsk for five days and no meat for two weeks. Well, as they say, if you want milk, just take your pail to the radio. But why does the radio keep announcing something which anybody with eyes knows is not true?”
John Daniel Barron, MIG Pilot: The Final Escape of Lt. Belenko

Jonathan Gash
“Our local antiques dealers, a merry band of siblings, have this covered alleyway with stalls and booths. Our town planners stuck their oar in, so the architectural style is neo-gothic catastrophic with a smattering of postcard mosque.”
Jonathan Gash, The Grail Tree

Kyle  Williams
“Then as now, someone who's high on marijuana or hashish is only a threat to your safety if you happen to be a Dorito.”
Kyle Williams, Tremble the Devil: "the story of terrorism as Jesus Christ, James Bond, and Osama bin Ladin would tell it."

Greg Bear
“...chemists did it in their tubes and doctors did it with patience, but only a techie would do it in geometric progression.”
Greg Bear

Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“You know, in the past, I would've gotten yelled at for that kind of outspokenness. Now everyone listens as if what I have to say is important, and then they find ways to contradict me. I think I like the yelling better.”
Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Buried Deep

133771 General Fiction Forum Expats — 153 members — last activity 15 hours, 0 min ago
This is a group dedicated to chatting about what we're reading, what we like, what we don't like and all things generally well booky :) ...more
104359 Hoyt's Huns — 162 members — last activity Sep 27, 2024 08:30PM
Book recommendations for the Human Wave Science Fiction / Fantasy fan.
25x33 Nook Community Refugees — 24 members — last activity Aug 01, 2019 04:14PM
Discussion on anything bookish, ebookish, or ereaderish, tilting towards the nook and B&N. ...more
3881 Agatha Christie Lovers — 3849 members — last activity 11 hours, 38 min ago
We are reading her books from the first one published to the last one published each month. However, do not let that stop you from reading them out of ...more
25x33 William Kent Krueger Fans — 20 members — last activity Nov 20, 2015 01:35PM
Corcoran O'Connor's Club for Northwoods detective enthusiasts and fans of William Kent Krueger's series. ...more
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