Indran Fernando

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  (page 146 of 273)
"The style of dialogue is a prominent and somewhat tiresome feature of this novel. Little happens, it all feels like a slow-moving exercise in futility and unknowability. Enigmatic happenings abound. Salim Barakat shines occasionally in sensory descriptions, like when Mem's hand is illuminated faintly in the windowpane by the dim light from the cigarette between two fingers" 22 hours, 0 min ago

The Makioka Sisters
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  (page 280 of 530)
Sep 12, 2024 04:02PM

See all 12 books that Indran is reading…
Italo Calvino
“However vast any person’s basic reading may be, there still remain an enormous number of fundamental works that he has not read.”
Italo Calvino

“If some of my assumptions miss the mark about you as a reader, I hope you will nonetheless find a way to temporarily inhabit the roles and attitudes I am inviting you to try on, and in that way become the audience for this chapter.”
Donald L. Rubin

Walter Lippmann
“The most interesting kind of portraiture is that which arises spontaneously in people’s minds.”
Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion

“Joy is more moral than every possible purification.”
Edward al-Kharrat

“Well, didn't you look sharp with your boots when you met me on the path?
From two-tone to downtown Beirut but only halfway back
Stealing bits of wisdom from the shelf
Turned prisons into prisms of the self
And what do they know about the springtime or me and you?
Born in the midst of the long hot summer we lived through
Did they see you run for every rhyme?
Did we run for running out of time?
When even heroes have to die
No one lives forever, love, no one's wise to try
We're adding our own wisdom to the shelf
Stealing bits of paper, we had help
But working away, did we miss the passing of the time?
In your own flame you can wither though your passions still outshine
Did you read the writing on the wall?
Prophesying doom upon us all
But even heroes have to die
No one lives forever, love, no one's wise to try
But hidden in the writing on the wall
Many are the beauties of the fall”
Ted Leo

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37902 أكبر تجمع للقراء العرب — 3104 members — last activity Jul 22, 2024 03:44AM
لكل قارئ بالعربية هوايته القراءة و يتذوق الافادة في كل صفحة كتاب يقرأه و ينتقده برقي اسطره ... كل كتاب قرأته و تحب مشاركة الاخرين به واخبارنا نبذه ق ...more
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