Keith Skrdlant

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From the Study to...
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  (page 119 of 304)
"I don't think I've ever read something so helpful for engaging with the Old Testament, and I'm only halfway through." 11 hours, 46 min ago

A Theology for th...
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  (page 157 of 992)
Sep 24, 2024 04:03PM

A Peculiar Glory:...
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  (page 229 of 304)
Sep 24, 2024 04:03PM

See all 9 books that Keith is reading…
C.S. Lewis
“Do not imagine that if you meet a really humble man he will be what most people call 'humble' nowadays: he will not be a sort of greasy, smarmy person, who is always telling you that, of course, he is nobody.

Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him.

If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a little envious of anyone who seems to enjoy life so easily. He will not be thinking about humility: he will not be thinking about himself at all.”
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

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