65067206 Aiden's Friend Comments

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Dave J. "I think I deleted it because I realized I didn't agree with it"

Ahh, okay :[

Yeah, I'd meant to comment on it a while back. My mind's been on world-building recently since I've begun writing another story, and then I remembered that you had something on it. It's alright if you don't want to share it anymore, though.

message 2: by Aiden

Aiden Heavilin D.J. wrote: "Heya, was looking for that one article you wrote a while back, I think it was "In Defense of World-building"? I thought it was on your main page, but no dice lol"

I think I deleted it because I realized I didn’t agree with it... probably have a copy somewhere though...

Dave J. Heya, was looking for that one article you wrote a while back, I think it was "In Defense of World-building"? I thought it was on your main page, but no dice lol

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