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message 1: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (last edited Dec 14, 2012 08:43PM) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) description

La la la la la la...It's the Smurfs! They're the small, blue, famous cartoon characters with white bonnets and trousers who used to invade Saturday morning TV, recently the big screen and now goodreads.

My family recently watched the Smurfs movie for the first time and it brought back memories of saturday morning cartoons and comic books that I enjoyed as a kid. So I did some research to come up with as many smurf names as I could, and a fun challenge to go with them. Big thanks to both of these websites for thier help.

(My french isn’t that great so I apologize if my translations aren't spot on)My list is a combination of comic book, cartoon and movie smurfs.

Dates- Hard= 1 year from start date; Medium= year and a half from start date; Easy= 2 years from start date
Rules- Read 1 book for each smurf listed. Audiobooks, re-reads and novellas count.

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father.
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions thier dreams.
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element.
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone.
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a refrence to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a doctorate degree
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money.
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is refered to as crazy.
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less.
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
87. Pusher Smurf- Read a book where a character has an addiction.
88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down.
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile.
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.
101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

ETA: Note that 78 is two books for two smurfs so there is a total of 104 books to be read.

message 2: by southpaw285 (last edited Aug 05, 2012 09:22AM) (new)

southpaw285 TLC Smurf Challenge - 2012
Duration: 06/25/12 - 06/24/14
31/103 Completed

✔1.Papa Smurf: Aunt Dimity and the Duke/Nancy Atherton==06.27.12***
✔2. Smurfette: Sweet Spot/Kate Angell ==07.15.12***
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
✔6. Jokey Smurf: Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist/M.C. Beaton==07.24.12***
✔7. Grouchy Smurf: F is for Fugitive/Sue Grafton==08.01.12***
✔8. Dreamy Smurf: The Language of Secrets/Dianne Dixon==06.28.12**
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
✔10. Chef Smurf:Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe/Fannie Flagg==07.21.12****
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
✔12. Scaredy Smurf: Whiskey Sour/J.A. Konrath==07.03.12***
✔13. Tracker Smurf: Live Wire/Lora Leigh==07.04.12***
✔14. Sloppy Smurf: The Undomestic Goddess/Sophie Kinsella==08.01.12****
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
✔17. Poet Smurf: One Dance with a Duke/Tessa Dare
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
✔19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf: Track Of The Cat/Nevada Barr==07.20.12***
✔20. Snappy Smurfling: Never Let Me Go/Kazuo Ishiguro==07.09.12***
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
✔23. Farmer Smurf: The Bridges of Madison County/Robert James Waller==06.29.12***
✔24. Sassette Smurfling: Shanghai Girls/Lisa See==07.05.12****
✔25. Alchemist Smurf: Visions of Sugar Plums/Janet Evanovich==06.30.12**
✔26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf: Emma/Jane Austen==07.13.12*****
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
✔29. Clockwork Smurf: Soulless/Gail Carriger==07.25.12***
✔30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf: Postmortem/Patricia Cornwell==07.19.12****
✔31. Complimentary Smurf: Open Season/Linda Howard==06.30.12***
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf:
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
✔37. King Smurf: The Heir/Grace Burrowes==07.28.12***
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
✔39. Miner Smurf: Stonehenge/Bernard Cornwell==07.27.12****
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
✔41. Nosy Smurf: The Masque of the Black Tulip /Lauren Willig==07.23.12****
✔42. Reflection Smurf - a.k.a. Hundredth:
Lean Mean Thirteen/Janet Evanovich==08.03.12****
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
✔49. Editor Smurf: Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage/M.C. Beaton==06.28.12****
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
✔54. Lumberjack Smurf: Twelve Sharp/Janet Evanovich==07.07.12****
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
✔56. Archeologist Smurf: The Crossing Places/Elly Griffiths,B>==07.08.12****
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
✔59. Traveler Smurf: Trey: Red, Hot and Blue, Book 1/Cat Johnson==06.30.12***
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
✔71. Panicky Smurf: A Night Like This/Julia Quinn==07.02.12***
✔72. Crazy Smurf: Revolutionary Road/Richard Yates==07/03.02***
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
✔77. Bored Smurf: The Zookeeper's Wife/Diane Ackerman==07.11.12**
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
✔88. Upside down Smurf: The Color of Magic/Terry Pratchett==07.27.12*****
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf:
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.
✔101. Postman Smurf: Sliver of Truth/Lisa Unger==07.01.12***
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 3: by Cindy (last edited Aug 31, 2012 03:47PM) (new)

Cindy (cynx) | 408 comments ♦The Smurfs Challenge♦
Duration: 7.1.12 - 6.30.14

Level: Easy

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father.
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
8. Dreamy Smurf: Changing the Game (hero dreamed to be a pro baseball player) 7.17.12 ♥♥♥♥
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element.
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone.
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf: Rainshadow Road (heroine creates stained glass windows) 7.27.12 ♥♥♥♥♥
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a reference to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf: Summer Nights (heroine gets pregnant) 8.2.12 ♥♥♥♥
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.
32. Wild Smurf: Shaken (heroine was raised by a unrelated man) 7.29.12 ♥♥♥
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf: Kismet (heroine is poor) 8.31.12 ♥♥♥♥
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf: Crazy On You (set in Texas) 8.9 ♥♥♥♥
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf: All Summer Long (hero had a streak of bad luck w/ his career plans) 8.27.12 ♥♥♥♥♥
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is refered to as crazy.
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less.
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Queasy Smurf: First Bitten (hero became a drunk when his brother died) 8.5.12 ♥♥♥♥
7. Pusher Smurf- Read a book where a character has an addiction.
88. Upside down Smurf: Lucky in Love (hero's life was turned upside down after meeting the heroine) 8.31.12
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile.
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf: Game for Anything (hero is a pro football player) 7.10.12 ♥♥♥♥
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides their emotions.
101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 4: by Christine (new)

Christine Wow! That's a lot of Smurfs! Count me in for easy level...

message 5: by Barbara ★ (last edited Feb 07, 2013 05:39PM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Who knew there were so many of these little critters. I'm in for easy level since there is no way I will get this done faster.

Duration: July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2014
READ: 104/104

1. Papa Smurf: Welcome to Temptation - Jennifer Crusie (hero has daughter) 8/7/12
2. Smurfette: Into the Wild - Beth Ciotta (blonde heroine) 10/13/12
3. Hefty Smurf: White Elephant Dead - Carolyn Hart (hefty elephant on cover) 2/3/13
4. Brainy Smurf: Big Jack - J.D. Robb (heroine really smart) 8/26/12
5. Clumsy Smurf: Thursday's Child - Sandra Brown (heroine is a clutz) 8/30/12
6. Jokey Smurf: Don't Look Down - Suzanne Enoch 8/16/12
7. Grouchy Smurf: The Third Gate - Lincoln Child (scientist is very grouchy) 12/5/12
8. Dreamy Smurf: Charmed to Death - Shirley Damsgaard (mc has prophetic dreams) 10/28/12
9. Greedy Smurf: Hard Bitten - Chloe Neill (heroine is always eating) 10/8/12
10. Chef Smurf: Wicked Business - Janet Evanovich (heroine is a pastry chef) 7/2/12
11. Vanity Smurf: Sold to a Laird - Karen Ranney (cursed mirror) 8/11/12
12. Scaredy Smurf:Dark Days - Derek Landy (scary with monsters) 8/26/12
13. Tracker Smurf: Blood Lines - Tanya Huff (hunt for a murderous mummy) 7/24/12
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf: The Treacherous Teddy - John Lamb (one of the suspects refuses to bathe) 9/11/12
15. Harmony Smurf: Simply Irresistible - Jill Shalvis (HEA) 10/18/12
16. Painter Smurf: The Broken Kingdoms - N.K. Jemisin (main character is a painter) 9/8/12
17. Poet Smurf:The Last Unicorn - Peter Beagle (everyone was quoting poetry) 8/10/12
18. Baby Smurf: First Lord's Fury - Jim Butcher (heroine pregnant) 12/18/12
19. Natural Smurf:The Hungry Ocean: A Swordboat Captain's Journey - Linda Greenlaw (takes place in the Atlantic Ocean) 8/13/12
20. Snappy Smurfling: Ruthless Heart - Emma Lang (hero is very short with heroine) 10/17/12
21. Slouchy Smurfling: The Accidental Tourist - Anne Tyler (If Macon was anymore laid back, he'd be dead) 12/21/12
22. Grandpa Smurf: You're So Vein - Christine Warren (hero is 800 years old) 7/4/12
23. Farmer Smurf: Bookmarked For Death - Lorna Barrett (set in small town in New Hampshire) 9/5
24. Sassette Smurfling: Nevermore - James Patterson (heroine is a tomboy) 11/19/12
25. Alchemist Smurf: Lord of Sin - Susan Krinard (heroine performs magic) 7/25/12
26. Timid Smurf: Ella Enchanted - Gail Levine 11/17/12
27. Architect Smurf: Deadly Décisions - Kathy Reichs (skyscraper mentioned) 8/28/12
28. Baker Smurf: Devil's Food Cake Murder - Joanne Fluke (cake on cover) 11/19/12
29. Clockwork Smurf: Steampunk Poe - Edgar Allen Poe 10/29/12
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf: My Give a Damn's Busted - Carolyn Brown (hero has PHD) 7/29/12
31. Complimentary Smurf: Beach Road - James Patterson (Karin rated 5 stars) 7/27/12
32. Wild Smurf: Inside Out - Maria Snyder (heroine separated from her family) 7/15/12
33. Enamored Smurf: Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake - Sarah MacLean (romance) 9/9/12
34. Finance Smurf: The Scorpio Races - Maggie Stiefvater (heroine's family having money issues) 10/2/12
35. Fisher Smurf: Dragon in Chains - Daniel Fox (one of the mc's goes fishing) 9/17/12
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator: Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L. James (hero pilots helicopter) 7/6/12
37. King Smurf: Finding Destiny - Jean Johnson (romance with the king) 8/8/12
38. Lazy Smurf - Love in a Nutshell - Janet Evanovich (heroine ovesleeps) 1/3/13
39. Miner Smurf: Mad Cow Nightmare - Nancy Wright (m.c. owns cow farm) 12/27/12
40. Fakir Smurf: Tiger's Curse - Colleen Houck (set in India) 9/3/12
41. Nosy Smurf: The Chief - Monica McCarty (heroine is very nosy) 12/7/12
42. Reflection Smurf: Shatterglass - Tamora Pierce (heroine has lightning magic) 11/2/12
43. Reporter Smurf: Mercy Burns - Keri Arthur (heroine is a reporter) 9/10/12
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf: The Demon King - Cinda Williams Chima (M.C. sisters gets deathly ill) 10/25/12
45. Handy Smurf: I Don't Want to Kill You - Dan Wells (serial killer is called the Handyman) 8/27/12
46. Sweepy Smurf:Kiss the Dead - Laurell K. Hamilton (heroine wears black all the time) 8/8/12
47. Tailor Smurf: Magic Lessons - Justine Larbalestier (hero makes clothes) 1/24/13
48. Weakling Smurf: Hard To Handle - Lori Foster (hero is a professional fighter) 10/21/12
49. Editor Smurf: Baby It's Cold Outside - Addison Fox (heroine is a journalist) 7/3/12

Continued at post #45

message 6: by Zakiya (last edited Oct 08, 2013 10:11AM) (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Wow. I never knew there were so many...! I will join in on this one, but not yet. Too many challenges going at once :)

ETA- Who am I kidding...I'll just join right now. Doing the easy level!

Duration: 28/6/2012 - 27/6/2014
Read 96/103

✔ 1.Papa Smurf- Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Vol. 4 (male lead becomes dad)
✔ 2. Smurfette- Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Vol. 2 (blonde female lead)
✔ 3. Hefty Smurf- The Austere Academy (hefty guy cover)
✔ 4. Brainy Smurf- A Raisin in the Sun (smart charrie)
✔ 5. Clumsy Smurf- The Fallen Star (clumsy charrie)
✔ 6. Jokey Smurf- The Last Straw (made me laugh)
✔ 7. Grouchy Smurf- Alice in the Country of Hearts, Vol. 2 (grouchy charrie)
✔ 8. Dreamy Smurf- Fifty Shades of Grey (mentions dreams)
✔ 9. Greedy Smurf- D.Gray-man: Delete, Vol. 6 (charrie's fond of food)
✔ 10. Chef Smurf- Light Dreams by DeeStory (Wattpad; chef)
✔ 11. Vanity Smurf- Tall Cool One (mirror)
✔ 12. Scaredy Smurf- Bad Taste in Boys (horror)
✔ 13. Tracker Smurf- D.Gray-man: Premonition, Vol. 5 (involves hunt for someone)
✔ 14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Dog Days (charrie doesn't like to clean)
✔ 15. Harmony Smurf- Being Jamie Baker (happy ever after)
✔ 16. Painter Smurf- The Last Little Blue Envelope (charrie=artist)
✔ 17. Poet Smurf- Double Feature (poetry reference)
✔ 18. Baby Smurf- Echoes by DeeStory (Wattpad; pregnant heroine)
✔ 19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- The Red Badge of Courage (majority in nature)
✔ 20. Snappy Smurfling- Serial Hottie (charrie-short temper)
✔ 21. Slouchy Smurfling- Alice in the Country of Hearts Vol. 1 (laid-back charrie)
✔ 22. Grandpa Smurf- Thirst No. 1 (100yo)
✔ 23. Farmer Smurf- Outsiders by Nicole Franklin (rural area)
✔ 24. Sassette Smurfling- The Coincidence of Callie Kayden (little sister)
✔ 25. Alchemist Smurf- Bound to You (magic)
✔ 26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Alice in the Country of Hearts Vol 5 (made into movie)
✔ 27. Architect Smurf- Alexandria (skyscraper)
✔ 28. Baker Smurf- Poison Oak (sweet on cover)
✔ 29. Clockwork Smurf- Leviathan (steampunk)
✔ 30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- A Separate Peace (Ph.D.)
✔ 31. Complimentary Smurf- Fallen (friend gave complimentary review to)
✔ 32. Wild Smurf- Eighth Grade Bites (charrie raised away from family)
✔ 33. Enamored Smurf- The Bet by ilurvbooks (Wattpad; romance)
✔ 34. Finance Smurf- Firelight (charrie had trouble w/$)
✔ 35. Fisher Smurf- Through the Fire (fishing)
✔ 36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Day Soldiers (airplane)
✔ 37. King Smurf- Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Vol 5 (monarch)
✔ 38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- The Ugly Truth (oversleeps)
✔ 39. Miner Smurf- Alice in the Country of Hearts Vol 4 (dirty job)
✔ 40. Fakir Smurf- Life of Pi (set in India)
✔ 41. Nosy Smurf- Until the End (goes thru things)
✔ 42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Starcrossed (lightning=key)
✔ 43. Reporter Smurf- V is for Virgin (charrie involved in media)
✔ 44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Initiate (sick charrie)
✔ 45. Handy Smurf- Alice in the Country of Hearts Vol 3 (handy man)
✔ 46. Sweepy Smurf- Best Friends for Never (black clothes)
✔ 47. Tailor Smurf- Candle in the Darkness (sewing)
✔ 48. Weakling Smurf- Whisper (has competition/game)
✔ 49. Editor Smurf- Sweet Evil (news/mag job)
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
✔ 51. Weather Smurf- Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Vol. 3 (involves prediction)
✔ 52. Nurse Smurf- Forbidden Angel (tended wound)
✔ 53. Lucky Smurf- Go Ask Alice (streak of bad luck)
✔ 54. Lumberjack Smurf- Revenge of the Wannabes (jumping charrie)
✔ 55. Nanny Smurf- A Raisin in the Sun (grandma)
✔ 56. Archeologist Smurf- Elixir (artifact search)
✔ 57. Explorer Smurf- Schoolgirl Cinderella (on boat)
✔ 58. Miller Smurf- Wings (flower cover)
✔ 59. Traveler Smurf- The Power of Six (set in 2 countries)
✔ 60. Liar Smurf- The Year of the Great Seventh (relationship=lie)
✔ 61. Hunter Smurf- The Iron King (bow&arrow)
✔ 62. Astro Smurf- Earth Sim (other than Earth)
✔ 63. Barber Smurf- Soulless (furry)
✔ 64. Cobbler Smurf- Invasion of the Boy Snatchers (shoe fetish)
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
✔ 67. Don Smurf- Defiance (good w/sword)
✔ 68. Nobody Smurf- D.Gray-man: The Rewinding City, Vol. 3 (charrie has low self esteem)
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
✔ 70. Gusty Smurf- Between (Scottish charrie)
✔ 71. Panicky Smurf- The Avery Shaw Experiment (panic attack)
✔ 72. Crazy Smurf- Chameleon (crazy person)
✔ 73. Narrator Smurf- Come Back To Me (1st person)
✔ 74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Sweet Peril (pass/aggres charrie)
✔ 75. Disabled Smurf- Julius Caesar (disability)
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
✔ 77. Bored Smurf- The Mockingbirds (2 stars)
✔ 78*. Twin Smurfs- Pretty Little Liars (twins) and Fifty Shades Darker (2nd in series)
✔ 79. Acrobat Smurf- Real Mermaids Don’t Wear Toe Rings (helps in danger)
✔ 80. Musical Smurf- After Hello (musician)
✔ 81. Black Smurf- The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (black cover)
✔ 82. Sculptor Smurf- Need (charrie=Don)
✔ 83. Equilibrist Smurf- Along for the Ride (bike)
✔ 84. Peasant Smurf- The Boyfriend App (poor charrie)
✔ 85. Fallen Smurf- Carnival of Souls (charrie fallen in love)
✔ 86. Queasy Smurf- Unraveling (drunk)
✔ 88. Upside down Smurf- Switched (life ups-down)
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
✔ 90. Show off Smurf- Blaze (collector)
✔ 91. Impolite Smurf- Geography Club (bad 1st impression)
✔ 92. Annoying Smurf- A Discovery of Witches (haunt TBR)
✔ 93. Simple Minded Smurf- American Girl on Saturn (book calls name)
✔ 94. Reveler Smurf- Epic Fail (goes to party)
✔ 95. Thinker Smurf- D.Gray-man: The Emergency of the Generals, Vol. 4 (book left me w/questions)
✔ 96. Dancer Smurf- Cryer's Cross (dancer)
✔ 97. Pointer Smurf- Crash (excited to read)
✔ 98. Disguised Smurf- The Ersatz Elevator (disguise)
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
✔ 100. Stoic Smurf- What's Left of Me (hides emotions)
✔ 101. Postman Smurf- The Pretty Committee Strikes Back (letter has role)
✔ 102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Dawn of the Apocalypse (hopeless goal)
✔ 103. Blacksmith Smurf- Changeling (historical)

message 7: by Cherie (last edited Jul 31, 2012 05:23AM) (new)

Cherie  (cheriereads) I'm in for the easy level

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father.
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa = 7/21/12
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions thier dreams.
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element.
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone.
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a refrence to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.
The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa = 7/22/12
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
The Year of Living Scandalously by Julia London = 7/30/12
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money.
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa = 7/25/12
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
How to Be an American Housewife by Margaret Dilloway = 7/27/12
56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.
The Boy in the Suitcase by Lene Kaaberbøl = 7/16/12
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is refered to as crazy.
Black Out by Lisa Unger = 7/1/12
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President by Josh Lieb = 7/8/12
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less.
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
Book of Lost Threads by Tess Evans = 7/5/12
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down.
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett = 7/13/12
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile.
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead = 7/18/12
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.
Delirium by Lauren Oliver = 7/19/12
101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 8: by Megan (new)

Megan (celtic_girl) | 363 comments This sounds like so much fun! I am choosing the easy level.

2012 TLC Smurf Challenge
Duration: 06/28/12 - 06/27/14
Completed: 0/103

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father.
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions thier dreams.
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element.
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone.
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a refrence to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money.
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is refered to as crazy.
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less.
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf-
Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger. 80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down.
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile.
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.
101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 9: by Gina (last edited Aug 17, 2012 07:49PM) (new)

Gina Gina's Lost Smurf Challenge
Duration 6/28/12-12/28/13
35/103 Completed

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father.

Take This Regret by A.L. Jackson- FINISHED 7/6/12

2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions their dreams.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne- FINISHED 6/30/12

9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.

Dead Wood by Dani Amore- FINISHED 8/3/12

10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.

The Ice Cream Girls by Dorothy Koomson- FINISHED 7/5/12

12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element.
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone.

Stealing Jenny by Ellen Gable- FINISHED 7/11/12

14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.

Fallen Angel by Mona Ingram- Very happy ending - FINISHED 6/28/12

16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a reference to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.

The Pregnancy Test by Erin McCarthy- FINISHED 7/8/12

19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn- FINISHED 7/16/12

21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.

November in Salem: The Bargain of Witches by L.C. Russell- FINISHED 8/6/12

23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.

These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf- FINISHED 7/19/12

25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.

The Girl Who Swam to Atlantis by Elle Thornton- FINISHED 8/16/12

26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.

Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane- FINISHED 7/26/12

27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.

The Girl Next Door: A Mystery by Brad Parks- FINISHED 7/21/12

28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD

While My Sister Sleeps by Barbara Delinsky- FINISHED 8/17/12

31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.

Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach- FINISHED 8/9/12

32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.

Breaking the Silence by Diane Chamberlain- FINISHED 7/10/12

33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money.

The Odds: A Love Story by Stewart O'Nan- FINISHED 8/3/12

35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.

Eleven by Patricia Reilly Giff- FINISHED 7/24/12

36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.

In The Dark by Brian Freeman- FINISHED 8/14/12

43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.

Safe House by Andrew Vachss Character Chrystal Beth wears all black and has a black cape and motorcycle- FINISHED 7/9/12

47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.

Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman by Jon Krakauer- FINISHED 8/3/12

49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.

Wicked Game by Lisa Jackson- FINISHED 7/30/12

52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.

The Kingdom of Childhood by Rebecca Coleman- Judy is a kindergarten teacher and reads to her students in the book- FINISHED 7/3/12

56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.

The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan- FINISHED 8/13/12

58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.

The Delphi Chronicle, Book 1 - The Manuscript by Russell Blake- FINISHED 7/17/12

60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.

Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles - FINISHED 7/12/12

65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things

Left Neglected by Lisa Genova- FINISHED 8/10/12

67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.

The Next Always by Nora Roberts- FINISHED 7/18/12

71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is referred to as crazy.
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.

The Vow: The True Events that Inspired the Movie by Kim Carpenter- FINISHED 8/15/12

74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.

Home Front by Kristin Hannah- FINISHED 7/23/12

76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less.
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf-Read a book where a character helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.

Blood Of The Wicked by Leighton Gage- FINISHED 8/6/12

85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.

A Deeper Darkness by J.T. Ellison- FINISHED 7/2/12

88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down.
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.

Jade O'Reilly and the Ice Queen by Tamara Ward- FINISHED 7/11/12

91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile.
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.

The Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts- FINISHED 7/31/12

101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne- FINISHED 8/12/12

message 10: by Kim (last edited Jun 09, 2014 06:53PM) (new)

Kim (celticoracle) | 18 comments Oh my gosh, this is awesome - count me in at the easy level (it is my first challenge, after all! :) )

Dates- Hard= 1 year from start date; Medium= year and a half from start date; Easy= 2 years from start date
Rules- Read 1 book for each smurf listed. Audiobooks, re-reads and novellas count.

Duration 6/29/12-6/29/14
80/104 Smurfed

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father. In Case Of Fire: Please Remain Calm Then Slowly Rebuild Your Life by Spencer Beach
2. Smurfette - Read a book with a blonde female lead. Strangers In Paradise, Pocket Book 5 by Terry Moore
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character. The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way by Amanda Ripley
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf - Read a book that makes you laugh. The Devil's Panties (Volume 6) by Jennie Breeden
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character. Customers Suck, Volume 1 by Forum members of
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions their dreams. Dream More by Dolly Parton
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf - Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry Waiter Rant: Thanks for the Tip-Confessions of a Cynical Waiter by Steve Dublanica
11. Vanity Smurf - Read a book that has a mirror in the story line. The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer
12. Scaredy Smurf - Read a book that has a horror element. Weaveworld by Clive Barker
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone. Déjà Dead by Kathy Reichs
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf - Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmonious happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf - Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist. Strangers In Paradise, Pocket Book 4 by Terry Moore
17. Poet Smurf - Read a book that makes a reference to poetry. Maya Angelou: A Glorious Celebration by Marcia Ann Gillespie Rosa Johnson Butler and Richard A. Long
18. Baby Smurf - Read a book with a pregnant heroine. Strangers In Paradise, Pocket Book 6 by Terry Moore
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf - Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature. The Girlfriends' Guide to Toddlers The Girlfriends' Guide to Toddlers by Vicki Iovine by Vicki Iovine
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old. Winning the Story Wars: Why Those Who Tell (and Live) the Best Stories Will Rule the Future by Jonah Sachs
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling - Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua
25. Alchemist Smurf - Read a book with magic. Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness (extra points for alchemy actually being in the book? ;) )
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf - Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it. Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture by Ellen Ruppel Shell (Woolworth Building)
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath
32. Wild Smurf - Read a book where a main character was raised away from their biological family. The Elf Queen of Shannara by Terry Brooks
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money. The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum
35. Fisher Smurf - Read a book where someone goes fishing. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf - Read a book that involves a monarch. Fool by Christopher Moore
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf - Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things. Tears of a Lamb Volume 1 by Banri Hidaka
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth - Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element. Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
43. Reporter Smurf - Read a book where a character is involved in the media. Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans by Wendell Potter
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf - Read a book where a character gets sick. Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance. The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove by Christopher Moore
46. Sweepy Smurf - Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe. (HappyGoth) The Devil's Panties Volume 3 by Jennie Breeden
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry. Fairytale Interrupted: What JFK Jr. Taught Me About Life, Love, and Loss by RoseMarie Terenzio
48. Weakling Smurf - Read a book where there is a competition or game. Tripping the Prom Queen: The Truth about Women and Rivalry by Susan Shapiro Barash
49. Editor Smurf - Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine. Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth about Parenting and Happiness by Jessica Valenti
50. Wooley Smurf - Read a book set in Texas. Triumph by Carolyn Jessop
51. Weather Smurf - Read a book that involves a prediction. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to. The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong

Part two

message 11: by Chaitra (last edited Feb 06, 2013 09:18AM) (new)

Chaitra (chaitra_ganesh) Completed posts on Page 3.

message 12: by Kim (new)

Kim (celticoracle) | 18 comments Two questions - do graphic novels/trade paperbacks fall under the novella category, or do they not count? Also, do books I started before the challenge, but finished after I started the challenge count?

thanks! :)

message 13: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Wonder why we're not using this one? haha

message 14: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Celticoracle wrote: "Two questions - do graphic novels/trade paperbacks fall under the novella category, or do they not count? Also, do books I started before the challenge, but finished after I started the challenge c..."

Yes you can count graphic novels/trade paperbacks.

No, to count a book you have to start it after the challenge starts.

message 15: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) LOL Barbra, I found that one and thought about him, but I was trying to keep it true to Peyo's works.

message 16: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (last edited Sep 23, 2012 06:56PM) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Start: July 1, 2012

24/104 Smurfed

1.Papa Smurf- The Lady is a Vamp, Lynsay Sands 8/2/12
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
8. Dreamy Smurf- Wicked Nights, Gena Showalter 8/2/12
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover, Linda Winsom 7/31/12
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone.
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a refrence to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Kingdom Come, Kathryn Le Veque 8/23/12 ★★
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Killing Moon, Rebecca York 7/4/12
31. Complimentary Smurf- Again the Magic, Lisa Kleypas 7/12/12
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Devil in Winter, Lisa Kleypas 7/23/12
34. Finance Smurf- Secrets of a Summer Night, Lisa Kleypas 7/6/12
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth-How to Abduct a Highland Lord, Karen Hawkins, 8/24/12
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- The Perfect Christmas, Debbie Macomber 9/7/12
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- On the Prowl, Patricia Briggs 7/31/12
53. Lucky Smurf- once Bitten Forever Burned, Eve Langlais 9/10/12
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Charlie in Love, L.C. Zingera 8/31/12
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Born of Silence, Sherrilyn Kenyon 7/15/12
63. Barber Smurf- The Mane Attraction, Shelly Laurenston 9/7/12
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Bad to the Bone, Vivi Anna 9/14/12
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- River Secrets, Shannon Hale 8/29/12
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Time Untime, Sherrilyn Kenyon 9/14/12
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is refered to as crazy.
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf-Elfbitten Leila Bryce Sin 9/21/12
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Witch Way Bends, Olivia Hardin 9/6/12
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins
and a 2nd in a series. The Beast in Him, Shelly Laurenston 8/21/12
79. Acrobat Smurf- Lethal Rider, Larissa Ione 8/15/12
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Raphael, D.B. Reynolds 8/27/12
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Forest Born, Shannon Hale 9/23/12
85. Fallen Smurf- Elements Unbound, Lorie O'Clare 9/20/12
86. Quesy Smurf- The Mane Event, Shelly Laurenston 8/7/12
87. Pusher Smurf- Under the Voodoo moon., Laura Leone 9/8/12
88. Upside down Smurf- Unleash the Night, Sherrilyn Kenyon 7/26/12
89. Camper Smurf- Ride with Me, Ruthie Knox 7/20/12
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Hollowland, Amanda Hocking 9/13/12.
92. Annoying Smurf- Enchanted, Inc. Shanna Swedson 9/10/12
93. Simple Minded Smurf- The Mane Squeeze, Shelly Laurenston 9/18/12
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Die for Me, Amy Plum 8/12/12
96. Dancer Smurf- Dark needs at nights edge, Kresley Cole 7/11/12
97. Pointer Smurf- Werewolf in Seattle, Vicki Lewis Thompson 8/30/12
98. Disguised Smurf- A Kiss at Midnight, Eloisa James 9/6/12
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Scandal in Spring, Lisa Kleypas 7/24/12
101. Postman Smurf- A Wallflower Christmas, Lisa Kleypas 7/27/12
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- The Demon You Know, Christine Warren 8/6/12
103. Blacksmith Smurf-It Happened One Autumn, Lisa Kleypas 7/22/12

message 17: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Ann (jeskalillis) Going to think about this one.

message 18: by Barbara ★ (last edited Jul 05, 2012 04:09AM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Question?

78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.

Are we reading 2 books - one with twins and one 2nd in a series? Or just 1 book with both elements?

message 19: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Dawn (Kat N Hat) wrote: "LOL Barbra, I found that one and thought about him, but I was trying to keep it true to Peyo's works."

It just hit my funny bone when I saw it.

message 20: by Christine (new)

Christine Barbara ★ wrote: "Wonder why we're not using this one? haha


LOL!! Now I'm going to have to see if any of my books have magic mushrooms in them!

message 21: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Barbara ★ wrote: "Question?

78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.

Are we reading 2 books - one with twins and one 2nd in a series? Or just 1 book with both elements?"

I had forgotten I put that in there yes it is two books (one for each smurf) so your total will be 104 books not 103.

message 22: by Cherie (new)

Cherie  (cheriereads) Updated my original post.

2/103 done.

message 23: by ~Leslie~ (last edited Apr 02, 2013 08:17AM) (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) Duration: 7/5/12 - 7/4/13


1.Papa Smurf- The Wrong Hostage: A Novel 7/21/12 ***1/2 stars
2. Smurfette- Gale Force 8/17/12 **** stars
3. Hefty Smurf- A Laird for All Time 9/2/12 *** stars
4. Brainy Smurf-The Perfect Poison 7/9/12 ****1/2 stars
5. Clumsy Smurf- Mystical Warrior 8/9/12 *** stars
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laughA Quick Bite12/20/12 *** stars
7. Grouchy Smurf- Love in the Time of Dragons 7/31/12 **** stars
8. Dreamy Smurf- A Perfect Darkness 8/12/12 *** stars
9. Greedy Smurf- Lover Reborn 9/13/12 ***** stars
10. Chef Smurf- Sugar Rush 10/3/12 *** stars
11. Vanity Smurf- Gabriel's Ghost 10/20/12 ****1/2 stars
12. Scaredy Smurf- A Storm of Swords 8/20/12 ***** stars
13. Tracker Smurf-Shadow Game 9/7/12 ***** stars
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf-Midnight Crystal 10/6/12 **** stars
16. Painter Smurf-The Prisoner 10/9/12 ***1/2 stars
17. Poet Smurf- Little Women 9/8/12 ***** stars
18. Baby Smurf- Lethal Rider 8/7/12 ***** stars
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- The Peach Keeper 8/25/12 ***1/2 stars
20. Snappy Smurfling- Charming the Shrew 7/5/12 *** stars
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Night Game 11/10/12 **** stars
22. Grandpa Smurf- Dark Magic 9/24/12 **** stars
23. Farmer Smurf- Bone Deep 10/25/12 **** stars
24. Sassette Smurfling- Kiss of Fury 7/29/12 *** stars
25. Alchemist Smurf- Devoured by Darkness 10/12/12 ***1/2 stars
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf-
27. Architect Smurf- Loyalty in Death 7/18/12 ***** stars
28. Baker Smurf- Simply Irresistible 11/3/12 ***1/2 stars
29. Clockwork Smurf-The Girl in the Clockwork Collar
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- The Winds of War 8/31/12 **** stars
31. Complimentary Smurf- By His Majesty's Grace 9/15/12 ***1/2 stars
32. Wild Smurf- The Lost Duke of Wyndham 7/19/12 **** stars
33. Enamored Smurf- The Duke of Shadows 10/14/12 ****1/2 stars
34. Finance Smurf- The Wolf Who Loved Me 7/12/12 *** stars
35. Fisher Smurf-Making Waves 7/6/12 ***1/2 stars
36. Flying Smurf - Space In His Heart 9/15/12 **** stars
37. King Smurf-The Scarlet Lion 11/29/12 ***** stars
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy-Dead Case in Deadwood 7/16/12 **** stars
39. Miner Smurf- Thunder & Roses 1/15/13 **** stars
40. Fakir Smurf- The Duke of Shadows 10/14/12 ****1/2 stars
41. Nosy Smurf- Storm of Visions 9/1/12 **** stars
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth-Thin Air 7/7/12 ****1/2 stars
43. Reporter Smurf- Midnight on Julia Street 7/27/12 ***1/2 stars
44. Sneezy Smurf: City of Ashes 1/16/13 **** stars
45. Handy Smurf- Dragon Lovers 10/15/12 ***1/2 stars
46. Sweepy Smurf- Lover Unleashed 7/11/12 ***** stars
47. Tailor Smurf- The Recruit 1/11/13 ***** stars
48. Weakling Smurf- Vamps and the City 10/8/12 *** stars
49. Editor Smurf- Show No Mercy 9/22/12 ****1/2 stars
50. Wooley Smurf-Texas Destiny 11/5/12 ***** stars
51. Weather Smurf-A Clash of Kings 7/30/12 **** stars
52. Nurse Smurf-Untamed 7/25/12 **** stars

Charming the Shrew (The Legacy of MacLeod, #1) by Laurin Wittig Making Waves by Tawna Fenske Thin Air (Weather Warden, #6) by Rachel Caine The Perfect Poison (Arcane Society, #6) by Amanda Quick Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #9) by J.R. Ward The Wolf Who Loved Me (Westfield Wolves, #5) by Lydia Dare Dead Case in Deadwood (Deadwood Mystery, #3) by Ann Charles Loyalty in Death (In Death, #9) by J.D. Robb The Lost Duke of Wyndham (Two Dukes of Wyndham, #1) by Julia Quinn The Wrong Hostage A Novel by Elizabeth Lowell Untamed (MacKinnon's Rangers, #2) by Pamela Clare Midnight on Julia Street by Ciji Ware Kiss of Fury (Dragonfire, #2) by Deborah Cooke A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire, #2) by George R.R. Martin Love in the Time of Dragons (Light Dragons, #1) by Katie MacAlister Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance, #3) by Larissa Ione Mystical Warrior (Midnight Bay, #3) by Janet Chapman A Perfect Darkness (Offspring, #1) by Jaime Rush Gale Force (Weather Warden, #7) by Rachel Caine A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, #3) by George R.R. Martin The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen The Winds of War (The Henry Family, #1) by Herman Wouk Storm of Visions (The Chosen Ones, #1) by Christina Dodd A Laird for All Time by Angeline Fortin Shadow Game (GhostWalkers, #1) by Christine Feehan Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #10) by J.R. Ward Tears of Pearl (Lady Emily, #4) by Tasha Alexander By His Majesty's Grace (The Three Graces, #1) by Jennifer Blake Space In His Heart by Roxanne St. Claire Show No Mercy (Black Ops, #1) by Cindy Gerard Dark Magic (Dark, #4) by Christine Feehan Sugar Rush (Cupcake Club, #1) by Donna Kauffman Midnight Crystal (Dreamlight Trilogy, #3; Arcane Society, #9; Harmony, #7) by Jayne Castle Vamps and the City (Love at Stake, #2) by Kerrelyn Sparks The Prisoner (Orphan, #1) by Karyn Monk Devoured by Darkness (Guardians of Eternity, #7) by Alexandra Ivy The Duke of Shadows by Meredith Duran Dragon Lovers (Includes Guardians, Book 2.5) by Jo Beverley Gabriel's Ghost (Dock Five Universe, #1) by Linnea Sinclair Bone Deep by Bonnie Dee Simply Irresistible (Chinooks Hockey Team, #1) by Rachel Gibson Texas Destiny (Texas Trilogy, #1) by Lorraine Heath Night Game (GhostWalkers, #3) by Christine Feehan The Scarlet Lion (William Marshal, #3) by Elizabeth Chadwick The Duke of Shadows by Meredith Duran A Quick Bite (Argeneau, #1) by Lynsay Sands The Recruit (Highland Guard, #6) by Monica McCarty City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, #2) by Cassandra Clare Thunder & Roses (Fallen Angels #1) by Mary Jo Putney

message 24: by ~Leslie~ (last edited Apr 02, 2013 08:19AM) (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) Duration: 7/5/12 - 7/4/13


53. Lucky Smurf- To Scotland, With Love 9/9/12 ***1/2 stars
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Opal Fire 9/6/12 *** stars
55. Nanny Smurf- Dragon Heat 8/9/12 *** stars
56. Archeologist Smurf- A Fall of Water 8/11/12 ***** stars
57. Explorer Smurf- Stolen Fury 9/4/12 ****1/2 stars
58. Miller Smurf- Tapestry
59. Traveler Smurf- Call of the Highland Moon 8/30/12 ****1/2 stars
60. Liar Smurf- Beautiful Lies 10/3/12 **** stars
61. Hunter Smurf-The Last Arrow 10/30/12 *****stars
62. Astro Smurf-Born of Ice 9/6/12 ***1/2 stars
63. Barber Smurf- Killing Moon 8/18/12 ***1/2 stars
64. Cobbler Smurf- Trouble in High Heels 8/12/12 **** stars
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf-Across a Moonlit Sea 7/23/12 ***** stars
66. Flighty Smurf- Blaze of Memory 8/26/12 ****1/2 stars
67. Don Smurfo- The Highlander's Touch 10/29/12 **** stars
68. Nobody Smurf-Born of Ice 9/26/12 ***1/2 stars
69. Pushover Smurf- First Grave on the Right 7/24/12 **** stars
70. Gusty Smurf- Highlander Unchained 8/23/12 ***** stars
71. Panicky Smurf- A Race to Splendor 10/25/12 **** stars
72. Crazy Smurf- Bonds of Justice 9/29/12 ***** stars
73. Narrator Smurf- Maggie for Hire 10/19/12 *** stars
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Autumn Lover (Maxwells, #1) 9/2/12 *** stars
75. Disabled Smurf-The Duke's Perfect Wife 8/2/12 ***** stars
76. Weepy Smurf- Beach Lane 11/15/12 **** stars
77. Bored Smurf- Good in Bed 7/13/12 *** stars
78*. Twin Smurfs-A Rake's Vow 8/22/12 **** stars and Conspiracy Game 12/13/12 ***** stars
79. Acrobat Smurf- Heir to the Shadows 9/30/12 ***** stars
80. Musical Smurf- Judgment in Death 9/18/12 ***** stars
81. Black Smurf-Burning Lamp 9/16/12 **** stars
82. Sculptor Smurf- One Foot in the Grave 8/13/12 **** stars
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Chasing Perfect 8/19/12 *** stars
84. Peasant Smurf-Eve 7/8/12 *** stars
85. Fallen Smurf- Adam 7/20/12 **** stars
86. Queasy Smurf- What a Dragon Should Know 9/8/12 ****1/2 stars
88. Upside down Smurf-Dark Gold 8/21/12 ***1/2 stars
89. Camper Smurf- Play of Passion 10/21/12 **** stars
90. Show off Smurf- The Unbearable Lightness of Dragons 8/24/12 **** stars
91. Impolite Smurf- Driving Mr. Dead 7/29/12 *** stars
92. Annoying Smurf- A Girl's Guide to Vampires 7/28/12 *** stars
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Devil's Brood 9/27/12 ***** stars
94. Reveler Smurf- In Too Deep 11/4/12 ***** stars
95. Thinker Smurf- Branded by Fire 7/31/12 ***** stars
96. Dancer Smurf- A Fatal Waltz 7/22/12 **** stars
97. Pointer Smurf-Shadow of Night2/12/13 ****1/2 stars
98. Disguised Smurf- Graceling 9/10/12 *** stars
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or goes to a gym.Tangle of Need12/17/12 ***** stars
100. Stoic Smurf- Devil's Bride 7/10/12 ***** stars
101. Postman Smurf-Sweet Release 8/14/12 ***1/2 stars
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- The Winter Rose 7/15/12 **** stars
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Armageddon

Eve (Eve, Quinn and Bonnie #1) by Iris Johansen Devil's Bride (Cynster, #1) by Stephanie Laurens Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner The Winter Rose (The Tea Rose, #2) by Jennifer Donnelly Adam (Nightwalkers, #6) by Jacquelyn Frank A Fatal Waltz (Lady Emily, #3) by Tasha Alexander Across A Moonlit Sea (Dante Pirates, #1) by Marsha Canham First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson, #1) by Darynda Jones A Girl's Guide to Vampires (Dark Ones, #1) by Katie MacAlister Driving Mr. Dead (Half Moon Hollow, #1) by Molly Harper Branded by Fire (Psy-Changeling, #6) by Nalini Singh The Duke's Perfect Wife (Highland Pleasures, #4) by Jennifer Ashley Dragon Heat (Dragon, #1) by Allyson James A Fall of Water (Elemental Mysteries #4) by Elizabeth Hunter Trouble in High Heels (Fortune Hunter, #1) by Christina Dodd One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, #2) by Jeaniene Frost Sweet Release (Blakewell/Kenleigh Family Trilogy, #1) by Pamela Clare Killing Moon (Moon, #1) by Rebecca York Chasing Perfect (Fool's Gold, #1) by Susan Mallery Dark Gold (Dark, #3) by Christine Feehan A Rake's Vow (Cynster, #2) by Stephanie Laurens Highlander Unchained (MacLeods of Skye Trilogy, #3) by Monica McCarty The Unbearable Lightness of Dragons (Light Dragons, #2) by Katie MacAlister Blaze of Memory (Psy-Changeling, #7) by Nalini Singh Call of the Highland Moon (The MacInnes Werewolves Trilogy, #1) by Kendra Leigh Castle Autumn Lover (Maxwells, #1) (Only, #5) by Elizabeth Lowell Stolen Fury (Stolen Trilogy, #1) by Elisabeth Naughton Opal Fire (A Stacy Justice Mystery, #1) by Barbra Annino What a Dragon Should Know (Dragon Kin, #3) by G.A. Aiken To Scotland, With Love (MacLean Curse, #2) by Karen Hawkins Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1) by Kristin Cashore Burning Lamp (Dreamlight Trilogy, #2; Arcane Society, #8) by Amanda Quick Judgment in Death (In Death, #11) by J.D. Robb Born of Ice (The League, #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Devil's Brood (Henry II & Eleanor of Aquitaine, #3) by Sharon Kay Penman Bonds of Justice (Psy-Changeling, #8) by Nalini Singh Heir to the Shadows (The Black Jewels, #2) by Anne Bishop Beautiful Lies (Ridley Jones #1) by Lisa Unger Born of Ice (The League, #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Maggie for Hire (Maggie MacKay, Magical Tracker, #1) by Kate Danley Play of Passion (Psy-Changeling, #9) by Nalini Singh A Race to Splendor by Ciji Ware The Highlander's Touch (Highlander, #3) by Karen Marie Moning In Too Deep (Looking Glass Trilogy, #1; Arcane Society, #10) by Jayne Ann Krentz Beach Lane (Chesapeake Shores #7) by Sherryl Woods Conspiracy Game (GhostWalkers, #4) by Christine Feehan Tangle of Need (Psy-Changeling, #11) by Nalini Singh Shadow of Night (All Souls Trilogy, #2) by Deborah Harkness

message 25: by Christine (last edited Jul 05, 2012 10:12AM) (new)

Christine Jun 25 2012 – Jun 24 2014

4/104 Smurfed

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father.
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions their dreams.
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Venom by Jennifer Estep – Jun 27
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element.
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone.
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmonious happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a reference to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine. – Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione - TBR
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from their biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money.
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
56. Archeologist Smurf- Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione – Jul 04
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Bound by Deception by Ava March – Jun 29
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is referred to as crazy.
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less. Fifty Shades of Grey - TBR
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with (twins) Hostage to Pleasure by Nalini Singh and a 2nd in a series. (2 diff books)
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a character helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike. Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost - TBR
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas – Jun 30
88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down.
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile.
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or goes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides their emotions.
101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 26: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Christine wrote: "4/104 Smurfed..."


message 27: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Dawn (Kat N Hat) wrote: "Barbara ★ wrote: "Question?
Are we reading 2 books - one with twins and one 2nd in a series? Or just 1 book with both elements?"

I had forgotten I put that in there yes it is two books (one for each smurf) so your total will be 104 books not 103. ..."

Actually it's 103 because there is no 87! Maybe we can add magic mushroom guy?

message 28: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Ha... I was just commenting in another thread spending the day with a 2 year old I still had the ability to count, but not much else... now I am not so sure of that.

I'll come up with something for Pusher Smurf...

message 29: by Shelly (last edited Sep 14, 2012 07:34AM) (new)

Shelly Bretheim (shellybre) TLC Smurf Challenge
Duration: 7/10/12 - 7/10/14
23/104 Completed

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father.
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead. Bed of Roses Aug. 18
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character. The Crossing Places July 23
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character. Time of Death Aug.9
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions thier dreams. Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Aug. 20
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry Cream Puff Murder Aug.4
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element.
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone. The Lovely Bones July 20
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after. The Witness Sept. 12
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist. Disney in Shadow Aug. 31
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a refrence to poetry. Ready Player One Sept.3
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper. The Surgeon Aug.20
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character. Back Fire Aug. 16
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic. The Night Circus July 12, 2012
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play. Oliver Twist Aug.9
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD Deadly Décisions Aug. 24
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.Blue Dahlia July 17
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money.
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is refered to as crazy. The Quarry Aug 4
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less.Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever July 23
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
A)Death du Jour July 30
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger. 80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down. Cinderella: Ninja Warrior Aug. 22
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression. The Other Side Sept. 2
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile. Damage Aug.9
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym. Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts Sept. 10
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions. American Pie: A Novel Aug.21
101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal. Divergent Sept. 5
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 30: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 05, 2013 05:27PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments The Lost Challenges
The Smurfs Challenge
7/10/2012 - 7/10/2013

Level: Hard = 1 year from start date

Progress: 103 out of 103

1.Papa Smurf - Sacrificial Magic by Stacia Kane
2. Smurfette- Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward
3. Hefty Smurf- Skipping Christmas by John Grisham
4. Brainy Smurf- The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
5. Clumsy Smurf- Faefever by Karen Marie Moning
6. Jokey Smurf- Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling
7. Grouchy Smurf- The Lost Recipe for Happiness by Barbara O'Neal
8. Dreamy Smurf- Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh
9. Greedy Smurf- Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich
10. Chef Smurf - Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich
11. Vanity Smurf- Divergent by Veronica Roth
12. Scaredy Smurf- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith
13. Tracker Smurf - Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- The Audition by Rachel Hartman
15. Harmony Smurf- An Enchanted Season by Maggie Shayne
16. Painter Smurf- Crazy For You by Jennifer Crusie
17. Poet Smurf- One Day by David Nicholls
18. Baby Smurf- After by Amy Efaw
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf - Caressed By Ice by Nalini Singh
20. Snappy Smurfling- Across the Universe by Beth Revis
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts
22. Grandpa Smurf- First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost
23. Farmer Smurf- Heart of a Desert Warrior by Lucy Monroe
24. Sassette Smurfling- Hostage to Pleasure by Nalini Singh
25. Alchemist Smurf- Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
27. Architect Smurf- Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews
28. Baker Smurf- Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec
29. Clockwork Smurf- Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes
31. Complimentary Smurf- A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean
32. Wild Smurf- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
33. Enamored Smurf- Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas
34. Finance Smurf- Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
35. Fisher Smurf- Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Where She Went by Gayle Forman
37. King Smurf- The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Fifty Shames of Earl Grey by Fanny Merkin
39. Miner Smurf- Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward
40. Fakir Smurf- I'm Over All That: And Other Confessions by Shirley Maclaine
41. Nosy Smurf- Phantom Evil by Heather Graham
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Undone by Rachel Caine
43. Reporter Smurf- Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Grave Mercy by R.L. LaFevers
45. Handy Smurf- Tempt Me at Twilight by Lisa Kleypas
46. Sweepy Smurf- Skinwalker by Faith Hunter
47. Tailor Smurf- Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas
48. Weakling Smurf- Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews
49. Editor Smurf- The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
50. Wooley Smurf- Glass Houses by Rachel Caine
51. Weather Smurf- At Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost
52. Nurse Smurf- Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs
53. Lucky Smurf- Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Thanksgiving by Janet Evanovich
55. Nanny Smurf- Witchling by Yasmine Galenorn
56. Archeologist Smurf- Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews
57. Explorer Smurf- Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
58. Miller Smurf- Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
59. Traveler Smurf- Fifty Shades Freed by E.L. James
60. Liar Smurf- Loyalty in Death by J.D. Robb
61. Hunter Smurf- The Call of the Wild by Jack London
62. Astro Smurf- Darkling by Yasmine Galenorn
63. Barber Smurf- Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
64. Cobbler Smurf- A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
66. Flighty Smurf- Shockaholic by Carrie Fisher
67. Don Smurfo- Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews
68. Nobody Smurf- Storm Front by Jim Butcher
69. Pushover Smurf- The Host by Stephenie Meyer
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character- Mermaids in the Basement by Michael Lee West
71. Panicky Smurf- Changeling by Yasmine Galenorn
72. Crazy Smurf- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
73. Narrator Smurf- Etched in Silver by Yasmine Galenorn
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- The Inn At Eagle Point by Sherryl Woods
75. Disabled Smurf- Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper
76. Weepy Smurf- Zoo Story: Life in the Garden of Captives by Thomas French
77. Bored Smurf- The Alchemyst by Michael Scott
78*. Twin Smurfs- Vanish by Sophie Jordan
79. Acrobat Smurf- Mine to Possess by Nalini Singh
80. Musical Smurf- Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs
81. Black Smurf- I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella
82. Sculptor Smurf- Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs - Mary Jo
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
84. Peasant Smurf- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
85. Fallen Smurf- Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy
86. Quesy Smurf- Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
87. Pusher Smurf- Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James
88. Upside down Smurf- Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh
89. Camper Smurf- River Marked by Patricia Briggs
90. Show off Smurf- Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison
91. Impolite Smurf- The Substitute Millionaire by Susan Mallery
92. Annoying Smurf- Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris
93. Simple Minded Smurf- The Day I Shot Cupid: Hello, My Name Is Jennifer Love Hewitt and I'm a Love-aholic by Jennifer Love Hewitt
94. Reveler Smurf- Cinder by Marissa Meyer
95. Thinker Smurf- Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews
96. Dancer Smurf- Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
97. Pointer Smurf- Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
98. Disguised Smurf- The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
99. Tuffy Smurf- Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis
100. Stoic Smurf- Fair Game by Patricia Briggs
101. Postman Smurf- Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Insurgent by Veronica Roth
103. Blacksmith Smurf- The Husband List by Janet Evanovich

message 31: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) *****NOTE*****

Edited original list to include

87. Pusher Smurf- Read a book where a character has an addiction.

message 32: by Christine (last edited Jul 11, 2012 09:43AM) (new)

Christine Dawn (Kat N Hat) wrote: "*****NOTE*****

Edited original list to include

87. Pusher Smurf-
Read a book where a character has an addiction."

Yeah! Pusher Smurf gets some love! That's just smurfy!

message 33: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Dawn (Kat N Hat) wrote: "*****NOTE*****

Edited original list to include

87. Pusher Smurf-
Read a book where a character has an addiction."

Gotta love it! Thanks Dawn.

message 34: by ~Leslie~ (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) Changes noted for Pusher Smurf!

message 35: by Melissa (ladybug) (last edited May 21, 2013 07:08AM) (new)

Melissa (ladybug) | 251 comments I am going to join in for Hard. *****COMPLETED 5/19/13*****

July 1 2012 – July 1 2013
104/104 Smurfed – May 19 2013
(view spoiler)

message 36: by Cherie (new)

Cherie  (cheriereads) Finished 7 of 104

Updated my original post.

message 37: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 My latest update...

TLC Smurf Challenge - 2012
Duration: 06/25/12 - 06/24/14
23/103 Completed

✔1.Papa Smurf: Aunt Dimity and the Duke/Nancy Atherton==06.27.12***
✔2. Smurfette: Sweet Spot/Kate Angell ==07.15.12***
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
✔8. Dreamy Smurf: The Language of Secrets/Dianne Dixon==06.28.12**
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
✔10. Chef Smurf:Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe/Fannie Flagg==07.21.12****
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
✔12. Scaredy Smurf: Whiskey Sour/J.A. Konrath==07.03.12***
✔13. Tracker Smurf: Live Wire/Lora Leigh==07.04.12***
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
✔17. Poet Smurf: One Dance with a Duke/Tessa Dare
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
✔19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf: Track Of The Cat/Nevada Barr==07.20.12***
20. Snappy Smurfling: Never Let Me Go/Kazuo Ishiguro==07.09.12***
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
✔23. Farmer Smurf: The Bridges of Madison County/Robert James Waller==06.29.12***
✔24. Sassette Smurfling: Shanghai Girls/Lisa See==07.05.12****
✔25. Alchemist Smurf: Visions of Sugar Plums/Janet Evanovich==06.30.12**
✔26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf: Emma/Jane Austen==07.13.12*****
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
✔30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf: Postmortem/Patricia Cornwell==07.19.12****
✔31. Complimentary Smurf: Open Season/Linda Howard==06.30.12***
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf:
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
✔49. Editor Smurf: Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage/M.C. Beaton==06.28.12****
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
✔54. Lumberjack Smurf: Twelve Sharp/Janet Evanovich==07.07.12****
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
✔56. Archeologist Smurf: The Crossing Places/Elly Griffiths,B>==07.08.12****
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
✔59. Traveler Smurf: Trey: Red, Hot and Blue, Book 1/Cat Johnson==06.30.12***
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
✔71. Panicky Smurf: A Night Like This/Julia Quinn==07.02.12***
✔72. Crazy Smurf: Revolutionary Road/Richard Yates==07/03.02***
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
✔77. Bored Smurf: The Zookeeper's Wife/Diane Ackerman==07.11.12**
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down.
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
✔92. Annoying Smurf:
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.
✔101. Postman Smurf: Sliver of Truth/Lisa Unger==07.01.12***
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 38: by Gina (new)

Gina Updated my posts in message #10

message 39: by Cherie (new)

Cherie  (cheriereads) Updated my original post.

message 40: by Adele (last edited Aug 23, 2012 02:13AM) (new)

Adele Symonds (adelesymonds) I am in but I will go for easy level - 2 years if I complete before this then great.


Rules- Read 1 book for each smurf listed. Audiobooks, re-reads and novellas count.

1.Papa Smurf- Read a book where the male lead has a child or becomes a father. Ulysses by James Joyce 19 Aug 12
2. Smurfette- Read a book with a blonde female lead.
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character. The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson - 3 Aug 2012
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
6. Jokey Smurf- Read a book that makes you laugh.
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character. Kip in Hostile Witness by Rebecca Forster - 16 Aug 12
8. Dreamy Smurf- Read a book where a main character mentions thier dreams.
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
10. Chef Smurf- Read a book where the main character is a chef or works in the food industry
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
12. Scaredy Smurf- Read a book that has a horror element. Petronella and the Trogot by Cheryl Bentley, 08 Aug 2012
13. Tracker Smurf- Read a book where the plot involves a hunt for someone. I hope a hunt for a lost cat counts, A Friend Like Ben by Julia Romp - 06 Aug
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
17. Poet Smurf- Read a book that makes a refrence to poetry.
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf- Read a book with a green cover or the majority of the story takes place in nature.
20. Snappy Smurfling- Read a book where a character has a short temper.
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
23. Farmer Smurf- Read a book set in a rural setting.
24. Sassette Smurfling- Read a book with a tom-boy or little sister.
25. Alchemist Smurf- Read a book with a magic.
26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf- Read a book that has been made into a movie or play.
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
29. Clockwork Smurf- Read a book from the steam punk genre.
30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf- Read a book where a character has a PHD
31. Complimentary Smurf- Read a book one of your friends gave a complimentary review.
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf- Read a book with a character who is having trouble with money.
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
37. King Smurf- Read a book that involves a monarch.
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
39. Miner Smurf- read a book where a character has a dirty job.
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
41. Nosy Smurf- Read a book where a character peeks around through the others things.
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media. main character is a newspaper photographer, Silent are the dead by George Harmon Coxe, 20 Aug 12
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick. Nettie Parker's Backyard by C V Smith, 14 Aug 12
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
49. Editor Smurf- Read a book where a character is a writer or works for a newspaper or magazine.
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
54. Lumberjack Smurf- Read a book where a character skips & jumps, or presses flowers, or is a man who puts on womens's clothing or hangs around in bars.
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
56. Archeologist Smurf- Read a book where there is a search for an artifact or temple.
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
59. Traveler Smurf- Read a book that takes place in more than 1 country.
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
71. Panicky Smurf- Read a book where a character has a panic attack.
72. Crazy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is refered to as crazy.
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
77. Bored Smurf- Read a book a friend rated 2 stars or less.
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
87. Pusher Smurf- Read a book where a character has an addiction.
88. Upside down Smurf- Read a book where the main character's life gets turned upside down.
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf- Read a book that has been haunting your TBR pile.
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.
101. Postman Smurf- Read a book where a letter or package plays a role in the story
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

ETA: Note that 78 is two books for two smurfs so there is a total of 104 books to be read.

message 41: by southpaw285 (new)

southpaw285 Update.

TLC Smurf Challenge - 2012
Duration: 06/25/12 - 06/24/14
28/103 Completed

✔1.Papa Smurf: Aunt Dimity and the Duke/Nancy Atherton==06.27.12***
✔2. Smurfette: Sweet Spot/Kate Angell ==07.15.12***
3. Hefty Smurf- Read a book with a "hefty" guy on the front cover.
4. Brainy Smurf- Read a book with a smart character.
5. Clumsy Smurf- Read a book with a clumsy character.
✔6. Jokey Smurf: Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist/M.C. Beaton==07.24.12***
7. Grouchy Smurf- Read a book with a grouchy character.
✔8. Dreamy Smurf: The Language of Secrets/Dianne Dixon==06.28.12**
9. Greedy Smurf- Read a book with a character who is fond of food.
✔10. Chef Smurf:Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe/Fannie Flagg==07.21.12****
11. Vanity Smurf- Read a book that has a mirror in the story line.
✔12. Scaredy Smurf: Whiskey Sour/J.A. Konrath==07.03.12***
✔13. Tracker Smurf: Live Wire/Lora Leigh==07.04.12***
14. Sloppy Smurf a.k.a. Stinky Smurf- Read a book with a character that doesn't like to clean up.
15. Harmony Smurf- Read a book with a Harmoneous happy ever after.
16. Painter Smurf- Read a book where the main character is some sort of artist.
✔17. Poet Smurf: One Dance with a Duke/Tessa Dare
18. Baby Smurf- Read a book with a pregnant heroine.
✔19. Nat Smurfling a.k.a. Natural Smurf: Track Of The Cat/Nevada Barr==07.20.12***
20. Snappy Smurfling: Never Let Me Go/Kazuo Ishiguro==07.09.12***
21. Slouchy Smurfling- Read a book that has a laid-back character.
22. Grandpa Smurf- Read a book with a main character who is over 100 years old.
✔23. Farmer Smurf: The Bridges of Madison County/Robert James Waller==06.29.12***
✔24. Sassette Smurfling: Shanghai Girls/Lisa See==07.05.12****
✔25. Alchemist Smurf: Visions of Sugar Plums/Janet Evanovich==06.30.12**
✔26. Timid Smurf a.k.a. Actor Smurf: Emma/Jane Austen==07.13.12*****
27. Architect Smurf- Read a book that has a skyscraper mentioned in it.
28. Baker Smurf- Read a book with something sweet on the cover.
✔29. Clockwork Smurf: Soulless/Gail Carriger==07.25.12***
✔30. Dabbler Smurf a.k.a. Doctor Smurf: Postmortem/Patricia Cornwell==07.19.12****
✔31. Complimentary Smurf: Open Season/Linda Howard==06.30.12***
32. Wild Smurf- Read a book where a main character was raised away from thier biological family.
33. Enamored Smurf- Read a romance.
34. Finance Smurf:
35. Fisher Smurf- Read a book where someone goes fishing.
36. Flying Smurf a.k.a. Aviator- Read a book that involves an airplane
✔37. King Smurf: The Heir/Grace Burrowes==07.28.12***
38. Lazy Smurf a.k.a. Sleepy- Read a book where a character oversleeps.
✔39. Miner Smurf: Stonehenge/Bernard Cornwell==07.27.12****
40. Fakir Smurf- Read a book set where snake charming is common such as India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
✔41. Nosy Smurf: The Masque of the Black Tulip /Lauren Willig==07.23.12****
42. Reflection Smurf a.k.a. Hundredth- Read a book where lightning or a storm is a key element.
43. Reporter Smurf- Read a book where a character is involved in the media.
44. Sneezy Smurf a.k.a Sickly Smurf or Chilly Smurf- Read a book where a character gets sick.
45. Handy Smurf- Read a book that a handy man makes an appearance.
46. Sweepy Smurf- Read a book where a character wears black from head to toe.
47. Tailor Smurf- Read a book where a character sews or is in the fashion industry.
48. Weakling Smurf- Read a book where there is a competition or game.
✔49. Editor Smurf: Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage/M.C. Beaton==06.28.12****
50. Wooley Smurf- Read a book set in Texas.
51. Weather Smurf- Read a book that involves a prediction.
52. Nurse Smurf- Read a book where a boo boo is tended to.
53. Lucky Smurf- Read a book with a character who has had a streak of bad luck.
✔54. Lumberjack Smurf: Twelve Sharp/Janet Evanovich==07.07.12****
55. Nanny Smurf- Read a book with a grandmother, or other person who tells stories.
✔56. Archeologist Smurf: The Crossing Places/Elly Griffiths,B>==07.08.12****
57. Explorer Smurf- Read a book that takes place partially on a boat.
58. Miller Smurf- Read a book with "flour" or "flower" on the cover.
✔59. Traveler Smurf: Trey: Red, Hot and Blue, Book 1/Cat Johnson==06.30.12***
60. Liar Smurf- Read a book with a relationship built on a lie.
61. Hunter Smurf- Read a book where a bow and arrow are used.
62. Astro Smurf- Read a book set somewhere other than earth.
63. Barber Smurf- Read a book where a character has a lot of hair (or fur).
64. Cobbler Smurf- Read a book where a character has a shoe fetish, or a shoe on the cover.
65. Marco Smurf a.k.a Submariner Smurf- Read a book with pirates.
66. Flighty Smurf- Read a book with a character who is easily distracted by anything and tends to forget things
67. Don Smurfo- Read a book where a character is good with a sword.
68. Nobody Smurf- Read a book where a character has very low self-esteem
69. Pushover Smurf- read a book where a character has problems telling others no.
70. Gusty Smurf- Read a book with a Scottish character.
✔71. Panicky Smurf: A Night Like This/Julia Quinn==07.02.12***
✔72. Crazy Smurf: Revolutionary Road/Richard Yates==07/03.02***
73. Narrator Smurf- Read a book written in first person.
74. Passive- Aggressive Smurf- Read a book with a passive or aggressive character.
75. Disabled Smurf- Read a book with a character who has some kind of disability.
76. Weepy Smurf- Read a book that made you cry.
✔77. Bored Smurf: The Zookeeper's Wife/Diane Ackerman==07.11.12**
78*. Twin Smurfs- Read a book with twins and a 2nd in a series.
79. Acrobat Smurf- Read a book where a charaacter helps out in a time of danger.
80. Musical Smurf- Read a book where a character is a musician
81. Black Smurf- Read a book with a black cover.
82. Sculptor Smurf- Read a book with a character named Clay, David, Mary or Don
83. Equilibrist Smurf- Read a book where a character rides a unicycle or bike.
84. Peasant Smurf- Read a book with a poor character, or one who grew up poor.
85. Fallen Smurf- Read a book with a character has "fallen" either from a height or in love.
86. Quesy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets drunk.
✔88. Upside down Smurf: The Color of Magic/Terry Pratchett==07.27.12*****
89. Camper Smurf- Read a book where characters sleep outside or in a tent.
90. Show off Smurf- Read a book with a collector.
91. Impolite Smurf- Read a book where a character makes a bad first impression.
92. Annoying Smurf:
93. Simple Minded Smurf- Read a book that calls your name as you walk on by but you just can't forget about.
94. Reveler Smurf- Read a book where a character goes to a party.
95. Thinker Smurf- Read a book that leaves you with questions at the end of it.
96. Dancer Smurf- Read a book that has a dancer or the characters go to a dance.
97. Pointer Smurf- Read a book you are so excited to read.
98. Disguised Smurf- Read a book where a character wears a disguise.
99. Tuffy Smurf- Read a book where a character gets in to shape or gooes to a gym.
100. Stoic Smurf- Read a book where a character hides thier emotions.
✔101. Postman Smurf: Sliver of Truth/Lisa Unger==07.01.12***
102. Suicide Mission Smurf- Read a book where a character has a seemingly hopeless goal.
103. Blacksmith Smurf- Read a historical book.

message 42: by ~Leslie~ (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) UpdatedPost #24

UpdatedPost #25

Completed 21/103

message 43: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) 9 finished in a little over a month! (Post 7)

message 44: by Cherie (new)

Cherie  (cheriereads) Updating...

(view spoiler)

message 45: by Barbara ★ (last edited Feb 07, 2013 05:39PM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3113 comments Continued from post #6

50. Wooley Smurf: Would-Be Witch - Kimberly Frost (set in Texas) 11/2/12
51. Weather Smurf: Haunting Warrior - Erin Quinn (hero is prophesied to appear and save Saraid's people) 9/29/12
52. Nurse Smurf: V is for Vengeance - Sue Grafton (heroine breaks her nose) 8/22/12
53. Lucky Smurf: Three Weeks To Say Goodbye - C.J. Box (h/h couldn't catch a break) 8/10/12
54. Lumberjack Smurf: Twice Bitten - Chloe Niell (good portion of action is in a bar) 7/22/12
55. Nanny Smurf: The Viking - Margaret Moore (has a Viking storyteller) 10/16/12
56. Archeologist Smurf: Borrower of the Night - Elizabeth Peters (search for artifact) 7/31/12
57. Explorer Smurf: Mad Ship - Robin Hobb (takes place on a ship) 7/31/12
58. Miller Smurf: Chalice of Roses - anthology (flowers on cover) 11/13/12
59. Traveler Smurf: Sliver of Truth - Lisa Unger (takes place in US/UK) 7/30/12
60. Liar Smurf: Secret Life of a Vampire - Kerrelyn Sparks (hero neglects to mention that he's a vampire) 9/21/12
61. Hunter Smurf: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis 7/9/12
62. Astro Smurf: Shadow Fires - Catherine Spangler (takes place in space) 8/24/12
63. Barber Smurf: Chasing Midnight - Susan Krinard (hero is a werewolf) 11/24/12
64. Cobbler Smurf: Third Grave Dead Ahead - Darynda Jones (sneakers on cover) 9/26/12
65. Submariner Smurf: Airborn - Kenneth Oppel (hero pilots an airship) 7/12/12
66. Flighty Smurf: Fifty Shades Darker - E.L. James (when heroine gets around hero, she forgets everything) 10/5/12
67. Don Smurfo: The Demon's Lexicon - Sarah Rees Brennan (hero good with a sword) 8/2/12
68. Nobody Smurf: Demons Prefer Blondes - Sidney Ayers (hero has low self-esteem) 8/14/12
69. Pushover Smurf: Ten Things I Love About You - Julia Quinn (heroine unable to say no) 12/13/12
70. Gusty Smurf: Wild Highland Magic - Kendra Leigh Castle (all characters are Scottish) 9/30/12
71. Panicky Smurf:Sweet Talk - Susan Mallery (heroine has panic attacks) 7/8/12
72. Crazy Smurf:Blind Sight: A Novel - Terri Persons (heroine is psychic and they all avoid her) 8/11/12
73. Narrator Smurf: Club Dead - Charlaine Harris 7/9/12
74. Passive-Aggressive Smurf: Heartland: A Novel - David Wiltse 9/16/12
75. Disabled Smurf: Vampire Dragon - Annette Blair (heroine wears mask for the entire book) 9/2/12
76. Weepy Smurf: The Snow Child - Eowyn Ivey (realistic fiction, made me cry) 9/12/12
77. Bored Smurf: Changing the Game - Jaci Burton (Southpaw285 gave it 2 stars) 7/18/12
78a. Twin Smurfs: Going Bovine - Libba Bray (hero is a twin) 7/7/12
78b. Twin Smurfs: Pretty in Ink - Karen Olson (Tattoo Shop Mystery #2) 7/26/12
79. Acrobat Smurf: Outside In - Maria Snyder (heroine helps when they are attacked by aliens) 10/12/12
80. Musical Smurf: The Flame and the Shadow - Denise Rossetti (hero plays harp in a band) 9/23/12
81. Black Smurf:The Time Weaver - Shana Abe (black cover) 8/6/12
82. Sculptor Smurf: Under The Knife - Tess Gerritsen (hero is David) 8/29/12
83. Equilibrist Smurf: Unchained - Sharon Ashwood (heroine rides motorcycle) 8/18/12
84. Peasant Smurf:Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Paterson (hero is very poor) 8/3/12
85. Fallen Smurf: Copper Beach - Jayne Ann Krentz (H/H fall in love) 7/28/12
86. Queasy Smurf:Scrumptious - Amanda Usen (heroine gets plastered) 12/8/12
87. Pusher Smurf: Waking Nightmare - Kylie Brant (hero is a recovering alcoholic) 11/9/12
88. Upside down Smurf: First You Run - Roxanne St. Claire (heroine finds out she's adopted and it shocks her) 9/13/12
89. Camper Smurf: The Gunslinger - Stephen King (anti-hero sleeps outside) 9/30/12
90. Show Off Smurf: Voices - Arnaldur Indridason (char collects records) 7/14/12
91. Impolite Smurf: Killing The Blues - Robert Parker (hated hero at first) 7/5/12
92. Annoying Smurf: Eyes Of Crow - Jeri Smith-Ready (on TBR since Aug 2009) 8/13/12
93. Simple Minded Smurf: Mona Lisa Eclipsing - Sunny (last published book in the series) 9/28/12
94. Reveler Smurf: Walking Dead - C.E. Murphy (heroine throws halloween party) 7/18/12
95. Thinker Smurf: A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin (lots left up in the air) 7/19/12
96. Dancer Smurf: In the Woods - Tana French (victim is a dancer) 11/4/12
97. Pointer Smurf: Fair Game - Patricia Briggs (waited 3 years for publication) 9/21/12
98. Disguised Smurf: Weekend Warriors - Fern Michaels (most characters wear a disguise) 7/7/12
99. Tuffy Smurf: Corpse Pose - Diana Killian (heroine owns a yoga studio) 7/5/12
100. Stoic Smurf: Ascension - Sable Grace (heroine hides thier emotions) 8/4/12
101. Postman Smurf: Zero Day - David Baldacci (mailman discovers the bodies while delivering a package) 9/28/12
102. Suicide Mission Smurf: Host - Faith Hunter (heroine tries to save the post-apocalyptic world) 8/8/12
103. Blacksmith Smurf: One With the Darkness - Susan Squires (historical romance) 8/22/12

message 46: by Cherie (new)

Cherie  (cheriereads) updating


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message 47: by Gina (new)

Gina Updated my post in message #10

message 48: by Adele (new)

Adele Symonds (adelesymonds) updated post 41, does a hunt for a lost cat work for task 13?

message 49: by Dawn (Kat N Hat) (new)

Dawn (Kat N Hat) (katnhat) Adele wrote: "updated post 41, does a hunt for a lost cat work for task 13?"

Cats are people too. I'll take it.

message 50: by Cherie (new)

Cherie  (cheriereads) Updating...


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