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After a car accident killed her parents when she was a child, Bronagh Murphy chose to box herself off from people in an effort to keep herself from future hurt. If she doesn't befriend people, talk to them or acknowledge them in any way they leave her alone just like she wants.

When Dominic Slater enters her life, ignoring him is all she has to do to get his attention. Dominic is used to attention, and when he and his brothers move to Dublin, Ireland for family business, he gets nothing but attention. Attention from everyone except the beautiful brunette with a sharp tongue.

Dominic wants Bronagh and the only way he can get to her, is by dragging her from the boxed off corner she has herself trapped in the only way he knows how... by force.

Dominic wants her, and what Dominic wants, Dominic gets.

300 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 17, 2014

About the author

L.A. Casey

33 books6,161 followers
L.A. Casey is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who juggles her time between her mini-me and writing. She was born, raised in Dublin, Ireland, and currently resides in Kildare, Ireland. She enjoys chatting with her readers, who love her humour and Irish accent as much as her books.

Casey's first book, DOMINIC, was independently published in 2014 and became an instant success on Amazon. She is both traditionally and independently published and is represented by Mark Gottlieb from Trident Media Group.

To read more about this author, visit her website at www.lacaseyauthor.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,172 reviews
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
March 19, 2014

"Dominic is set in Ireland; most of the characters are Irish, and the Irish have a dialect that is completely different from any other dialect in the world. We tend to break words down when speaking and jumble themโ€ฆ.."

"I want to make it clear that when you see an Irish character in Dominic say the word โ€œmeโ€ where โ€œmyโ€ should be, that is supposed to be written that way. Everything is โ€œmeโ€ here in Ireland and rarely โ€œmyโ€โ€ฆ "

"โ€ฆwe also leave out the letter G on most words when we speak, again, this is just another part of our dialect.โ€

"I just wanted to put this note in for readers who arenโ€™t familiar with Irish dialect, so you donโ€™t read a sentence and think โ€œWTF?โ€

How about putting a note for those of us who ARE Irish and are familiar with Irish dialect and think WTF?

I only read the sample and that was enough for me. Seriously, as an Irish person I was disturbed by the way we were portrayed. Even the fucking teacher in the school couldnโ€™t pronounce the words. The author is from Dublin. I am not, but I do know Dublin people and I know they also would be horrified to be portrayed like that.

So any of my friends who read this book, please, please be under no illusions that we are ALL like that from Ireland.

Thatโ€™s ME desk
โ€ฆ drive ME crazy โ€ฆ
โ€ฆ thatโ€™s ME name.
โ€ฆ can I listen to ME Itouch?
Heโ€™s in ME seat.
โ€ฆ share ME worktop.

โ€ฆ and that was only in the sample.

OK, I might be a bit notorious on here for flying the flag for Ireland and have given harsh reviews to non-Irish authors for not doing it right. But when it is one of your own that cannot get it right, that is a NO GO area for me.

I wish the author well. It is a debut novel but doubt you will have many Irish fans!! Then again I could be completely wrong. Its been 25 years since I lived in the country...
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
March 27, 2014

Title: Dominic
Series: Slater Brothers #1
Author: L.A Casey
Release Date: March, 2014
Rating: 0 stars; Note: DNFed.
Cliffhanger:. No

DNF 65%

Iโ€™m so in hate with this novel, there wonโ€™t be any pretty graphics to make my review sweeter.

I just couldnโ€™t do it anymore. It was horrible brainwashing disaster that left me feeling confused and very angry. The characters were dumb, childish and very unlikeable, the plot was boring and not original at all and I simply couldnโ€™t find Dominic and his actions amusing.Were they idiotic? Yes. Were they childish? Yep. Were they fuckinโ€™ unaceptable? YEAH.

So, Dominic go to hell and never come back. Donโ€™t even try to crawl out of the rock you hide yourself. I HATED HIM (if you havenโ€™t noticed already). Cause telling someone she has a Fat Ass, in my book, is not a compliment and bullying/calling names/forcing someone to do something is not a foreplay. He didnโ€™t even consider it a BAD THING. DOMINIC WAS HORRIBLE human being! Period.

And Bronagh? Who the fuck could like this stupid heroine? She was so dumb and naรฏve and out of her goddammed mind I wanted to struggle her. YGH! Even thinking about her makes me want to hurl. She wanted to be all tough and badass she looked like an idiot most of the time.

And whatโ€™s more, the entire plot was not only idiotic but utterly unbelievable. There were so many scenes that made what to throw my ereader across the room, I was stunned when I realized that my baby wonโ€™t survive me finishing this novel. So for sake of my sanity and my beloved ereader, Iโ€™m singing off this shit. NEVER AGAIN WILL I TOUCH THIS SERIES.


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March 24, 2014
4 Crazy and What a Riot Stars!

What the hell was that???? Seriously when I started reading this book I was hoping for your typical alpha male, with alpha male tendencies, and the typical heroine who's an absolute doormat. So basically what I wanted was the hero to swoop in and wham! bham! it's over!

What I got was:
1. An OTT hormonal alpha male teenage boy (who I loved!)
2. A foul mouthed heroine (who reminded me of myself)
3. A shit ton of sexual tension and teenage angst

My goodness these people were just awful to each other and I enjoyed every damn minute of it! I friggin loved Dominic and Bronagh!!! I loved all the Slater brothers and would accost them on sight!!!

Seriously this book was like a huge burger with all the sides, it's horrible for your health but it doesn't taste that way!

March 8, 2014
5 Shockingly Good Fuck-Face and Fat-Arse Stars

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ARC Provided by the author, "L.A.Casey" in exchange for an honest review


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God where to start, oh yeah if you are a prude and are easily shocked don't even read this book because it will leave you with a mouth open catching flies!! There is ALOT and I mean ALOT of abuse in here (Laughs Arse off) and ALOT shitloads to be exact of Swearing!! I lost count at 100 swear words!! So to sum it up this book was Fucking Awesome!!

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"Listen here, you little cock suckin' cunt, I am not yours. I am not anythin' to you and if you so much as hint that I am again, I'll kikc the shite outta you and then stab you in the eye with a pen."

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I have not laughed my fat arse (yep I have one too) off so much in a book that I looked like a bat shit crazy bitch on crack, one stage my partner had to turn the tv up because I was laughing too loud!! My bad!!

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These two with their one liners, throwing of anything that's not nailed down will have you in hysterics!! Oh and before I forget Dominic is a Fuck Face!! And that is putting it nicely!! But by the end of the book you will claim him as your next book boyfriend!!

Ever since Bronagh's parents passed away in a car accident she closed herself off to everyone until a smart arsed prick Dominic and his alpha male tendencies ploughed down her walls..


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"You've always been mine, pretty girl, you just didn't know it."

I can not wait for the rest of this series!! Even though in the beginning this book comes across very YA that goes out the window ones you start getting into the story line and that is what a good author does!! I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars that is how much I loved it!!

"I won't ever leave you, that's something that you should know about me, baby. Once you're mine. I won't ever let you go. I'm a stubborn prick eighty percent of the time, so even if you want to leave me, I still wouldn't let it happen."

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Profile Image for Tori.
2,842 reviews480 followers
May 12, 2014

I'm not really even sure where to start with this book. I read the warning attached to the book claiming there is abundance of cursing, alpha behavior, and OTT drama. However, Ms. Casey fails to inform the reader there is bullying, slut shaming, gratuitous violence, and an emotionally abusive relationship. Oh yes, no matter how many times you giggle during this book, the relationship between the MCs is abusive.

Similar to Beautiful Disaster in the set up-bad boy who illegally fights and is used to getting what he wants meets a good girl who is emotionally cut off from the world and rejects him and his love.

Sadly, it's all down hill from there. We watch as the hero bullies, insults, and sexually assaults the heroine to show her he likes her. Wait, it gets better. His gives voice to his attraction by calling her a phat arse (that's suppose to be a complement), slut, crazy bitch, and my personal fav...c*nt.

Be still my heart.

The heroine is no better. She's belligerent, verbally and physically abusive to him in return. She makes her feelings known repeatedly that she wants nothing to do with him yet after he beats up a boy who she's friends with for the 3rd time she decides to try being his girlfriend because why fight fate. *head desk* . I think what cheesed me off more then anything is his and her family saw nothing wrong with the way they acted. They just poo pooed and brushed it off because that was just the way this couple is, ya know? No, I don't know. I don't want to know.

I know this review sounds frivolous but it's really not. This book is so anti romance it isn't even funny. If you looking for a how to manual on abusive YA relationships then here you go. If your looking for a YA romance that celebrates young love and healthy relationships then I suggest you skip this one.

Profile Image for L.A. Casey.
Author 33 books6,161 followers
Shelved as 'finished-writing'
January 15, 2016


DOMINIC is set in Ireland; most of the characters are Irish, and the Irish have a dialect that is completely different from any other dialect in the world. We tend to break words down when speaking and jumble them up; we're weird like that.

I want to make it clear that when you see an Irish (Dublin) character in DOMINIC and the rest of the Slater Brothers series know that they are based on my accent and how I speak, when they say the word 'me' where 'my' should be, it is supposed to be written that way. Of course, not everyone in Ireland says 'me' in replacement of 'my', this is again just based on my own accent and how I speak. I replace 'my' with 'me' nearly 100% of the time.

Here in South Dublin, where the book is set, it is also more common for most people (not everyone!) to leave out the letter G on most words when they speak, again, this is just another part of our dialect.

I just wanted to put this note in for readers who aren't familiar with Irish dialect, so you don't read a sentence and think, "What the fuck?"

Profile Image for PrudesBeware.
5 reviews1 follower
April 16, 2014

If you're a prude, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.
If you can't handle a hero and heroine who are batshit crazy, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.
If you can't handle swearing, violence and a bunch of random stuff been thrown at the hero's head, SERIOUSLY, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.
If you DON'T heed the author's warning and go ahead and read the book KNOWING you will hate what is in the warnings then you my friend, are a special kind of stupid.


I will NEVER base a book off reviews EVER AGAIN. Some of the reviews for Dominic on this page are fucking APPALLING. I was ticked off after reading many of them because I bought the book and was bummed it would be a bad read because that is was all the negative reviews promise.


It seems I was the minority that actually read the author's warning and readers note in her review, it wasn't hard to miss, it's on top of the fucking page AND on the description of the book on Amazon. I honestly do NOT understand why everyone is bitching about the drama, violence and constant swearing when they were fucking TOLD it would be in the book. I don't get it at all. Either they managed to miss the warnings that were in the description or they are plain fucking stupid!



UPDATE: This DEBUT book was released on March 17th, 2014 and today March 20th, 2014, three days after its release, it is an Amazon Bestseller!! The author is only 22 years old, still a kid, with her whole life and career ahead of her, congratulations to you L.A. Casey, I wish you nothing but success!


I LOVED the book, the warnings actually appealed to me which is why I bought the book.


I thought it started off very YA but that went straight out the window and after a few chapters it was easy to see why it is New Adult and not straight up Young Adult. The characters are 18 and deal with a lot of shit.

I came across this little gem on the movers and shakers list on Amazon and I am really happy I took a chance on it because HELLO SLATER BROTHERS!!!

The best way for me to start this review is to declare my love for Dominic, Nico, Fuckface, Rampage or whatever the fuck you want to call him and claim him as mine!


I love everything about this character, I surprisingly even love the fact that he is a huge asshole who says the word 'fuck' more times than a nun says prayers. Usually that would get on my nerves but the fact that Dominic's character was not only possessive and dominant, but was also funny, sarcastic and a sweetheart really did it for me and helped balance out a lot of the shit he did. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to slap him silly at times when he treated Bronagh badly but I couldn't help but love him because he made up for all the bad things he did. He is my new number one book boyfriend friend, Ms Casey knocked it out the park with this character.

Dominic is L.A. Casey's DEBUT NOVEL and she completely killed it, I'm so excited for the rest of the series! Bring on the rest of the Slater brothers, mama is ready for you!

Dominic isn't about just a book about meaningless fighting, sex and teenage/adult drama. While it does have a lot of those things, being meaningful of course, the main aspects of the story are loyalty and letting go. Loyalty is mainly between the Slater brothers in this story. Ryder, Kane, Alec, Dominic and Damien make up this sexy as sin family. I won't give away any spoilers but when you find out the things they go through you will understand why they are so loyal and would do anything for one another. I LOVED that, I loved how close the brothers are and the fact that would literally die for each other without a seconds hesitation is just... ugh!


The letting go aspect of the book is for our leading lady, Bronagh Murphy, and for one of the Slater brothers but you will have to read to find out who ;)

Bronagh (Pronounced Bro-nah) is in a bubbled world, a world she created herself by never letting anyone inside. She fears rejection and loss, the death of her parents when she was young enabled these feelings inside her and moulded her into the iron hearted person she is. She is an angry person, and even though she snapped at Dominic for things that most people would let slide, she has every right to be, she lost her parents when she was a child, that would mess anyone's head up. The only person she keeps close to her is her older sister/guardian, Branna.

Bronagh is the definition of a loner, but certainly not a push over. I LOVED that about her, I honestly thought she would be a bullied girl and that Dominic would stand up for her, thus entering her life but that is SO not what happens. Bronagh may be a loner and an all round quiet person in general but if you step to her, you best believe she will come out swinging... literally. She doesn't like talking to people or dealing with people in anyway and when she has to, depending on the situation, she will be nice and polite or downright feisty and rude.


When Dominic and his brothers come to her hometown in Dublin, Ireland, it kicks off the roller coaster of a ride that is their relationship. From that point on we're apart of a love/hate relationship between two characters who lust after one another like crazy but at times (most of the time) can't stand each other. Dominic is not your typical hard headed 18 year old, he is determined person with very grown up job. A secret job and is right up my fucking street.


Will Bronagh succeed at pushing Dominic away or will this arrogant stud find a way to teach her what it is really like to live and open your heart to the possibilities of love? Read to find out!

I was constantly surprised while reading Dominic, I loved that the plot line wasn't predictable. It was such a refreshing read after reading so many heartbreaking books over the last few weeks. Seriously, I laughed so hard during some scenes while reading that I got cramps!!. The reason why the brothers were in Ireland excited me so much more because I wasn't expecting it, I mean, I had an slight idea from Bronagh's suspicions but nothing like what was actually happening. That alone has me so excited for the rest of the books in the series because I have no idea what direction the author will take the other brothers books it but I am so ready to dive head first into them and find out!



P.S. To the people who one starred the book when they sampled it or marked as DNF.


Dominic on Amazon
Dominic on Amazon UK
March 19, 2014

Stopped at 38%

Firstly, this book is filled with cuss! That didn't thrill me at all to continue my reading. But I don't think that Irish girl cuss that much daily! Plus that temper was not sitting well.

Secondly, it was kind annoying to see those two banter with each other. I felt like sewing her mouth. Way too much of drama!! Nothing that was interesting!

Lastly, few hot tattooed boys and a fighter in it, nothing seems appealing.

Hence, I am out for here!

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**ARC provided for review**
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
March 28, 2014
So I'll admit that this started off a little rough!

If you're not a fan of assholes with no limits to what they can and can't do, can and can't say then don't read this. You'll cringe. But I'm the kind of girl that really loves an ASSHOLE ALPHA and I freaking loveeeedddd this. There was just so much juiciness. Yes, they're a little immature but they're in high school!!! There's a lot of dirty language but again it didn't bother me in the slightest. I got more annoyed at the slap happiness at one point but then it died down. By the time I got to the end I was in LOVVVVVVVE with EVERY CHARACTER!

I can't wait for the next one!

I especially LOVVVVVED the Irish lingo! Gah! I just felt like I was in Ireland! Lovedddd it.

Oh and the sex....HOTTTTTTTT! I mean he's 18 and Holy Moses! I can just imagine what a monster he'll be at thirty lol!

Also, I found this to be such a GOOD story plot wise. LOTS of action, funny at times, nutty at times, sexy at times. It was just an ALL out GREAT time.

BUT REALLY BEWARE THESE CHARACTERS ARE FUCKING NUTS. Hahahahaha! But I LOVED living in there NUTTY world. Oh and if you don't like the girl being called, bitch or slut, then think on this. I mean, sometimes it's said mean but other times it's funny and jokish. AGAIN, I am NOT offended by things like that as long as the tone is not condescending and belittling. It's just all a matter of taste (IMO)!!! :)
Profile Image for โœฟkawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews420 followers
September 10, 2016
UPDATE: It's LIVE on Amazon UK, Amazon US, and Amazon AU friends!! Pick up your copy NOW!!

Holy fuc#%in sh*t this book was not what I had expected!

~And why yes Kat, โ€œBlonde Twin is Amazing!โ€ F*#k, I LOVED Damien!


Dominc was a nice interlude to kick off the stories of the Slater brothers, all FIVE of them, and their relationships with their women and trying to take hold of their pasts.

Dominic tells the story of two individuals at a crossroads with life.

Set in the lavish suburbs of Ireland, we meet one feisty Irish gal and one American underground fighter looking to have a fresh start.

Bronagh (pronounced โ€œBro-nahโ€ my fellow non-Irish friends) Murphy, lost her parents at a very young age which left big sister Branna as her guardian and rock for all extents and purposes. Due to this loss, Bronagh closes herself off and wonโ€™t let anyone get close to her with the exception of big sis.

She meets American transfer students (yes, they are still in high school!) Dominic โ€œNicoโ€ Slater and his twin Damien, and her world is forever shifted upside down. And no, there is no love triangle between her and the two broโ€™s. Thereโ€™s other suitorโ€™s vying for the attentions of Bronagh and Nico but no love triangles! Thank god!

Now faced with the only person who can bring her outside of her shell will she succumb to Dominicโ€™s iron will and give him and life a chance? And will Dominic ever win over the girl that is so different from the others and challenges him at every turn?


But with a secret dwindling down that threatens to tear apart everything and could mean deadly consequences, how will everything turn out?

My verdict: An awesome beginning of whatโ€™s to come!

Dominic, is filled with everything from: love, renewal, anguish, deceit, letting go and giving into second chances!

I wished that book two would have been on Damien, the โ€œniceโ€ twin that Brongah always refers to but sadly his story wonโ€™t be till last! How did I know?! Always save the most anticipated stories to the end!


Instead, book two will focus on Alec, one of Dominic and Damienโ€™s older brothers and it looks to be an interesting one!! Especially because Alec is a ******(no spoiler!)!

Then after we have Kane, Ryder, and lastly Damien.

I really hope that for Ryderโ€™s story that there isnโ€™t additional drama to his and (*Iโ€™m not spoiling)โ€™s story! I thought they were awesome together in Dominic and so if thereโ€™s any unnecessary developments that lead to a break up, cheating, or moving on to others I will throw a serious tantrum and turn into a Bronagh and whack some people in the head!

And that brings me to another thing! Do all Irish have tempers?! Bronagh and her sister were such a riot and were always quick to flare up and mob someone! Woah. But in another sense, I have to admit that it was kind of funny and entertaining.

As for Dominic, he too had a temper but nothing like Bronagh. His overprotective and possessive as well as alpha male tendencies were tremendous factors as to his character and his love/hate relationship with Bronagh. I swear, they were 99% of the book bickering and Bronagh was always delivering some kind of physical blow to his body.

And letโ€™s not forget their nicknames for each other: Bronagh=โ€Pretty girlโ€ or โ€œFat-Arseโ€ and Dominic is โ€œF*#k Faceโ€. Such lovely endearments! Lol


In conclusion: I DEFINITELY recommend this to you girls who dig dominant strong men! I will caution that like I was warned by the author, the main girl is quite the b*tch and the main guy is a prick.

HOWEVER, it still didnโ€™t defer me from loving it all the way and reading this book straight in two sessions! I was that addicted! L.A. Casey sure writes quite an explosive beginning to the start of something great!

Gosh, I want book two already!!

*An ARC was provided to me via the author for an honest review. Thank you!*
March 6, 2020
Fighting, bickering, jealousy, love-hate, funny goodness!

This book was quite a ride from beginning to end. Bronagh is an Irish girl who lost her parents at a young age and lives with her older sister. She decided when she lost her parents that she wouldnโ€™t form any other relationships because it hurt too much to lose them. So she keeps completely to herself in school and in her life aside from her sister.

When Americans Dominic and Damien start at her school, Dominic is immediately intrigued by the girl who wants nothing to do with him. He wonโ€™t leave her alone and though she likes to keep to herself, when she is antagonized, she gives as good as she gets.

โ€œIthinkIbrokeyourXboxbutIdidnโ€™tmeantoIswear,โ€ I blurted out in one breath.
Dominic just stared at me for a moment, and then slowly set me down onto my feet. โ€œMove so I can check on her,โ€ he growled.
I widened my eyes for two reasons. Firstly, he actually understood my rapid-fire admission, and secondly he called his Xbox her.

What starts out as a hate-hate relationship between Bronagh and Dominic changes a bit when one of the other boys starts pushing her around and Dominic stands up for her and fights him saying that the guy touched what was his. From there it turns into a love-hate relationship between the two main characters.

They go back and forth trying to figure out their feelings, while she is still dealing with her issues. It is a definite roller coaster ride but I loved it. Dominic had feelings for her from the start and he gets possessive and jealous and keeps messing things up, but he has a good heart. I plan to read the whole series.

Profile Image for Arenaโ™ก.
410 reviews723 followers
December 28, 2020
โœง 4 'fuckface and phat ass' stars โœง

'You've always been mine, pretty girl. You just didn't know it.'

okay, so phew...
this book was a wild ride. but despite all its faults, i really, really enjoyed it.

so let's start with the fact that their fighting all throughout the book wasn't cool. it wasn't cute. it wasn't adorable. it was flat out annoying.

i mean the only thing Bee did was hit him. anything he did, from teasing her, to fighting with her, she just threw something at him. or punched him. or slapped him. basically screamed bloody murder at every small thing it wasn't cute or funny. it was aggravating.

he said something upsetting? punch
he teased you? kick
he looked at you? slap
laundry-man didn't separate black from whites? scratch
someone went down on you? kick some more

she just hit him. tf- why????

but when some jealous girl kicked the shit out of her? oh please, god please, don't kill me. wtf?? where did all the kicks and punches and badass-ness go now???

and then there was him going around and throwing punches.

Jason touched Bee? punch
Gavin looked at Bee? punch
Someone call her fat? punch bc ofc, when he did it, it was fine.
Someone bully her? punch bc again, i'm a big fucking hypocrite.

but like i said, even after all of this, i loved it. why?
โžข after the initial shitty stuff, the book got really nice.
โžข the Slater brothers and their bond. it was beautiful to see so many brothers with so much love between them
โžข the way their relationship really developed in the end. they actually started to make a nice couple towards the end
โžข the action towards the end

after the initial 20-30% I started liking the book. the dynamic of the family was interesting. from all their roles in the "business" to the stuff they had to go through, along with what happened to Damien, it was all very interesting to watch unfold.

"I more than like you but don't feel near love yet, so I put the word love and like together and got live so I live you. I'm in live with you, pretty girl."
Profile Image for Angie **loves angst**.
270 reviews15 followers
September 9, 2016
Listen I not a picky reader. Most things that annoy my friends in books I can overlook and still find some enjoyment in it. After sleeping on it and rethinking this I've revised my rating to two stars.

My main issue with this book was:


I try to keep my life and reads drama free. I love me some angst and emotional reads but this was just too, too much...


Issue Number #2: The constant fighting. Someone was always hitting or beating on another for childish, silly reasons.

Issue Number #3: The word fuck is used 347 times in the book. I found that to be FUCKING ridiculous and unneccessary.

Issue Number #4: He's a fighter. *Yawn* Been there, done that.

Issue Number #5: Poor writing + weak plot twist= Instant purchasing regrets.

Issue Number #6: The use of the word "ME." I have no problems if Irish persons speak like this, but after I while I just couldn't take it anymore.

This was a trainwreck, ten car accident and helicopter crash all rolled into one book.

Rating: 2 Make it stop! Stars
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,154 followers
March 17, 2014
 photo dominiccasting_zps9c055d68.jpg

Well, itโ€™s safe to say that this book is a complete RIOT! Itโ€™s totally not what I was expecting. When I first saw that cover and read the blurb, I was expecting a romance in a similar style to Katy Evansโ€™ Real but this is very different from that. In fact, when I first realised that the two main protagonists are actually in High School, I was initially a little put off, but thereโ€™s something about this book that really kind of captivated me and I was pretty much sucked in.

Let me start off by saying that this book is VERY Irish - you can hear that Irish Brogue coming through loud and clear with the attitude, the slang and the swearing. No one can swear quite like the Irish โ€“ I feckinโ€™ love it! I think itโ€™s incredibly fitting that the book releases on Paddyโ€™s Day โ€“ perfect timing.

Bronagh is our heroine, who has been raised for nine years by her elder sister due the tragic loss of her parents. This has hit Bronagh hard and sheโ€™s vowed never to allow anyone close enough to her for her to ever feel that pain of loss ever again. Sheโ€™s closed off from everyone apart from Bronagh and hides from reality behind a pair of ear buds staying in her own little world. Sheโ€™s incredibly spiky and practically snarls at anyone who gets close โ€“ sheโ€™s funny but sheโ€™s also very sharp with a dry,acerbic wit. Most of all, Bronagh is fierce, scarily so โ€“ she has a short fuse and is never shy of standing up for herself and what she thinks is right.

The American Slater Brothers storm into town like a tornado and Dominic and Damien, totally gorgeous twins, are placed in Bronaghโ€™s class and Dominic knows straight away that he wants her but sheโ€™s gong to make it as difficult for him as she possibly can, fighting off his charms while other girls are literally falling at his feet but he is determined to pursue her.

Dominic is cocky, arrogant, possessive, protective, rude, quick to anger but heโ€™s also incredibly charming and lovable, as are all the Slater boys and, despite some of his absolute stupidity in this book, heโ€™s hard not to like. He torments Bronagh at school for ignoring his advances and makes her life hell. I had to laugh when he admired her โ€˜phat assโ€™ and she thought he had said โ€˜fat arseโ€™ and named him Fuckface โ€“ they really did become Fatarse and Fuckface in my head after that one and I found myself grinning like a goof at some of their antics and arguments.

This is all kinds of crazy as the story thunders along at a furious pace with everyone constantly falling out, snarling and hissing at one another like feral cats and constantly falling into physical fights. I think I lost count of the amount of times poor old Dominic got clocked around the head. Luckily, the guy has a hard head as heโ€™s an underground fighter going by the names of Nico or Rampage, something that Bronagh really doesnโ€™t like.

Of course, thereโ€™s a reason why the Slater Brothers have come to Ireland and this will come roaring back to put them all in danger and the last part of the novel is a crazy rush of drama and action and it really does move us well beyond the High School style romance and into something significantly more adult.

I have to say Bronaghโ€™s High School experience is pretty brutal. She gets beaten up several times and is always finding herself embroiled in fights and Dominic is no better โ€“ both of them, and several others, spend most of this novel wandering around with cuts and bruises.

Deep at the heart of the novel, despite the batshit crazy pace, is a story of deep and abiding loyalty between family and friends and very much a strong theme of love โ€“ brotherly, sisterly, romantic and very sexual love. Itโ€™s thoroughly enjoyable and charming with some really great character development. Itโ€™s so sweet to see Bronaghโ€™s spiky resolve slowly being taken down by Dominic and her frozen heart slowly melting for him. I adored the way that he loved her and cherished her, despite their screaming arguments and I couldnโ€™t help but find myself rooting for them.

"I'm yours?" I mumbled, still in awe that this beautiful person wanted me when he could have any girl he wanted.

Dominic smiled at me and kissed the tip of my nose then winked as he said, "You've always been mine, pretty girl. You just didn't know it."

This book is just all kinds of crazy but, strangely, it works โ€“ OK, itโ€™s a debut and itโ€™s a little rough around the edges with a few typos but itโ€™s very original and it is absolutely hilarious and I really did enjoy it and Iโ€™ll definitely be continuing with the series. Canโ€™t wait for some more Slater Boys action with Alec, the manwhore, up next. Iโ€™m dying for Damienโ€™s story which I think will be the most emotional but it appears the author is saving the best till last.

4 totally mad stars

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Profile Image for Maria....
428 reviews162 followers
March 20, 2016
Re-read 11/3/2016

"5 Fuckface & Pretty girl stars"

"You look so fucking hot when you come, pretty girl.
Hmm, you taste even better."

"Are you okay phat ass?"
"I've never been better, Fuckface."

I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!It's one of my favorite!

I ADORE Dominic!He is the sweetest ASSHOLE!

"Keep running that smart mouth of yours and I'll bend you over,
smack that phat ass and fuck you with my big cock!"

I love this book and the characters in it!
They created an amazing family together with all the flaws and everything!
This book was sweet,funny,hot,dangerous with lots and lots of fights and lots and lots of hormones and raging hard on's!
You know this is a recipe for disaster...Right...???
I do hate you Bronagh and I can't stand you at times.
But I'm also attracted to you more than I have ever been to a girl in my life.
I want you."

Dominic was great,funny,hot and a fighter!One moment he was sweet and the next he was a HUGE asshole!There were times that I didn't like him very much because of the way he talked to Bronagh and I wanted to kick his ass!Clearly he wasn't thinking with the right head whenever she was around!He was so possessive and ready to fight anyone who came between him and Bronagh!

"First and only warning you're getting,Collins. She's mine,
if you try and take her away from me,I will kill you."

Bronagh was a loner,funny especially with her sister and had anger issues which I'm glad she overcome in the next books in this series.Whenever she was around Dominic she went batshit crazy! The only thing that bothered me was that she was very amateur sometimes.They made each other crazy that's for sure.

"You drive me fucking crazy."
Back at you, mate!

Of Course since they fought so much that led to some intense situations whenever these two were concerned!
It was some kind of foreplay...HOT!HOT!HOT!
Whatever,it's the true,you have no idea what you do to me,Bronagh.
You make me feel,baby,really feel.I want you to be mine for good
this time,no bullshit.Will you be mine?"

Dominic had a HUGE thing with Bronagh's phat ass!It was his baby!;)
"It feels so good!"
"You feel so fucking good,baby,
your pussy is wrapped around my cock like a vice."
"You like that?You like me fucking this pretty little pussy?"

"You're so fucking sexy."
"Stop that,anyone could walk in here!"
"Like I care,you being jealous and possessive
of me has me hard as diamond.I fucking love
this side of you."
"You're going from sexy as fuck to adorable as hell.
You're killing me here!"

"Baby this is only the beginning for us.Give it some time,
and once you're used to all this, you will just accept that
you're mine and you will be happy.I guarantee it."
"I'm yours?"
"You're always been mine,pretty girl.
You just didn't know it."

March 27, 2014
2.5 stars

BLURB: Orphaned at a young age, eighteen year old Bronagh is used to keeping people at a distance, afraid to let anyone in and eventually get hurt. That all changes the day the hot American Dominic walks into her school and is constantly in her face. Everywhere she turns, he's there, annoying the fuck out of her. Of course, that can only mean one thing...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I had a ton of issues with this book. It really was not for me. Mostly though, there was a lot of repetition, everything was far too overdone or OTT for my liking.

Hard to believe that Dominic was an 18 year old.
Bronagh's body issues. I got it, I didn't need to be reminded of it all the time.
The violent behaviors in nearly every character... Bronagh slaps and punches and throws things at Dominic, who punches Jason, Gavin headbutts Dominic, Dominic bites Bronagh, Branna punches Dominic and scratches Ryder, Destiny attacks Bronagh and so does Micah.... This all really happens, and probably more.
Two hundred and seventy odd versions of the word 'fuck' it got a little annoying and pointless.
On the mention of repetition, there was 100+ eye rolls too. **Eye roll**
Even though Dominic declares 'she's mine', that does not necessarily mean he's hers. Share the love.
'The first time always hurts for girls.' Er... no... it doesn't. - this line later redeemed itself by pointing out that sperm doesn't really taste great. Lol.
Then to top it all off I find out that the one guy I liked - Damien - turns out to be a bit of an ass too.

I really enjoyed the first 20% it was funny. So I will try the 2nd book, but refrain from rating/reviewing if I don't like it, because it will be my own fault.
As for that 20%, I really liked the 'love/hate' storyline, Bronagh was incredibly funny. She was argumentative, silly, kind of violent and sarcastic. Then it just went badly from there out for me, there was far too much of the mentioned above, too much arguing and everything that went with it.
Profile Image for Maida (Medley of Books).
1,821 reviews525 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 12, 2016

RATING: DNF @ 58% :(

Dominic just isnโ€™t for me. I canโ€™t connect with the characters nor can I respect them. I realize the blurb warns about all the possible reasons why someone would not like the story but there is a limit. I was expecting a little bit of everything mentioned in the blurb, and I made my peace with all that BEFORE starting, but what I canโ€™t condone is violence, no matter how bad a temper someone has. The heroine has a bad temper - fine. She hits the hero on multiple occasions - NOT fine. Her sister hits the hero on multiple occasions - NOT fine. So, that was my last straw.

Maybe its just not the right time for me to read this. There are numerous raving reviews so donโ€™t take my opinion on this. This is just a pinch of my thoughts.

Suffice to say, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll be continuing with the series.


Posted: May 11, 2016
Profile Image for Valentina "TinchyB" .
350 reviews75 followers
March 20, 2014

Please...did you expect any less from me!?
I love my men possessive and batshit crazy and this one was all in one!
He's a fighter and a mobster for crying out loud...
Can a girl ask for more!?


I loved both of characters!
They make me laugh so hard I almost choke myself!
Loved their constant bantering and fighting...they were never boring!
And their steamy scenes too...
Oh my,and most important...I can't forget Nico's dirty mouth...HOT!


I liked Bee character most!
She's feisty and strong and she don't put up with anybody shit.
I'm sick of whining and "slow in head" female characters,so this one was a nice change!


It was a funny and nice read!
If you don't believe me,go and see for yourself!

Profile Image for Elise โœ˜ a.k.a Ryder's Pet โœ˜.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
January 23, 2020
โ‹ฐโ‹ฑโ‹ฐโ‹ฑโ‹ฐโ‹ฑ*Nope, Just Nope*โ‹ฐโ‹ฑโ‹ฐโ‹ฑโ‹ฐโ‹ฑ

The book centers around Bronagh โ€˜Beeโ€™ Jane Murphy (17, turns 18) and Dominic โ€˜Nicoโ€™ Slater (18). Dominic is new to Bronagh's school and they immediately clash. Already having a bully after her, Bronagh doesn't need another. Specially not one who calls her his own.. Overall I didn't like it. The re-read was a complete bust and I really regret starting it. I wanted to quit straight away, but I kept saying to myself; โ€˜โ€˜maybe there will be some character growthโ€™โ€™, buuuuuut nooooo. That so did not happen.

I definitely didn't like the use of faggot and cunt to get back at one another. And I definitely didn't like how Bronagh kept hitting Dominic (Branna too). In fact, they were both quite abusive towards one another; Dominic with his horrible use of words (verbal assaults), and (mostly) Bronagh with use of horrible words and physical abuse/assault. I don't understand how I liked it before, the chemistry is no where to be found and the characters are truly immature and kinda horrible persons. So much that I really didn't want to continue. After 60% I started to skim.

From the moment I started the book, I knew I wouldn't like it. The constant use of โ€˜!โ€™ quickly became annoying, Bronagh constant yelling/angry at people who did not deserve it, was eye rolling to read, her โ€˜all the time temper tantrumโ€™ got boring the first time it happened, and Dominic wasn't all that hot this time around. In fact, I found him childish, immature and kinda...โ€˜abusiveโ€™ and seriously lacked control - he had some temperament uses, and big one at that. Though there were moments were Dominic and Bronagh has some cuteness, it never lasted long and it was annoying as fuck. That being said, I no longer like this book. If you hadn't caught that, that is.

Other Characters:
The list is somewhat long so I put it in a spoilers tag.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (New Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/F).
Series: - Series, Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - None, but if I had to choose; Dominic โ€˜Nicoโ€™ Slater.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Unsure, but probably not anymore.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Not really.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
New Rating - 2 stars.

First read review:
Not bad, I liked it.
Rate: 4/3 stars.
Profile Image for Yessi Smith.
Author 14 books498 followers
January 24, 2014
This is easily the hardest review Iโ€™ve written simply because I want to do this book justice. But here goes.

Dominic is more than a story about love and loss, but also a story about trust and letting go.

Bronagh lost her parents when she was nine, leaving her sister Branna as her guardian and the only person she loves and trusts. At 18, Bronagh has built a barrier around herself and her heart that no one has been able to break through. At least until Dominic, an American prick, comes into this spunky Irish lassโ€™ life and very literally turns her world on its heels. Under Dominicโ€™s attentive eye and constant teasing, Bronagh is no longer invisible to her fellow classmates and even finds herself making friends.

They share a love/hate relationship that left me smiling and laughing like a moron. I canโ€™t tell you how many times Dominic got clocked in the head, but I enjoyed every single hit, smack and verbal combat between Bronagh and Dominic. Just when Bronagh readies herself to open her heart to this beautiful but arrogant SOB, life throws one more twist at her. A secret Dominic and the other Slater brothers are hiding that explains what brought them to Ireland in the first place.

The wit, humor and sarcasm in this book, mixed with the panty dropping sex scenes, makes Dominic a top 5 book for me. Not just a top 5 for 2014, but top 5, ever. So grab your copy and get to know the sexy Slater brothers, who will make you rethink the foundation youโ€™ve built for book boyfriends.

Now, um, Ms. L.A. Casey, please hurry so we can read about the rest of Slater brothers, specifically Damien!
Profile Image for Sheyenne.
172 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2014
This is the definition of huge disappointment. I was so ready for a good contemporary romance but I didn't get that. What I got was a huge disappointment!

I didn't too much care for Bronagh but my biggest problem with this story was Dominic. Anyone who thinks he's book boyfriend material has a problem.

I know now days most books have an "alpha male" and yes I like some of those alpha males. But Dominic isn't an alpha male he's a douchelord!

First off he's a bully. He does stuff on purpose just to piss Bronagh off, he picks at her, makes fun of her, and he starts rumors about her. She's told him to leave her alone plenty of times but he doesn't. I don't know about you but that sounds like a bully to me. And I hate bullies! What makes it even worst is that he beats up a guy who does the same thing he does and we're suppose to think of him as a hero ... Child Please!

Second he's so disrespectful. I don't know how many times he's called Bronagh a bitch. He touches her butt like it's okay for guys to just go around doing that. And he grabs her and says the most disgusting things ever. But I guess that's supposed to be sexy too.

Third he has a huge anger problem! It seems like he was suppose to be like Travis Maddox. Don't get me wrong I know Travis Maddox had an anger problem too. But if you hate Travis Maddox you should seriously hate this guy. He makes Travis look like an angel.

I can go on and on about how disgusting Dominic is and how much I hate him but it's pointless because you will have your on opinion of him. Just know you've been warned.

I couldn't even finish the story because I couldn't stop rolling my eyes. I don't usually rate stories I don't finish but I really hated this book and I will not continue with this series.

Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
May 26, 2016
This book is honestly not for everyone. When I read a bunch of reviews I was very hesitant about giving it a try. I will admit that this book kept me interested...I am a bit embarrassed by that considering it was more like a drama filled soap opera. I obviously still have some part of me that enjoys the drama filled life of others!!! Seeing as this is not real and just a story, I was able to sit back and just enjoy.

The Slater brothers are definitely as alpha as they come. They have moved to Ireland with plenty of secrets following. This first book in the series is about Dominic, who ends up falling in love with an Irish girl named; Bronagh. She is a very feisty heroine, and fore warning....their way of dealing with each other is usually Bronagh slapping him around and different play fighting tactics. On know a lot of readers were put off by the physical aspect in how Bronagh and her sister dealt with the guys. I took it with a grain of salt, only because most of the time it was a ton of playing around...as well as Dominic never felt abused by her, he more called her behaviour "foreplay." That is the vibe I mainly got as well, so I took it for that!

There is never a dull moment in this book, and emotions are always running very high. Dominic and Bronagh are in high school, and believe me; this story has a very high school feel to it.
So, if you are not into a ton of drama, and even more juvenile behaviour...then this book is probably not for you! For me, I have to be in the right head space for it...but their antics kept me interested and entertained.. I will call this series my guilty indulgence and leave it at that! LOL
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
May 27, 2020
I read Ryder first before I read Dominic. Listening to this book is like walking on a memory lane in my high school. The banter between Dominic and Bronagh is cute. Really cute. I love Dominic. He is such a tease and smart mouth. Usually the heroine is the sassy mouth, but on Dominic, the hero is the sassy mouth.

Dominic is my favorite hero on this series so far. On the other hand, Bronagh... I have problem with her. She is sheltered. When the story progresses, she became needy, stupid and immature character. Miss Casey tried to portray her as a shy and timid heroine and failed miserably. Bronagh is the reason I give this book 3 stars.

3 stars
Profile Image for Imyโ™ฅโ™ฅ.
181 reviews94 followers
March 18, 2014

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Truth be told, I had trouble rating this book. I enjoyed it, but at times I wanted to dropkick my Kindle...and Dominic. - Ok just Dominic.

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Based in Dublin, Ireland - Dominic is centred around 18 year old Bronagh.

Bronagh's a sharp tongued, no holds, honest to god ballzy MC.
She lives with her older sister Brenna, whom also takes on the role of the parent, as theirs were killed many years ago.

Ever since then, Bronaghs distant herself from the human population, not wanting to befriend fellow classmates or build relationships with anyone in fear of them disappearing from her life.

No one has been able to break down those steel like walls that she keeps up...until the Slater brother's arrive in town.

 Enter Dominic and Damien Slater 

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Dominic and Damien are twin American brothers who have just arrived in Ireland to set up home.

They, or more significantly Dominic, weasels his way into Bronagh's life - Unwantedly.

Bronagh and Dominic seem to want nothing more then to kill eachother. Knocking heads whenever they breathe the same air.

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My thoughts 

1. I want to strangle Dominic.

2. I hate Dominic.

3. Book Boyfriend? Please! more like C*** Face Friend.

With all those things said, he made the book entertaining. I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole - I'd probably throttle him with it - But from an entertaining point of view, he was good.

At the beginning I had him pegged for the next Travis Maddox character - But honestly Travis looks like the Fairy Godmother against Dominic. No similarities there. Dominic was brutal.

Bronagh was a great MC. She was fierce and could really stand her ground. Though when it came to Dominic I felt she was kind of a pushover! Yes she took as much as she put out, but sometimes it goes too far - and god did he treat her like the shit on his shoe, at times.

The conversations were crude, and had me cringing multiple times. Honesty is great, I encourage honesty - But sometimes you should shut the fuck up.

Damien, Kane, Alec and Ryder were adorable. I always looked forward to them being in the story - and I personally think you should do a story on each of them. I'd read them :) *hint hint*

The story line wasn't anything overly fantastic, but the characters made it for me. Loved the Irish slang also, thought it was fab.

 photo tumblr_m0e3lqMfq11rp005to1_500.png
Profile Image for Giuls.
1,663 reviews137 followers
May 16, 2016
Ammetto che partivo giร  prevenuta, contando che il libro me lโ€™ha prestato una ragazza a cui aveva fatto schifo, cosรฌ โ€œper farmi due risateโ€.
Ma quando parlava di schifo, non pensavo cosรฌ tanto .

Non cโ€™รจ nulla, ma proprio nulla, di salvabile.

Credo che il modo migliore per definire questo libro sia โ€œ un quasi porno interpretato da scaricatori di porto allโ€™asilo โ€

Ma andiamo con ordine (attenzione! Da qua in poi vi saranno sicuramente spoiler! Vi avviso, caso mai voleste farvi del male fisico e mentale leggere questo libro)

La protagonista e voce narrante รจ Bronagh (Ma che nome รจ?!?), una ragazza che ha perso i genitori da quasi dieci anni, che dice di essere introversa e di andare in giro per la scuola facendo sรฌ che nessuno la noti.
Allโ€™inizio del libro (Ed intendo pagina 2), entra in classe e si ritrova due ragazzi gemelli, mai visti, seduti al suo posto. Dopo averli fatti sloggiare usando ancor meno cortesia di quando stamattina ho dovuto passare 10 minuti attaccata al clacson aspettando che quello che si era messo in seconda fila dietro la mia macchina parcheggiata arrivasse, non paga, inizia ad insultarli, in particolare uno, Dominic, che le dร  corda, ovviamente utilizzando un linguaggio talmente forbito e ricco di termini aulici da far nascondere pure uno scaricatore di porto.
Qualcosa tipo mezzโ€™ora dopo che questi hanno iniziato ad insultarsi, si scopre che in classe era presente un professore, che finalmente li blocca.
Dopo questo la storia continua a furia di insulti e parolacce, fino al momento della raccolta fondi della scuola, dove la nostra protagonista viene scelta per il chioschetto dei baci.
Qui, dopo aver avuto a che fare con il suo arcinemico ( a quanto pare infatti questa ragazza non ha nemmeno un amico, ma รจ piena di nemici..), ecco che arriva Dominic a riscuotere il so bacio, ma quando lei non accetta, cosa puรฒ mai fare lui se non limonarsi per bene lโ€™altra ragazza del chioschetto? Ah sรฌ! Le dice anche che ha un culo poderoso, che a quanto pare nel suo linguaggio รจ un complimentoโ€ฆ
Dopodichรจ, eccoci alla scena che mi ha quasi fatto buttare il kobo giรน dalla finestra: lei (dopo una settimana) si vendica! E come? Riempiendogli la sedia di puntine da disegno

Lo stesso pomeriggio camminando Bronagh finisce addosso allโ€™altro suo arcinemico, che decide di insultarla e spingerla, buttandola esattamente nelle braccia di Dominic, che decide di difendere lโ€™onore della fanciulla facendo scoppiare una rissa. Signori e signore, ecco a voi un vero cavaliere sul suo bianco destriero!
Probabilmente il suo avversario era vestito di rosso, perchรฉ lโ€™unica immagine che mi รจ venuta in mente mentre leggevo di queste scene era quella di un toro durante la corrida.
Durante il combattimento, lui spara fuori frasi del tipo:
ยซLโ€™hai toccata, cazzo!ยป

E (la mia preferita)
Dominic si irrigidรฌ, tornรฒ a guardare Jason di sbieco. ยซSfiorala di nuovo con un dito e ti ammazzo. Insultala di nuovo e ti ammazzo. Se solo ti azzardi a guardarla di nuovo ti ammazzo, cazzo. Capito, amico?ยป

SO che dovrei commentare, ma non ci riescoโ€ฆ
Comunque lei nel combattimento era rimasta ferita, per cui il nostro cavaliere decide di portarla a casa sua. (e lei lo segue)
Lรฌ lei conosce tutti i fratelli di Dominic (in totale sono in 5), dei quali perรฒ parlerรฒ piรน avanti.
Comunque vanno a rintanarsi in camera di lui, dove iniziano a pomiciare, finchรจ non vengono interrotti, lei si incazza come sempre non mi ricordo nemmeno per cosa e se ne va.
Il giorno dopo un povero ragazzo, Gavin, decide di rivolgere la parola a Bronagh in una classe che hanno in comune con Dominic: beh, diciamo solo che alla fine il corridoio era alquanto movimentato e tutti e tre si sono ritrovati sospesi e i ragazzi anche con la faccia un poโ€™ pesta.

Comunque la storia va avanti con altri pestaggi e altri insulti, finchรจ una sera, la sorella maggiore (nonchรฉ tutrice legale) di Bronagh decide di portarla in un club dove si svolgono lotte clandestine a conoscere il suo nuovo ragazzo, che altri non รจ che il fratello maggiore di Dominic. E indovinate chi combatte? Esatto: Dominic.
Scoperto chi รจ il fratello di chi, le due sorelle si sbronzano talmente tanto che i fratelli le portano poi in braccio a casa loro, dove ovviamente Bronagh dorme nel letto di Dominic (ma lei ovviamente non ricorda nulla). Il mattino dopo ancora piรน ovviamente, ecco che si menano e si insultano.

Due giorni dopo Gavin chiede a Bronagh di andare al cinema (in realtร  cโ€™รจ tutta una storia dietro: ormai credo che possiate immaginare da soli come sia), dove incontrano uno dei fratelli di Dominic che subito lo chiama (vorrei dire che, ormai da abitudine, stavo scrivendo โ€œlo insultaโ€ al posto che โ€œlo chiamaโ€).
Dopo il cinema, vanno al Mc, dove Dominic li raggiunge e si mette a menare Gavin, che scappa giustamente a gambe levate.
Lei allora si mette a prendere a pugni lui, rompendosi una mano.
Dominic allora decide di portarla in ospedale, dove subisce, tra lโ€™altro, una scazzottata da parte della sorella maggiore di lei, alquanto adirata.
Comunque lรฌ i due discutono e si mettono assieme. (Rendiamoci conto che lei lโ€™ha appena menato, ma a lui queste cose eccitanoโ€ฆ)

La storia va avanti con loro che fanno i piccioncini, finchรจ un giorno lei non scopre lโ€™attivitร  di famiglia di lui.
Per favore tenetevi forte.
Il padre, uno pseudo-mafioso, รจ stato ucciso dal suo socio dโ€™affari.
E il gemello di Dominic ha ucciso il nipote del socio dโ€™affari che, in cambio di non ucciderlo, fa lavorare i suoi 4 fratelli: ecco prchรจ Dominic combatte! (mentre un altro fa direttamente la escortโ€ฆ)
A quanto pare รจ tutto nella norma, tantโ€™รจ che qualche giorno fanno sesso (con tutta la famiglia di lui in casa). Vi risparmio la conversazione dei familiari del post-coito perchรฉ รจ da mettersi le mani nei capelli.
Vorreei perรฒ mettere in evidenza cosa pensa la nostra fantastica protagonista sul tizio che ha ammazzato qualcuno: Non riuscivo proprio a concepire che avesse ammazzato qualcuno: era un tesoro!

Comunque dopo questa scena vanno al club, dove lui combatte, poi loro litigano, lui se ne va, lei si addormenta e poiโ€ฆ viene adescata dal mafioso capo del suo ragazzo, che giร  aveva preso il gemello.
Ora sono molto indecisa se raccontarvi tutto o lasciarvi con la suspence.
Credo che vi lascerรฒ in attesa, perchรฉ veramente, ancora non mi capacito di come sia finito il libro: in confronto il resto del libro รจ da nobel.

Vi lascio con la frase โ€œmiglioreโ€ di tutto il libro: segnatevela, perchรฉ presto sono sicura la troverete come quote of the day qua su Goodreads:
ยซTi ha guardata dopo avere ammazzato di botte quel ragazzoยป. Sbattรฉ le palpebre. ยซMi sa che gli piaciยป.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,192 reviews1,716 followers
February 10, 2018
I don't know where I got my long patience and manage to finish this book. I picked this up out on a whim because I'm in the mood for angsty read. However, I didn't expect to deal with incredibly annoying characters and their over the fucking top drama. I've encountered books with bullies/jerk heroes like Jared Trent (Bully), Reed Royal (Paper Princess), Caine Carraway (Hero) etc.. They have reasons why they're acting like assholes. I find these guys redeemable and ended up loving them. In this book, that wasn't the case because I despise the hero even his love interest. Kindly bear with me because this is going to be a rant review.

Reasons why I hate this book:

1.The Heroine: Bronagh Murphy - I understand her issue on being closed-off to everyone since her parents died when she's a kid and her older sister became her guardian. She's bullied in school and I've got to admit they're all assholes and bitches. It's just that I can't stand her attitude. She acts like a toddler and her temper tantrums pissed me off! Goodness, she's mad all the time and needs to take a chill pill. She's childish, uptight and too sarcastic. She's a wannabe tough chick but she can't even stand on her own. If throwing a lot of profanity makes her feisty, I don't think so. ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ”ช

2. The Hero: Dominic Slater - AHA! This arrogant, rude, slut-shaming and misogynistic idiot. ๐Ÿ™„ He has no respect for women and I hate him for calling Bronagh and he gets jealous and territorial on her when weren't even dating yet. I hate whenever he touches her butt and call it "fat ass". I don't care he's popular and sexy but his attitude is a complete turn off. I hate him even more when he said "I think all Asians like light skin and hair." This generalization needs to die ASAP.. Bye dude! โœ‹๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜’

3. Romance = Toxic Relationship - There is nothing romantic between Bronagh and Dominic. They have nonstop bickering and fight over the pettiest things. May I note Dominic here: CALLING YOUR GF A "BITCH" ISN'T SEXY NOR ROMANTIC! ๐Ÿ˜ก These two have goo-goo eyes for each other yet throw insulting endearments. I'm appalled.

4. Plot. - Nothing much happened until the last 20% of the book. 80% of it will just test your patience.

Overall, I dislike it but I'm continuing the series and crossing my fingers for improvement. This series needs a redemption and I just hope it's less annoying. No more migraine inducing drama please!
Profile Image for Silla Webb.
Author 21 books545 followers
February 27, 2014
WOW...I seriously am just blown away...debut release? NO...no way in hell, that this 22 year old young momma wrote this...YES...YES SHE DID!!!

L.A. Casey is a new author, releasing her debut novel Dominic on March 17, 2014. I received a copy of Dominic to BETA read, pre release. WOW...

Bronagh Murphy is a senior in high school, living with her older sister. Still coping with the death of her parents, ten years earlier, Bronagh would love nothing more than to fade away from her own existence. She lives in a bubble...a state of solitude. Nobody notices her, and she prefers it that way. That is until the Slater Brothers move to town. Bronagh has her first experience with the devilishly sexy twins during her morning registration class, when they take her seat, then Dominic, being the prick that he is makes a fuss about having to move. When Bronagh cuts back at him with her smart ass words, he becomes determined that she will be his...and what Dominic wants...Dominic gets...can Dominic want me, PLEASE!!!!

Their relationship goes cat and mouse, back and forth for a while, with the constant I hate yous, etc, but Dominic is always there, protecting Bronagh when she needs it most. But did she really need protecting? No...but everyone thought since she was always the loner, that shew was ready to crack, she was fragile...she just needed someone to work their way in, and show her that it was okay to love again. In reality, Bronagh is a hell of a lot stronger than what Branna, her friends, or the brothers ever imagined...but she pulls her strength from down deep within herself, and fights back, when the time calls for it. She protects her family, refuses to back down, and fights to live, fights for love.


L.A. Casey writes amazingly beautiful...her characters mesh so well...Bronagh and Dominic are the perfect case of hormonal bitches, which is why they hate/love each other so much...they mirror each other. Both are bitchy, mean and will fight for what they want. I literally laughed my ass off at so many lines all throughout the book. It was filled with humor, playful banter. One specific scene, (I won't spoil) was so beautifully written, I was blown away. Every word in that chapter was perfect, from the sweetest to the most devious. I felt so much emotion reading through Dominic, there were twists and turns I truly did NOT expect...I was really expecting a Coming of Age Romance, but this book is MORE...it is deeper. It is REAL...there is love, hate, sex...steamy sex, there is fear and gut wrenching heart ache. I seriously want to fly to friggin' Dublin, and find L.A. Casey, and hug her neck, then slap her arse, because this book, has blown me away, and left me completely hungover, drunk, and ready for more of the Slater Brothers!!!! Can I give it a 10* PLEASE!!!!!

Release Event~https://www.facebook.com/events/14458...


Profile Image for Maayan.
Author 3 books315 followers
April 17, 2016
Soo I have read this book a moth ago .. Why it took so long to make a review you ask? Well ... I'm asking the same damn question. Even after all this time, I'm not sure what I'm feeling about this book. But I need to say something - I have read this book in one sitting. I couldn't stop. I really wanted to know what was gonna happen. That's a good thing, no?

Ok. Now for my thoughts. It may contain spoilers so it's on your own risk.

The book was fun and light. I liked the banter between the characters. I liked the family importance and how everyone was there for each other.

Why this book didn't work for me ?

#After a while, the whole fighting kinda got old. I wanted more feelings, all I got was fighting and cursing.

#After asking her to be his girl, he got rejected, and what poor Dominic does? Fuck the school slut. When Destiny told Bronagh they slept, I was sure it's a lie, or a misunderstanding. Like, what the hell dude?! You say you want her and still go and sleep around?! That's strake 1.

And the same day, after hell got loose they are together. WTF ?! I'm sorry. After he slept with the slut I couldn't believe his feelings for her. It was unbelievable to me and I just couldn't relate to the love story.

#The day after he got rejected, they where in school and Jason was harassing Bronagh. What
Dominic did in this situation ? HELP HIM OUT!!!! After everything he was doing to her you help him out?!?!? I know you are hurt, but DAMN !! Don't be a pussy. That's strake 2.

#He always was speaking to her with disrespect and calling her bitch even when they are together. It's really not my style.

# The ending felt rushed. After the big fight they had, and the harsh words they told each other, the whole kidnapping fiasco happens and after that they are together again. Without TALKING about the fight.

Through all the book I felt they didn't TALK !! I wanted them to discuss and to talk about things, to show some emotions .. But I didn't felt it. The book really lake in depth.

Overall some people may like this book. It didn't suck but it could have been better :)

โ€œARC provided by author in exchange for an honest reviewโ€
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