Lisa's Reviews > A Little Princess

A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: children

"Whatever comes," she said, "cannot alter one thing. If I am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside. It would be easy to be a princess if I were dressed in cloth of gold, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it."

Much can be said about the improbabilities in the plot, about the desperate sentimentality and caricature of Victorian England's boarding school system. It doesn't matter.

To me, Sarah Crewe will always remain a symbol for inner strength, perseverance and values winning over greed, sadism and abusive power. I can't recall how many times I read my hardcover copy as a young girl, shivering with anger and fear when the young heiress thinks she has lost everything and is turned into an unpaid maid at the school where she used to be a shining star.

Quite often, I think of her when I enter a bakery on a cold day, the smell of fresh bread making me instantly hungry. I think of the hungry girl, and how much she must have craved the buns she bought for a coin she found. And I know it is a simple show-effect on the part of Frances Hodgson Burnett to make Sarah hand over the buns to a starving girl sitting outside the bakery. It is not realistic! We are human beings. We a greedy, egotistical, trained and constructed to guarantee our own selfish survival first of all. We don't give away our bread. We hoard it until it gets moldy and can't be eaten by anyone!

And yet - Sarah Crewe, the fictional perfect human being, clever, kind, using her power to help, rather than to destroy others, makes my heart feel a tiny bit better each time I think of her. She is not realistic, and nor is the poetical justice in the novel, giving back the wealth she had thought she lost as some kind of divine reward for being a good sport when she lost it.

Does it really matter whether this story is exaggerated? If I can choose to give my children one of the countless bestselling young adult novels that show humanity in its worst egomania, or this tale of friendship, genuine care and power of imagination, I won't have to think twice. I like to imagine that people loving Sarah Crewe might start seeing those around themselves that are "hungrier than she was herself", and that they might feel that they can offer a bun or two from their bakery basket as a result of their reading. If reading inspires, I like to think this one inspires more than a dire account of teenage violence and crime...

Try being a princess no matter what - that's what I believe in, loving my fairy tales still!
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Reading Progress

June 25, 2014 – Shelved
June 26, 2014 – Shelved as: children
Started Reading
January 27, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Matt (new)

Matt Try being a princess no matter what

No offence, but I prefer trying to be a prince.

message 2: by Julie (new)

Julie Loved your review, Lisa. And here's to your inner princess.


John Anthony Love the opening quote of your review Lisa. Must try to memorise it, especially as I always refer to my other half as "Princess".

Lisa Matt wrote: "Try being a princess no matter what

No offence, but I prefer trying to be a prince."

Of course! So to stick to Julie's theme, here's an outfit for you:

Lisa Julie wrote: "Loved your review, Lisa. And here's to your inner princess.


Perfect! And it is pink enough for me as well!

message 6: by Matt (new)

Matt Lisa wrote: "Of course! So to stick to Julie's theme, here's an outfit for you:"

Looks wonderful. Thank you. I made some tweeking

message 7: by Netta (new)

Netta Such a heart-warming review, Lisa! Thank you.

Lisa Matt wrote: "Lisa wrote: "Of course! So to stick to Julie's theme, here's an outfit for you:"

Looks wonderful. Thank you. I made some tweeking


Oh wow - that's the way to be a prince, Matt! Wearing the clothes while keeping your personality!

Lisa John wrote: "Love the opening quote of your review Lisa. Must try to memorise it, especially as I always refer to my other half as "Princess"."

I also love that quote, John! A classic Cinderella ideal...

message 10: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Netta wrote: "Such a heart-warming review, Lisa! Thank you."

Thank you, Netta!

Manybooks Have you read the older novella on which the novel is based? It is worth it.

message 12: by Jaline (new)

Jaline This is such a beautiful and touching review, Lisa! I'll take positive reinforcement over negative "thank heaven it's them, not me" any day! :)

message 13: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Meriem wrote: "this makes me want to read the book ! a great review!!"

Thank you, Meriem!

message 14: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Manybooks wrote: "Have you read the older novella on which the novel is based? It is worth it."

No, I haven't! I'll try to hunt it down. Thank you for the suggestion, Gundula!

message 15: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Jaline wrote: "This is such a beautiful and touching review, Lisa! I'll take positive reinforcement over negative "thank heaven it's them, not me" any day! :)"

Thank you so much for your kind words, Jaline! You are living your statement each day!

Manybooks Lisa wrote: "Manybooks wrote: "Have you read the older novella on which the novel is based? It is worth it."

No, I haven't! I'll try to hunt it down. Thank you for the suggestion, Gundula!"

There is also a play, I think.

I do not know about you, but for me, what I personally consider great literature is any book that I can easily and enjoyably read over and over again, and with A Little Princess (and as well as The Secret Garden) that definitely is the case.

message 17: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Manybooks wrote: "Lisa wrote: "Manybooks wrote: "Have you read the older novella on which the novel is based? It is worth it."

No, I haven't! I'll try to hunt it down. Thank you for the suggestion, Gundula!"


Yes, that is precisely my definition of a good book as well!

Manybooks Lisa wrote: "Manybooks wrote: "Lisa wrote: "Manybooks wrote: "Have you read the older novella on which the novel is based? It is worth it."

No, I haven't! I'll try to hunt it down. Thank you for the suggestion..."

I know many do not like to reread, but for me, rereading is a joy (if it is done for pleasure that is).

message 19: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Manybooks wrote: "Lisa wrote: "Manybooks wrote: "Lisa wrote: "Manybooks wrote: "Have you read the older novella on which the novel is based? It is worth it."

No, I haven't! I'll try to hunt it down. Thank you for t..."

I find myself increasingly less inclined to reread for the simple reason that my time is so limited, but when I do, it is a genuine pleasure. Just reread one of my Christa Wolf favourites, and it was even better than I remembered it.

message 20: by JimZ (new) - rated it 5 stars

JimZ Well said when you say this for I too felt impressed! I think of the hungry girl, and how much she must have craved the buns she bought for a coin she found. And I know it is a simple show-effect on the part of Frances Hodgson Burnett to make Sarah hand over the buns to a starving girl sitting outside the bakery. It is not realistic! We are human beings. We a greedy, egotistical, trained and constructed to guarantee our own selfish survival first of all. We don't give away our bread. We hoard it until it gets moldy and can't be eaten by anyone!

  ForTheLoveOfBooks Such a beautiful review! I am DEFINATELY adding this to my TBR!!!!

Alexandra⋅˚₊‧ ❀ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Omg this book is so good I agree! my review was a little more *ahem* messy

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