Nidhi Singh's Reviews > My Ántonia

My Ántonia by Willa Cather
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it was amazing
bookshelves: american-literature, women, 2014, favorites

To speak her name was to call up pictures of peoples and places, to set a quiet drama going in one’s brain.

‘My Antonia’ is a story of home and homesickness. Of the memories of a lost home that persist in the mindscape as the warm gusts of wind and the singing of the larks. The home of that golden sunshine and yellow leaves, red shaggy grass and blue skies. The images which make me think of home as the quietest, friendliest corner of a crowded and uncaring street, of that kind touch in midst of the falling walls of life, of the bittersweet pain that persists in the heart as long as one lives. The place one always wants to go back to but holds over thinking how it must have changed and how we must have changed with the passing of the years. Or a look of longing evoked as the eyes meet the face of the beloved. Antonia, the beloved, who could never be yours, who you want to look at just for a moment longer, want to make her stay but have to let go. Because what she is, is everything that is earthy and beautiful, and essential and heart-felt, and primitive and pristine, and childhood and innocence, and life and love, and its harshness and tenderness, and its hard earned lessons. Everything that is lost and never recovered and never forgotten. And everything of what the home and the past is made of.

Between the earth and the sky I felt erased blotted out. I did not say my prayers that night: here, I felt, what would be would be.

This subsequent feeling of obliteration in the immensity of the prairies, the rustling of the red and gold autumn leaves in the high wind, the blazing force of winter wiping out the loveliness of summer, the stinging and delighting power of nature, the rejuvenation that comes with the changing seasons is a perfect ode to a transcendent vision and to everything that was put together by the pioneers for survival and persistence. It is something that is gripping as terror, which trembles the soul with its strangeness and yet makes the heart leap with ecstasy by permitting that space for humanity. There was nothing but land: not a country at all, but the material out of which countries are made. It is the unforgiving elemental force of nature that belittles the feeling of spatial and cultural estrangement however strong that might be. Because now, everything has to be built and rebuilt, and scrounged and hunted for. The past becomes a slate of memories of beautiful drawings. Something to be looked at with adoring, piercing nostalgia, but never to be turned back to.

Her warm, sweet face, her kind arms, and the true heart in her; she was, oh, she was still my Antonia!

Maybe it is true that Jim is too much of a romantic. He declares his inability to lose himself among impersonal things, with his memory always crowded with people and places of his own past, strengthened and simplified like the unchanging blue of a clear summer sky. And his story is formed by rivulets of episodes, storytelling, impressions that are mostly his own and those that are gathered. His narrative is flawed, imperfect, tinged with too much emotion, inhibited with inaction, with less beginnings and greater musings over closed chapters. He never gives away everything about himself. He gives away his dreams but also his felt inability to understand them. There is so much we don’t understand of ourselves and our lives and of those we love. Of our hurts, and bitterness and disappointments with them. It is one of the things that grant authenticity to our own experiences and feelings. There is something in it that gives the same strength and pulse to loving and remembering, like the force that beckons Blind d’ Arnault to the piano. The necessity of loving and remembering. Loving them for what they are, what they have meant to us, and what we have shared together; the un-sharable and the incommunicable.

Now I understood that the same road was to bring us together again. Whatever we had missed, we possessed together the precious, the incommunicable past.

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Reading Progress

May 25, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
May 25, 2014 – Shelved
September 2, 2014 – Started Reading
September 2, 2014 – Shelved as: american-literature
September 3, 2014 –
30.0% "The earth was warm under me, and warm as I crumbled it through my fingers.I kept as still as I could. Nothing happened. I did not expect anything to happen. I was something that lay under the sun and felt it, like the pumpkins, and I did not want to be anything more. I was entirely happy. Perhaps we feel like that when we die and become a part of something entire, whether it is sun and air, or goodness and knowledge."
September 4, 2014 –
50.0% "There was only—spring itself; the throb of it, the light restlessness, the vital essence of it everywhere: in the sky, in the swift clouds, in the pale sunshine, and in the warm, high wind—rising suddenly, sinking suddenly, impulsive and playful like a big puppy that pawed you and then lay down to be petted. If I had been tossed down blindfold on that red prairie, I should have known that it was spring."
September 5, 2014 – Shelved as: women
September 5, 2014 – Shelved as: 2014
September 5, 2014 – Shelved as: favorites
September 5, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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Nicole agreed. :)

Nidhi Singh I am so happy I read Cather. :)

message 3: by Praj (last edited Sep 07, 2014 06:02AM) (new)

Praj Subtle yet magnetic! It is been a while since I read one of your reviews. It is always worth the read :) Added this one to my list. Thanks.

message 4: by Garima (new)

Garima The past becomes a slate of memories of beautiful drawings. Something to be looked at with adoring, piercing nostalgia, but never to be turned back to.

Among many beautiful sentences adorning this review, the above one is my favorite. Lovely as always, Nidhi.

Cheryl A "flawed" narrative to showcase the voice of a flawed character and his sensibilities, revealing memory in all its flaws--I like! Lovely review, Nidhi. I love how you were able to fold beauty and flaw into one melodic review.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Wow, wow, wow! Very evocative writing, a sensitive & intimate response to the book.

message 7: by Neelakshi (new) - added it

Neelakshi Chakraborty Nidhi, very well-written and poignant review. makes me want to grab the book right now:-)
I see my reading list is going to be influenced a lot by your reviews! Keep it up!

message 8: by Dolors (last edited Sep 07, 2014 08:17AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dolors I am amazed at your ability to capture not only the atmosphere but the profound essence of this novel Nidhi. I felt surrounded by the vastness of those prairies with dancing grass and golden sunbeams once again thanks to your mellifluous prose.
"There is so much we don’t understand of ourselves and our lives and of those we love." Spot-on inference that exposes the tendency we have to cling to the past and our youthful dreams that shape our identities, like it happened to Ántonia and Jim. What a treat of a review, thank you for sharing!

message 9: by Rakhi (new)

Rakhi Dalal Simply beautiful,Nidhi.

Nidhi Singh Praj wrote: "Subtle yet magnetic! It is been a while since I read one of your reviews. It is always worth the read :) Added this one to my list. Thanks."

So glad you liked it. That makes it worth writing. Thanks a ton, Praj. :)

Nidhi Singh Garima wrote: "The past becomes a slate of memories of beautiful drawings. Something to be looked at with adoring, piercing nostalgia, but never to be turned back to.

Among many beautiful sentences adorning this..."

Thanks as always, Garima :)

Nidhi Singh Cheryl wrote: "A "flawed" narrative to showcase the voice of a flawed character and his sensibilities, revealing memory in all its flaws--I like! Lovely review, Nidhi. I love how you were able to fold beauty and ..."

Thank you for your lovely words, Cheryl. I look forward to your reading of this book. Reading Cather has been an unforgettable experience. :)

Nidhi Singh Lauren wrote: "Wow, wow, wow! Very evocative writing, a sensitive & intimate response to the book."

Aww, that's so sweet of you Lauren. Thank you :D

Nidhi Singh Neelakshi wrote: "Nidhi, very well-written and poignant review. makes me want to grab the book right now:-)
I see my reading list is going to be influenced a lot by your reviews! Keep it up!"

As you keep influencing mine! Thank you. We need to catch up soon.

Nidhi Singh Dolors wrote: "I am amazed at your ability to capture not only the atmosphere but the profound essence of this novel Nidhi. I felt surrounded by the vastness of those prairies with dancing grass and golden sunbea..."

Such beautiful words, Dolors. I always struggle for a right response to your generous compliments. I had set my heart on reading this book after I read your review. And I am so glad that I did. Thank you for reading and encouraging. That means a lot. :)

Nidhi Singh Thanks a lot, Rakhi :)

Himanshu Mesmerizing, Nidhi. There were too many quotable lines to be put here. :)

Nidhi Singh Himanshu wrote: "Mesmerizing, Nidhi. There were too many quotable lines to be put here. :)"

Thank you, Himanshu! This makes me happy! :D

message 19: by Kalliope (new)

Kalliope You have a lovely sensitivity to descriptions of nature, Nidhi.

I still have not read this one... but it is already on my list.

Nidhi Singh Kalliope wrote: "You have a lovely sensitivity to descriptions of nature, Nidhi.

I still have not read this one... but it is already on my list."

Thank you so much!! Do read it. :)

Duane Parker I love My Antonia and it is so good to read a review that is truly worthy, that does justice to the quality of the book. I follow your reviews as well as Garima's. If anyone writes any better reviews than the two of you, well I haven't seen them. Thank you for being able to say what I feel but can't express. Well done.

Nidhi Singh Duane wrote: "I love My Antonia and it is so good to read a review that is truly worthy, that does justice to the quality of the book. I follow your reviews as well as Garima's. If anyone writes any better revie..."

Thanks a lot, Duane. You are very kind. Its great to know that you love this book so much. Thanks for reading and commenting. It is much appreciated. :)

message 23: by rahul (new) - added it

rahul I digg your metaphors Nidhi.
Hopelessly beautiful.

Nidhi Singh Rahul wrote: "I digg your metaphors Nidhi.
Hopelessly beautiful."

Whee! I am glad!! Thank you :D

message 25: by Nidhi (last edited Sep 09, 2014 01:42PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nidhi Singh Shivam wrote: "I don't know if you'll agree with this but let me say it anyway - This your best review till date, atleast among those I've read. Absolutely amazing! Loved it :D

And it might sound a little discon..."

Thanks, Shivam. I know why you feel so. Because this book made me miss my college too. Those were the best days. In fact my friends loved it for the same reason. We miss that time together. Those lines about 'the incommunicable past', so lovely and haunting. :)

Nidhi Singh Shivam wrote: "Yeah, all you can do is miss college now. And I listened to this song first thing after reading your review. Full on nostalgia :P"

Oh! This song is perfect! :-)

message 27: by Soumen (new)

Soumen Daschoudhury Your review is like a much wanted cool breeze on a warm summer afternoon. Am amazed at the clarity of your thoughts and the immaculate way in which you compose your prose. Beautiful!

Nidhi Singh Soumen wrote: "Your review is like a much wanted cool breeze on a warm summer afternoon. Am amazed at the clarity of your thoughts and the immaculate way in which you compose your prose. Beautiful!"

Thank you, Soumen. I am so glad you liked it :)

message 29: by Suzy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Suzy Nidhi, I was hoping you would write a review! I echo everyone's sentiments about this review and your reviews in general. They always help me experience a book in a fuller, more complete way. I grew up in a farming community on the prairie and was fairly obsessed with the pioneer experience as a child. (I was certain I had been a pioneer in a past life!) So I related to the book mainly from my own experience of the prairie and interest in the early settlers. Your review is driving me back to the book to experience it in all its meaning. (I will listen this time.) Thanks!

message 30: by s.penkevich (new) - added it

s.penkevich Wonderful review! You are quite the talented writer

Nidhi Singh Suzy wrote: "Nidhi, I was hoping you would write a review! I echo everyone's sentiments about this review and your reviews in general. They always help me experience a book in a fuller, more complete way. I gre..."

Thank you Suzy for these lovely words. I am feeling so happy that I read this book and wrote this review if that evokes such memories. More so because it is not just fiction but a felt experience for you. I hope you revisit this book soon. It will always be one of my most cherished reads.

Nidhi Singh s.penkevich wrote: "Wonderful review! You are quite the talented writer"

Oh that is such a wonderful compliment. You are so kind. Can't thank you enough for that. :)

message 33: by Suzy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Suzy Nidhi, I just finished listening to the audiobook and revisited your review to reinforce the thrill of this book. Not thrill as in "thriller", but thrill as in intensity of emotion.

Nidhi Singh Suzy wrote: "Nidhi, I just finished listening to the audiobook and revisited your review to reinforce the thrill of this book. Not thrill as in "thriller", but thrill as in intensity of emotion."

That's great, Suzy. I have also been thinking of this story. I think its time for another book by Cather. :)

Nidhi Singh Kevin wrote: "Fantastic, You have described every emotion sketched by the author in a perfect way.

Her warm, sweet face, her kind arms, and the true heart
in her; she was, oh, she was still my Antonia!

Sums ..."

Thanks :)

Himanshu Read this review again, now with that bittersweet feeling of nostalgia and love that you talk about. Your sentences are so mesmerizing that I'm sure Cather would've been ecstatic to have evoked the perfect reaction this book deserves. Thanks so much for sharing.

Nidhi Singh Himanshu wrote: "Read this review again, now with that bittersweet feeling of nostalgia and love that you talk about. Your sentences are so mesmerizing that I'm sure Cather would've been ecstatic to have evoked the..."

Himanshu! I had not seen your comment. Thank you so much. You bring back to me the memories of reading Cather. Also, I can see you liked it too. :)

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