Matthew's Reviews > Frankenstein

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: classic, action-thriller, own, required-reading-high-school, favorites, 2018, audio, read-more-than-once, horror
Read 2 times. Last read September 5, 2018 to September 10, 2018.

REREAD UPDATE - September 2018:

One of my bookclubs (Click to check out Reading List Completists) is reading this for September 2018. I figure it was a good time for a reread since it was one of my favorites and it has been over 20 years since I read it.

I did enjoy it again this time and it stands up to the 5 star review and designation of classic. There were a few slow parts - mainly when Dr. Frankenstein would stop the narrative to wax poetical about something - but, not enough t take a way from my overall enjoyment.

I still recommend this for everyone and be sure to check out my full original review below.


This is definitely one of my favorite books I was required to read in High School. Also, it is my favorite of the classic horror novels. It is perfectly written, suspenseful, and is a bit more thought provoking than scary. One of the best ways I can compare it to other classic horror novels is to Dracula - which I read recently. Dracula has so much repetitive filler that you do not find in Frankenstein, which is the main reason I find Frankenstein to be a more enjoyable book.

Also, I would say that this is more a novel of the human condition than an actual horror novel. Some terrifying things happen, but it is the monster within all of us that may end up being more terrifying!

Funny side story: when I read this in High School, it was around the same time that the Kenneth Branaugh adaptation came out at the theaters. We were all encouraged to go see it and found it pretty close to the source material. What was amusing was that Time Magazine had a review of the movie bashing it as untrue to the source material and how disappointed Shelley would be that the Boris Karlovian depiction of a lurching, flattop monster with bolts in its neck was ignored for a more serious drama movie. WHAT!? Time Magazine, for goodness sakes, published an article that claims to know the content of the book but is completely wrong and does it while bashing a movie that did a pretty good job with it!? I mean, it it is okay if you prefer the old time movie version of Frankenstein - and it is a classic - but to make definitive statements that are completely wrong in what is supposed to be a well thought of publication (not your typical tabloid supermarket checkout fodder), that is just too much!

We need a copy editor over here!
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
March 6, 2014 – Shelved
March 6, 2014 – Shelved as: classic
March 6, 2014 – Shelved as: action-thriller
July 21, 2014 – Shelved as: own
February 21, 2015 – Shelved as: required-reading-high-school
January 22, 2018 – Shelved as: favorites
September 5, 2018 – Started Reading
September 5, 2018 – Shelved as: 2018
September 5, 2018 – Shelved as: audio
September 5, 2018 – Shelved as: read-more-than-once
September 5, 2018 – Shelved as: horror
September 5, 2018 –
9.0% "Arctic journey"
September 6, 2018 –
39.0% "Trial and execution"
September 7, 2018 –
62.0% "The monster's story"
September 9, 2018 –
86.0% "Wedding"
September 10, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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Kandice I have always disliked Victor, but have felt equally sorry for the supposed "monster!"

Matthew Kandice wrote: "I have always disliked Victor, but have felt equally sorry for the supposed "monster!""

Totally agree! In the case of Victor, and appropriate because it is "The Modern Prometheus" - you play with fire, you're gonna get burned!

Terris I agree with your 5 star rating!!

Matthew Terris wrote: "I agree with your 5 star rating!!"

😊Tis a great classic!

Zombieslayer⚡Alienhunter Reading this this year! So excited!

Matthew Zombieslayer/Alienhunter {good freaking grief} wrote: "Reading this this year! So excited!"

Awesome! I hope you enjoy!

Faith Williams This is my all time favorite novel. I'm glad you like it too!

Matthew Faith wrote: "This is my all time favorite novel. I'm glad you like it too!"

Awesome! It is definitely one I frequently recommend.

Renee Great review. I felt the same way as Kandice above. I couldn't stand Victor, but started to feel sorry for the monster. I never heard about that TIME story before. I watched that movie after reading the book and really enjoyed it. I thought it was fairly close to the book. I agree that it was better than Dracula too. I loved both, but Frankenstein flowed better than Dracula did, and I loved the story.

Matthew Renee wrote: "Great review. I felt the same way as Kandice above. I couldn't stand Victor, but started to feel sorry for the monster. I never heard about that TIME story before. I watched that movie after readin..."

Thanks! Yes, flows better is a great way to describe it. Keeps the suspense up. With Dracula and the repetition I was not quite still on the edge of my seat when it got to the climax.

message 11: by Fred (new)

Fred 200 year old book! Good work.

Matthew Fred wrote: "200 year old book! Good work."


message 13: by Stephen (new)

Stephen So ur saying fake news actually began in 1994? ;)

Matthew Stephen wrote: "So ur saying fake news actually began in 1994? ;)"

I think it has always been around! 😉

Michael Wonderful review of one of my favorites, as well!

Matthew Michael wrote: "Wonderful review of one of my favorites, as well!"

Thank you, Michael!

Mackey I had to read this in high school as well It was the start of my obsession with great horror books. Shelley was a master.

Matthew Mackey wrote: "I had to read this in high school as well It was the start of my obsession with great horror books. Shelley was a master."

I am doing a re-read right now and there are a few things I don't remember since it was so long ago that I last read it, but it is still great!

Antoinette I can’t believe I never read this one yet! I am going to a discussion about it next week at our library, in celebration of its 200th anniversary. Will definitely read it soon. Great review Matthew!

Matthew Antoinette wrote: "I can’t believe I never read this one yet! I am going to a discussion about it next week at our library, in celebration of its 200th anniversary. Will definitely read it soon. Great review Matthew!"

Thanks! Yes, you should read it to prepare for the discussion!

Peter I read your original review. How funny that Time mistook the source material for the Branagh adaptation?

Reading Frankenstein, I was surprised at Shelley’s and Dr. Frankenstein’s description of the physical manifestation of the Monster, not of course what he came to represent.
The novel remains a timely examination of what it means to be a human being.

Matthew Peter wrote: "I read your original review. How funny that Time mistook the source material for the Branagh adaptation?

Reading Frankenstein, I was surprised at Shelley’s and Dr. Frankenstein’s description of t..."

Yes! I think it is great when people give it a shot and realize it is not a simple horror novel.

Christopher The original is just great!

message 24: by Matthew (last edited Sep 11, 2018 04:14AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matthew Christopher wrote: "The original is just great!"

Definitely! 😄

message 25: by Tom (new) - added it

Tom Lewis Awesome!

Matthew Tom wrote: "Awesome!"

My review? Thank you kindly! :)

Adina (way behind) I regret I could not appreciate this classic at its true value.

Matthew Adina wrote: "I regret I could not appreciate this classic at its true value."

Reason why? Or just not for you?

Adina (way behind) Matthew wrote: "Adina wrote: "I regret I could not appreciate this classic at its true value."

Reason why? Or just not for you?"
The writing was a bit dated I guess.

Matthew Adina wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Adina wrote: "I regret I could not appreciate this classic at its true value."

Reason why? Or just not for you?" The writing was a bit dated I guess."

Ah, I see - It is interest how some classing writing flows well for some and not for others. Example for me, I thought Les Mis - despite being huge - was very easy to read. But, when I read The Count of Monte Cristo, which is equally huge and equally adored by many, I did not like the writing quite as much.

Antoinette Just wanted you to know that after your review, I have since read Frankenstein and thought it was amazing. Thanks for the push

Matthew Antoinette wrote: "Just wanted you to know that after your review, I have since read Frankenstein and thought it was amazing. Thanks for the push"

:) No problem, Antoinette! Glad you enjoyed! :)

michelleee Aaahhh, I'm missing out on so much-I need to read this soon! Good old Frankenstein, glad to see another 5 star book from you.

Carmen Great review! Frankenstein is a wonderful book.

Matthew MichelleLovesBooks wrote: "Aaahhh, I'm missing out on so much-I need to read this soon! Good old Frankenstein, glad to see another 5 star book from you."

Always feels good to read a 5 star book! :)

Matthew Carmen wrote: "Great review! Frankenstein is a wonderful book."

Thanks, Carmen!

Adina (way behind) Matthew wrote: "Adina wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Adina wrote: "I regret I could not appreciate this classic at its true value."

Reason why? Or just not for you?" The writing was a bit dated I guess."

Ah, I see - It..."
The Count is on my list and I hope i will enjoy it more.

Matthew Adina wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Adina wrote: "Matthew wrote: "Adina wrote: "I regret I could not appreciate this classic at its true value."

Reason why? Or just not for you?" The writing was a bit dated I guess."..."

I hope so, too! It is definitely a lot more book! :)

message 39: by Maciek (new)

Maciek I have read both Frankenstein and Dracula. Dracula is far and away the stronger novel in pretty much ever which way imo. Now.. I’m not a literary scholar or some bookworm since I was eight, but I do know what I like and why. Dracula had filler to you? Please let us know what part you deemed as filler. Meanwhile Shelley going on and on about the countryside wasn’t filler to you? Look, I think that Frankenstein is an ok read. I am tempted to say that it isn’t much on on the dollar as far as it’s reputation but it’s one man’s opinion. This book did not bring the scares or the enjoyment that Dracula does. It’s not even debatable imo.

Matthew Maciek wrote: "I have read both Frankenstein and Dracula. Dracula is far and away the stronger novel in pretty much ever which way imo. Now.. I’m not a literary scholar or some bookworm since I was eight, but I d..."

Hey, Maciek! Sorry I missed this comment back in November.

I liked Dracula okay, but it had a lot more repetition in it for me than Frankenstein did and was a whole lot cheesier.

It's cool you liked Dracula more and since you say it is not debatable, I wont bother debating. Some people just like some books more than others - you would not be the first to disagree with me on this one or Dracula - and there really is no "scholarly" proof of why I am right and you are wrong or vice versa. It just is what it is and that's cool with me! :D

message 41: by Rae (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rae I love this book for the human condition. I started it because i thought it would be good for elementary age students as a horror book. boy was i wrong. I believe all kids should have to read this book in high school. glad you did. i read it a few years ago

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