Nicole's Reviews > Away

Away by B.A. Wolfe
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it was amazing

" People become too reliant on having the world at their fingertips. Enjoying the moment and not knowing what's going to come next, that's the real deal, Cassie."

Where oh where should I even begin with this one?? So here's the thing, I went into this book blind as a bat. I remember reading the synopsis before signing up for the blog tour thinking oh man this sounds like a great one….however I had quite a few other tours going on as well so I pretty much forgot. Let me just say BEST THING EVER!!!! This story blew my mind literally. After ending this I sat staring at my kindle with tears pouring down my face and my kids looking at me wondering what in tarnation is going on. Mommy has gone and lost her mind.

I have felt several emotions while reading books before, but none have rocked me quite like this one. I had NO idea and I mean none what was going to happen next. The plot twist was one that was not expected and I was a little upset with B.a. when I was done, but it's all good in the hood now. I loved every second of that roller coaster ride. I was crying, yelling at my kindle, laughing, smiling, getting butterflies, felt like I was about to have a heart attack, I was in shock… I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. It is quite the roller coaster of emotions.

" No matter the girl, perfect or flawed, she's the light of somebody's life."

Cassandra Pierce is trying to run away from life. You see she got herself in a bit of trouble, and didn't know what else to do. So she calls up her bestie Mel and they both plan on figuring everything out together once she got to her place. Life had another thing planned for Cassie though. You see she went and got lost. Not only lost, she ended up wrapping her car around a tree. Don't get your panties in a bunch though because she made it out just fine, thank the good Lord above for Jason. **Swoooning** Jason happened to see the whole accident happen and came to her rescue.

Jason Bradley is a very charmingly sweet country boy. Most country boys are though right?! :) Jason isn't like the guys Cassie is use to, he lives a simple life and always stays positive. However Jason has some secrets he's hiding from Cassie. Cassie has some secrets of her own. While her car is getting fixed Jason's parents were gracious enough to let her stay with them. Little did Cassie know that her life would forever be changed. She has two parents that are treating her as parents should…with love and without judgement. Then she has this man that is teaching her how to live and relax. You can't always be perfect, and things don't always go your way.

" Well, I can't say that I blame you. I'm gonna need a damn fan every time he's around. Normally, cowboys don't do it for me, but he's hot."

I love a story that sucks me in. This one did just that. I was feeling every emotion the characters were. I honestly wasn't expecting to do that ugly cry. You know the one i'm talking about where you have tears blinding you from seeing anything with the snot just pouring out of your nose. Yep, that was me. I was a hot mess after reading. I will forever be changed because of this story.

If you haven't read Away I highly recommend you do . Jason is a book boyfriend that will have you swooning and your stomach aching with butterflies. Cassie will have you looking at your life and thinking "Damn, I do need to just slow down and relax" I was one of those people. After reading I sat back and thought to myself " Self…you are way too tense. You need to just relax more and live life. Yes, the cards you've been dealt aren't exactly the ones you were planning, but hey what's the fun in having a life all planned out?" Since I have found myself smiling a lot more, having more energy, and just taking life by the horns. It's quite a marvelous thing =)

" Okay. There's the look. Sweetheart, every guy wants it, but knowing when it's right is what makes the moment of making love so special. It has to be something that you give, not something that I take."

So I would like to say B.a. Thank you, thank you, thank you. From the bottom of my heart Thank you! For this being your debut novel I am in awe. I can't wait to read your future works. You have found yourself a fan and supporter for life. <3

#1click this bad boy today and enjoy the ride. It's quite the love story.

I rate Away a 10+ Stars. Since that isn't possible though I'll just say 5+ then..? Lol.

" It was about us, two strangers finding friendship and love in a crazy situation, and in the end, what I ended up with was our story."

" You might red light it now, but you'll green light in in the end."

There were so many quotes that I loved in this book. Those were just a small few. Happy reading and I hope you love this book as much as I did.

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November 14, 2013 – Finished Reading
November 15, 2013 – Shelved

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