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What good is running AWAY when you only end up lost?

Cassandra Pierce had her whole "perfect" life planned out by her parents. One night of pure weakness and lust has her running away from it all and seeking refuge in Alamosa with her best friend. But it seems life has other plans for her when she finds herself lost in the small town of Keaton.

Jason Bradley is a charming country guy. He lives a simple life that’s nothing like what Cassandra is used to. A single moment in life changed everything he thought he once knew, leaving him with a broken heart and an unplanned future.

What happens in Keaton is nothing Cassandra or her heart could have ever prepared for. The instant connection she shares with Jason is no secret, but what they're keeping hidden from one another is. Will these two be able to find a way to trust each other or will their secrets tear them apart?

352 pages

First published November 18, 2013

About the author

B.A. Wolfe

9 books635 followers
I'm a girl with a passion for reading and desire for writing. You'll find me either reading or sitting by my laptop writing. I have too many favorite books to list but they would all most likely fall under the romance category. I'm a sucker for a good love story, shedding a few tears, and having my heart melted by an amazing book boyfriend! :) If I get free time you might find me watching a movie, my second love!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 520 reviews
Profile Image for Lustful Literature.
1,822 reviews334 followers
November 20, 2013

*5+ Stars*

Ok so let me start off by saying that this rating should be higher than 5 stars. This book was just THAT GOOD!!!! It evoked so many emotions in me, that giving it 5 stars does not do it justice. This is a fictional book, right? WRONG! For me, it was real. I felt every single emotion when reading it. So much so, that I left work early because I needed to continue to read this in peace.

Away is about Cassandra and how she was having trouble dealing with a mistake she made. Her parents are hard to swallow and she did not know what to do or where her life was going. She decides to take a trip to talk and get support from her best friend Mel. On the way to Alamosa, she gets into a car accident and Jason comes to her rescue. From the beginning, he was “her knight and shining armor.”

“I know you’re scared, Sweetheart, but help is on the way.”

With nowhere to go, Jason immediately offers for Cassandra to stay with him, his mother, Trish and his father, Bart. (Can you see the alpha in him?) Cassandra feels comfortable with them and they become an emotional support system for her as well. Jason knows she is running from something but he is patient enough to wait for her to tell him when she’s ready.

“It’s okay Sweetheart, when you’re ready.”

"You look afraid, and I just don’t want you to have to be scared alone okay?”

“I called you Jase. Is that Okay?”

“It’s definitely okay.”

Of course along the way, we get to meet the ex-girlfriend Anna. You know the type of ex I am speaking about; the one that thinks she is the only for him? Yep! She tells Cassie that she is just a fling (B*tch!) even though she is with someone else. But Cassie dishes it back just as well. I loved her come back. I was literally laughing out loud and it helped that Jase was not having it either. He was done with the whole, high school sweetheart thing.

“Well that’s a shame for you, because I like him just the way he is. Not to mention, I might be the shiny new toy, but you’re the old one that gets sold for cheap.”

“We’re done Anna. It’s taken me a long time to realize it, but I don’t deserve you. Anna, I don’t want to hear from you again, ever.”

Jase and Cassie’s feelings grow over time and when Cassie decides to tell him her story, once again my stomach took a dive.

“Right now all I can think about is you. I don’t know what it is, but you drive me wild inside. You make he want to protect you from everything.”

Cassie has a feeling Jase is hiding something as well because after he openly admits his feelings he starts to push her away. But thanks to Jase showing her how to live with the now and cherish every moment she finally decides to take charge of something in her life.

“Tell me you feel it feel it Jase. You feel your heart on fire every time we get close. That everything inside tells you it’s too fast to fall this hard for someone you just met, tell me you feel it too.”

“I do. I feel all of it, every goddamn bit of it, Cassie. From day one, you had me, you owned me, my thoughts, my everything.”

There are so many wonderful parts to this story that I fell in love with. I can spend all day writing my favorite quotes, or the most memorizing parts of this story that is how good of a book this is. B.A. Wolfe author did a fantastic job!

I finished this book a couple days ago and I still cannot stop thinking about it. I even dreamed about it! I’m telling you that is how I know this book is worth more than the 5 stars I gave it. This is a book that has taught me not to think about the what ifs, to relish the now and to take life as it is. It has reminded me to look at all the wonderful things that are around me and be happy with myself. And when you find that type of love, you hold onto it as tight as you can. Please read this book you will not be disappointed in it.
Profile Image for Sofie Hartley.
31 reviews677 followers
November 20, 2013

I just don't have them.

Going into this I had no idea what to expect. I hadn't read the synopsis or any reviews. This book was purely read straight from a recommendation and curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat.

I devoured this book in a couple of hours, all while having a break for a 'breather' and to update my friend on my thoughts throughout the book. Never in my life has a book torn me apart like this one. The relationships, the hurt, the pain, the anguish. The... damn, everything. EVERYTHING.

B.A. Wolfe has some serious skills. Not just her awesome writing, but the way she beautifully wrapped everything up into a dagger shaped book. That not only sliced right threw me, but has completely scarred me and set deep within.

So, I am going to do exactly what my friend did. I am going to tell you to take a chance on a book without looking at the synopsis. Pick it up, read it and fall in love with it.

An amazing debut that can only be described as life changing.
121 reviews10 followers
November 13, 2013
Away had me interested as soon as I knew I would get a hot cowboy story! Being from a small town myself, I was drawn to this storyline. The country and a tight knit community are things I was fortunate enough to grow up with. My town did have five traffic lights though. There is just something comforting about the town of Keaton that let you get lost in the possibilities of a better future.

I immediately fell for Jason and his knight in shining armor personality. He was kind hearted, protective and a live in the moment kind of person. I think that is a tough trait to find in people in this day and age. Our lives are so jam packed with to do lists that we often forget to feel the grass between our toes, to dance, to run in the rain and just appreciate every moment for everything it has to offer. His relationship with Cassandra slowly blossomed and was sweet and innocent. I loved the trivia games Jason created to work through tense moments. He was always encouraging Cassandra to be who she wanted to be without trying to change her. He already knew she possessed the qualities; he was just trying to bring them to the surface.

Cassandra had been dealt an awful hand with her plate ungodly full of changes. I was incredibly proud of her for speaking up to her parents when the time presented itself. She evolved and found her backbone at just the right times. It just goes to show you that family has nothing to do with DNA. Her family was in Keaton, the last place she ever imagined. My heart broke for everything she lost. I cried right along with her. I had so many tears I couldn’t even see the screen on my Kindle. I never saw the turn the book took and was shocked. I know wonderful things are still in store for Cassandra and will definitely be along for the ride.

B.A Wolfe has done an amazing job with this breakout novel. She created amazing characters that you can’t help but fall in love with. Every cowboy needs his girl and the connection she created blew me away. Sometimes getting lost is everything you actually hoped to find when you thought you were going the right way. I want to dance in the middle of the street, have a picnic, play Scrabble and just be. Thank you to the author for opening my eyes and teaching me to live in the moment and that worrying won’t change the outcome. It will only stress me out. Most of all, be thankful for every day!

Profile Image for Elisabeth Grace.
Author 31 books971 followers
November 19, 2013
Gah! This book had me dripping tears into my Cheerios this morning as I finished it over breakfast!

This is an emotional, thought provoking book that deals with how to go on when you feel like there is no hope and all is lost. I loved Jase's character! He was so sweet and watching these two come together as they both wade through muddy waters was a delight! Oh, and let's not forget the old building scene...swoon!

I don't want to give away any spoilers but let's just say near the end my mind was reeling.

I'm sure there's more of Cassie's story to come and I can't wait to see what B.A. has up her sleeve for the next installment!
Profile Image for Reanell Tisdale.
534 reviews183 followers
December 23, 2013
3.5-4 stars

Okay so the first 60% was just okay for me. I actually skimmed through some of it. But once I got to the 60% mark things picked up. Then when it got interesting, the author ripped my heart out!! And that's why I rounded up to a 4 star. I love the stories that make me cry!! But I feel like the story was rushed at this point, it was like BOOM, and then, okay it's over now. I did enjoy the story though.
Profile Image for Kimberly Rinaldi.
443 reviews2 followers
November 21, 2013
“The term ‘away’ comes in many forms and phrases. Get away, stay away, far away, go away, went away and move away but the term that best fits my situation...run away.”

Cassie was raised to be little Miss Perfect. Her parents are strict and have always expected the best from her. Cassie never saw anything wrong with it because she thought she had no other choice and all she ever really wanted was their acceptance and approval. One night she makes a huge mistake and is now on the run. She knows there is no way in hell she could ever go to her parents for help and decides to visit her best friend Mel.

“I needed someone to tell me that life wasn’t ending and that things would be okay.”

Unfortunately she has no sense of direction and apparently neither does her GPS. She ends up lost and crashes into a tree. Thankfully Jason is there immediately to help her. Cassie insists she doesn’t need any help but Jason is not the type of guy to leave someone in need.

“I know you can. I just want to be here to catch you in case you fall.”

Now her car is wrecked and she’s stranded in a town with people she doesn’t know. But once again Jase comes to her rescue and offers her a place to stay until the car is fixed. But even knight in shining armors still know how to tease...

“We like to keep our city a secret. Saves more trees that way.”

This is when she starts to see her first glimmer of hope and realizes that there really can be goodness in her life. However, she continues to hide her secret from Jase. Jase knows Cassie will come to him when she’s ready and in the meantime he helps her to see that there is more to life than what she believes.

“Have you ever just stopped and felt the cool grass under your feet before?”

“You’re learning to enjoy your moments.”

While I know this is Cassie’s story, Jase stole my heart from the first time he called her “Sweetheart.”

“My stomach was full of butterflies fluttering around as though they had the time of their life.”

MINE TOO!! Every time Jase would speak I felt them!

“You make crashing very enthralling.”

“You make it easy.”


“He was amazing. That was all there is to it.”

Cassie, I couldn’t agree with you more!! He’s amazing, sweet, funny, caring, sensitive, assertive when he needs to be and the list goes on and on. I can’t imagine that anyone who ever met him would hate him or think bad of him. He just knew what to expect from this world and even if one day didn’t go the way he wanted, he knew the next day would be better. He helped Cassie to open up her eyes and see the bigger picture. That life isn’t always what it seems but it’s what we make of it. Sometimes events or occurrences in our life are stepping stones to guide us to the right path.

“I think that too. That maybe, getting lost was all part of this master plan for my life and that I got lost for a reason.”

The connection between these two was instantaneous. You could just feel that these two were made for each other. But Jase is also hiding a secret that could destroy everything these two have. What will happen when his secret finally comes out? Will Cassie stick it out and stay in Keaton? Or will she go back to her “perfect” life and leave Keaton behind.

“When you leave Keaton, you’ll be taking a little part of this town with you, and you’ll also be leaving a little piece of you behind.”

Even the secondary characters in this story were amazing. His mom, dad, Mel and Moose…they all just helped add a little something extra to the story. Even though they weren’t her family by blood they showed her what it was like to have an actual family. Something she never would’ve had in her life had she never met them.

“Being lost in Boulder had led to finding myself in Keaton.”

I know what you’re going to say about this story…

“That it can’t be real even though your heart screams to you that it is.”

TRUST ME this story is REAL! My emotions were all over the place with this book and each one that I felt was REAL. These characters are REAL. The message you get when you read it is REAL.

I was extremely privileged to be a beta reader for this story and am so grateful that B.A. Wolfe allowed me to take this journey with her. This story has definitely developed from a story in her notebook to a novel she can be extremely proud of. Honestly, I remember not even really liking Jase in the beginning and now I don’t know what I would do without ever having him in my life. He not only taught Cassie how to live but I believe he’s helped me as well. This book is one hell of a journey, that I sincerely hope you all take!

“I guess that’s just a chapter for another day, huh?”

You better believe it! B.A. Wolfe, congratulations on an amazing debut novel! I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us next.
Profile Image for Nicole.
110 reviews28 followers
December 2, 2013
" People become too reliant on having the world at their fingertips. Enjoying the moment and not knowing what's going to come next, that's the real deal, Cassie."

Where oh where should I even begin with this one?? So here's the thing, I went into this book blind as a bat. I remember reading the synopsis before signing up for the blog tour thinking oh man this sounds like a great one….however I had quite a few other tours going on as well so I pretty much forgot. Let me just say BEST THING EVER!!!! This story blew my mind literally. After ending this I sat staring at my kindle with tears pouring down my face and my kids looking at me wondering what in tarnation is going on. Mommy has gone and lost her mind.

I have felt several emotions while reading books before, but none have rocked me quite like this one. I had NO idea and I mean none what was going to happen next. The plot twist was one that was not expected and I was a little upset with B.a. when I was done, but it's all good in the hood now. I loved every second of that roller coaster ride. I was crying, yelling at my kindle, laughing, smiling, getting butterflies, felt like I was about to have a heart attack, I was in shock… I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. It is quite the roller coaster of emotions.

" No matter the girl, perfect or flawed, she's the light of somebody's life."

Cassandra Pierce is trying to run away from life. You see she got herself in a bit of trouble, and didn't know what else to do. So she calls up her bestie Mel and they both plan on figuring everything out together once she got to her place. Life had another thing planned for Cassie though. You see she went and got lost. Not only lost, she ended up wrapping her car around a tree. Don't get your panties in a bunch though because she made it out just fine, thank the good Lord above for Jason. **Swoooning** Jason happened to see the whole accident happen and came to her rescue.

Jason Bradley is a very charmingly sweet country boy. Most country boys are though right?! :) Jason isn't like the guys Cassie is use to, he lives a simple life and always stays positive. However Jason has some secrets he's hiding from Cassie. Cassie has some secrets of her own. While her car is getting fixed Jason's parents were gracious enough to let her stay with them. Little did Cassie know that her life would forever be changed. She has two parents that are treating her as parents should…with love and without judgement. Then she has this man that is teaching her how to live and relax. You can't always be perfect, and things don't always go your way.

" Well, I can't say that I blame you. I'm gonna need a damn fan every time he's around. Normally, cowboys don't do it for me, but he's hot."

I love a story that sucks me in. This one did just that. I was feeling every emotion the characters were. I honestly wasn't expecting to do that ugly cry. You know the one i'm talking about where you have tears blinding you from seeing anything with the snot just pouring out of your nose. Yep, that was me. I was a hot mess after reading. I will forever be changed because of this story.

If you haven't read Away I highly recommend you do . Jason is a book boyfriend that will have you swooning and your stomach aching with butterflies. Cassie will have you looking at your life and thinking "Damn, I do need to just slow down and relax" I was one of those people. After reading I sat back and thought to myself " Self…you are way too tense. You need to just relax more and live life. Yes, the cards you've been dealt aren't exactly the ones you were planning, but hey what's the fun in having a life all planned out?" Since I have found myself smiling a lot more, having more energy, and just taking life by the horns. It's quite a marvelous thing =)

" Okay. There's the look. Sweetheart, every guy wants it, but knowing when it's right is what makes the moment of making love so special. It has to be something that you give, not something that I take."

So I would like to say B.a. Thank you, thank you, thank you. From the bottom of my heart Thank you! For this being your debut novel I am in awe. I can't wait to read your future works. You have found yourself a fan and supporter for life. <3

#1click this bad boy today and enjoy the ride. It's quite the love story.

I rate Away a 10+ Stars. Since that isn't possible though I'll just say 5+ then..? Lol.

" It was about us, two strangers finding friendship and love in a crazy situation, and in the end, what I ended up with was our story."

" You might red light it now, but you'll green light in in the end."

There were so many quotes that I loved in this book. Those were just a small few. Happy reading and I hope you love this book as much as I did.

Profile Image for Juliana.
183 reviews51 followers
September 20, 2014
What am I going to say about this book? Well for one….I HATE YOU B.A. WOLFE. You broke my heart…shattered it and there better be book 2 so you can piece it back together or I may hunt you down and make you write at gunpoint…lol. I am sitting here trying to write this review without crying my eyes out so I am going to do something different.

1. Jason….oh Jase. I loved Jason. I fell madly, deeply beyond words in love with him. When you read this book…you will fall in love with him to and completely understand where my tears came from.

2. I <3 Cassie. Sweet, messed up and just in need of unconditional love Cassie. My heart broke when hers did. Please tell me I will get to see her HEA.

3. I think I loved the supporting characters as much as the main ones. Mel and Moose melted my heart with their love and loyalty to their friends.

4. Bring tissues. LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of tissues.

5. Bring Xanax and maybe some vodka. LMAO :)

6. You get a HEAish….there is no cliffhanger but you want to know more. You will need more.

7. This a beautiful love story. One that needs to read because it just shows that sometimes all it takes some kindness from unlikely places to find your happy place and be lucky enough to fall in love at the same time.

Some of my favorite quotes:

“If you wait for the right time for anything, it will always be too late,” he said quietly as he motioned with his head for me to walk back to him. “Come here.” I slowly took in a breath and brought my eyes up to his. They locked me in; they were gleaming as though this was exactly what he wanted. I couldn’t deny it was what I wanted too. My heart was screaming for me to walk faster to him. I took another deep breath as I raced to him, jumping in his arms the second I was in front of him, his arms wrapping around me as I did. I looked into his eyes for only a moment before I felt his soft lips pressed against mine. My whole body went limp as he cradled me against him, feeling for the first time the true notion of being wanted. Not just physically, but that a weight lifted off my shoulders knowing I had Jase with me, holding me tightly.

“Tell me you feel it Jase. You feel your heart on fire every time we get close. That you try not to even think because all you want to think about is what it would feel like to have our lips touch again, knowing that it will be just as earth shattering as the first time. That everything inside tells you it’s too fast to fall this hard for someone you just met. That it can’t be real even though your heart screams to you that it is. Damn it Jase!” I screamed as the rain soaked my face. “Tell me you feel it too.” “I do. I feel all of it, every goddamn bit of it, Cassie. From day one, you had me, you owned me, my thoughts, my everything. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I didn’t want to.” “So what happened yesterday and this morning Jason? What the hell was that about?” “I was scared. I was afraid of what would happen the moment you left. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. So I thought by giving us some distance, it would be easier for the both of us, but it’s not. I was wrong. I was so fucking wrong. If you’re in this, then so am I, but you’re stuck with me forever because my heart won’t be able to handle losing you now Sweetheart,” he said as the rain continued to run down him, soaking every inch of his body. “I’m in Jase, I was already in,” I admitted.

“No, you’re more than a best friend. You’re mine, Sweetheart.”
Those are just some the finer points of this absolutely beautiful book written by B.A Wolfe. Even tough it broke my heart, I do not regret reading it one bit. It was a beautiful love story. It was honest and real, Jase and Cassie were two awesome main characters. The story had a great flow and she had some great lines. I really do hope that she planning on writing a book 2. I need to know what happens. I apologize for the horrible things I said about you as I was crying my eyes out…..lol and I am sending you my therapy bill for the post -traumatic stress you inflicted on me. This definite MUST READ with a box of tissues or two ;)

Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews619 followers
November 8, 2015
4.25 Green Light Stars

Wow...what the hell am I doing to myself? I just got done Bright Side and I continued on with another gut wrenching book. I must have an emotional death wish!

So, at first I was annoyed with Cassie and found it hard to connect with her. I felt that Jase and her relationship was rushed and one dimensional...but....then after getting about 1/2 way through the book, I understood what the author was doing and it all made sense.

By that time, I had already invested a connection with the characters and all clicked around me.

This is definitely a book that needs to have the next one "Stay" read directly afterwards. This will gut you and "Stay" will build you back up. But don't get me wrong...there are still some gut wrenching moments in the next book.

I honestly didn't think I would be able to read the next one because i get so emotionally invested in a character that I can't see him/her with anyone else. And this did it with Cassie and Jase, but I gave it a chance and you can read the rest of my review there.... *muwah
Profile Image for Faith Andrews.
Author 22 books1,096 followers
December 2, 2013
What an emotionally wonderful debut book by BA Wolfe! Make sure you have your tissues ready for this unexpected, tear-out-your-heart ending!

Cassie and Jace's chance meeting is like fate amplified by a million. Cassie has an accident while fleeing from her old life. Jace, the sexy, sweet, cowboy to the rescue, saves the day and then kicks it up a notch by taking Cassie into his home and then working his way into her heart. Sometimes you are destined to meet certain people because they impact your life in a way that no one can explain...this is Cassie and Jace. This is Away.

BA Wolfe has you laughing, swooning, cheering and then crying your eyes out...I really enjoyed this book and it's unpredictable love story...
Profile Image for Nance.
1,558 reviews112 followers
November 26, 2013
Wow!! Amazing debut!!! Was no way expecting that ending!!!!

This novel was amazing! I never thought that I would become so emotionally distraught while turning the final few pages of the book. It just ripped my heart out and stomped all over it. It was so moving. It was beautiful and tender. A love so sweet and compassionate. True friends. True lovers. Stunningly driven. Heartbreakingly decided. I just couldn’t believe it ended that way... (tears still flowing). A day later, and I’m still shaking my head. In fact, when reviewing parts of the book while writing this review, I seem to be tearing up again. I never had that happen before. It’s like I knew the characters personally. They were my friends until the bitter end. Why? Why did their story get cut so short when they were meant to be together...forever? I guess I understand why the author wrote it the way she had, But, I was so not prepared for it. The thought never even crossed my mind. Now that’s a “love story”! A crushingly poignant “love story”!

“THE TERM ‘AWAY’ COMES IN many forms and phrases. Get away, stay away, far away, go away, and move away, but the term that best fits my situation...Run away.” ~ Cassandra (Chap. 1)

Oh, where to start...hmmmm. Well, Cassandra Pierce is running “away”. Away from everything that has ever been planned for her. Nothing has ever been her choice. From the college she goes to, to the major chosen for her, right down to the grades she got. Her parents had big plans for her, and she was expected to be the “perfect” daughter. But, she messed up badly. Everything was now in jeopardy, and she had no idea how to fix it. And, that’s why she was on her way to see best friend, Melanie, at Adams State University. Mel would listen and know what to do. As she’s on her trek to see her friend, and driving in the wrong direction I might add, she passes through a small town called Keaton. She, unfortunately, ends up getting in a car accident because of a blown tire, which puts her trip to Melanie on the back-burner for now. Happily for Cassandra, though, she’s rescued by a handsomely impressive guy. Jason Bradley is sweet and charming. He’s such an eyeful with his sparkling green eyes and wavy brown hair. He’s one special guy! He’s just so incredible. And, Cassandra feels things fluttering in her stomach that she’s never felt there before. He befriends her and allows her to stay at his parents’ home while her car is being fixed. He couldn’t have been nicer – even nicknaming her “Cassie”, which only shows her how endearing he really is. But, both individuals are harboring secrets that could have devastating repercussions. Cassie’s secret, though, is much more accepting and hopeful to work through, while Jason’s is unpredictable and could prove to be inevitably tragic. The truth with each person finally comes out, and they are painstakingly dealt with. But, when two medical emergencies arise at the same time, Cassie has to make a choice as to which one will receive her full attention. Jason, though, makes the choice for her – actually insisting for her to return home to conquer her demons. Unfortunately, though, what happens next rocks her world to no end. It brings everything that the couple planned for their future to a screeching halt with agony and despair. It was painful. Torturing. Traumatic. Tragic. How can it hurt this bad? Uncontrollably sobbing, how will she ever be able to go on?

Well, like I said, this is one sorrowful novel. Beautiful through and through despite the broken hearts. Containing a love so rare. A love so exquisite that one couldn’t help but be infatuated with the characters that author, B.A. Wolfe, created. Both main characters, Cassandra and Jason, had divine souls – loving each other compassionately and unconditionally no matter their faults or their imperfections. Cassie was such a “sweetheart”. Such a kind and caring young woman – always trying to live up to her parents’ standards until it just wasn’t possible to do so any more. They just really didn’t know their daughter or who she had become. And, when it came to her and Jason’s relationship, she just couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have found him. He was her other half. Her soulmate. Her now and her forever. And, Jason, wow! He was just so charming. Unbelievably cute! He melted Cassie’s heart with his mesmerizing gaze that spoke of nothing but devotion and intensity. With his country “sweetheart” endearment, his stylish cowboy hat and boots, and those, oh so, delicious tight blue jeans, he was a sight to feast one’s eyes on. He was funny and tender. And, just so remarkably brave! One couldn’t help but love him! He had a great family support system and true best friend in T.J. “Moose”. When everything was said and done, there would never be any doubt of just what a stellar individual he truly was! Truly unimagineable...

The word "Away" is so final, so definitive...

“The term ‘away’ comes in many forms and phrases. Get away, stay away, far away, go away, run away, move away, but the term that best fits this situation...Went away.” ~ Cassie (Chap. 35)...just so so sad

This was an outstanding novel! One that I would highly recommend. I was truly surprised that this was Ms. Wolfe’s first published work. She definitely has a promising future in the writing profession. A novel not to be missed! It will be an emotional rollercoaster, but worth every single solitary minute spent reading it...

Green light<3;)

Profile Image for Shannon.
2,545 reviews219 followers
March 22, 2016

"Sweetheart, why can’t you just learn to let things be? Let the chips fall where they may. Enjoy all the moments without worrying about the who, what, when, where, and why of everything."

I’m not sure quite where to go with my review for this book. It tore me apart and it left me reeling. There were parts of it that I really loved but there were also parts that completely frustrated me and made me a little crazy. It was emotionally draining. It broke my heart.

Cassandra and Jason form an instant bond when she ends up in Keaton. I think Jason and Cassandra met at exactly the right time in her life, he’s someone she needed in her life, and she was someone he needed in his life, and I was happy they were there for each other. But I just didn’t feel the “love” connection between the 2- there was just something missing for me. I can’t really explain why or what exactly, it’s just something I felt.

I read Away as part of a group read/readalong and at times it was hard to keep myself from reading ahead, especially as we got towards the end, because I really needed to know what we were in for. There was so much happening in this books- Cassandra and her pregnancy, Cassandra and her parents, Jason and Cassandra’s developing relationship, Jason’s secrets… where was it all leading?!?

But then, I wished I hadn’t gotten to the end.
Profile Image for Cara.
185 reviews13 followers
November 17, 2013
So I was finally able to read this book... and all I can say is holy shit! I absolutely loved this story! Jase is absolutely great and sweet and sexy and kind and oh so awesome!!!
This story is very sweet and at times made me very emotional. My heart definitely broke for Cassie. I'm positive I will read this again and probably more than once.
Way to go B.A. Wolfe!!!! Fantastic read!
Profile Image for Olivia.
50 reviews8 followers
March 19, 2015
This was a sweet,emotionally loaded story. I liked the idea of the characters and plot but I found the writing really slow and the dialogue a bit flat. There were secrets and drama but I found myself not really caring about any of it. I really wanted to feel something and get invested however I found myself on struggle street with this one.
Profile Image for Dee.
1,992 reviews85 followers
December 14, 2017
4.5 stars

Exceptional story that ripped my heart to shreds. The only thing stopping me giving it 5 stars was some of the editing - something most won't notice but I found distracting.

I one-clicked this in December 2015 and forgot I had it. I'm so pleased I revisited my on-kindle-to-read pile.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,050 reviews90 followers
November 27, 2013
**ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**

3.5-4 stars

I really don't know how to write this review….I have a lot of mixed feelings on this book. I have to be honest…this is probably the hardest review I've had to write. I guess that is why I couldn't decide on a firm star rating. I really did enjoy this book, but I had trouble with one part in the book, but I won't say what it is because it would spoil the story. So I guess the 4 stars was for my overall enjoyment of the book and the Love Story between Jason and Cassie, but the part that isn't sitting well with me is why I also gave it 3.5 stars. This is a story of finding oneself and learning to love.  This is also a story about living for the moment and remembering all the small things because they are the ones that make the most special memories.  I thought the writing and storyline of this book were really good.  Everything flowed smoothly.  I also thought the pace of the book was great...it didn't drag and yet we weren't rushed through the story.

The story starts were Cassandra (Cassie) is running away from her family and life at college because of something that has happened to her.  She's on her way to her BFF Melanie when she ends up getting stuck in a town that isn't even where she was supposed to be going.  She ends up damaging her car and Jason is there to help her. That's how these two meet.  As time goes on we find out what Cassie was hiding and why she was running but during this time we find that Jason has a secret of his own.  These two really had trouble trusting people, but were determined to help each other.  I truly enjoyed watching both Jason and Cassie grow into better and stronger people and as a couple. These to characters created such a bond that it really stuck with me. Jason was probably the sweetest male character I have read about ( Although the Cowboys usually are ;) )He was determined to make Cassie see that even though she ended up in his small town that god had a special plan for her. Come to find out that the special plan was to be with him. I really can't say much more about these two because it would spoil this story and I refuse to do that.

I loved all the secondary characters in this story. Melanie was Cassie BFF and she was amazing. She was spunky but everything she said was so heartfelt. She stuck by Cassie through thick and thin. She would do anything for her. She is the Best Friend everyone would love to have. Moose was Jason's BFF and he was also a great support for both Jason and Cassie. I wish we would've gotten to read more about him, but maybe if there is another book we will see more of him. Jason's parents were phenomenal… I can't really describe them accurately so you will just need to experience them for yourselves.

I would recommend this book, but just know that this is a very emotional read. You will want tissues with you when you read this book. I have to believe that there will also be another book coming out because of what is said in the epilogue. It makes you believe that the story isn't finished.

For more reviews go to www.bookbitchesblog.com
Profile Image for Books&Dreams.
575 reviews
December 6, 2013
 photo bookwormsreviewicon.jpg

I was given this book as an ARC for an honest review.
I give this book 5 stars.
I would def give it more if I could.
That being said this is Jase and Cassie's story.

I just idk. WORDS? I have none. This book blew me away. And I thought about it for so long HOW am I going to leave a review?? Yeah it is one of those books.

Cassandra has problems and she decides she needs her bff to get through what she is going through. So she decides to jump in her car with her GPS in hand and go and visit her at another college. She for sure gets lost because who can rely on a GPS (don't we know it) and has a tire blow out and hits a tree.

Jason is there to save the day. And comes to her rescue and he is a beautiful, sexy unbelieveable amazing guy. He stays by her side and makes sure that she is ok. Then he comes back and makes sure she has somewhere to stay and insists that she stay with him and his family.

Through out the whole book, Cassie learns what a family is really about, she learns that love can come any many shapes and forms, like through a town, through friends, and most of all through family, Jase shows her what life is really about and gives her a new meaning on it.
He shows her how to relax and enjoy life as it comes, and that each day should count.

These two have secrets tho. Both of them and when they are revealed will it tear the perfect picture they have of themselves apart?

ALL I have to say is WOW I never saw any of this coming and when it did it hit me like a mac truck!!! YOU have to read this book!!! IT is in my top for the year !!!

I can't say too much because it will give it away. And we don't want that at all. . But if you are going to give any book a chance I am telling you to do it with this one. It has carved a place in my heart for sure, I will not be forgetting it any time soon.

Jase is just a phenomenal guy and who could not fall in love with him? It would be hard to spend time with that man every day and not tell him a hundred times how great and magnificent he is.

Cassie is so much more then what she seems to be in the beginning she just needed someone like Jase to bring out the wonderful in her. And boy does he!!

This book will leave you breathless....

I found myself reading faster and faster just so i could get to the next part! AND I could feel it in my chest and it gave me tingles. YES it did actually give me tingles!!! OH MY FEELS!!! I just kept trying to finish and when it did, i was so upset that the story was over. I COULD NOT put this book down!!!

Thank you for this amazing, beautiful book.

I recommend this book to anyone who loves to read!!!!!! <3
Profile Image for Toski Covey.
130 reviews156 followers
December 8, 2013
I had to wait a day to review this because my emotions were that strong. I had heard from about 3 people to read this book.. It's "my" kind of book.

Southern Boy

City Girl

Meet by chance


then the angst- LOTS of it.


This story begins with Cassandra (Cassie) running from her life- headed to stay with her BFF she gets in an accident along the way and it just so happend Jason/Jace/HOTCowboy comes along to save her. She is for the most part unharmed- her car not so much. She's going to have to stay in town for a few days while it's being repaired. The only motel in this one-stop-light small town is disgusting so Jason offers her to stay at his house (his parents house)

Unsure but with no other options- Cassie goes home with him. She has no choice- she has to get away from her life .. The one she is running from. The one she has kept a secret.

This story had LOTS of character relationship building. The author gave me a chance to really fall in love with all of these characters. I LOVE when I'm reading a story and am so lost in it- I forget I am reading. That is exactly where I was with this book. I was in it. I was part of them. They were part of me. I was absolutely 100% connected and never wanted it to end.

But then.

The secret is revealed. YOu know - the one you know is coming. He's TOO perfect. Something is coming. then.

whoop. there.it.is.

Yep. SHREDDED my heart.

torn up. died a bit inside.

Then 92% - I am praising the lord. Sneaky B.A.Wolfe - real sneaky.



Is he healing her? Is she healing him? Will they heal each other?

This story will bring every single emotion you have to the surface. You will laugh, cry, sweat, curse, ugly-snot-running-down your face while you rock back and forth cause-you-may-need-therapy or mental help-after, and you may want to kill me for recommending it.BUT this is one of those you remember. The kind that sticks with you. Is embedded in your heart because you left a piece of you with it.

Looking for THAT kind of book? Then this MUST be your next read.

I would compare this book to - When it rains- Lisa De jong, Present Perfect- Alison Bailey, Taking Chances- Molly McAdams, Chasing Nikki- Lacey Wetherford.



Amazing story- thank you for sharing BA WOLFE! <3
Profile Image for Tracie Payne.
711 reviews37 followers
July 19, 2017
So I had to wait a day to reflect on this book to write a review. Because I was too shaken up when I finished. I had this book loaned to me by a friend and her advice was to go in blind, don't look at reviews and don't look at the blurb. It's hard to do this without spoilers but I'll try.
It starts with a young college girl who's running away from some problems to see her best friend. She ends up lost and because of an accident she ends up in this small town and comes across a sweet and sexy young man who has become quite the savior. He and his family take her in to their home while her car is being repaired. There is an attraction and the romantic build is a slow one. But that means we get to learn about Cassie and Jason and we fall in love with them. They both have their secrets and finding out about them, especially Jason's is quite heart breaking. But he's such a strong young man that we believe anything is possible. I'll have to stop with plot right here cause going further will ruin it. This is a slow burn, gradual buildup of a story. But I'll say that at 90% the bottom will fall out and you will be drowning in tears.
Profile Image for Tricia.
292 reviews
October 23, 2014
This is one of the best written debut books I have ever read! I went into this blind, and I recommend, for this beautiful emotional ride, you do the same.

But if you must know a little.....

The writing flowed so well I forgot I was reading fiction, and that was very apparent when my heart was ripped to gut wrenching beautiful tears. This relationship is built from strangers to love, there is no lust here. Sometimes life makes you take a path that you did not see coming, and you wonder “why” or “what if”. After reading this, you will not want to question why or what if, you will make sure you take life as it is, and enjoy every moment.

Jason,Cassie and your family and friends will stay with me for a very long time, and I hope that B. A. Wolfe continues to see what twist of fate is in store next.

Profile Image for Michelle.
431 reviews18 followers
December 5, 2013
What a sweet emotional ride about two people meeting when they need each other the most. Although I wished it had ended differently, I loved Jase and Cassie and their story. I'm anxious for the next in the series after that epilogue. very well written for a debut novel.
Profile Image for Carrie Richardson-horton.
101 reviews23 followers
December 9, 2013
You know those special moments in your life that you never forget?! The moments that give you so much anxiety your heart feels like it is going to burst..the butterflies as big as bats in your belly...that was me the entire time I read Away! I can't even put into words as the tears fall how emotionally attached I am to this book!

Ok..ok..I'll suck it up and get on with it!

Cassie is on her way to visit her best friend Melanie after making some mistakes in her life that she can't take back. Melanie is the only person that Cassie has that understands her, and what she is going through. You will love Cassie immediately! She has had a lot handed to her but she stays strong through it all. I felt for her though. I knew she was keeping her pain bottled up and eventually it needed out. While making her way to see Mel Cassie wrecks and ends up having to stay in a little town with her nurse Trish she meets at the hospital, and her family for a few days until her car gets fixed. This is how she meets Jason. He just so happens to be who helped her during her wreck and Trish's son.

Im going to try really hard to get through this review without crying like a newborn baby!

Jase- if there were ever a man I'd want my daughters to find one day it would be a Jase! He is the kindest, sweetest, most caring man I think I have ever read about! He puts Cassie needs first! Cassie is harboring secrets and Jase knows them, but he wants Cassie to be comfortable telling him the truth. Jase has a huge secret too. This secret stopped my heart! I warn you there will be tears! They are all worth it though. Just getting to spend time with these characters you won't regret a single minute of reading Away. Jase had me at Sweetheart and Darlin! Who doesn't love a cowboy?? Right?? Ahhh! Love him! He will steal your heart and NEVER give it back. Be prepared to add him to your BB list now. He will be staying there I promise you.

As their relationship develops and their bond grows stronger you will be like OMG is this real? Why??? Nooooo!!!! Please!!!!! <---- that was me! I swear I really thought I could stop it somehow! I knew it was going to happen but you're never really ready for it! All those emotions you can't turn off will happen!

You will love the friends in this book too..Moose and Mel are hilarious and I want more of them please. I don't think I disliked any character except when Anna Jasons Ex comes back to town but Cassie puts her right in her place and it was great.

Here are some of my highlights

"Tell me you feel it Jase. You feel your heart on fire every time we get close. That you try not to even think because all you want to think about is what it would feel like to have our lips touch again, knowing it will be just as earth shattering as the first." <------ swoon city!

"What's the best memory you have?" "You picked a tough one he said taking a deep breath. "But I'd have to say I finally have one that I'm sure can never be replaced. Meeting you and seeing your pretty face in that car when I came to your rescue." <----- Could this man get any sweeter? Stick a fork in me I'm done! Goodness sakes...

Getting lost and meeting me was just the beginning Sweetheart. Now, my pretty girl, it's time to write away. Green light, Jase~ <------ the tears fell hard here and you will see why as you read!

There are so many more I love but I would be here all day so I'll let you read to see the rest! Please go read this amazing book. The chemistry is off the charts! There's a HOT rain/library scene that will leave you speechless.

I give Away 5 HUGE glittery stars! I would give more if I could!! It deserves more. Loved it from start to finish! Thank you B.A.Wolfe for sharing this with us. Can't wait for book two. "To Cassie.Write Away Sweetheart." <----- I had no words...Loved! Green light B.A. always ;)
Profile Image for Jodie.
223 reviews27 followers
November 23, 2013
“The term ‘away’ comes in many forms and phrases. Get away, stay away, far away, go away, went away and move away but the term that best fits my situation...run away.”

Those are the words that started this book and I should have known at that moment I had just started a relationship that was going to forever change me and stay with me. Words, I know I need to express them but I can’t find them. I know words I usually use such as, this book stole a piece of my soul, I felt this in my stomach, MOTHER HELL!! I just want to know how do you explain when a book enters your soul, your heart. A book that makes you ugly cry, laugh and cling to your kindle. Because that’s what this book did, that’s what this book was.

“I. Was. Screwed. There was no other way to put it.”

Cassie was raised to be everything her parents considered perfect. But one night a mistake changes her life forever and it leaves her headed for her best friend Mel. But call it fate or call it Cassie’s luck she ends up lost and in a situation that lands her in the lap of a knight in shining armor, Jase.

“He was gorgeous, helpful, and sweet. Talk about a trifecta.”


“Cue the flutters that were going crazy in my stomach and the goosebumps that now covered my body.”

This is where the story took a turn and I knew life for Cassie was about to change. But these two have secrets that they aren’t ready to share with each other. They both know there is something there but they also know that they will share them when they are ready. But while they wait they build this unbelievable relationship, this bond that brought tears to my eyes.

“My stomach was full of butterflies fluttering around as though they had the time of their life.”

And every time Jase spoke to her I felt them, every action Jase made had me falling faster and faster.

“It wasn’t bad enough that his eyes got a hold of me first; he also has the biggest heart in the world.”

“He was amazing. That was all there is to it.”

I have to agree Jase is more than words can explain. He was just pure, he had this heart that wanted to show the world what it could be. The connection him and Cassie shared was heart stopping, it was emotional and you knew these two were meant for each other. But remember those secrets, secrets have to be shared.

“My heart started to rip right down the middle…”

And that’s where I have to stop because you have to experience this and there are things that if they are said it will ruin it. I know that with Cliffhangers people get scared and say I can’t, I will wait. But this is a book you will kick yourself over and yes it’s going to leave you saying…

“Oh My God, you have got to be kidding me.”

Trust me you want that moment, you want the tears and you want this experience. This book isn’t exactly a cliffhanger because Jase and Cassie’s story is complete no secrets, only love. I have to be honest I have an attachment to this book because I was there with B.A. when she started and it was just something she was trying. I am so proud of how far she has come and even if I didn’t touch this book at the beginning I would still say YOU HAVE TO READ THIS!!!

So with that I will say…

“If you wait for the right time for anything, it will always be too late”
Profile Image for Feisty Girls.
102 reviews72 followers
December 6, 2013
Meli's Review

Cassandra "Cassie" is running away from her "perfect" life. She learns that after finally letting loose and being a normal college she had made her biggest mistake yet. So she runs. While heading to be with her best friend Mel she winds up lost and then with no warning her tire pops and she crashes straight into a tree. This is the moment in her life that will change everything.
Jason "Jase" happens to be at the right place in time. He sees Cassie crash and rushes over. The moment he sees her he knows she’s different and he knows he csnt let her go.

Jase and his family let Cassie stay with them and the two of them slowly become friends that both want something more. Cassie knows though that when her car is ready she needs to head back to her life and the secret that she is caring is to much to put on Jase. So she stays just friends.

She never could’ve imagined that Jase wanted more to. He just knew his more was the forever kind of love. But what Cassie didn’t know was that even though she had her secret, Jase was carrying one of his own. Both would change everything.

After both fighting their amazing chemistry they finally decide to try for more. When they are together you can feel how strong their love is for each other.
Insert the forever teaser.

Once both their secrets are out my heart was hurting. I dont know if i really ever stopped hurting. And the end, man did not see that coming. And my heart hurts for everyone in this story. I am still reeling after a few days. I am sure I will be still thinking about this boom for some time.

I absolutely loved all the characters, Jase who has made it to my top book friend list, cassie for her strength through it all, Moose and Mel for sticking by their friends no matter what life threw their way, Trish and Bart, Jase's parents for their loving hearts.

This book is far from only 5 stars but since that is the max I will just have to give this amazing story of finding yourself and your soulmate.....


Joni's Review

At first I didn’t know how I felt about Cassie that is until I learned her story and why and what she was running from. I would be running too. I ended up loving her and felt her every emotion. She literraly crashes into Jason’s life and from the moment their eyes meet there is an undeniable connection.

I fell in head over heels in love with Jase from the go. I absolutely adored him. He threatened to take over my top book boyfriend spot and he is sitting right up there still pushing him off that perch. I cannot get this book out of my head and heart. There will always be a special place for Jase.

There were so many moments that my heart soared for these two and then my heart was shattered into a million pieces and I felt like I had suffered it all first hand. That is the signs of an outstanding book right there. When you are left staring into space and wondering how to move on from it and still reeling days later.

BA Wolfe has a masterpiece on her hands and I cannot wait to see what is in store for us next. Five stars is no where near enough!


January 26, 2020

This book made it to my favorites shelf, and it's staying there. At first I didn't know what to expect, my first book by this author and I was not disappointed.
I fell in love with Jase from the moment he helped Cassie out of the wrecked car, I just had this great feeling about him... agh where to start? The book evoked so many emotions out of me. At times I was frustrated with Cassie for allowing her parents to control so much of her life, for not telling Carter her secret, for running and hiding. But then the sadness came and with that my heart broke unexpectedly... The author gave sooooo much depth to both Cassie and Jase that I felt everything along with them.. I thought I could predict the ending, and boy was I wrong.. I cried way after the I finished the last page.. and I believe Jase is going to leave in imprint on me..

The only thing I hope for is that there will be a second part with Dan in it. Hopefully he will make piece with his parents, and find the great love of his life..

Let me go back to crying...

33 reviews
December 9, 2013
An emotional ending for certain. But I don't think a tug-at-heartstrings plot is enough to earn a 4/5 star rating. The book felt choppy; like the author imagined these individual moments--some were funny, some were romantic, some were intended to create conflict between the lead characters--but had trouble piecing them together in a way that flowed naturally. I also found Cassie, and specifically her reactions (both internal and external) to others and events in her life to be annoying and, at times, really unbelievable. I will give the second book a chance--as I hope it will show growth and development both in the author's writing style and in Cassie's character development.
Profile Image for Ruthie Henrick.
Author 16 books279 followers
May 22, 2015
A confused, frightened girl. A sexy, romantic cowboy. And chemistry that keeps you flipping the pages (or swiping the screen). Loved, loved this story. This author knows how to write emotion that keeps you up all night with the tissue box close by.
Profile Image for Shona Reid.
119 reviews10 followers
December 4, 2013
An amazing debut novel!! I went through every emotion going reading this. I wasn't sure what to expect but it blew me away! I can't wait to find out what this author comes up with next. Must read!!
Profile Image for K.L. Grayson.
Author 27 books1,812 followers
September 15, 2014
Some people can just simply write, and B.A. You are one of those people. This is a beautiful story that will stick with you forever. Devour it, love it, you won't regret it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 520 reviews

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