Amanda's Reviews > Lexicon

Lexicon by Max Barry
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3 1/2 stars.

Are you a cat or a dog person?

In the world of Lexicon, your answer reveals everything they need to know about you. Who are "they"? They are the poets, people who are hardwired to resist persuasion and to use language as a weapon against the rest of us. Studying linguistics, personality and psychology, poets have the ability to subvert free will and compel us do as they wish. The most powerful poets are given pseudonyms that appropriately demonstrate their mastery over language and, thus, over society: T. S. Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, W. B. Yeats, Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf.

Lexicon tells the story of Emily Ruff, a homeless teenage grifter who shows promise as a poet, and Wil Parke, a man who unknowingly survived an apocalyptic event in Broken Hill, Australia. As Emily is recruited by the poets and sent to an exclusive school to cultivate her gifts, Wil is on the run from would be assassins for reasons unknown. As their stories intertwine, Barry explores the power of words and the sway they hold over us.

Lexicon is a clever exploration of modern society. In our media saturated culture, we are surrounded by words from a variety of sources, most of whom have a vested interest in persuading us to adopt their viewpoint or engage in action that is beneficial to them. What are politicians, corporations, pundits, and advertising executives if not "poets"? And, more often than not, they succeed in manipulating and coercing the American public. There is so much spin that it's often hard to tell where the truth ends and the fiction begins--even more chilling is that many people don't even care, content to let the bias of others "think" for them.

While I enjoyed the premise of Lexicon and was certainly drawn in by Barry's fast-pace, the sense that it could have been more nagged at me. Its premise is one that could lend itself to a more complex, nuanced examination of the ability of speech to influence, but Barry keeps it at surface level. While Barry's intent seems to have been to write a fun, intelligent thriller, I would have readily signed on for something more substantial. For example, the purpose of the poets and the intricacies of their organization is never revealed, and the specifics of how their influence works is given only a basic "nuts and bolts" explanation.

However, I was still set to give this a 4 star rating just for its inventiveness and the fun I had along the way, until the unsatisfying end. No spoilers here--I'll only say that, for all the originality of the premise, the ending was underwhelming and predictable.

Cross posted at This Insignificant Cinder and at Shelf Inflicted
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July 31, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
July 31, 2013 – Shelved
May 13, 2014 – Started Reading
May 13, 2014 –
page 159
May 15, 2014 –
page 221
May 17, 2014 – Finished Reading
June 26, 2014 – Shelved as: blog

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Kemper Great minds think alike on this one. I thought it didn't do nearly enough with the premise and settled for being a fairly conventional thriller. And that ending....ugh.

Amanda Kemper wrote: "Great minds think alike on this one. I thought it didn't do nearly enough with the premise and settled for being a fairly conventional thriller. And that ending....ugh."

There was so much promise here that got lost in all the chase scenes and "who is the real bad guy" plot twists. Still, it was fun enough I would have given it a 4 in a mindless summer blockbuster kind of way, but that ending really pissed me off. It's the type of ending I could see them slapping on a film adaptation, but I expected more from the book.

Kemper Amanda wrote: "Kemper wrote: "Great minds think alike on this one. I thought it didn't do nearly enough with the premise and settled for being a fairly conventional thriller. And that ending....ugh."

There was..."

(view spoiler)

Becky Kemper wrote: "Great minds think alike on this one. I thought it didn't do nearly enough with the premise and settled for being a fairly conventional thriller. And that ending....ugh."

You guys couldn't have this discussion BEFORE I bought this book last week?? *sigh*

I ain't lookin' at the spoilers, but I'm disappointed that this seems to be underwhelming. :(

Becky Also, what if I like both cats AND dogs? =\

Kemper Becky wrote: "Kemper wrote: "Great minds think alike on this one. I thought it didn't do nearly enough with the premise and settled for being a fairly conventional thriller. And that ending....ugh."

You guys ..."

Hey, my review has been up for months. Amanda is the slacker here!

It's not terrible, and there's some genuinely clever stuff in it, but it just didn't seem to live up to its potential.

Becky Good one, Amanda!

Still, there's hope yet! I'm fairly certain that you both have been known to miss the point... so maybe this is an awesome book that you guys just didn't appreciate right.

Amanda Becky wrote: "Good one, Amanda!

Still, there's hope yet! I'm fairly certain that you both have been known to miss the point... so maybe this is an awesome book that you guys just didn't appreciate right."

Wait--you mean it had a point?

In a way, you may enjoy it better now that your expectations have been tempered by our reviews. I thought it was going to be a bit more cerebral than it was, so part of my disappointment is that my expectations weren't met. If I'd gone into it knowing that it's basically a thriller with a bit of a clever twist, I would have enjoyed it more.

Amanda Kemper wrote: "Amanda wrote: "Kemper wrote: "Great minds think alike on this one. I thought it didn't do nearly enough with the premise and settled for being a fairly conventional thriller. And that ending....u..."

I agree with your spoiler point (I was rolling my eyes at that--such a dimwit move) and was also disappointed with (view spoiler).

Amanda Kemper wrote: "Hey, my review has been up for months. Amanda is the slacker here!"

I'm always a month late and a point short . . .

Kemper Amanda wrote: "Kemper wrote: "Amanda wrote: "Kemper wrote: "Great minds think alike on this one. I thought it didn't do nearly enough with the premise and settled for being a fairly conventional thriller. And t..."

(view spoiler)

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