Federico DN's Reviews > Mrs. Dalloway

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
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did not like it
bookshelves: classics, fiction, used-book, tbw

Queen of blah blah blah.

1920s, England. Wealthy fifty-one years old Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway walks the streets of London city and thinks about hosting one of her famed parties. Many socialites and part of the English high society are expected to attend. Peter Walsh, an old flame from the past, also arrives.

Man I HATED this with all my heart! This was two hundred pages of continuous ramblings, without any kind of discernible transition whatsoever! In a way it reminded me of that insufferable Faulkner; but the dreadful man at least learned to use chapters, and stuff happened! Boring as hell as he was some ‘memorable’ stuff occurred. Woolf however made this hateful book one never-ending chapter, with utterly unimportant recollections one after the other. I do have to give some credit to the woman and her writing for being much more potable than Faulkner’s though; not that ultimately that made it any more enjoyable.

You’d think a thing or two should happen in a book, but no; the whole story is just random flashbacks, and the ramblings and inner musings of Mrs. Dalloway, and every single person she knows. We get to hear what they like and don’t, who they love and hate, and why. And she ponders. They ALL ponder. (view spoiler)

I must say Woolf is insufferably descriptive too; if there’s a speck of dust on the floor she’s bound to describe it, and most assuredly compare it with other specks of dust, intrinsically beautiful specks of dust that for some reason may or may have not been important for someone in the past; but who are we kidding here? It’s still just a freaking speck of dust!

I recently became aware of the “Stream of Consciousness” concept and apparently Woolf is one of its biggest representatives. And to my surprise so is Faulkner and Joyce. No wonder I hated and 1-starred them all. Must conclude I’m definitely not the ‘Stream of Consciousness’ type of reader. But if you are, or you enjoy those authors, then you might probably enjoy this one too.

For me I wish I could say this is the last I’ll ever see from Woolf in my life, but to my great dismay I also happen to have her ‘Orlando’ book which I also ‘borrowed’ from my parent’s bookcase. It’s at the bottom of the pile now, but it’s still there. And its turn WILL eventually arrive. May God have mercy of my suffering soul.

*** Still remaining, the movie (1997). Someday, FAR away.

[1925] [208p] [Classics] [HIGHLY Not Recommendable]

Reina del Blah blah blah.

1920, Inglaterra. La pudiente Sra. Clarissa Dalloway de cincuenta y un años camina las calles de Londres pensando en organizar una de sus afamadas fiestas. Varias personalidades y parte de la alta sociedad inglesa esperan asistir. Peter Walsh, una antigua flama del pasado, también llega.

¡Dios cómo ODIE esto con todo mi ser! Esto fueron doscientas páginas de continuos desvaríos y reflexiones internas, ¡sin ningún tipo de transición discernible en absoluto! En cierta forma esto me recordó a ese insufrible Faulkner, pero el odioso tipo al menos aprendió a usar capítulos, ¡y algunas cosas sucedían! Endemoniadamente aburrido como era algunas cosas ‘memorables’ pasaban. Woolf en cambio hizo este odioso libro un único capítulo sin fin, con recuerdos totalmente olvidables uno tras otro. Aunque tengo que darle algo de crédito a la mujer y su prosa por ser mucho más potable que la de Faulkner, no que en última instancia eso lo haya hecho en absoluto más disfrutable.

Uno pensaría que al menos una cosa o dos sucederían en un libro, pero no; toda la historia son sólo recuerdos aleatorios de la Sra. Dalloway, y cada una de las personas que conoce. Nos queda escuchar lo que les gusta y lo que no, a quien aman u odian, y porqué. Y ella reflexiona. TODOS reflexionan. (view spoiler)

Debo decir que Woolf es insufriblemente descriptiva también; si hay una mota de polvo en el suelo ella está obligada a describirla, y con toda seguridad compararla con otras motas de polvo, intrínsecamente hermosas motas de polvo que por alguna razón fueron o no importantes para otros en el pasado; ¿pero a quién quiere engañar? ¡Sigue siendo una maldita mota de polvo!

Recientemente me enteré del concepto de “Flujo de Conciencia” y aparentemente Woolf es una de sus máximas representantes. Y para mi sorpresa también lo son Faulkner y Joyce. Con razón los odié y califiqué con 1-estrella a todos. Debo concluir que definitivamente no soy un lector afín del “Flujo de Conciencia”. Pero si vos lo sos, o te agradan esos autores, entonces muy probablemente disfrutarías este libro también.

Por mí me gustaría decir que esta es la última vez que voy a ver a Woolf en mi vida, pero para mi gran pesar también tengo su libro ‘Orlando’ que también tomé ‘prestado’ de la biblioteca de mis viejos. Está al fondo de la pila ahora, pero sigue ahí. Y eventualmente su día VA a llegar. Que Dios se apiade de mi alma atribulada.

*** Queda pendiente, la película (1997). Algún día, MUY lejano.

[1925] [208p] [Clásicos] [ALTAMENTE No Recomendable]
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Reading Progress

July 29, 2023 – Started Reading
July 29, 2023 – Shelved
July 29, 2023 –
13.0% "OMG! This is SO BORING! Endless insufferable rambling... and nothing is happening. NOTHING 😭!"
August 3, 2023 –
50.0% "Gosh NOTHING HAPPENS! Halfway there and Clarissa met Paul. That's basically it!

August 20, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 150 (150 new)

Bec (becbingesbooks) - sorry, behind with lots of catching up to do One thing happening to 50%? Nahh, I'd DNF haha

Federico DN Bec (becbingesbooks) wrote: "One thing happening to 50%? Nahh, I'd DNF haha"

I already finished it a week ago, I've just been in retirement mode :p

Bec (becbingesbooks) - sorry, behind with lots of catching up to do Federico wrote: "Bec (becbingesbooks) wrote: "One thing happening to 50%? Nahh, I'd DNF haha"

I already finished it a week ago, I've just been in retirement mode :p"

Oh I hope it improved after 50% for you! Retirement mode? 🤔

Persephone's Pomegranate I love the cover. Virginia was such a good writer ❤️

message 5: by Lis (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lis Pearson I just remember learning (and keeping) the term “stream of consciousness” with Woolf. I could never really return to her after my one and only attempt. Hope you enjoyed.

message 6: by Federico (last edited Aug 21, 2023 07:52AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Bec (becbingesbooks) wrote: "Oh I hope it improved after 50% for you! Retirement mode? 🤔..."

I'm sort of in hiatus right now. I usually stay very active in GR for one year and then retire for a year or two to concentrate on my gaming and movie-ing. I wanted to finish up fifty something reviews that I was missing to be up to date but ran out of juice lately and been procrastinating like crazy. But I hate leaving a job half done and haven't updated my status on my name yet so I guess the jury is still out on that one. We'll see :p

And no, it didn't improve. This was another solid 1 star blah blah book all around.

message 7: by Federico (last edited Aug 20, 2023 09:37AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Persephone's Pomegranate wrote: "I love the cover. Virginia was such a good writer ❤️"

This was my first Woolf and I hated it, and I would love to say that I'll never read her again but I also happen to have her 'Orlando' book that I 'borrowed' from my parent's bookcase. Sigh.

message 8: by Federico (last edited Aug 21, 2023 07:53AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Lis wrote: "I just remember learning (and keeping) the term “stream of consciousness” with Woolf. I could never really return to her after my one and only attempt. Hope you enjoyed."

Oh never heard of the “stream of consciousness” concept before. Very interesting to have a label for it. Woolf, or at least this book, definitely falls into that category. I hated it btw. I wish never to read her again but I also have her 'Orlando' book laying around somewhere. God save me.

message 9: by A (new)

A Mac I was just about to reach out to you when I saw your above comment - I was afraid your dusty family bookshelf had finally done you in! I understand the burnout and wanting to prioritize other things, but I'll miss your punny comments and witty reviews!

message 10: by Federico (last edited Aug 21, 2023 07:53AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN A wrote: "I was just about to reach out to you when I saw your above comment - I was afraid your dusty family bookshelf had finally done you in! I understand the burnout and wanting to prioritize other thing..."

Thank you for your concern Mac! Will miss you too! I've been warning about this upcoming day for months so not to worry everyone but I guess I should still write a 'farewell for now' review to set things straight lol. Will try to recharge my batteries to come back one of these days to finish this review and a few other things before officially entering hibernation xD

Bec (becbingesbooks) - sorry, behind with lots of catching up to do Federico wrote: "Bec (becbingesbooks) wrote: "Oh I hope it improved after 50% for you! Retirement mode? 🤔..."

I'm sort of in hiatus right now. I usually stay very active in GR for one year and then retire for a ye..."

Oh fair!! Thanks for the update and enjoy your (hopefully) temporary retirement from GR

message 12: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Ohh... how is it going, Federico?

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Ohh... how is it going, Federico?"

Really enjoying my time off Srivalli! But might come back one of these days to finish this review and a few other things. And you :) ?

message 14: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Federico wrote: "Really enjoying my time off Srivalli! But might come back one of these days to finish this review and a few other things. And you :) ?"

Great to know that! Looking forward to it. :)
Things are pretty much the same, I'd say. Have fun.

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Things are pretty much the same, I'd say. Have fun. ..."

Great to hear that! You too Srivalli :)

message 16: by Rouh || رُوح (new)

Rouh || رُوح Federico wrote: "Bec (becbingesbooks) wrote: "Oh I hope it improved after 50% for you! Retirement mode? 🤔..."

I'm sort of in hiatus right now. I usually stay very active in GR for one year and then retire for a ye..."

Oh! I'd just seen this, and yes I've been wondering where are you for a while :) ,it's fully understandable, but we will miss your presence and your blowing reviews, i wish you a happy time and the best of all. Just don't cut it all off, we will really miss you fedrico.🌹

Persephone's Pomegranate Federico wrote: "Persephone's Pomegranate wrote: "I love the cover. Virginia was such a good writer ❤️"

This was my first Woolf and I hated it, and I would love to say that I'll never read her again but I also hap..."


message 18: by vanessa ♋️ (new)

vanessa ♋️ i read some other book of hers and i had the same problem. like literally nothing happened!!!!!

Federico DN Rouh | رُوح wrote: "Oh! I'd just seen this, and yes I've been wondering where are you for a while :) ,it's fully understandable, but we will miss your presence and your blowing reviews, i wish you a happy time and the best..."

Thank you Rouh will miss you too! I may return someday to finish this review and a few other things but I'm really enjoying my time off :D; but even gone a year or two will still be here and take some time to reply msgs and stuff.

Federico DN vanessa ♋️ wrote: "i read some other book of hers and i had the same problem. like literally nothing happened!!!!!"

Bummer! Seems Woolf is a constant at that Vanessa! Nothing ever happens lol.

ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔ Bllah blah lol

message 22: by Federico (last edited Sep 01, 2023 04:16PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Sue wrote: "Bllah blah lol"

And yada yada xD

message 23: by Ali (new)

Ali Di Welcome back, Federico!

Federico DN Ali wrote: "Welcome back, Federico!"

Thank you Ali! Good to be back, for now :p

message 25: by Karen (new)

Karen Great review for a terrible book, Federico! 🙂 I thought you were on an extended vacation. Enjoy your gaming and movie-ing!

message 26: by Federico (last edited Sep 20, 2023 03:35AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Karen wrote: "Great review for a terrible book, Federico! 🙂 I thought you were on an extended vacation. Enjoy your gaming and movie-ing!"

I was and I'll get back to it as soon as I'm finished uploading all my missing reviews lol. Thank you Karen <3!

message 27: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Honest!

Federico DN Diane wrote: "Honest!"

Thank you Diane !

Alan (Notifications have stopped) Teder Honest review Federico! I think you blinked though and missed the first ever historical reference to ASMR in literature ⚡💓☺️

Federico DN Alan wrote: "Honest review Federico! I think you blinked though and missed the first ever historical reference to ASMR in literature ⚡💓☺️"

Thank Alan! Quite possibly. I miss a lot of things lol.

message 31: by CarolG (new)

CarolG Great review Federico. I was happy to see you pop up on my news feed for however briefly it might be!

message 32: by Federico (last edited Sep 20, 2023 05:52AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN CarolG wrote: "Great review Federico. I was happy to see you pop up on my news feed for however briefly it might be!"

Thank you Carol! Good to be back, for now. I have around fifty reviews that I'm missing to be up to date so should take me between 2-3 months before entering deep slumber again xD

message 33: by mwana (new) - added it

mwana Hehehehehe I know I will love this because I love "books about nothing" but I'm sorry it was a bust.

Federico DN mwana wrote: "Hehehehehe I know I will love this because I love "books about nothing" but I'm sorry it was a bust."

We have very different tastes lol. Hope you enjoy it Mwana :D

message 35: by Donna (new) - rated it 1 star

Donna Craig I completely agree. Miserable read.

message 36: by Federico (last edited Sep 20, 2023 07:22AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Donna wrote: "I completely agree. Miserable read."

Ugh! I feel miserable just remembering it lol.

ꕥ Ange_Lives_To_Read ꕥ Love your review Federico. I hate this type of writing with a fiery passion.

message 38: by Jan (new)

Jan I didn't realize a speck of dust could be so fascinating! I shall miss our lively banter, my friend!

Federico DN ꕥ AngeLivesToRead ꕥ wrote: "Love your review Federico. I hate this type of writing with a fiery passion."

Then by all means avoid it at all costs lol. Thank you Ange!

Federico DN Jan wrote: "I didn't realize a speck of dust could be so fascinating! I shall miss our lively banter, my friend!"

Thank you Jan! Will miss you too but I still have 2-3 months to be fully up to date before disappearing again ;)

message 41: by Thibault (new)

Thibault Busschots I’ve amused myself with some of Virginia Woolf’s short stories but have yet to tackle her full length novels. They seem quite daunting because of her writing style. Reading your review doesn’t exactly motivate me to try them out either LOL. Love the honest review, Federico :)

message 42: by Federico (last edited Sep 20, 2023 08:30AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Thibault wrote: "I’ve amused myself with some of Virginia Woolf’s short stories but have yet to tackle her full length novels. They seem quite daunting because of her writing style. Reading your review doesn’t exac..."

Oh I could try one her short stories someday. It could be different in small doses maybe? Thank you Thibault :) !

message 43: by Paloma (new)

Paloma Yo leí "Al Faro" de la Woolf hace diez años y decidí que no era para mí. De acuerdo a tu reseña, esta novela es igual -historias en donde no pasa nada- y en las cuales no hay nada claro. Tiempo después le di la oportunidad a su ensayo "Una habitación propia" y me pareció mucho mejor, pero creo que no me quedaron ganas de volver a sus trabajos de ficción.

message 44: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Haha... Ulysses by Joyce is written in the same style (I heard it's worse). It's an interesting concept for a writer. I've done it a few times with proper punctuation and italics) but not something everyone would be comfortable reading in a full-length novel.

message 45: by Caroline (last edited Sep 20, 2023 08:52AM) (new)

Caroline TOTALLY WITH YOU, Federico. I haven't read this, but I did read her To the Lighthouse and almost dropped dead from boredom. This sounds similar. You say she talks about dust? I remember one part in TTL where she pointlessly talks about a fly. O_o Stream-of-consciousness is NOT storytelling; it's rambling. Storytelling features intentional plotting and, if the author is skilled, showing and not telling. I think the idea of stream-of-consciousness sounds cool in theory, but on the page, it's just a whole lot of telling--of every thought that flits into one's mind. :[ How is that publishable?

message 46: by Marquise (new)

Marquise Nice review! I don't have any interest in this writer at all and never have (I tried her in my pre-GR times).

I hope you can survive the onslaught of the Woolf fans and highbrow lit critics for this, Fede. :P

Federico DN Paloma wrote: "Yo leí "Al Faro" de la Woolf hace diez años y decidí que no era para mí. De acuerdo a tu reseña, esta novela es igual -historias en donde no pasa nada- y en las cuales no hay nada claro. Tiempo des..."

Interesante! Tal vez intente algún día con "Una habitación propia", ya que es tan cortito. Aunque escuché de muchas voces que casi todas sus novelas están plagadas de no pasa nada jajaj.

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Haha... Ulysses by Joyce is written in the same style (I heard it's worse). It's an interesting concept for a writer. I've done it a few times with proper punctuation and italics) but not something..."

Oh yeah I heard Ulysses to be quite the challenge. Doubt I'll ever see it with my own oyes though, the repulsion is still strong xD. Thank you Srivalli!

message 49: by Federico (last edited Sep 20, 2023 09:19AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Federico DN Caroline wrote: "TOTALLY WITH YOU, Federico. I haven't read this, but I did read her To the Lighthouse and almost dropped dead from boredom. This sounds similar. You say she talks about dust? I remembe..."

Will duly avoid that one too then! She didn't talk about dust here, but hadn't read all her books, and now that you mention the fly incident well... my analogy may not be that far off then lol. Clearly Stream-of-consciousness is not meant for us Caroline! But oh well, tastes differ and we need to respect that, besides some people like all sorts of crazy shit ;)

Federico DN Marquise wrote: "Nice review! I don't have any interest in this writer at all and never have (I tried her in my pre-GR times).

I hope you can survive the onslaught of the Woolf fans and highbrow lit critics for t..."

Thank you Marquise! I've endured my share of bullies over time but nothing compared to your Juniper disaster lol. I just try to have fun with it, and if I can't, the delete and block button is just one second away :) !

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