Amber Rose's Reviews > Beneath the Burn

Beneath the Burn by Pam Godwin
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: dark, erotica, my-favorites, slave, beta-read, tattoos, standalones, romance, my-kind-of-darkness, rock-stars

I have had the privilege to be a beta reader from the very beginning. Pam giving me only a couple of chapters at a time and every single one ended with a cliff hanger. Who does that? Pam Godwin does. Or at least to me she does.

This book does not leave off a cliffhanger by the way since it's a stand alone. Just wanted to make that clear.

Finally being able to read this book through left me with a heart fuzzy feeling. I read this book when there was only 1 chapter and now it's finally finished, is a little emotional for me. Hey you wouldn't think that I'd be the emotional one but I am. Just reading a book grow and reading the characters develop into their own is a magical thing. Pam does this. I am not saying this because she is my bestie. I am very hard on her when it comes to reading a book. I know what I like and I know what I want to read. So, when I say this deserves 5 stars that's what I feel it should get. Okay, that was just me raddiling on. Onto the book now.

"Putting your trust in someone is the most vulnerable thing you can do."

Beneath the Burn takes you into a darker side of the book. But not to dark that you won't see the light. Quite a bit of erotic taste, but there is the thrill in this book that will keep you going until the end.

Let's meet some cast shall we?

MY Jay

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"I don't know what you're doing to me, Charlee, but whatever it is melts everything else away. It's the best feeling in the world."

Jay is the lead singer of the band The Burn. Jay is struggling from the very beginning of the book. He has a demon that is eating at him to the very core. He has these nerve ending, blood sucking, ticks, that sets him off from everyone else. But, he is very lovable, I want to wrap my arms around his body and curl him into me so, I can hug him forever. There are some flaws. Flaws that I will not share because you will have to read the book. But, those flaws come out and he shines.

I fucking love Jay. He has become one of my new favorite rock band boyfriends.

Now lets meet


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"You might be free of your chain, sweetheart, but we both know you aren't really free.

Charlee.... It's hard to put into words of how to talk about her because it would ruin the plot. But I will say, she has been through hell and back and is still fighting to stay strong. She is a survivor.

For nine years, she didn't know who she would cling to, or if she would ever be able to take that risk, clinging to Jay felt...elemental. As if deep within him lay the map to emotions...she'd lost and maybe some she never experienced. She wouldn't let go. No matter how contagious his pain. If she were tough enough to endure hers, could she shoulder his too?

It's hard to say who has been through more between Jay and Charlee. They are both one broken soul trying to gain more into each other with their love. Both have horrible past that keeps popping up. But when both of them are together in a room the temperature goes up. You want them to be together. They need it for their sacks... This is a very emotional roller coaster ride from the beginning till the end.

Fanastic job Pamber! Loved every minute of it. "You're my oyster."
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Quotes Amber Rose Liked

Pam Godwin
“What do you say? A date with Laz Bromwell? Since your married, I'll do you both." He shrugged. "I'm magnanimous like that.”
Pam Godwin, Beneath the Burn

Pam Godwin
“I'm commandeering some shorts." A drawer squeaked. "Oh, for pity's sake. You wear tighty-whities. With superheroes?”
Pam Godwin, Beneath the Burn

Reading Progress

March 6, 2013 – Shelved
July 1, 2013 – Started Reading
July 1, 2013 –
page 1
0.2% "Since I been Beta reading this whole book. I am finally able to read the whole thing through since Pam is done writing it!!! So fucking happy right now!!! :)"
Finished Reading
July 3, 2013 – Shelved as: dark
July 3, 2013 – Shelved as: my-favorites
July 3, 2013 – Shelved as: erotica
July 3, 2013 – Shelved as: slave
July 3, 2013 – Shelved as: beta-read
October 18, 2013 – Shelved as: standalones
October 18, 2013 – Shelved as: tattoos
October 18, 2013 – Shelved as: romance
February 4, 2014 – Shelved as: my-kind-of-darkness
August 24, 2014 – Shelved as: rock-stars

Comments Showing 1-50 of 78 (78 new)

message 1: by Clarissa (new)

Clarissa Thanks for the recommendation! Sound good! But I have to wait until August??? This isn't part of a series, is it?

Amber Rose Your welcome. No it's not part of the series. This is a new book she's working on now. I only got to read till chapter 11. Pam's still writing. Just got the cover done.

message 3: by Rosanna (last edited Mar 15, 2013 10:36AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rosanna ANNNNND..... She won't steal your electronic cigs!

Amber Rose Rosanna wrote: "ANNNNND..... She won't steal your electronic cigs!

Ha ha. And I won't steal. Maybe. *GRINS*

message 5: by Pam (new) - added it

Pam Godwin This teaser's for you, you cigarette-stealing bitch. ;)

Amber Rose Thanks bestie! Xo

message 7: by Pam (new) - added it

Pam Godwin Thank YOU, bestie!

Aimie Sounds fab... Added this a while back. Best of luck with it Pam .. An sure it will go down a storm! :)

message 9: by Pam (new) - added it

Pam Godwin Thx Aimie!

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Amber I never thanked you for helping get us teasers :) I was on vacation and had very bad service! So thanks so much!

Amber Rose Your welcome. :) I might be able to talk Pam into another teaser before the book is released. If not then I will threaten again. :) hope you enjoyed your vacation. :)

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

More Teasers.....I don't want to be greedy or anything but YES I'll take it!! The vacation was definitely needed and went great thnx :)

Amber Rose :) ill see what I can do. Might be a while. Got to let her write. ;) good to hear. I'm ready for my vacation. :)

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Me too and I just got back lol

Chrystal Streicher Thank You for the recommendation, Amber! Loved the teaser!

Amber Rose Chrystal wrote: "Thank You for the recommendation, Amber! Loved the teaser!"

Your welcome, love!!! I think it's going to be good! :)

Chrystal Streicher Agree! Can't wait! :)

Natalie M This sounds good! When does it come out?

Amber Rose Natalie wrote: "This sounds good! When does it come out?"

In August. Hopefully the 1st or 2nd week in August.

MELISSA *Mel Reader* Thanks for the recommendation. I added it! :)

message 21: by destini (new)

destini This sounds really good! Thanks for rec!! :)

Amber Rose Melissa wrote: "Thanks for the recommendation. I added it! :)"

Welcome. :)

Amber Rose Destini wrote: "This sounds really good! Thanks for rec!! :)"

Welcome. :) Can't wait for it to be released!

message 24: by Happy (new) - added it

Happy Thanks for the recommendation !! :)

Amber Rose Happy wrote: "Thanks for the recommendation !! :)"

Your very welcome, love. :)

Brianna H Thanks for the recommendation. This one sounds intense!

Amber Rose Welcome love! It will be. :)

message 28: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah Tanks for the rec Hun, seriously need to read this :)

Amber Rose Your very welcome love!!! :)

Amber Rose Lisa wrote: "FANTASTIC REVIEW!!!! I can not wait to read this book!!!!!!!!!"

Thanks love! :) I can't wait for you to read it also. I think you'll love it. :) xx

Rosanna Awesome review, Amber!!!!! It makes me want to read it NOW! ugh!

I'm not jealous at all that you were able to read this book. Bitch

Soon, damn it! I'll have it soon.. 1 more month. Xox

Amber Rose Rosanna wrote: "Awesome review, Amber!!!!! It makes me want to read it NOW! ugh!

I'm not jealous at all that you were able to read this book. Bitch

Soon, damn it! I'll have it soon.. 1 more month. Xox"

Thanks doll!!! You crack me up!!! Well I hope you love it. Not too much longer. Less than a MONTH :)

message 33: by Didi (new)

Didi Great review Amber:-)) glad you enjoyed it!

Amber Rose Thanks so much, Didi! :)

message 35: by * Meli Mel * (new) - added it

* Meli Mel * Wonderful Review!!!

Christy Awesome review, Amber!! :D

Amber Rose Meli Kyle *Ty and Zane's Creeper* wrote: "Wonderful Review!!!"

Thanks so much, love! :)

Amber Rose Christy wrote: "Awesome review, Amber!! :D"

Thanks, doll!! :)

Steph Fab review. Off to check the book out now. It sounds great :)

Amber Rose Steph wrote: "Fab review. Off to check the book out now. It sounds great :)"

Thanks Steph! It comes out August 1st. Hope you get
It and like it. :)

Amber Rose Soraya Naomi wrote: "I want this book NOW!!! Excellent review, hun"

Thanks, Hun! :) I want you to have this book now also. Can't way for you to read it. :) xx

message 42: by xrysa (new) - added it

xrysa Great review Amber :)

Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  Wonderful review Amber :D

Steph I can't find the book on either Amazon UK or US. Do you know where the book will be sold? :D

Amber Rose kristina wrote: "Great review Amber :)"

Thanks, doll! :)

Amber Rose Pavlina loves Derek ❤❤ wrote: "Wonderful review Amber :D"

Thanks so much, doll!! :)

Amber Rose Steph wrote: "I can't find the book on either Amazon UK or US. Do you know where the book will be sold? :D"

It's not released till August 1st. Sorry I should have put that on my review. I added it to my review now. But the good news is you have less than a month left. Sorry doll. Xx

Steph That's okay. I knew it was released on the first. I was just going to look at the price, but the book isn't there.
So it will just be on Amazon from the 1st? If so, then that's fine :D

Amber Rose Yes, since Pam is an indie author she can't put her book on pre order. I am not sure on the price. If you want me to find out for you I will?

Steph Ahh, okay. That makes sense ;)
I'll buy it no matter the price, but it'd be good to know, if you can find out. Only if it isn't too much trouble :)

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