Regina's Reviews > Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting

Remember by Lisa Genova
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it was amazing

When you read hundreds of books a year like I do, people often ask how you can possibly remember details about them all. The honest answer is I don’t. What I do remember is how each and every one made me feel.

Novelist and neuroscientist Lisa Genova’s first nonfiction book, Remember, made me feel better, relieved, and normal. Alzheimer’s runs in my family (as it does for far too many people), so anytime a word fails me or a memory escapes me I worry all is lost. Here Genova explains in a very approachable way that the brain just ages like any other part of the body. It’s OK to get glasses for decreasing eyesight when you get to that point, and it’s OK to google things for decreasing memory recall. Hooray!

I loved how she even acknowledges in an Appendix that you’ve probably forgotten much of what you just read and helpfully recaps the major points. Talk about knowing your audience! I do hope it’s an audience that continues to grow, because I believe everyone could benefit from reading Remember. It’s a 5-star book marred only by Genova’s incessant name dropping. I certainly won’t be forgetting that she runs in circles with Jessica Chastain and George Clooney anytime soon.

4.5 stars rounded up.

IG: @confettibookshelf
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February 10, 2021 – Shelved
February 10, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
May 9, 2021 – Started Reading
May 9, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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message 1: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl Great (and reassuring) review, Regina!!

Regina Cheryl wrote: "Great (and reassuring) review, Regina!!"

Thank you, Cheryl! It's a very reassuring book. :)

message 3: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Sounds like the author has a sense of humor too! Terrific review! 💕

Regina Jayme, yes, a bit! Thank you. 😘

message 5: by Farrah (new)

Farrah Great review Regina! Does the book offer ways to strengthen memory? I could really use that...... 😏

Regina Farrah, yes!!!! Definitely read this book then.

message 7: by Ceecee (new) - added it

Ceecee Lucky her with the people she moves amongst!! I’m adding this as having witnessed Alzheimer’s in my late father I’d like to understand more. Fantastic review Regina.

message 8: by Mischenko (new) - added it

Mischenko Great review, Regina!

message 9: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Lovely review Regina! I need to read this author, she is loved by many.

message 10: by Michael (new)

Michael David (on hiatus) Excellent review! Glad this was able to put your mind at ease. It sounds like a very informative book.

message 11: by Melissa (new)

Melissa ~ Bantering Books Middle-age brain fog is for real. Maybe I should read this?!?! I probably should . . . but it's non-fiction . . . so I know I won't. But I enjoyed your review, Regina. :)

Kat (Books are Comfort Food) Excellent review, Regina. Sounds like this was an important read for you and I’m glad it made you feel better and even provided a laugh or two. I’ve got a couple of brain books on my TBR that I need to get to. 🤗xo

Regina Ceecee wrote: "Lucky her with the people she moves amongst!! I’m adding this as having witnessed Alzheimer’s in my late father I’d like to understand more. Fantastic review Regina."

I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Ceecee. I do think you'll gain some good insight into the brain and its memory function by reading this, which will hopefully provide some peace of mind. xo

Regina Mischenko wrote: "Great review, Regina!"

Thanks very much. I'm happy to see it on your To Read shelf. :)

Regina Holly wrote: "Lovely review Regina! I need to read this author, she is loved by many."

Thanks Holly! I've enjoyed every book I've read by her.

Regina Michael wrote: "Excellent review! Glad this was able to put your mind at ease. It sounds like a very informative book."

That it was! Thank you! xo

Regina Melissa wrote: "Middle-age brain fog is for real. Maybe I should read this?!?! I probably should . . . but it's non-fiction . . . so I know I won't. But I enjoyed your review, Regina. :)"

It is FOR REAL for real! Maybe they'll make it into a documentary, with some great music, that you and Jason can watch together. ;)

Regina Kat (Books are Comfort Food) wrote: "Excellent review, Regina. Sounds like this was an important read for you and I’m glad it made you feel better and even provided a laugh or two. I’ve got a couple of brain books on my TBR that I nee..."

Thank you, Kat! I read a book last year called "The Art of Making Memories," which naturally I remember absolutely nothing about. I'm hopeful at least a few of the insights from this one will stick with me!

message 19: by CoachJim (new)

CoachJim Excellent review of an increasingly important topic.
Thank you for the review.


Derek (I'M BACKKKK!) Enlightening review, Regina! So you're saying, or the author is saying, no need to blame it on the wine anymore?

message 21: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Wonderful review, Regina! My Dear Mother passed from this dreadful disease. It’s heart breaking to watch and reading more about it is helped me cope. So glad you loved it!

Regina CoachJim wrote: "Excellent review of an increasingly important topic.
Thank you for the review.


Thank you Jim, I agree it's an important topic, for sure.

Regina Derek 🍻 wrote: "Enlightening review, Regina! So you're saying, or the author is saying, no need to blame it on the wine anymore?"

Ha! Well she does actually mention red wine, and how the idea that drinking 2 glasses of wine a night helps your memory is a fallacy.

Regina Terrie wrote: "Wonderful review, Regina! My Dear Mother passed from this dreadful disease. It’s heart breaking to watch and reading more about it is helped me cope. So glad you loved it!"

Oh Terrie, I am so sorry to hear that about your mom. This is how we lost both my grandmothers, too. :(

message 25: by Farrah (new)

Farrah Regina wrote: "Farrah, yes!!!! Definitely read this book then."

Perfect! I can tell my memory isn't what it used to be. Adding it.

message 26: by Heather (new) - added it

Heather Love Regina, thank you for your sympathetic review,it has most definitely put my mind at rest.... I’m doing this all of the time. Adding it to my must read list! 👏👏👏

Regina Farrah - According to the book, that's perfectly normal! Glad you added it to read. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. xo

Regina Heather - That's wonderful, I'm glad! You definitely sound like the right audience for Remember, then.

message 29: by Peter (new)

Peter Wonderful review, Regina. If memory serves me right ... well anyway. 😉

Regina Peter, good one! LOL. ;)

message 31: by Leo (new) - added it

Leo Loved her other books and I've been patiently waiting for this to be available on my app! Lovely review on this book!

Regina Toria, thanks! I appreciate that. I patiently waited for it to be available on my app too - Libby finally came through for me!

message 33: by Leo (new) - added it

Leo That's great! Hope it will for me too soon! Being a book lover is the necrssesety to be paintent to get the books haha :)

Regina Toria - That's sooooo true. Patience can be key!

preoccupiedbybooks Alzheimer's is the worst it's just horrible seeing someone go through it. I'm glad this reassured you Regina 🤗

Regina Thank you Fran, it definitely is not something you want to run in your family! xo

message 37: by Sheyla ✎ (new)

Sheyla ✎ Excellent review. Alzheimer's is a tough disease for both, the one experiencing it and for the caregivers.

Richard (on hiatus) Sounds like an unscary look at a subject that probably scares us all - nice review Regina :)

Regina Richard wrote: "Sounds like an unscary look at a subject that probably scares us all - nice review Regina :)"

That's a superb way to put it, Richard.

Regina Sheyla ✎ wrote: "Excellent review. Alzheimer's is a tough disease for both, the one experiencing it and for the caregivers."

Thank you, Sheyla. That is so true.

message 41: by Paula (new)

Paula K Terrific review, Regina! This sounds like a good nonfiction on memory loss as we all age. I liked your analogy about getting eye glasses...

Regina Paula wrote: "Terrific review, Regina! This sounds like a good nonfiction on memory loss as we all age. I liked your analogy about getting eye glasses..."

Thanks, Paula! It's an analogy Genova uses in the book. :)

Debbie Terrific review, Regina! Lol, I did not remember that Genova knows Clooney and Chastain! But ha, now I won’t forget it! I gave the book 5 stars—thought it was fascinating—but at the same time, I admit that it freaked me out. Worries about sleep, exercise, and stress were already whirling around in my noggin, but now I’m even more worried! But I should be like you and try to only remember the good stuff. I did mention the positives in my review (and repeating this will reinforce my good memory, pshew), but unfortunately, I also focused on the freakout parts. Nevertheless, Genova is now on my favorite writer shelf.

Regina Debbie wrote: "Terrific review, Regina! Lol, I did not remember that Genova knows Clooney and Chastain! But ha, now I won’t forget it! I gave the book 5 stars—thought it was fascinating—but at the same time, I ad..."

Haha! You know what's funny? I just reread my review and now don't recall any of her stories about Clooney and Chastain. Yikes!

message 45: by Andrea (new)

Andrea I, too, have Alzheimer’s disease in my family. It’s terrifying. You’re certainly not alone & I’m glad this book comforted you a bit. ♥️

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