jay's Reviews > The Love Hypothesis

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
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's review

did not like it

idk what kind of drugs y’all are on but i evidently did not receive my portion

maybe manvi is right and i just really hate popular books
but, this was just… not good?

the pure agony of having to read this. yes, i was held at gun point and forced to finish it, do not ask questions, i am not allowed to talk about it

i actually picked this to have something fun and easy to read in-between studying but instead i got this infuriating reading experience and a massive spike in my heart rate just from sheer annoyance. you will hear from my cardiologist, believe me, he’s not happy.

this was just plain boring. do i care about the couple? no. they could have not ended up together and it would have made no difference to me. why would i root for people who can’t manage to open their goddamn mouth and just talk to each other about their feelings? how does anyone even have relationships? the miscommunication in this was just *chefs kiss* and not in a good way. everyone and their mum knew that adam was in love with olive and yet. yes this man who let’s you coat him in sunscreen and buys you your disgusting pumpkin spice latte (yes, i am with adam on this one. but. hear me out: i’m allergic, so.) and looks at you like the sun shines out of your ass is definitely head over heels for another woman. makes sense.

also, the whole spiel about adam being this huge asshole when in reality he a. wasn’t and b. was actually right in that one specific instance and just doing his job of „raising“ good future scientists by giving them pointers how to do good research. and yet i had to sit through that whole drama of „buhu, how dare you date this mean prof, who made me do actual work on my dissertation, i will now hate you, because you are enabling him by dating him“. first of all, have you considered that you’re just doing shit work. second, how the fuck is it olive’s problem. why did i have to read this. it was such an unnecessary conflict.

there’s this thing in romance books where they have to hyperfocus on one of the man’s physical attributes and if it’s not the eyes it’s his fucking size. we get it. adam is big. HUGE. ENORMOUS. A FUCKING GIANT. HE HAS MUSCLES. I GET IT!!!!!! HIS FINGERS ARE MASSIVE AND SO IS HIS DICK. GREAT.
you didn’t have to tell me in every paragraph though. i know i have shit memory but i am not close to dementia yet. once or twice would have been enough. like what do you want me to do? shall i applaud him? good job growing, i guess you ate your carrots as a kid, go you!

have i mentioned that this book could have been 350 pages shorter if they had just talked to each other? communication, so important.

this book started every chapter with a hypothesis except that most of them weren’t actually hopotheses but who cares. who cares. wait… my test theory prof is calling and i think he does.

other than that, the science was actually the best part of the book. also the criticism of the bad working conditions of phd students was very well done. i’m only a master’s student but a phd might be in my future plans and i can already feel the poverty, so #relatable.

there were only two chapters i liked: chapter 16 and chapter 20. small spoiler ahead.

chapter 16 is the sex chapter and in chapter 20 a certain character gets called out on their behaviour and adam does this sexy thing of nearly beating them up.

having read another review that has quoted chapter 16 though… ugh… cringe. idk what i was on reading this. in my defense i haven’t seen my boyfriend in a week so maybe i was feeling touch starved.
also, there's this very fine line between finding your partner so sexy that you can't control yourself and premature ejaculation. i am not saying that adam belongs in the second category. but i am.

i still stand by my opinion that chapter 20 was sexy.

i did actually like adam even though he’s a very stereotypical grumpy-only-drinks-black-coffee-and-eats-broccoli kind of character. he is definitely kinda bland. but maybe i just like my men bland *shrugs*.
i have like zero opinions on olive though. she was there i guess.

all in all: i don’t think this book has done anything new or swoon worthy. the characters were average. the story was average. the writing was average. i don’t really get why everyone is so crazy about it. i guess the STEM aspect was fun but even that has been done before i think?

overall, i was mainly bored and infuriated by the amount of unnecessary drama and height descriptions. you all do you i guess. but i’ll do me: 1.5 stars
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Reading Progress

January 30, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
January 30, 2021 – Shelved
September 25, 2021 – Started Reading
September 25, 2021 –
page 12
3.13% "as someone who has worn contacts for a good 8 years before finally buying glasses again: WHAT THE FUCK, who in their right mind would put lenses in that are A FEW YEARS EXPIRED. YEARS?????
like i get they expensive but DO YOU WANT TO TURN BLIND
this is already a very stressful reading experience"
September 25, 2021 –
page 30
7.83% "okay we get it, homeboy is big"
September 25, 2021 –
page 59
15.4% "none of those have been actual hypotheses so far"
September 25, 2021 –
page 62
16.19% "she got one (1) coffee, one (1) chocolate chip cookie, one (1) banana and a pack of gum and called that three days worth of food?????"
September 25, 2021 –
page 81
21.15% "spend-twenty-bucks-on-junk-food-for-her-nice

it was a fucking banana"
September 25, 2021 –
page 85
22.19% "they are at a talk with a whole bunch of people, so many actually that she had to sit on his lap because there was just no room, and yet they can have a whole ass conversation about their whole fake dating scheme? i'm sure her friend is like two steps away. is no-one listening in on this? there's a whole fucking talk going on, how good are those two at whispering."
September 25, 2021 –
page 90
23.5% "meanwhile Anh is just on her Twitter like "i think my best friend is fake dating this professor. to test my theory i sent her to give him a kiss after he did something real sexy. they've been talking for ten minutes now. still no kiss. sus.""
September 25, 2021 –
page 95
24.8% "what if.... and now hear me out.... i dnf'ed the most popular book on Goodreads as of this month... wouldn't that be hilarious"
September 25, 2021 –
page 96
25.07% "i just... this whole drama about
"you shouldn't date him because he's an asshole to all the other grad students and you should stand in solidarity with us and not him and if you want to date him you should at least influence him to the point where he doesn't fail us anymore."
is just so stupid!!!!! i hate it here!!! have you considered that maybe you're just doing bad work and that's why he's failing you??? ughh"
September 25, 2021 –
page 100
26.11% "at the AITA sub Reddit: Am i the asshole for thinking Adam is completely right and both Olive and Greg are acting immaturely"
September 25, 2021 –
page 108
28.2% "guys, GUYS, did you know. Adam is big. like REAL big. MASSIVE. just so goddamn TALL. he also has broad shoulders which makes him even BIGGER. god he's so BIG. so goddamn BIG. just BIG. HUGE. like a very TALL FUCKING TOWER. so BIG. the BIGGEST. scientists are still baffled by how BIG he is. also the amount of pure MUSCLE he has. are his shoulders even real cause they're SO BIG it seems somewhat unnatural. BIG ADAM BIG"
September 25, 2021 –
page 124
32.38% "*forcing back the urge to vomit* chapter 8 was actually...g..go.... good"
September 25, 2021 –
page 143
37.34% "uhhhhh yelling about your feelings while the recipient is standing right behind you. classic. 10/10"
September 25, 2021 –
page 144
September 25, 2021 –
page 145
37.86% ""Hello Olive. I couldn't help overhear how you have a massive crush on someone. Is it by any chance me you have a crush on?"

"Actually yes Adam. I know this started as fake dating but I have developed feelings for you."

"Oh. That's great, because I have actually liked you for a while. Maybe we should go out for dinner and discuss this more?"

September 25, 2021 –
page 151
39.43% "i am at chapter 12, at this point i'm just waiting to finally reach chapter 16 because i saw a lot of people post updates about that and the curiosity is the only thing that keeps me going"
September 25, 2021 –
page 154
40.21% ""Wish you were here."

or, as we all know, universal code for "i am not in love with you, go die""
September 25, 2021 –
page 164
42.82% ""She hadn't forgotten his voice. Or his height."

how could ANY of us forget"
September 25, 2021 –
page 179
46.74% "the chocolate covered protein bar sdhdgdg"
September 25, 2021 –
page 179
46.74% ""Nice. Was I happy?"
"Of course not. It's academia."

September 25, 2021 –
page 182
47.52% "*sigh*"
September 25, 2021 –
page 204
53.26% "not gonna lie, "you have no fucking Idea what i want"-scene was fucking hot"
September 25, 2021 –
page 206
53.79% "it is finally time for chapter 16!!!!"
September 25, 2021 –
page 217
56.66% "okay, yeah, i get it. chapter 16 was definitely a 5 star read"
September 28, 2021 –
page 221
57.7% ""We only have one night."

what. will he die tomorrow?"
September 28, 2021 –
page 227
59.27% "I like when Adam says things, like he's really cute

but there's so much about this that annoys me? just tell him about tom and about your feelings its not that hard???"
September 28, 2021 –
page 228
59.53% "I don't even want to finish this, they will just miscommunicate for another 50 pages before ending up together in the last twenty, what's the point"
September 28, 2021 –
page 228
59.53% "i want to dnf but i also don't want to dnf and i can't start another book until i finish this one so i just won't read at all :) see you next year, bye :)"
September 28, 2021 –
page 231
60.31% "I!!! literally!!! do!!!! not!!!! care!!!! who!!!! Malcolm!!!! hooked!!!! up!!!! with!!!!!"
September 28, 2021 –
page 237
September 28, 2021 –
page 240
September 28, 2021 –
page 241
62.92% "[redacted] being like "your research is shit" but also "I'm gonna steal it" is just?? decide you little fucker. no-one likes you."
September 28, 2021 –
page 247
64.49% "her friends: adam is in love with you
Stanford: Adam is in love with you
the pope: Adam is in love with you
adam: i am in love with you

olive: adam is in love with another woman 😭

September 28, 2021 –
page 252
65.8% "that is, once again, not a hypothesis"
September 28, 2021 –
page 258
67.36% "okay, FINE, chapter 20 was real sexy"
September 28, 2021 –
page 360
93.99% "We have finally reached the epilogue 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳"
September 28, 2021 –
99.0% "I AM DONE. ITS OVER."
September 28, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 97 (97 new)

message 1: by ana (new)

ana quite honestly i could never read this bc the cover alone makes my brain go ❌REYLO❌ BUT WOULD LOVE TO HEAR SOME THOUGHTS FROM YOU!!!

Sanyah(Taylor’s Version) Too much research?

message 3: by becca. (new)

becca. I think I've found my favorite account on goodreads. The honesty!

alka well i won't mind a taste i really want to enjoy this book 😋

message 5: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay ana wrote: "quite honestly i could never read this bc the cover alone makes my brain go ❌REYLO❌ BUT WOULD LOVE TO HEAR SOME THOUGHTS FROM YOU!!!"

i know nothing about reylo so that sadly wasn't able to stop me. hope you enjoy my thoughts lmao

message 6: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Sanyah wrote: "Too much research?"

no. the science was actually the only good thing about it

message 7: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Becca. wrote: "I think I've found my favorite account on goodreads. The honesty!"

thank you lmao

message 8: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay alka ☂ wrote: "well i won't mind a taste i really want to enjoy this book 😋"

i hope you have better luck, alka :)
but you know i am like the biggest hater, so you probably WILL enjoy it more than me lmao

Sophie Oh god please write more reviews, I actually choked on my drink while reading this.

Sanyah(Taylor’s Version) Ah you do bring to good points including Adam being hard on his students, I know he has good intentions for his researchers to succeed!! Love your review!

message 11: by D.L. (new) - added it

D.L. Howe Lol I’m sorry this didn’t work for you but thanks for the entertaining review.

message 12: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Sophie wrote: "Oh god please write more reviews, I actually choked on my drink while reading this."

i have great news for you. i have this whole page dedicated to writing stupid reviews. it's on this site called "goodreads", you might have heard of it

message 13: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Sanyah wrote: "Ah you do bring to good points including Adam being hard on his students, I know he has good intentions for his researchers to succeed!! Love your review!"

thank you !

message 14: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay D.L. wrote: "Lol I’m sorry this didn’t work for you but thanks for the entertaining review."

i'm glad i could entertain you lmao

message 15: by Mariam, (new)

Mariam, the clown 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry, but this review is the REASON why I can't tolerate trad published books

Maitreyee Dhar The fact that you could actually finish the book? Kudos to you. I dnf-ed at 100th page because even the premise of the fake dating was bizarre and also because of Anh!

Rosabel I was close to my period. 😬😬😬 I blame that shit for liking this. 🤣🤣

message 18: by Rose (new)

Rose "Shall I applaud him? Good job growing, I guess you ate your carrots as a kid, go you"

Sorry the book didn't turn out good for you Jonathan, but your review is the best😂👏

sanju (on and off) You make an art out of hating all popular books, that’s true, but that’s you😂 But terrific review, and it sounds like your 1.5 stars were for chapter 16 and 20??? I’m gonna give this book a try next, it’s everywhere, and now after your review, I want to see for myself😂

Manvi Well, JB, Manvi is always right😌
I know I will enjoy this now that I know you hated it🤣

ale (semi hiatus) ‧ ₊˚୨ ♡ ୧ ₊˚ hOLD MY PURSE. the fact that i've seen a LOT of 4/5 stars reviews made me suspicious tbh. seeing your review floating over here was amazing. i'm still debating whether if i should read it or not, lmao

again, i loved your review!

message 22: by Amelia ¬-¬ (new) - added it

Amelia ¬-¬ Im saying the same thing, GET UR HEAD OUT OF UR ASS. If a slap could put some sense into the main character, I would jump into the book and give her a bashing.

message 23: by Vero (new) - rated it 4 stars

Vero Carriso hahahha omg I don't know how is it possible for me to 100% love and absolutely agree with ur review, and still STILL I gave the book 4 stars lmao

sarahthebibliomania Okay, this is so crazy because I completely agree with everything you said but I gave it 5 stars maybe I should reevaluate my choice lmao.

Ashley Shea I love your honesty!!!!! I still loved the book!!

So, I will be a stickler and make a point in support of the bad grad student who yelled at Olive for dating his mortal enemy: this is textbook toxic work environment that AH was trying to highlight as a very real thing that happens. Grad students are powerless to take out their anger on their profs, so sometimes the assholes take it out on other grad students. I truly do not feel this was "unnecessary conflict" because it actually happens. AH brought attention to a lot of grad life issues, not just poverty 😊 See also the treatment of Adam by his old advisor, also common, unfortunately.

I focused a lot on the ways it mirrored my grad school experience and as a result, I liked it a lot more. To be totally on your side though, I also rolled my eyes at most of the miscommunication, but, without miscommunication, can you even call it a rom-com?! I agree with most of your fellow commenters: I agree with almost everything you said, I just... still really liked it.

Also, I'm 100% with you re: pumpkin spice is disgusting.

Meishuu I read your review and your comments on the book and YES! This book is stupid but also infuriating as someone in STEM. Fuck this book.

message 27: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Maitreyee wrote: "The fact that you could actually finish the book? Kudos to you. I dnf-ed at 100th page because even the premise of the fake dating was bizarre and also because of Anh!"

what was your problem with Anh?
i have this thing where i mostly dnf 3 star reads cause they bore me to death and finish my 1 star reads because my rage fuels me

message 28: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Rosabel wrote: "I was close to my period. 😬😬😬 I blame that shit for liking this. 🤣🤣"

nah, you're good. i'm sure i'm the odd one out here

message 29: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Rose wrote: ""Shall I applaud him? Good job growing, I guess you ate your carrots as a kid, go you"

Sorry the book didn't turn out good for you Jonathan, but your review is the best😂👏"

thank you rose :)

message 30: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Sanju wrote: "You make an art out of hating all popular books, that’s true, but that’s you😂 But terrific review, and it sounds like your 1.5 stars were for chapter 16 and 20??? I’m gonna give this book a try nex..."

it's one star for the sexiness of chapter 20 and half a star for Adam's favourite colour being black. do not mention chapter 16, i'm over it lmao

message 31: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Manvi wrote: "Well, JB, Manvi is always right😌
I know I will enjoy this now that I know you hated it🤣"

you are always right.
i hate how it's probably true that you'll enjoy it now that i have given it my seal of disapproval lmao

message 32: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay ale ✧・゚ wrote: "hOLD MY PURSE. the fact that i've seen a LOT of 4/5 stars reviews made me suspicious tbh. seeing your review floating over here was amazing. i'm still debating whether if i should read it or not, l..."

you'll probably like it, we all know i'm just bitter lmao
thank you!

message 33: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Amelia ¬-¬ wrote: "Im saying the same thing, GET UR HEAD OUT OF UR ASS. If a slap could put some sense into the main character, I would jump into the book and give her a bashing."

i feel this so hard about so many characters

message 34: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Sarah wrote: "Okay, this is so crazy because I completely agree with everything you said but I gave it 5 stars maybe I should reevaluate my choice lmao."

Vero wrote: "hahahha omg I don't know how is it possible for me to 100% love and absolutely agree with ur review, and still STILL I gave the book 4 stars lmao"

this happens to me a lot as well lmao. i feel like if a book just generally works for you and you vibe with it, you tend to ignore or jut not be bothered by it's possible faults. and if you don't vibe with it, you tend to just notice those faults way more. so you can both agree with me and still rate it very highly because you enjoyed it. reviewing isn't an exact science lmao

message 35: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Ashley wrote: "I love your honesty!!!!! I still loved the book!!"

thank you! valid.

"Grad students are powerless to take out their anger on their profs, so sometimes the assholes take it out on other grad students. I truly do not feel this was "unnecessary conflict" because it actually happens."

okay, i hear ya. i do believe that it actually happens but then i would also call it "unnecessary conflict" in real life. like, i totally get taking out your anger on the "small man" because you can't exactly touch those in power, but like... that's bad lmao. maybe i shouldn't have called it unnecessary conflict, it's probably not the right word choice. it still annoyed me though, because it just doesn't solve his problem to blame Olive. in a perfect world he should be able to confront Adam and get an explanation instead of just someone tearing down his year long work. i totally get that it's probably not a perfect world for a lot of grad students which sucks.
basically TL;DR: i agree with you but i still didn't like that part of the book

"AH brought attention to a lot of grad life issues, not just poverty 😊 See also the treatment of Adam by his old advisor, also common, unfortunately."

oh yes definitely !!! i didn't mean to imply the poverty was the only thing discussed, i just used it as an example

"I focused a lot on the ways it mirrored my grad school experience and as a result, I liked it a lot more."

maybe i should have read it a few years later

"but, without miscommunication, can you even call it a rom-com?!"

fair, but sometimes it's more tolerable than other times. but maybe that also has to do with the mood i'm in when i'm reading

"I agree with almost everything you said, I just... still really liked it.

as i have mentioned somewhere above: this happens to me a lot as well that i rate a book 5 stars and read a 1 star review and i'm like "yeah, you're totally right but also...idc". sometimes books just overall speak to you and things don't really bother you and sometimes books just don't speak to you at all and you start tearing them apart at the slightest problem (or maybe that's just me)

"Also, I'm 100% with you re: pumpkin spice is disgusting."

wuhu, high five!

message 36: by jay (new) - rated it 1 star

jay Meishuu wrote: "I read your review and your comments on the book and YES! This book is stupid but also infuriating as someone in STEM. Fuck this book."

harsh words but love the energy lol

aliyah “maybe i just like my men bland” ok mood lmaooo

Nana 💚 I don’t agree with half of what you wrote but I love this review. It made me laugh hysterically!

Blair Warner I mean don’t have to like it and that is what it is. But you don’t really have to insult others who did in the beginning of your review.

message 40: by Nidhi (new) - rated it 1 star

Nidhi I couldn't agree more with this review.

message 41: by Anna (new) - rated it 1 star

Anna Stef I love your review, it made me laugh so much! I agree with everything. Unbelievable plot, shallow characters and too much unnecessary talking.

message 42: by Sweettroll (new)

Sweettroll you worded this perfectly it was so boring and tedious

Christin I don't know who you are, but I love you. Your review so perfectly encapsulated my feelings about this book (and was honestly a far better read than The Love Hypothesis).

A fellow fan of chapter 20

message 44: by Ana (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ana Stasia Hey thanks for pointing out chapter 20 in your review! I had given up in ch 15 after getting frustrated that the heroine was lying YET AGAIN, but after reading your review, figured I should at least read the redemption part for closure...so, thanks!

message 45: by Allie (new) - rated it 1 star

Miscellaneous Allie She straight up mentioned how tall he was like 7 times in the first 2 pages and that's a big part of why I tapped out so fast.

Nameless I actually love the book, but your review is *cheff kiss* I love everything you said, you made me laugh so much, I can see you are really talented to write reviews. <3 Keep hating popular books, don't prive the world from this.

message 47: by Cassidy (new) - added it

Cassidy I just finished this book and I cannot agree with your review more. BORING AS HELL. I stopped at 37% because it was painful to read but forced myself to finish.

Sophie This review made me laughed 😂👌🏼

message 49: by Clara (new) - rated it 1 star

Clara Best review so far. I could never have described better

Kee Zee I don’t feel as strongly as you do but you ate it up in this review 🔥 Love it!

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