Kristalia 's Reviews > Styxx

Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Final rating: 4.25/5 stars

“The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.”

That's it. That is the book. And i am not even joking. Well, other than that i have a message for Sherrilyn Kenyon:

Dear Miss Sherrilyn Kenyon,

You are a master of sadism, tortured heroes, heroines,tragedies, and everything else. Thank you for making my life miserable by reading this book. Not only have you made my life miserable, but you have also made the lives of Styxx, Acheron (and Seth's, but he is another story) completely and utterly unbearable. They suffered so much that i just had to rip them out from the book and hug them until they got bored of me.

Why? Why can't they have a little break from their pasts and even though they all had (view spoiler) end it was just completely heartbreaking. You have stomped on my heart, crushed it to pieces and put it back inside again. I will forever love Acheron and Styxx thanx to you, and i shall not blame them for their idiotism and hate and suffering towards each other. I shall forever love those two idiots - and never will hate them.
~ Kristalia

Onto the real review now: Well, if you have read Dark Hunter series before, you won't have a problem catching up with this book. But if you haven't and you are interested in what happens... just read the whole series. Or read Night pleasures,Night embrace,dance with the devil, Devil may cry, Acheron and The Guardian... I believe they are necessary for your journey for this series (but seriously, just read them all in correct order and you won't have any problems).

Like Acheron's book, this one is split in 2 parts: past and present. Past part was filled with pain,suffering and loneliness, but sometimes, there was a ray of hope and happiness... until it all began from the start... In the second part there is only suffering and in the end came happiness (in like last 10 percent of the book?). But don't worry, this story has so much more in it that you can't even imagine. And most important of all, it has (view spoiler) ending. The story with characters aside was interesting, especially with Urian!

But i have to say this: i would have given it pure five stars. But i didn't. Why? Because Acheron's book was the only one which made me cry the entire book. And even then, it the misery odds were 70:30... here it was more like 90:10.

I wanted to see Styxx's redemption. Ever since he helped save Tory in Acheron's book, it made me like him and I was interested in him, because it felt like he was finally letting go and wanting peace. Oh, how I was wrong. For everything Styxx has done before, there is usually a solid and bulletproof glass explanation. It felt like Sherri decided that Styxx deserved another chance by making his life as miserable as Acheron's, and neither Styxx nor Ash had time off in their lives. When you read this one, you will understand. Ash was denied that (time off) whole his mortal life and that is what hurt me the most. But over time, he earned his freedom, no matter how thin. And in this book we see another, even darker, aspect of his personality. But i don't blame him - and i will never hate him. He is still my ultimate favorite. Neither Styxx nor Acheron deserved what happened to them, and they will always be brothers - in idiocy, in cruelty, in suffering, in hating each other, in loving each other, in thinking wrongly and so on. They are similar in so many ways. And only one of them knows the true life of the other. We all know Styxx ended up with Ash's memories (which were not so pretty, actually plain horrifying), but Styxx already HAD a lot of burden going on in his soul and he didn't need more.

I don't know if Sherry even planned his redemption before writing his book - so she added lot of scenes form his perspective through the years of which the books happened and events.

Brothers forever and always.
Even through mutual idiocy.

There is something you should know about this book. Like Acheron, this book is very, very dark. Maybe even more than Acheron. Sherrilyn Kenyon was bold with this one. Especially when it comes to make horrifying history of the characters. In this book there is a heavy accent on (view spoiler) and she did it in that way so you know that it happened, when it happened, who did it, and how it happened, and it happened many times. Brutal. Very, very brutal. And it's also very heartbreaking. And horrifying. Not only that, but also many other triggers. The list would be too long. There is a difference between darkness of Acheron's and Styxx's book. While it was hinted many, many times and we saw evidence of what happened to Acheron, this was very... detailed. It's not for the faint hearted.


Styxx is a prince of Greece, and a "beloved heir"... If only that was true. His life was sheer and utter terror and misery. The only one who had accepted him for who he was, was his twin brother, Acheron. But - when they had 7 years, Acheron was taken away from him and Styxx was left alone, without anyone else who cared for him. Ever since then, he was shrouded in misery, despair and cruelty. Until he met Bethany, a blind girl who had accepted him for whom he is... except she didn't know the truth. The truth that he was pretending to be Hector, just another normal person. But he wasn't. He was also a Greek general, and mortal enemy of Atlantean forces and their gods. Especially Bet'anya Agriosa.

“You love me?”
“Like the full moon loves the night. I might always be around, but I only shine in your presence. And no matter where you go, I will follow you, even if I’m a million miles away.”

Styxx is my adorable little baby. I was wrong about him on so many levels, but even he had moments of epic fails and idiotic decisions.

Bethany is the goddess of Wrath and Misery, Bet'anya Agriosa, and she is a force so powerful, that even her own Atlantean Pantheon is afraid of. And yet, after she met this interesting mortal named Hector... she fell in love, despite him being Greek and despite the fact that he was hiding so many things to her. But over time, she accepted him for what he is, but she feels devastated knowing that she was is lying to him. Lying to him that she is a god.

Styxx pulled her against him and held her close as self-loathing and hatred shredded his soul. “I’m sorry, Beth. You deserve a man, not—”
“You are a man,” she said, interrupting him. “More so than any I’ve known. It’s not manly to hurt others or belittle them. Respect and kindness require more courage because people take advantage of those. I don’t know what horrors haunt you, but I know that you haven’t allowed them to destroy the most beautiful part of yourself. You have the heart of a lion. Fearless. Tell me what is manlier than that?”

Beth was adorable, interesting and wonderful character and i love how she accepted everything about him,even his soul and heart.

Acheron is a twin brother of Styxx. Once, they were best friends, brothers, who always sheltered each other and protected each other. But, when Acheron is taken to Atlantis, he is shown a whole different level of pain and misery - and he was completely and utterly broken.

“What are we?” Styxx breathed.
Acheron’s eyes were still red. “Damned.” Then he started laughing hysterically.

If by any chance, you read this book instead of Acheron's first, be aware that not all is what it seems. His past was so cruel and so horrible that he was left bitter/angry/scared. In this book, his much more darker side is revealed, and he did some stuff that were unforgivable... (of which he doesn't actually remember ever commiting, but some of them, he did remember and he thought it was justified. But, knowing nothing, it was his own way of protecting himself), but even after all of that, i still love him. Why? Because when you connect his book with Styxx's book, there is no telling who was wronged more. Acheron and Styxx have been made to fight against each other from the moment they were born, and each side had someone who filled them with lies about the other brother. But... no matter what, i will, never, and i mean never hate Ash. I just can't do that. Too many books in this series spoiled me enough. No matter what he did in the past, he saved more people than the ones he damned (like Nick, or even Styxx, for that matter).

Ryssa is the sister of Acheron and Styxx. While she showed really carrying side for Acheron, she was really and utterly horrible and she constantly judged Styxx. Everything she did, she did for Acheron, because he was the only abused one in her eyes, and she never, ever, lifted her head and saw what Styxx felt about her. She only made him feel worthless, unwanted and evil that shouldn't breathe the same air as her and her other brother.

{It was like reading about two different personalities and after all this, i don't like her anymore as much as i used to.}

Other characters : I thought Artie was the most horrible character that was ever made. She is not. Not when you see what Apollo did in this book. I just had no words - he is sadistic SOB and i hate him with burning passion. The way he was obsessed with his victim and how he haunted him, tortured him and made his life miserable was horrifying. He is a damn monster. I of course, dislike Styxx's and Acheron's father, for many justified reasons and his actions scarred both of them. Don't even get me started on Estes, that f***ing sadistic SOB. I don't know who was worse, Estes or Apollo. At least their father had some minor compassion in his rotten soul.

From the present time, Urian and Simi were absolutely adorable and interesting and i always love to read about these two! :D And we find out something very interesting about Urian, Apollymi (hope I spelled her name right) and we also get to see Danger, Alexion and some other main characters like Savitar, Simi, and so on.

“Again, French Revolution here. Les Mis, I get. This…” She wagged the spatula. “My extent of Greek history is Troy with Brad Pitt and,” she looked over at Alexion, “Mr. Luscious in his armor.”


Oh my god. What a roller coaster of emotions. Don't read this book in public places like i did - you may embarrass yourself. I welcome Styxx in my collection of fav characters of all eternity. IF you still haven't read this series, JUST DO IT. IT IS WORTH IT.


EDIT: I have to sit and reread all books in order because i need to write reviews for all of this fantastic books. Just read the whole series, trust me on that. And since GOODREADS gloriously screwed up the Dark Hunter book order, i have written them all down earlier... List can be seen here: (view spoiler)

This review can be found on my blog: also known as...
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Quotes Kristalia Liked

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Words are easy to say, but emotions betray the best intentions.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“When someone is drowning and you try to save them, they're more likely to drown you before you pull them out.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Styxx

Reading Progress

Finished Reading
July 30, 2012 – Shelved
March 10, 2013 – Shelved as: age-adult
October 30, 2013 – Shelved as: next-to-read
October 31, 2013 – Started Reading
October 31, 2013 –
10.0% "*prepares with a lot of tissues* this is gonna hurt"
November 1, 2013 –
November 1, 2013 –


review to come :D"
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: dark
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: dark-so-daaark
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: cut-my-heart-out
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: humans-should-die-here-painfully
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: be-my-heroine-please
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: sob-fest
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: they-are-so-cute-its-unbearable
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: they-are-so-awesome-hot-and-stuff
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: why-u-no-longer-u-make-me-sad
November 1, 2013 – Shelved as: reviewed
November 1, 2013 – Finished Reading
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: be-my-heroes-please
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: favorite-couple
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: made-me-smile-or-laugh
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: favorites
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: it-s-so-hot-in-here
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: re-reads
January 21, 2016 – Shelved as: darkest-book-ever

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

message 1: by Dd (new)

Dd heheheh!!!Love this!!:DD

Kristalia Lol, thanx ^_^

Michelle Loperena really cool!!

Kristalia Thanx Michelle :D

Michelle Loperena Kristalia wrote: "Thanx Michelle :D"

no problem ^^ I love when people have sense of humor hehehe ;)

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Man I wish I could share this! >XD

Kristalia hhahaha lol xD

message 8: by Purva (new)

Purva Fantastic use of gifs, hon :)

Kristalia thanx honey :D

message 10: by Katy (new)

Katy Mann Wow! This was fun!

Kristalia Katy wrote: "Wow! This was fun!"

hahaahh thank you :D

message 12: by Neveen (new) - added it

Neveen Now I want to read this whole series but in paper backs so I can hold the book so close until it burns from love :D .

Kristalia YES

message 14: by Neveen (new) - added it

Neveen Kristalia wrote: "YES

I downloaded it and also try Outlander (Outlander, #1) by Diana Gabaldon
There will be a series about it and might have a series about Dark Hunter too :) .

Kristalia yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss
i know that series
im gonna read those too :D

and dark hunter will have tv series btw :D

message 16: by Neveen (new) - added it

Neveen Kristalia wrote: "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss
i know that series
im gonna read those too :D

and dark hunter will have tv series btw :D"

I am going to read both then and we can fan girl about The Dark hunter series. Who will play Ash? :D

Kristalia i have no idea
i think they are targeting Douglas Booth
but we will see :D

message 18: by Neveen (new) - added it

Neveen Okay. I am excited for it.

message 20: by Neveen (new) - added it

Neveen ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

message 21: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Love the review hon! Wow! 24th book in the series? Holy.Shit. The author must be one talented lady if she wrote so many books in a series and people still continue on.

P.S -I LOVE the 1st quote <3

Kristalia Ah, yes (actually its 22nd, because someone messed up the book numbering (which btw, i wasted a few hours sorting before))

message 23: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo ★The Book Sloth★ I so love the character's descriptions on your revs!!! Great rev sweetie!!!xD

Bèbè ✦ RANT  ✦ Awesome review Kristalia! I love the gifs as always :D

Kristalia ★ Jo ★ wrote: "I so love the character's descriptions on your revs!!! Great rev sweetie!!!xD"

thanx lovely <3 this book was just amazing, wasn't it? :D

Kristalia Bèbè wrote: "Awesome review Kristalia! I love the gifs as always :D"

thanx lovely, can't wait for you to read it <333

Rosalinda *KRASNORADA* Amazing review Kris x

Kristalia thanx hon ♥3♥
oh girl you have to read this series ;D

message 29: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo ★The Book Sloth★ Kristalia wrote: "★ Jo ★ wrote: "I so love the character's descriptions on your revs!!! Great rev sweetie!!!xD"

thanx lovely <3 this book was just amazing, wasn't it? :D"

Yes, it was heart breaking. I found it even more difficult than Acheron's. Maybe because I didn't expect Styxx to have had it so bad.

Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  Great review :))

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞ wonderful review Kristalia! love ur note!

Kristalia ♠ Sharon is an emotional book junkie ♠ wrote: "wonderful review Kristalia! love ur note!"

hahahahah thank you

message 33: by Kristalia (last edited Nov 02, 2013 08:18AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kristalia Pavlina loves Derek ❤❤ wrote: "Great review :))"

thankies ♥

Kristalia ★ Jo ★ wrote: "Yes, it was heart breaking. I found it even more difficult than Acheron's. Maybe because I didn't expect Styxx to have had it so bad. "

yeah same here O_O
i still loved it ^_^

message 35: by Maria (new)

Maria Wow your reviews stagger me I am always disoriented after reading them. Awesome review. I'm reading these now.

Kristalia thank you :DDD
and yeah this series is worth it <333

♥ The Book Snob ♥ Hahaha.. awesome gifs and an amazing review! :D

message 38: by Kristalia (last edited Nov 04, 2013 12:33PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kristalia ♥ The Book Snob ♥ wrote: "Hahaha.. awesome gifs and an amazing review! :D"

thanx lovely ♥

Kylie Hi Kristalia, I have read Acheron and absolutely loved it but haven't read the rest of the series. Could I read Styxx alone like Acheron without reading the rest of the series?

message 40: by Kristalia (last edited Nov 12, 2013 12:02AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kristalia Kylie wrote: "Hi Kristalia, I have read Acheron and absolutely loved it but haven't read the rest of the series. Could I read Styxx alone like Acheron without reading the rest of the series?"

Ah, i did write in my review which books are "kind of" needed for styxx book because timeline of Styxx's book is connected with all of these:
Night pleasures, Night embrace, dance with the devil, Devil may cry, Acheron and The Guardian...
You should read them all (and i mean also all the books in the series because each and every one of them is beautiful and they have beautiful characters)
No seriously, just start from the begining, you wont regret it (and you should also read all dream hunter and were hunter books in DH series)...

But if you want shortcut the books i mentioned should be quite fitting ;)

Kristalia thanx Lisa ♥

message 42: by Feminista (new)

Feminista I am thinking about starting her dark hunter series, to find out what all the hype is about.

Lovely review Kris!

thank you!

Angela This book has been sitting on my nightstand for months now. I have been scared to read it, especially after what Sherrilyn did to me in Acheron. I finally found my courage and am now on page 59. Needless to say, I am already freaking out and having trouble continuing. But I will suffer through it.... (I did not read anything past the letter to Sherrilyn. Too scared of spoilers!)

Kristalia heheehehhe yeah
a long and hard road awaits you, Angela!
You can do it! :D

Jasmin Igana nice review ..

Angela Page 325 and I am feeling a little nauseated and sad. I'm afraid of what is coming next...

Angela Page 646.... Are you kidding me?!

Kristalia hahahahahahaahahaha lol
i know how you feel

Angela Ok, I'm done. Done, done, done. Not sure how I feel.
AND I just stated reading 'Born of Silence'. Why do I torture myself like this?

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