Nanda's Reviews > All Your Perfects

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover
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did not like it
bookshelves: june2018

** spoiler alert ** SPOILERS AHEAD - from this book and other Colleen Hoover’s books because I can’t stand her writing and if you love her books DON’T read my review because we’re not going to see eye to eye and I’m okay with that!

The guy is a cheater and the book is 300 pages of angst, depression, sadness and betrayal and everything gets “solved” in the last 20 pages lol ok
Ps - Question time : Can Colleen Hoover write a book where the main character doesn’t go trough something traumatic and/or suffers through the entire book ????? because in ugly love the guys treats the heroine like absolutely shit and in the end he realizes that he’s actually in love with her (so romantic, especially when he calls her his ex’s name in the middle of sex #goals), in November 9 the mc is a burn victim (I think, I tried to block that awful book out) and she falls for the guy that was involved in her accident, in another book the heroine is an abusive relationship ... She’s constantly writing the same book with a different problem, it goes like this the heroine has a problem(infertility/abusive relationship/ deeply insecurity, then a guy come to rescue, they can’t be together(they can but they have to suffer so it’s more #romantic), angst for pages, then everything is solved in the last few pages and happily ever after, there you go… You have a cliche, basic af Colleen Hoover book, CONGRATS YOU FINISHED THE A BAD WATTPAD FIC. Don’t forget to promote on booktok!!!!
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Finished Reading
July 17, 2018 – Shelved
July 17, 2018 – Shelved as: june2018

Comments Showing 1-50 of 65 (65 new)

message 1: by Alex ♈ (new) - added it

Alex ♈ Well said, Nanda! 👏👏👏

Farhina ↯↯ The Wanderer Of Inked Adventures ugh i was so excited to read this one now i am kinda putt offf

message 3: by Aneesah (new) - added it

Aneesah So what you're saying is, I should skip this one?

Lori Hmmm maybe just stop reading CH books??

Nanda Lori wrote: "Hmmm maybe just stop reading CH books??"

hmmm maybe don't go on people reviews and be condescending.

Nanda Dana wrote: "Why do you continue to read her books of you don't like her style of writing? I don't like westerns, so I don't read them."

Maybe I wanted to give her books another chance and see if she improved, maybe I was curious (is that not allowed?).. If you like her books good for you, but you are going to need to accept that not everyone is going to enjoy and people are allowed to give 1 star rating, I don't go on 5 star rating reviews of her books and point all the problematic shit that she writes just like I don't go on 1 star rating of books that I love and ask what's wrong with them.

Nanda Aneesah wrote: "So what you're saying is, I should skip this one?"

yessss girl

message 8: by Rejane (last edited Jul 22, 2018 01:53PM) (new) - added it

Rejane Exactly Nanda. I actually feel sorry for the author ( not really,lol, she just found her money maker formula) for having so much trouble, sadness and tragedy in her head. It’s like a dark cloud is always above her head. LOL I hope those are not personal or close situations. That would be tragic to have so much tragedy in one’s life. LMAO.

message 9: by Aneesah (new) - added it

Aneesah Rejane wrote: "Exactly Nanda. I actually feel sorry for the author ( not really,lol, she just found her money maker formula) for having so many trouble, sadness in her head. I hope those are not personal or close..."

You're right about the "money maker" formula. Lots of popular authors are guilty of churning out work that follows a DEFINITE pattern (I'm looking at YOU Alexa Riley and Nicholas Sparks!) It seems a bit lazy if you ask me. However, as much as I may not care for it but surely SOMEONE does because you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting somebody who wants nothing more than to sing Colleen Hoover's praises. Nah, no thanks, that uber-angsty vibe is not my bag and really hasn't been since high school. I will definitely pass on this one.

message 10: by Rejane (last edited Jul 22, 2018 01:51PM) (new) - added it

Rejane Exactly Aneesah. Besides, I have a mind of of my own and I can analyze things by myself. I don’t need to say I like something just because a majority of people says it’s good. I am not a follower of a trend unless I really like it. And for those plots I also agree is completely lazy and again kind sad that someone needs to write so many tragic, melancholic situation to be a success. But on the other side, it sells and big money is made

message 11: by Kiki (last edited Jul 21, 2018 04:12PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Kiki Dineen wrote: "Oh, and I didn't "attack" Nanda's review. In fact, I didn't respond to Nanda's review at all. I only addressed you since your description of an author's work as "awful shit" is unwarranted, since y..."

I did read it Dineen. It is in fact awful shit. But everyone has a right to still read and enjoy it.

If Paula’s comment was unwarranted so was your comment on someone else’s review and someone else’s comment thread.
Adequacy has different meaning to you it seems. Because Nanda’s review seems adequate enough to me and Paula has agreed with the points. She doesn’t need to read this book to make up her mind. That’s what reviews are for. She pointed out what she may not like about the author’s writing and called that unsavoury. Thus avoiding. But clearly you feel triggered.
If you like the book, write your own review and point out the sunshine and lollipops.
And about the bitch comment? Takes one to know one, hey?

message 12: by Kiki (new) - rated it 1 star

Kiki Dineen wrote: "Why not call it unsavory then? Was "awful shit" necessary?

Also, fact is Paula was the one to throw around BITCHES, IDIOTS and STUPID IDIOTS.

Thanks for suggesting I write my own review. I had al..."

Because she felt this was “awful shit”? Just like I think the book was? Awful shit is not really a politically incorrect term. It is impolite, but I don’t think GR let’s minors sign up?
And about Paula’s name calling, are you aware of exactly what kind of run in she had with the people she actually called a bitch? Nope, because you’re triggered by her disliking of your favourite author you also decided to attack her personally.
As I said, takes one to know one.
Once again, if you feel the book is SO good, which I don’t agree with btw, put it in your review and then discuss that with like minded people.
This review was clearly a negative criticism and I don’t see any of us, specially Paula going to your positive review and question your opinion.
Fact is, you came to someone else’s review to barge into someone else’s conversation. I’m not entirely certain if you’re even friends with that someone else. If not then one can assume you deliberately sought out a negative review to look for the opportunity to start commenting. Paula just happened to be your ideal mark.

message 13: by Book-Bosomed (last edited Jul 21, 2018 06:09PM) (new) - added it

Book-Bosomed  blog Unsavory or awful shit--apples, oranges. No matter how you describe it, I've read enough helpful reviews like this one to determine that I have no interest in it. Good review Nanda! This author wouldn't be for me either. This kind of content is just not romantic. Rejane, Kiki and Paula--I always value your honest responses too.

message 14: by Nanda (new) - rated it 1 star

Nanda Paula wrote: "If I offended anyone with my comments, I apologize. However, having had people come into MY reviews often enough to antagonize because they don't happen to share my opinion, I saw red when the same..."

Thanks babe!!! When I wrote this review I didn't even think it was gonna cause this much commotion lol when I saw the comments I got frustrated too but I understand that maybe the book was important to them and they got frustrated and decided to vent, but like you and Rejane and Kiki said people need to understand that not everyone is gonna like the same books and authors, there are books that I love and some of my friends don't really care for it and I'm okay with that, different strokes for different folks, if we start coming for bad reviews of books that we like we might as well start getting paid by Goodreads lol

message 15: by Nanda (new) - rated it 1 star

Nanda Book-Bosomed wrote: "Unsavory or awful shit--apples, oranges. No matter how you describe it, I've read enough helpful reviews like this one to determine that I have no interest in it. Good review Nanda! This author wou..."

Thanks!! I'm glad I could help.

message 16: by Nanda (new) - rated it 1 star

Nanda Rejane wrote: "Exactly Nanda. I actually feel sorry for the author ( not really,lol, she just found her money maker formula) for having so many trouble, sadness in her head. I hope those are not personal or close..."

Tu é brasileira né?!!! E essa autora pode se candidatar a escrever novela mexicana pq a coitada só escreve tragédia.

message 17: by Rejane (new) - added it

Rejane Nanda wrote: "Rejane wrote: "Exactly Nanda. I actually feel sorry for the author ( not really,lol, she just found her money maker formula) for having so many trouble, sadness in her head. I hope those are not pe..."

Sou brasileira sim. Você está certíssima sobre ela escrever novela mexicana. Mas acho que ela ia ultrapassar as expectativas de tanta
merda que ela coloca nos livros. Fico imaginando uma nuvem negra em cima da cabeça dela. A mulher só pensa em tragedia e tristeza. Parece a pessimista da turma. Muito negativa essa autora. Kkkkk

message 18: by Mark (new)

Mark Totally agree with you Nanda, as long as you're not being racist, sexist, ect. there's absolutely nothing wrong with sharing your opinion, positive and negative, and it is absolutely uncalled for to be personally attacked for it.

Dominique Thompson I actually found the heroine to be less palatable than her husband. She was cold and annoying and I was surprised that she had the audacity to be upset about her husband cheating when she treated that man like an ottoman. I was like girl get a grip!

Laurie Vee This book really was awful and I love this review.

message 21: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn Honestly, this is review is very valid criticism. Hoover's books do have a huge level sameness.

message 22: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn *level of sameness. Ugh, sorry.

Chris-Wait-For-It-Awesome Excellent review! Sums up my problems with the author!!

Valéria Paulino I really like her books, but I totally agree with you about this one. So depressing 🙄😴😴😴

message 25: by Hanse (new)

Hanse Best review yet. You put exactly what i felt abt the book into words.

message 26: by malak (new) - rated it 1 star


Gabby So, he’s a cheater? Was that a spoiler? Regarding November 9, you spilled her boyfriend caused the fire. Spoiler Alert would be appreciated, especially if you give away a big part of two books.

message 28: by Joni (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joni Hrch I believe CH addresses her books to people with insecurities. The bottom message is : You are appreciated and you deserve to be passionately loved no matter how you bad and incomplete you feel about yourself.
you are just a bitter hater.

Sumru Could please NOT spoil everyone ?!

message 30: by Bibi LP (new) - added it

Bibi LP It may be depressing to some of you, but the stuggle is real. He cheated on her ... OK. Knowing quite a few couples with this issue, when things are this bad, and they do get this bad ... One usually cheats ... To feel anything but the missery that CH so well describes ... Or to give the other a chance at what is unachievable with their partner.

The point is, dont diss a chatacter or the auther if you dont have a profound knowledge of this issue.

If for recomending this book ... Absolutely!!!

message 31: by Rejane (last edited Mar 19, 2019 05:22AM) (new) - added it

Rejane “One USUALLY cheats”????

message 32: by swedishruler (new) - added it

swedishruler B I must admit I’ve read all her stuff. The only author I’ve gone to see and it’s how I met a cool bookworm. So I admired her too and her life story but Now I’m tired of them and I’ve gave up on her stuff. And I’m glad you mentioned ugly love it’s the one I despise the most it was so bad. He was a complete jerk no redeeming quality at all. I so agree with you in all the sameness.

message 33: by Mandy (new) - added it

Mandy  Smith I didn’t care for this book either but you shouldn’t put a spoiler in the top of your review and should add :spoiler
Before hand.
I didn’t like it either but I wouldn’t purposefully ruin it for others like that.

message 34: by Ana (last edited Aug 04, 2019 08:09PM) (new) - added it

Ana Laura t may be too much, but after Ugly Love book I'LL NEVER READ ANYTHING OF THIS AUTHOR AGAIN The guy besides treating the woman like crap still calls the ex's name during sex!!! And this is romance ??? It was one of the most revolting things I've ever read! Never!

Christine Great review. This is totally how I feel about her books.

message 36: by Ana (new) - added it

Ana Laura Nanda wrote: "Lori wrote: "Hmmm maybe just stop reading CH books??"

hmmm maybe don't go on people reviews and be condescending."


message 37: by Shannon (new)

Shannon I am 20% in and am giving up on this one. I can't handle reading books that are so depressing. I like reading for entertainment and to take my mind off of depressing things. Colleen Hoover's best books were her Slammed series, in my opinion. I have had a hard time reading other by her since those.

message 38: by Shiru (new)

Shiru Wa I really hate how "It ends with us" ended. I am still recovering from it. I loved Confess though.

Veronica WordsAreMyDrinkOfChoice Great review,
People are triggered. I felt the same about this book.

message 40: by TMR (new)

TMR Hmm guess this book is really not any good then?

message 41: by Kitty (new)

Kitty ya that's why I stopped reading her books

Haley Thanks for not mentioning your review has spoilers!

Vanessinha Well said, I can't stand to read a Colleen Hoover book

message 44: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Maybe try not to post spoilers.🤦🏻‍♀️

Kanan Jarrus Colleen hoovers books are just the best. Thanks for reminding me why I love her books so much

Marie well now i can’t read Nov 9 bc it’s all spoiled for me now. tf

Aleena Mi 🏳️‍🌈 wrote: "well now i can’t read Nov 9 bc it’s all spoiled for me now. tf"

I'm so upset!!!
Nanda, why the fuck did you spoil another book from the author ?

addie i will always love coho books thank u very much. if u cant handle deep traumatic books just say that

Brittany Then don’t read it ?! No one said you had to.

Vanessa Lesniak Talk about spoiling all the books. Yikes

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