CS's Reviews > Voyager

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon
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it was ok
bookshelves: historical

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Reading Progress

November 18, 2011 – Shelved
August 24, 2012 – Started Reading
August 24, 2012 –
1.0% "I'm back, visiting Jaime and Claire! God, I LOVE Davina Porter! You are an AMAZING narrator!"
August 24, 2012 –
2.0% "Eh, hurry up and let's get back to Jaime. (Can you tell it's a Brianna scene?)"
August 27, 2012 –
4.0% "Okay, there's Claire's First person POV in the 1940's. Then there is Roger's Third person POV in the 1970's. And now we also have a Jaime Third person POV set back in the 18th century. My mind might just explode, trying to handle all these timelines."
August 27, 2012 –
5.0% ""...his lips fastened softly on my nipple...His mouth was soft, gentle in its pressure, nothing like the relentless grasp of a baby's hard, toothless gums that fasten on like grim death." How do I keep finding these books where guys suckle on pregnant women's breasts? I guess this is sexier than Jondalar and Ayla, but it still makes me feel...awkward."
August 27, 2012 –
5.0% ""She didn't do or say anything so out of the ordinary, and yet Brianna, undeniably, drew people. There was some attraction about her, almost magnetic, that drew everyone near into the glow of her orbit." Mary Sue qualities on this character are starting to soar. Brianna, get some flaws STAT."
August 27, 2012 –
7.0% "Back with Jaime! Oddly enough, the sections I'm liking most are the ones with Claire, baby Brianna, and Frank."
August 28, 2012 –
8.0% "OH! Poor Fergus! His hand! (Can't say that Gabaldon sugarcoats her story :P )"
August 28, 2012 –
10.0% "I'm always so pleasantly surprised to be reading these books and seeing what an amazing character Claire is. Strong, independent on her own, without collapsing against her hunk of meat, and yet, she communicates with her husband(s?), works out problems, etc. FANTASTIC stuff."
August 29, 2012 –
12.0% "This must be the Lord John Grey that has his own series. And another POV. My head is swimming."
August 31, 2012 –
21.0% "Seems like we are sticking with one time period - Jaime, 1755 (or so). I'm actually rather grateful; I am finding myself having a hard time staying focused and interested."
September 4, 2012 –
21.0% "A part of me is saying I should be mad at Jaime for sleeping with someone other than Claire. But the more predominant part is relief that he has (though of course, he doesn't love this other woman). And I am actually so pleased at how frank and honest this sex scene is, instead of flowery and purply."
September 4, 2012 –
31.0% "YAY!!! Jaime and Claire are back in the same time!!!"
September 5, 2012 –
31.0% "Conflicted. Am I happy that Jaime and Claire are back together or am I frustrated that neither of them fell in love with someone else in the 20 years apart? I can't really be angry with Frank, as his reaction makes sense, but it seems weird that BOTH Jaime and Claire, 20 years later, are single and available. And while I understand WHY Brianna would be sad at her mother leaving, it comes off as whining."
September 5, 2012 –
35.0% "The only way this "Chinaman" can get more racist is if Mickey Rooney played him. And all these hijinks with the prostitutes? Come on!!"
September 6, 2012 –
44.0% "This is one crazy book. Smuggling, pirating, printing house burnings, prostitutes, runaway boys showing up in brothels, racist portrayals of Chinese...who would have thought I would get this from an Outlander book?? And yeah, not buying that Jaime would do business with a brothel and not "trade", if you catch my meaning..."
September 7, 2012 –
49.0% "WHAT?!?!!! Jaime's MARRIED??? Why the f@#$ didn't he tell Claire like 3 discs ago?!!?!!"
September 7, 2012 –
49.0% "“It smelled of the two of us, and the faint musky lingerings of our Pleasure.” I canNOT hear the word "Pleasure" in context to sex anymore and NOT want to capitalize it, not after the Earth's Children series."
September 7, 2012 –
50.0% "And it's okay for Jaime to lie about his wife because he was angry that he sent Claire back to Frank, who spent the last 20 years boning her, and he loooooves Claire and can't bear to think of her in bed with another man. Excuse me, I have a wall I need to bash my head into."
September 7, 2012 –
51.0% "In the words of Claire "JHC!" You have GOT to be f@#$ing kidding me! Jaime is now DYING from a gunshot wound, thus forcing Claire to return to heal his wounds?"
September 7, 2012 –
51.0% "And now Claire blames herself for causing a rift between Jaime and his sister over the whole "Other Wife" business. I think I need to listen to some music now...this is making me mad."
September 7, 2012 –
59.0% "Sooooo...the entire plot of this book is basically correcting a mistake Jaime made? I'm not opposed to finding the treasure of the first part, but I'd rather not have it be the MacGuffin for the stupid "I'm married but didn't bother to tell you" part."
September 8, 2012 –
64.0% "Fergus gets married to Jaime's 2nd wife's daughter. I think this book could almost be renamed "Jaime's Crazy Family"."
September 8, 2012 –
69.0% "So Claire and Jaime are trying to rescue Ian who got kidnapped. They are sailing in a boat (with Jaime near constantly seasick) and are now listening to Willoughby (AKA Mickey Rooney Chinaman) tell his story. At least things have calmed down a wee bit."
September 8, 2012 –
72.0% "Jaime and Claire arrive in the Caribbean. It's sad they aren't in Scotland anymore (No more Jenny and Ian?? No more Lallybroch???), but at least that whole second marriage thing is in the past and I can try to forget about it."
September 9, 2012 –
75.0% "Boy, Claire meets up with the weirdest people. And Jaime's name sure gets around..."
September 10, 2012 –
75.0% "I had to relisten to some parts because it switched POVs on me. It went from shipwrecked Claire to Jaime, snuck on board the Porpoise, trying to find his wife. I never thought this book would become Pirates of the Caribbean ;)"
September 10, 2012 –
76.0% "Listening to Jaime and Claire discuss what they will do to each other when they make love and generally talk dirty makes me appreciate an author who has characters act like grown-ups about their sex lives. (I think I'm far enough away from the Second Wife Thing to start enjoying this like I was with "Dragonfly".)"
September 10, 2012 –
77.0% "How do they have any hope that Ian is not dead? Seems an awful lot of effort to find someone in a day and age where disappearing people weren't uncommon."
September 10, 2012 –
78.0% "A slave market. What is happening... *jaw drops*"
September 11, 2012 –
83.0% "Classic scene where Claire tries to go down on Jaime, but then someone comes to talk to Jaime and then *chuckles* won't leave him alone to get some sexing. Oh, and apparently people are kidnapping Scottish boys for the lulz, which they find out from Ishmael, another black slave...seriously, this book is WILD. I can't predict ANYTHING."
September 11, 2012 –
85.0% "It just hit me: a CHILD (15 year old) IS FREAKING MISSING! Where is the fear, the urgency, the despair, the anguish? It's like Claire and Jaime are investigating some goofy mystery (and getting into HIlarious hijinks) where THEIR OWN NEPHEW isn't MISSING. A BOY. COME ON."
September 11, 2012 –
87.0% "WAHT?!?!?!!?? Jaime went gay for Lord John?!!?? HUH???? I don't think that's how it works!! AND ONLY NOW CLAIRE IS FINDING OUT ABOUT WILLY?!!??!! Gimme a two-by-four, I have a Scott I need to smack!!"
September 11, 2012 –
90.0% "Geelie's back. Apparently she "likes little boys". That went somewhere I did NOT want to go. Oh and she's super fat now. And the Bad Guy. *rolls eyes* (And Claire is like in her 50's and is attracting attention from men half her age.) At least we get a little more info about the time-traveling aspect."
September 12, 2012 –
95.0% "What the flying F@#$ is a voodoo ceremony (complete with killing a CROCODILE!!) doing in an Outlander novel?!?!! Did I switch and start reading Anita Blake without knowing?! And WTF is with the Brianna speaking to Claire across time?! I think my brain just about exploded...excuse me, while I try to pick up the pieces."
September 12, 2012 –
97.0% "And they finally found Ian. The child. Who was in the grips of a murderous crazy woman. And the showdown could have been in an Anita Blake book. I feel exhausted. It took you THAT LONG to find this POOR BOY?!!?? If you love this boy SO MUCH, why the f@#$ didn't you try harder to find him, instead of getting into fights with slavers and chuckling with drunk Fathers?"
September 12, 2012 –
98.0% "And it's official. Geelie raped Ian. While Claire and Jaime are off having hijinks, chatting it up with drunken Fathers or getting Fergus married, Ian is being raped. I just... *shakes head*"
September 12, 2012 –
99.0% "And they are shipwrecked. Again. This has got to be the third time this book."
September 12, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I read these books so long ago I barely remember them. I think I stopped at Drums of Autumn, though; people kept warning me that every book is longer than the previous one but covers a shorter and shorter span of time, so eventually there's a Ulysses-style 800 page brick that only covers one day. Maybe it was Drums of Autumn. No clue.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

My regrets about never picking these books up become smaller and smaller with every review like this. :P

I love trashy soap operas like this, but in more digestible sizes thx. These sounds increddddddddibly self-indulgent rambling fanfiction of the author's own stuff.

Carol Storm The problem with Diana Gabaldon is she's a genius. And geniuses often do stupid, outlandish things that a less talented author would know better than to attempt. But getting annoyed with her books is like getting annoyed with life. A lot of times it's horrible, but then, the good stuff is better than anything you can imagine!

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

I could say the same thing about Colleen McCullough. ;)

Carol Storm Fair enough, Karla! Hopefully someday we can find a really great author we both agree on. How do you feel about Mary Balogh? ;-)

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Never read her. Not sure if I'd like her or not...but I've got a few on the TBR to try sometime.

Carol Storm She's really good . . . but it's pure romance without any rough edges. Not at all like those old Rosemary Rogers novels where there's plenty of blood and guts along with all the sex!

message 8: by CS (new) - rated it 2 stars

CS Madame X wrote: "I read these books so long ago I barely remember them. I think I stopped at Drums of Autumn, though; people kept warning me that every book is longer than the previous one but covers a shorter and ..."

Hoooo boy...I knew these books were long, but dayum. If I plan on continuing, I'll be looking at more 36+ hour long audiobooks :P

Karla (Mossy Love Grotto) wrote: "My regrets about never picking these books up become smaller and smaller with every review like this. :P

I love trashy soap operas like this, but in more digestible sizes thx. These sounds incredd..."

That's kinda how I felt. There was just sooooooo muuuuuuch going on that I completely forgot about a kidnapped boy!

Lily wrote: "The problem with Diana Gabaldon is she's a genius. And geniuses often do stupid, outlandish things that a less talented author would know better than to attempt. But getting annoyed with her books ..."

Gabaldon is a great writer; I mean, she wrote the characters that I fell in love with (Claire, Jaime, Fergus, Jenny, etc.). I guess every author tries to do something new and exciting; sometimes it works (for some people) and sometimes it doesn't (for some people).

Carol Storm See my comment above about how geniuses can be really annoying!

message 10: by Leah (new) - rated it 4 stars

Leah Steele I liked drums of autumn much more than voyager. I had some of your same gripes but still enjoyed the ride. I consumed these all in audiobook format as well, and I just have to say that Davina Porter completely owns these titles. I don't think I would've enjoyed them nearly as much without her lending her incredible talent to the task.

message 11: by CS (new) - rated it 2 stars

CS I am really glad you enjoyed this; I wonder if maybe I hadn't had my expectations so high, I might have enjoyed this even more.

Davina Porter is amazing. I didn't mention it in the review, but she IS Claire to me. And I love how she does the accents--if I were reading the actual book, I would have so much trouble understanding what Jaime and the other Scots were saying!!

message 12: by Jean (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jean I think they both grew and changed, but both are strong people who see no use in moaning about the past. Claire and Frank had a loveless marriage, and Claire and Jamie were soul mates. They have telepathy, they don't have to discuss everything.

message 13: by CS (new) - rated it 2 stars

CS Telepathy?! When did Claire and Jamie get telepathy?! Did we read the same book, or?!!!

Molly YES. What did you think of Drums of Autumn? I was not pleased. Like you said about Claire and Jamie not ever worrying about Ian, I feel like Claire of DofA just does not care much that she left her daughter behind. She is rarely mentioned and then when (SPOILER) she shows up in the 1700's, Claire is just like "oh it's you. You're interrupting sexy times with Jamie so how about you go back to your own time, hmm?"

message 15: by Kate (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kate Amazing and spot on review!

message 16: by Laura (new)

Laura I had a hard time with the scene in which Claire finds out about Jamie's wife. I even re-read it hoping for her to scream at him about who he choose. Maybe he didn't know it was the woman who tried to have Claire killed, but I couldn't imagine a woman like Claire not making that abundantly clear. There is something addictive about the stories though. I'll probably move on to Drums of Autumn.

Cheryl I 100% agree!!!!! The 3rd novel was cringey AF for me to read and I'm sorry but the whole time traveling paradox with the bones still doesn't make sense to me this day. But its business as usual with these books!!

I'm forcing myself to continue inwards in Hope's that it gets better. Currently reading the Lord John Series before venturing to the 4th book.

message 18: by Pat (new) - rated it 3 stars

Pat I agreed with you about so much of this book. The stereotyping was especially difficult for me to handle. It was rampant. Why, oh why, would Jaime marry this girl of all people? It felt like reading soap opera scripts - the melodrama, the lack of character continuity, the near disregard of Ian's situation, until the last second.

message 19: by Cry Me A River (new)

Cry Me A River After reading your review, I’ve decided to not read this series even though it is highly rated especially the book 1. Your review just sums it up for me. Thank you for saving my time.

message 20: by Linda (new) - rated it 1 star

Linda Your review really resonated with me. My addition to this is that I understand that in life, rape and other human atrocities happen, just like when Randal raped Jamie. However, when Jamie rapes Geneva, that's where I think Gabaldon crosses a line. Apparently, this is why they changed the controversial Jamie-Geneva sex scene in the tv version, as well. Because of this, I wasn't privy to this rape scene. Obviously controversial, it depicts Jamie, the hero, morally compromised. Yet he continues to rape Geneva even when she says no! With Jamie being a rape victim, you'd think he'd be more sensitive. I couldn't finish the book, at this point. For me, everything that was built up, at this point, came crashing down. I lost all respect for Jamie as a character and Gabaldon for crossing that line and ruining it for me.

message 21: by Jen (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jen I just got to the part where Claire finds out about the wife and she's on her way back to the stones. I think you just saved me the rest of the hours from listening to the book tbh. What character spends a really long time researching for beloved then because of one lie is like oh I'm done bye..... it's just I forgot how insecure Claire was. I just thought she'd let that go. She's confident in the 20th century and then bumbles around with Jaimies time. Like she could stand up for herself and figure out a way to talk to her supposed husband. She doesn't seem like this strong confident woman she was made out to be. It honestly has made to want to stop reading the series entirely. I'm glad im not the only person who has some issues with Claire's character. I'm sure this series is amazing since it's successful but I don't think I can spend more time on it. The first two were great. And im glad I have some closure from past events.

Ashley You summed up exactly how I feel. This book was horrible and the end of my outlander journey.

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