Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm)'s Reviews > The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
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bookshelves: gothic, audiobook, adult, fiction

Sound the alarm! Unpopular opinion to follow!

To put it simply: verbose and wearying. Zafón seems to have swallowed a thesaurus and proceeds to regurgitate synonyms with unrelenting force. In The Shadow of the Wind, a man does not simply urinate, he "discharge[s] his generous, steamy cascade."

The Shadow of the Wind is an ode to books that's not so much Gothic literature as it's a telenovela, a trait that's only exacerbated by Jonathan Davis' melodramatic delivery as narrator.

Female characters fall into one of two categories: either beautiful and voluptuous, with tremulous breasts, shapely calves, and a body suitable for impregnating, or unattractive old women whose haggard appearance deems them unsuitable for bedding. Every sex scene is so awkward, I found myself repeatedly wondering if this book was penned by a virgin.

Death is a constant threat - at every turn, for every character - until it bears no gravity.

Zafón: *mentions death*
Me: *rolls eyes, yawns*

The opening pages had me worried, because of one particular detail - one detail - that told me this would be a book I wasn't liable to get along with. I should have heeded my intuition and saved myself eighteen grueling hours of slogging through this tiresome audiobook. The opening scene that planted the first seed of concern:
On that June morning, I woke up screaming at first light. My heart was pounding in my chest as if it feared that my soul wanted to carve its way out and run off down the stairs. My father hurried into my room and he held me in his arms, trying to calm me.

[. . .] We looked at each other in the half-light, searching for words that didn't exist. For the first time, I realized my father was growing old. He stood up and drew the curtains to let in the pale glint of dawn.

"Come, Daniel, get dressed. I want to show you something," he said.

"Now? At five o'clock in the morning?"

I ask you, when has a child ever been aware of, or concerned with, what time in the morning they've woken their parents? That line reeks of contrived drama.

I wanted to like this book, truly, but it wasn't the right fit for me. Between the bloated writing, sexism, and exhausting abundance of drama, reaching the final page was an absolute chore.
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Reading Progress

April 13, 2018 – Started Reading
April 13, 2018 – Shelved
April 13, 2018 – Shelved as: gothic
April 13, 2018 – Shelved as: audiobook
June 1, 2018 – Finished Reading
December 31, 2020 – Shelved as: adult
December 31, 2020 – Shelved as: fiction

Comments Showing 1-44 of 44 (44 new)

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message 1: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette Looking forward to your review. I read this more than a decade ago and never felt the burn at all. But I'm odd for that kind of emotive of the literary sense.

message 2: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Jeanette: I confess, I'm having a hard time finding my stride with this one. It often sways too far towards melodrama for my liking . . .

message 3: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette So agree!

Ann Marie (Lit·Wit·Wine·Dine) Thank you for this. I just took it off my list. These things would really bug me too.

message 5: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Jeanette: I thought you might. You and I are the minority on this one. It's comforting to be reminded that I'm not alone.

message 6: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Ann Marie: Glad I could help!

Rachel I can’t imagine how insufferable this must have been as an audiobook - it was melodramatic enough in my head. The sexism was the kiss of death for me with this book, I just couldn’t overlook the abominable portrayal of women for the occasionally nice descriptions of Barcelona or whatever other attributes it might have had.

message 8: by Georgina (new) - added it

Georgina Lara I read your opinion to my Mom and Hubby and since they both have read the book, we had a nice discussion ;)

Tracey Yayyy I really struggled with this. I just read my review and it says " Tortuously Tedious and sexist and drivel" I did dnf it at 175 pages though, I guess I'd suffered enough.

LittleRedRidingHood Yikes. You scared me there. I really struggled with last three spanish authors I've read. I hoped that Zafon would be better, since I hear nothing but praise. Good to be warned.

Dolors Sorry you didn't like this one.

message 12: by Joel (new)

Joel Ballard I've also recently experienced a disappointing response to a book. I attributed it primarily to it being translated from another language (in my case it was Russian). Also noted that he is a "scriptwriter", which is a completely different animal; some struggle and try to compensate for the lack of a "visual" by overwriting the narrative. Again this is made even worse by a poor translation. (less)

message 13: by I'm Not (new) - added it

I'm Not Oh, thank God. I don't know anybody who's not enthralled by this book. I started reading it twice or three times (can't even remember) and it's just tooo much of everything... that is not good. :D

Julie Ehlers Thank you for this review! I read this book too long ago to formulate a review now, but I also hated it and agree with everything you've said here. Maybe I'll change my 2 stars to one...

message 15: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Rachel: I am right there with you.

message 16: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Hannah: I couldn't agree more. :)

message 17: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Georgina Lara: What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation . . .

message 18: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Julie Ehlers: I support your decision. ;)

message 19: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah Greendale (Hello, Bookworm) @Joel Robert Ballard: I've run into translation issues with other books, but I don't think that was an issue here. Quite a few reviewers have gone so far as to marvel at how well this book is translated.

John of Canada I had this on my tbr list.Thank goodness for your review.Off with its head!

message 21: by Tras (last edited Jun 05, 2018 12:13PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tras You appear to have a struck a power chord with this review ;)

I actually liked the book but I enjoy melodrama and, thankfully, have no memory of generous and steamy urine. It was interesting to read how the book fell down for you, though I'm surprised you stuck it out to the bitter end. Do you not find it to be the case that when you're REALLY disliking a novel, silly things - things that may well be overlooked if the experience is enjoyable - stick out like sharp stabby digits; kinda like when a relationship is in its death throes and the act of the other person just eating makes you want to launch them into the ocean :)

message 22: by Corinne (new) - added it

Corinne Currently trying to convince myself not to dnf this because it fulfills a prompt for a reading challenge I’m doing. Glad I’m not the only one who didn’t love it!

message 23: by Molly (new) - added it

Molly Haha Tras well said. Reading a book is kind of like a relationship :)

message 24: by Trudie (new)

Trudie Haha it’s been so long since I contemplated this book but I too took against it early and never finished it.

Adina (way behind) Haha, very well argumented review. Although i gave it 5* I can see your points and agree with the sexism. I usually run away from authors that swallowed thesaurus but this time it worked for me.

Erica You're not alone. I gave it 2.5 stars because I was entertained by some of it but...well, like I said in the review, I liked it until I didn't.

message 27: by Doris (new)

Doris Sander Thank you for this. I’m on page 195 and I just don’t think I can read another page. I’m bored out of my mind, and the men’s thoughts about women are laughable.

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

I also disliked the way that female characters were written in this book. I’m glad that I’ve found someone else who has the same unpopular opinion as me! Gave only one star as well.

Dermot O'Sullivan I know it must be good if it is cheesing off so many feminists who expect a depiction of women in 1945 to conform to modern PC standards.

message 30: by Tricia (new)

Tricia Oleson I agree! I just finished this book and there were no good female characters. Extremely disappointing!

Deborah I had such high hopes. They were buried by the interminable drama.

Glynis I wasn't a fan, either.

message 33: by Tess (new) - added it

Tess At last I have found a review that mentions the objectifying view of women!! I am half way through the book, and not completely disliking it, but I'm really bothered by the way women are portrayed. I just read the scene in which the narrator takes pains to underline that when Julian sees Penelope for the first time he notices "her beautiful neck and bare shoulders" (and she is 12/13 years old!!!!). And when Daniel meets Nuria for the first time he basically feels the impulse to have sex with her...what's wrong with these male characters?

message 34: by Ilsa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ilsa I agree with the sexism. But Jonathan Davis was amazing and you clearly don’t understand Spanish prose.

message 35: by Hans (new) - added it

Hans Otterson Yes! In addition to its other flaws (and charms (both of which I've detailed in my own review)), I was immediately struck that 11-year-old Daniel had the diction of a man thrice his age. There's a lot of pulpy drama in this book but every character sounds the same: like Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

Abigail I just couldn’t finish this book, I get it was set in a different time but the misogynistic writing just annoyed me so much I couldn’t continue along with the fact that I found the story so ridiculous and dull . You have wrote a very good review in my opinion

Maggie Robin It’s not often that I go seeking out 1 star reviews of a novel that I’m three quarters through, in search of reassurance that surely I’m not the only person in the world who couldn’t stand it?
Thanks Hannah, I feel validated. You’ve perfectly expressed everything I find problematic with this book. The protagonist is a wanker, the female characters are cutout figurines and that leaves me not caring less about the mystery. I just want it over.

Maggie Robin Also, there was a third category of women: prostitutes. Again not represented in more than one dimension!

reluctant_reviewer The misogyny was made worse by the comments thrown here and there from the womanizer player that he always checks young girls’ IDs, to be “ethical,” and that he has to win a woman by winning her soul first. All sandwiched by constant objectification of every woman he comes across. It felt like Ruiz was trying to tell us that this view of women is OK as long as you don’t have sex with underage girls and you manipulate women into your bed by pretending to love them.

I had to come read reviews because this book is annoying me so much.

message 40: by Beth (new) - rated it 1 star

Beth Scoonover Misogyny abounds. Thank you for calling it out. dnf

message 41: by Mark (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mark Porton Hey Hannah - 2 stars from me too on this one, unpopular indeed, for this very popular book. Great review!!!

message 42: by Kike (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kike I have the same opinion of you

message 43: by Dave (new)

Dave The “5 o’clock in the morning” detail struck me the wrong way, too. That should have served as a warning. I was lured in by the initial pages, especially the descriptions of the city. However, the meandering plot, one-dimensional characters, and sexist writing were enough for me to DNF this one, less than halfway through.

Angelique I'm half way through and the unnecessary language is killing me! Does it eventually get somewhere?? I feel like we are going around and around and nothing is progressing! I am very close to ditching it. Should I persist? Help me! Lol!

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