Diane S ☔'s Reviews > The Animators

The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker
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's review

it was amazing

I have never been a comic book lover, not in the past and not now. Graphic novels? Have only ever read one. Animation? Can take it or leave it. So why did I ever pick up, this book? Goodreads, a few strong reviews from friends I trust and it sounded different. Took a chance that turned out to be a big win, win.

Tow friends from art school, a unique partnership, Sharon Kisses and Mel Vaughn, Avant garde, B movies, a graphic animated story of Mel's life. These girls both have difficult back stories, Mel from Florida, Sharon from a small town in Kentucky. Tragedies in their past, issues to overcome the best they can.

Sharon Kisses is our narrator, just love both their names. This book......... it is heartwarming, heartbreaking, funny, sad, drugs, alcohol, creative juices, a unique friendship, obstacles to overcome, in your face, leaving you with nowhere to hide. It turned me inside out and upside down. It is grungy, gritty, brimming with life. Passion for art and raw reality. It is all the things we read fiction for and more. It is a story with characters you will think about long after you finish.

A first novel? Incredibly hard to believe, the talent of this author is amazing. Can't wait to see what she does next. My first five star read of the New Year. Who knew?

ARC from Netgalley.
Publishes January 31st.
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Reading Progress

December 27, 2016 – Started Reading
December 27, 2016 – Shelved
December 28, 2016 –
page 40
December 30, 2016 –
page 80
December 31, 2016 –
page 140
January 4, 2017 –
page 200
January 5, 2017 –
page 250
January 6, 2017 –
page 300
January 7, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 51 (51 new)

message 1: by Sam (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sam Glad to see you enjoyed this one, Diane! Will be excited to see your full review!

Angela M is taking a break. Fantastic, Diane . I didn't take a chance and get this one . Looks like I missed out on a good one !

Alena He surprise factor makes it even better. I look forward to it

Diane S ☔ Thanks Angela. It is still there. Remember that gritty book we read, one of the main characters was named Otto, not Otto and Russell. We loved it, reminds me a little of that one.

Alena, can't wait to see what you think.

Sam, I loved it, percolated overnight and changed it from four to five stars.

message 5: by Dem (new)

Dem Don't you just love when you take a chance on a book and it's a five star read. Great review Diane.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Great review, I don't know why I never requested it, it sounds good. I'm going to check to see if it's still available.

PattyMacDotComma So glad to see you loved it, Diane! Just wish I'd been able to get it. :(

message 8: by Diane S ☔ (last edited Jan 08, 2017 05:15PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Diane S ☔ Thanks Dem. Definitely special, Dem.

It is still there Dorie and thanks.

Angela M is taking a break. I can't think of the book you mean but if I loved it too , then I should try for this one in spite of all that I'll never get through in Jan !

Angela M is taking a break. You know it's going to drive me crazy trying to think of the title of that book ?

message 11: by Diane S ☔ (last edited Jan 08, 2017 05:29PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Diane S ☔ Thanks, Stephanie,

Thanks, Patti.

Led you wrong, Angela, it wasn't Otto it was Humphrey and the book is The Rise & Fall of Great Powers. You gave it five and I gave it four. Anyway this book reminds me a little of that one.

message 12: by Esil (new) - rated it 4 stars

Esil I love your review, Diane. I think I'll read this one next. I love the sound of it.

☮Karen Sounds fantastic. Great review, Diane.

Mary Beth has lots of catching up to do! Excellent review Diane!

message 15: by Sam (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sam So happy you loved it, Diane! And not just because I loved it, but because it's such a nice feeling to take a chance on a book and feel rewarded tenfold. Excellent review!!

♥ Sandi ❣	This is one that the library gave to me Diane. Haven't read it yet, but if I can ever get out from under my library books it will be one of the first.

Kathleen Excellent review, Diane. Glad that this was a five star read for you.

message 18: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Terrific, Diane! Both the review and the fact that you were so pleasantly surprised by this one. Sounds like one I should seriously consider as well!

message 19: by Dana (new) - added it

Dana Sounds great! It's on my 2017 list! :)

message 20: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Wow this does sound different, Diane! And you love it which means I need to add it:)

Norma Great review, Diane! Sounds good & different. Going to add, thank you!

Diane S ☔ Thanks so much, Esil. Will be looking for your review.

Thanks as always, Karen and Mary.

Loved your review, Sam, such a good story.

Sandi, can't wait to see what you think.

Thanks Kathleen and Candi.!!

Thanks, Dana, Norma and Jen. Jen you make me laugh.

message 23: by Wendy (new) - added it

Wendy Wonderful review Diane!

Angela M is taking a break. Glad you figured it out ! Yes , l really was taken with that book. Requested this one .

Diane S ☔ Thanks, Wendy!

Hope you get it, Angela. Fingers crossed.

message 26: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Nice review, Diane! I might have to add this to my lineup now.

message 27: by DeB (new)

DeB Interesting, Diane... I had my reservations too. Guess that I have to try it now, Lol!

message 28: by Toni (new) - rated it 5 stars

Toni I'm so so happy you liked it. I fell under its spell and was so mesmerized. Such a unique book it's hard to explain how wonderful. And I'm not young in years, but definitely in spirit and in my heart. I loved this book.

message 29: by Toni (new) - rated it 5 stars

Toni Oops, forgot to tell you Diane what a super review you wrote. ; ) Great!

Diane S ☔ Thanks Melissa.

Sorry DeB, lol

Thanks much, Toni. Definitely one I will remember.

Angela M is taking a break. Just got it , Diane !

message 32: by Diane S ☔ (last edited Jan 12, 2017 02:54AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Diane S ☔ So glad, Angela. Can't wait too see what you think.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) I'm just starting this, such great reviews from my goodreads friends. Glad you liked it, great review.

Diane S ☔ Thanks Dorie,, looking forward to yours. Fingers crossed. Lol

message 35: by ❀Julie (new) - added it

❀Julie Great review Diane. I just put it on hold after reading Esil's review too. :)

Diane S ☔ Hope you like times much as we did, Julie.

Iris P I am so looking forward to reading this, especially after reading your very enticing review Diane! Fantastic!

Taryn Wonderful review, Diane! It really is hard to believe it's a first novel. I'm so impressed with this author.

Diane S ☔ Thanks so much, Iris and Taryn. It is so accomplished for a first novel, I agree hard to believe.

Britany Well said Diane and couldn't agree with you more.

Diane S ☔ Thank you, Britany.

Alena I'm with you Diane. Loved it. Such incredible balance of light and dark.

Diane S ☔ So, so...... glad, Alena.

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) I ended up really liking this one also thanks to all of my goodreads friends for their reviews :) My review is here https://www.goodreads.com/review/show..., I gave it 5 stars also and I know neither both of us have to really think a book is great reading, great writing and unique stories :)

Cheri Wonderful review, Diane, and I'm so glad that you read this and loved it. Like you, I've never read a lot of comic books, and only one of the books I've read that I can think of was a graphic book... but I loved so much of this story. What a nice surprise this was!

Sonja Arlow I absolutely LOVED this book, and agree that I cant believe this is a debut novel.

Jennifer Masterson I just finished. I loved this book, too. Great review, Diane!

Diane S ☔ So glad, Jennifer!

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) This was a great book to pass on to my grown daughters, two have read it and liked it :)

Lesley Moseley I asked my online library to purchase this one, after reading your review. That was so long ago I had forgotten, but got it a couple of days ago. Everything you said.!!! NOT a comic etc book reader but these characters are so real. I am half way through and loving it. Thanks, I am seldom disappointed with your 5 star ratings.

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