TJ's Reviews > Cold As Ice

Cold As Ice by Anne Stuart
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did not like it
bookshelves: contemporary, romantic-suspense, suspense-thriller

** spoiler alert **

Proof that even the gifted Anne Stuart can have a really, REALLY bad day.

I SO wanted to like this book. So much so that I stubbornly held on to my 3 star desires even though Peter and Genny's relationship became more and more offensive as the story progressed.

Judge for yourselves:

Genny stumbles into a deadly situation she knows nothing about. Peter then chooses to kidnap her rather than kill her immediately - rationalizing that giving her a couple more days of life before he does the deed is honorable. He makes no bones about the fact that he will kill her in the end though (they discuss it often). He assures her he will make it as painless as possible, this should make her feel better. For some deranged reason, he then decides to prove the point that he uses sex only as a weapon of war and proceeds to seduce her, bed her and bring them both to orgasm without batting an eye or raising his heartbeat. This against her will - well, against her mind, her body betrays her and responds (eye roll). He proves his point repeatedly over the two days they are together, she is devastated but somehow realizes she has fallen in love with him... uh, why?

Without giving too much away, let's just say she escapes. He finds her and repeats above performance. This time telling her she is "nothing special" as he does it. Before leaving, he is thoughtful enough to inform her that the sex this time was only a means to get her to do what he wanted her to. She does, but she is so broken up over his indescribable, despicable treatment, it's hard to even read.

I won't even attempt to discuss her myriad stupid decisions such as KNOWINGLY running into a guns-drawn stand off screaming Peter's name. Of course he looks and gets shot to pieces while she wails. Beyond brainless.

So what happens in the end? Months later, after that last "you're nothing special, I just used you to get what I want" go around and without seeing or speaking to each other since, he decides to go home. There he finds the surprise of his life. Her... living in his house, smiling and saying "welcome home, I've been waiting, what took you so long?" The end.

I'm not kidding. It is that bad, that stupid and that ridiculous. The ending should win an award for the absolute worst, pathetic, doormat ending in the history of contemporary romance - bar none. It is also what convinced me that I couldn't in all honesty give this book anything but a 1 star.
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Reading Progress

November 8, 2010 – Shelved
November 8, 2010 – Shelved as: contemporary
November 8, 2010 – Shelved as: romantic-suspense
November 8, 2010 – Shelved as: suspense-thriller
November 19, 2010 – Started Reading
November 20, 2010 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Tammy Walton Grant Did you get these ones from the library? (I see you've marked #3 to read as well)

message 2: by TJ (new) - rated it 1 star

TJ Yep, they just came in but I haven't picked them up yet. Do you have either one of them? I also just got Lord of Danger in the mail!!!

Tammy Walton Grant I have Cold as Ice (#2) but no others.

Lord of Danger !!! I'm jealous.

message 4: by TJ (new) - rated it 1 star

TJ Want to read Cold as Ice together? I will have to get down to the library to pick it up...

Tammy Walton Grant Just tell me when to crack the cover, baby!

message 6: by TJ (new) - rated it 1 star

TJ I'm cracking the cover, girlfriend, find yours fast!

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

The ending sounds like some "twist" ending to a real lame direct-to-video softcore thriller flick. Not that I've seen things like that or anything... *cough*

message 8: by Misfit (new)

Misfit Oh those treacherous bodies that can't help but betray themselves. Bah!

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

I don't mind the treacherous body trope so much. The lame hero in this one and the whole baddy bit (from what I saw in Zosia's review) sounds like what would make this a wallbanger for me.

message 10: by TJ (last edited Nov 20, 2010 08:20PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

TJ I didn't even mention the myriad of over-the-top stupid things the heroine does. Least of all, KNOWINGLY run into the middle of a guns drawn stand off, screaming his name. Of course he looks, gets shot to pieces etc. as she runs crying to him. Beyond even brainless believability.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

It's all sounds hilarious, if one is in a self-punishing mood, a "let's read a bad book!" mood. But if one is expecting something good, then this definitely doesn't fit the bill.

Zosia, that bit in your review about the dam in India had me LMAO.

Tammy Walton Grant Here's what happens when I go away for a hockey tournament, lol! Tam, see why I keep saying imo her historicals are better than her contemporaries? I didn't really care for this one all that much, if I remember correctly -- but I'll do a re-read this week, just to take one for the team!

Don't give up on Anne Stuart based on this one. :)

message 13: by TJ (last edited Nov 21, 2010 09:32PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

TJ I have loved her historicals,( my only complaint being her endings are way too abrupt.) I even liked the first in this series of contemporary suspense. I have the next one (checked it out of the library along with this one.) Heck, any author that can get me this worked up deserves another chance ;D

message 14: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Rupe sounds suspiciously like consumed by fire which I am (make that was)slogging my way through right now hoping she will somehow rehabilitate the hero before I start actively hating him. I am going to assume that will not be the case and quit reading it now. Thank you. I now know not to waste my time with the rest of this author's books. Too bad as she writes well. She just has a strange idea of what a hero should act like imo.

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