
Worthy Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "worthy-quotes" Showing 1-15 of 15
Ken Poirot
“Be grateful for betrayal as it exposes someone who was never worthy of you or further consideration.”
Ken Poirot

Ken Poirot
“One day I woke up and realized no amount of love, care, pain, hurt, anger, or retribution could ever transform those who are evil into good or kind people. That day I let go; I stopped caring for them, gave up any hope for their souls, and knew they were never worthy of me or my time.”
Ken Poirot

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“If you don't know that friendship implies give and take, then you're not worthy to be called my friend.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“worst thing about love is that it makes you feel worthy, whether you are...or not !”
Deepa Gera

“Whatever is worthy of adventure, can only be experienced.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Daniel   Kemp
“It is better to write in order to find what you are than to write to find what price others put on you!”
Daniel Kemp

“Forgiveness is difficult to create in a world of cyclical cruelty. Transmutation is ideal as it creates equilibrium. Transmute all offending connections to people who have labeled you as inferior. Let go. See yourself as a person of great worth. Above all, love yourself.”
Deborah Bravandt

S.A.  Borders-Shoemaker
“Nothing is more heroic than loving without shame.”
S.A. Borders-Shoemaker

Rachel D. Greenwell
“Every human being is equal. Every single human being has worth. It's something that we have just because. Just because we are. We didn’t have to do anything to earn it or do anything to keep it. We are worthy just as we are RIGHT NOW even in our most broken, desperate state. YOU are worthy right now! Even if it doesn’t feel like it. You have to have faith that this is true.”
Rachel D. Greenwell, How To Wear A Crown: A Practical Guide To Knowing Your Worth

“Many times, we attract what we are prepared to receive. So remember you are worthy and deserving.”
Charles F Glassman

Divya  Mishra
“We all are made up of imperfections.
- then we spend whole life, trying to conceal it.
Let's evolve & not pretend to grow.”
Dr. Divya Mishra

Ujjwal Arora
“No Matter What, I Will Be Fine.
I Am Worthy of This Outcome.”
Ujjwal Arora, Affirmations: a daily handbook

B.K. Sweeting
“Repeat to yourself: I am worthy, even when I don't feel like it.”
B.K. Sweeting

Allene vanOirschot
“The world says you will never be enough, but God calls you by your name. ”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

“Know your worth and be totally fine with someone finding you unpleasant. Not everyone’s going to vibe with your fabulousness, and that’s okay. You’re not here to be everyone’s cup of tea. Focus on the ones who appreciate and uplift you for who you are, quirks and all. Embrace your uniqueness and let the rest roll off your back. You do you unapologetically. Remember, your worth isn’t determined by who likes you. It’s determined by you knowing you’re awesome.”
Life is Positive