
World Peace Day Quotes

Quotes tagged as "world-peace-day" Showing 1-11 of 11
Amit Ray
“The role of United Nations is not policing but awakening the heart centers of the humanity.”
Amit Ray, Nuclear Weapons Free World - Peace on the Earth

“Before the thunderous clamor of political debate or war set loose in the world, love insisted on its promise for the possibility of human unity: between men and women, between blacks and whites, northerners and southerners, haves and have-have-nots, self and self.”
Aberjhani, The Wisdom of W.E.B. Du Bois

HRH Princess Dato'Seri Maria Amor DK1

“if the world will attain its utmost peace and stability;and contentions be limited, then the ideology, philosophy and mentality of people in the world should be shifted from the more you acquire the more valuable you are to the more you give the more important you are and with the mentality that giving is a sacred responsibility and not a competition”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Abhijit Naskar
“Peacemaking is not like lovemaking, that you feel turned on to carry out for a few minutes, or alas seconds, and then feel chirpy, in case of a woman, or sleepy, in case of a man - peacemaking is the endeavor of a lifetime.”
Abhijit Naskar, Fabric of Humanity

Mohith Agadi
“Having no-peace is highly expensive, both economically and emotionally. That's one thing humanity cannot afford.”
Mohith Agadi

Jack  Rasmussen
“One of the great forces that balances our two poles is meditation, self-love, and compassion for others and the world.”
Jack Rasmussen, Yin Yang: The Elusive Symbol That Explains the World

“One must cultivate a sense of justice
And has to reject any idea of Nationalism
Cannot be biased and play favoritism
If one truly wishes to see world peace”
Ricardo Derose

Abhijit Naskar
“Centurion Sermon (Sonnet 1005)

Peace is an act of ceasefire,
Peace is an act of disarmament.
If you don't get this simple fact,
You need lessons on common sense.

Beer is no bravery,
Guns ain't no gallantry,
Dump your bazookas in museum,
Smell the roses with some coffee.

Dump your scripture, pick up a sport,
You'll learn a lot about honor and camaraderie.
Dump your constitution, pick up gardening,
You'll learn plenty about preserving life 'n liberty.

Nationalism is the greatest threat to peace.
Fundamentalism is the greatest threat to harmony.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Centurion Sermon: Mental Por El Mundo