
Women Are Mystery Quotes

Quotes tagged as "women-are-mystery" Showing 1-2 of 2
Avijeet Das
“Some women are interesting, and some are fascinating. Some of them don't reveal themselves at first. But if they like you, then they will allow you to discover them.”
Avijeet Das

Stewart Stafford
“The Feminine Enigma by Stewart Stafford

Even lying in repose in her casket,
Her aura still a billowing haze,
A coffin lid no barrier to new facts,
She came back on her funeral day.

Creeping sentinels of perspective,
Building up new memory mosaics,
A spider's web of word and deed,
Descending Prozac of the prosaic.

The labyrinthine riddle is female,
Females are perennially arcane,
Puzzles that don't beg solutions,
Evening stars of the astral plane.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford