
Wildlife Conservation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wildlife-conservation" Showing 1-30 of 62
Steve Irwin
“If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me. Because humans want to save things that they love.”
Steve Irwin

Alexander von Humboldt
“The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those have not viewed the world.”
Alexander von Humboldt, Works of Alexander von Humboldt

Aldo Leopold
“The hope of the future lies not in curbing the influence of human occupancy – it is already too late for that – but in creating a better understanding of the extent of that influence and a new ethic for its governance.”
Aldo Leopold, Game Management

“children who spent time in green spaces between the ages of seven and twelve tend to think of nature as magical. As adults they are the people most likely to be indignant about lack of nature protection, while those who have had no such experience tend to regard nature as hostile or irrelevant and are indifferent to its loss. By expurgating nature from children's lives we are depriving the environment of its champions for the future.”
Isabella Tree, Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm

“We forget, in a world completely transformed by man, that what we’re looking at is not necessarily the environment wildlife prefer, but the depleted remnant that wildlife is having to cope with: what it has is not necessarily what it wants.”
Isabella Tree, Wilding

“Making a difference to the welfare of Animals doesn't require a massive effort; it requires small actions that can make a significant impact.”
Paul Oxton

“Right or Wrong Don't know

But those things don't give me Money,
But gives Satisfaction

It consumes my time,
But gives me happiness

Those things can't give me Future,
But I can't live without them

These things Can't give me fame,
But adds value to my life

So Conservation is life”
Kedar dhepe

“There's an inevitable entropy in people - a wildness inside us - that tugs at the threadwork of everything we do. Even a job that looks so idealistic and decent can get pocked with misunderstandings, egos, and competition. But that's what every human enterprise is like. That's what every ecosystem is like. To call it unfair is a cop-out. It's the natural order that our species fights to transcend.”
Jon Mooallen

Douglas Adams
“I suddenly felt, well, terribly old as I watched a mudskipper hopping along with what now seemed to me like a wonderful sense of hopeless, boundless naïve optimism. I hoped that if its descendant was sitting here on this beach in 350 million years' time with a camera around its neck, it would feel that the journey had been worth it. I hoped that it might have a clearer understanding of itself in relation to the world it lived in. I hoped that it wouldn't be reduced to turning other creatures into horror circus shows in order to try and ensure them their survival. I hoped that if someone tried to feed the remote descendant of a goat to the remote descendant of a dragon for the sake of a little more than a shudder of entertainment, that it would feel it was wrong.

I hoped it wouldn't be too chicken to say so.”
Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See

“Social work & Conservation drives me,
Because it's source of my confidence and happiness..!”
Kedar dhepe

“I am not a Lion because I was born a Lion, it's because a Lion was born in me”
Paul Oxton

“Before we can truly understand the Animal Kingdom, we must first learn to respect all of the sentient beings that exist within it”
Paul Oxton

June Stoyer
“I believe in the right to bear arms and the right to arm bears.”
June Stoyer

“If a person can gaze upon a chimpanzee in a suit without recognizing it as mockery in 99% of cases, we confront an individual who has lost themselves and is predisposed to cruel actions against others—a tragic reflection of humanity's capacity for blindness and indifference.”
Elena Y. Goldberg

John F. Kennedy
“The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird symbolizes the strength and freedom of America. But as latter-day citizens we shall fail our trust if we permit the eagle to disappear.”
John F. Kennedy

“the updated 2016 State of Nature report discovered that the UK has lost significantly more biodiversity over the long term than the world average. Ranked twenty-ninth lowest out of 218 countries, we are among the most nature-depleted countries in the world.”
Isabella Tree, Wilding

Arjun Anand
“We destroyed their habitat. And now, we must rebuild it. We can".”
Arjun Anand, Hamir: The Fallen Prince of Ranthambore

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If there is a happy wildlife in a country in addition to the happiness of the people, we can sincerely applaud that country!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Charles de Lint
“You did this to us," Albin was saying,
Eithnie managed to shake her head. No. It wasn't me.
But she found it hard to argue. People were poisoning the water, the air. She'd always known that the forest she loved was slowly dying, if not in her lifetime, then in the next. Wildlife and their habitats were disappearing at an alarming rate, taking with them the spirits of the land as well.”
Charles de Lint, The Wild Wood

“Love for any wild animal is pure,
Because In that love u dont expect anything in return. Not a simply love in return..!!”
Kedar dhepe

“Love them or leave them, it will always hurt of we kill them..

Kedar dhepe

“Love them or leave them,
it will always hurt if we kill them..!

Kedar dhepe

Lyanda Lynn Haupt
“I waited so eagerly for Carmen to mimic back the concerto's motif. Now I see that she has been calling out something much bigger, much more vital; she has been singing back the song of life, all of life, all the time.”
Lyanda Lynn Haupt, Mozart's Starling

Michael Bassey Johnson
“All we have, nature gave to us.
All we have lost, greed took from us.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Harry Saddler
“Why shouldn’t we be sentimental about a river? If you think of a river as a sewer, you’ll treat it as a sewer, then it will become a sewer. Perhaps if you care for a river instead, the river will in turn care for you.”
Harry Saddler, A Clear Flowing Yarra

“I believe that photography can be a powerful tool for raising awareness about the importance of conservation. I want my photographs to help people understand the threats facing wildlife and ecosystems.”
Biju Karakkonam, Nature and Wildlife Photographer

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