
Trails Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trails" Showing 1-30 of 50
Robert Moor
“Complete freedom is not what a trail offers. Quite the opposite; a trail is a tactful reduction of options.”
Robert Moor, On Trails: An Exploration

Tim Ingold
“Every trail, however erratic and circuitous, is a kind of life-line, a trajectory of growth. 6 This image of life as a trail or path is ubiquitous among peoples whose existential orientations are founded in the practices of hunting and gathering, and in the modes of environmental perception these entail. Persons are identified and characterised not by the substantive attributes they carry into the life process, but by the kinds of paths they leave.”
Tim Ingold, The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill

Aspen Matis
“Trails enabled me to better see the world, to notice fine aspects invisible from an airplane, the most basic things we miss. Seeing life at a pace at which you can actually observe nuance, the speed of stepping, the beautiful inspiring texture of “plain” reality becomes visible—God smiling in the detail.”
Aspen Matis, Your Blue Is Not My Blue: A Missing Person Memoir

“When tried, trust in invisble God.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“we often fall because, not knowing how to walk, but not knowing which way to choose.”

Jonathan Anthony Burkett
“In life we all go through trials and tribulations. So now tell me, will you pass or will you make a mess?”
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Suzy  Davies
“The undercarraige kissed the snowy earth. Shadowy snow scenes, with frosted trees that shivered, flashed past the side windows. Powedery snow floated on the air. They glided to a standstill. The bird had landed”
Suzy Davies, The Girl in The Red Cape

Munia Khan
“As I keep on running
the sun goes down kissing me Good Night
with those twilight-lips
And in the dark,
moonlight becomes my night’s transport
on which I ride on behind the mountain trails”
Munia Khan, Fireclay

John Newton
“everything is needful that He sends; nothing can be needful that He withholds.”
John Newton

Robert Moor
“The source of modern malaise, he believed, was that civilized people were no longer equipped to survive in nature. They had forgotten how to raise food, how to build things, how to travel on foot. They were entirely dependent on the economy for their survival, which led them to be overworked and unhappy. People needed to get "back to the land,”
Robert Moor, On Trails: An Exploration

Dariush Youkhaneh
“You trails are part of your life because the trails are the reasons to receive the life.”
Dariush Youkhaneh

“Life's battle don't always go to the strongest or the fastest , but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can .”

“Nothing trains like the triumph in trials.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Without the trails of life, we fail to trust in Higher Divine Being.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Another's name my trail may bear,
But still I keep, in waste and wood.
My Joy because the trail is there,
My peace because the trail is good.”
Arthur Guiterman

“Nothing teaches a man like his trails.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“55 Years ago today President Johnson signed the Wilderness Act of 1964 protecting 9.1 million acres of federal land. Read more about trails thru the wilderness in Trail Tales.”
Robert Cowdrick

“We all get tested by the trials of life.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“,This is a lovely walk with views of the back of Yosemite National Park and Kaiser Peak ... Perhaps by the time you read and walk this trail, improvements will have been made to clarify the ambiguities. As of this writing, the middle of this walk is more closely a deer and animal trail than a footpath. - Pam Geisel HIKE NUMBER 12: The Dogwood Trail, p. 77”
Pam Geisel, The Hiker's Guide to the Central Sierras; Shaver, Florence & Huntington Lakes Region

“Fires will rage in California. And I'll wake from nightmares of lions at my tent. And I'll feel like a crazy person when I talk to people about the trail. And I'll ache to come back.”
Luke Healy, Americana

Aspen Matis
“On our first afternoon on the trail, the branches bare, two fireflies appeared in the same instant. The lightning bugs twirled sparks and squiggles of pure yellow gold, sometimes taking turns and sometimes harmonizing, their air-flecking fine as precious metal—blinking close, and then diverging, as if they were gently dotting the path of a conversation. They danced in reality; we followed the movement of one spark.

I felt connected to the luminescent creatures, my mind airborne with them. Trails enabled me to better see the world, to notice fine aspects invisible from an airplane, the most basic things we miss. Seeing life at a pace at which you can actually observe nuance, the speed of stepping, the beautiful inspiring texture of “plain” reality becomes visible—God smiling in the detail.”
Aspen Matis, Your Blue Is Not My Blue: A Missing Person Memoir

Tim Ingold
“This may seem an odd idea to us, but only because 40 we think of walking as the spatiotemporal displacement of already completed beings from 1 one point to another, rather than as the movement of their substantive formation within 2 an environment. Both plants and people, we could say, ‘issue forth’ along lines of growth, 3 and both exist as the sum of their trails”
Tim Ingold, The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill

“Trails are routes to remembrance just as they are routes to knowledge.”
T.P. Lye

Robert Moor
“What unites the wisest trails, I have found, is a balance of three values: durability, efficiency, and flexibility.”
Robert Moor, On Trails: An Exploration

Florin-Marian Hera
“Not only slugs leave trails of homelessness.”
Florin-Marian Hera, Ten Loud Rocks

“High and dry above the stupendous detail of our job, we should hold the reason for it all. This is not to cut a path and then say—‘Ain’t it beautiful?" Our job is to open a realm.”
Benton Mackaye

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“A luminous
mountain morning.
Little flowers
peep out
from the
abandoned trails
in early spring
and gaze at a
new road.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“The balloon floated just above a ridge that ran along one side of the valley. They could see no one, no ani- mals or sign of any life, but there were trails in the hard sand bed that suggested people occasionally passed this way. Such trails could be misleading, for in the desert they could exist for an eternity, and one could never tell how old they might be.”
David Ball, Empires of Sand by David Ball

David Passarelli
“Among my steps, time stretches, and breath becomes deep, the mind frees itself, the body rejuvenates.”
David Passarelli, Mountain poems: Musings on stone, forest, and snow

Dana Arcuri
“Life has a way of taking you exactly where you are meant to be. Even when things don’t go according to plan. Even when you sense it’s time to say goodbye to people, places, and things. Even if your unexpected setbacks lead you smack center to new opportunities and profound experiences.”
Dana Arcuri, Intuitive Guide: How to Trust Your Gut, Embrace Divine Signs, & Connect with Heavenly Messengers

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