Thankfulness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thankfulness" Showing 91-120 of 410
“To better your day, every day - practice gratitude before doing anything else.”
Natalie Grace Smith

Matthew McConaughey
“It’s a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates.”
Matthew McConaughey

Richelle E. Goodrich
“From the dawn of day
until the crimson sun sets,
I humbly give thanks.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

David  Arnold
“Sometimes Kit would look at the veins in his own hands and think, All these little rivers flowing through my body, keeping me alive. Thank you, little rivers. Thank you.”
David Arnold, The Electric Kingdom

Katherine May
“Heat is a blunt instrument, but warmth is relative. We feel warmer for knowing that it's freezing outside.”
Katherine May, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“Just having a place to sit and be thankful each day improves mental health.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner, The Magic of Nature: Meditations & Spells to Find Your Inner Voice

“If you complain about the money or resources you lack, then you will lack more of it. However, if you are grateful for the money and resources you do have, however small or large it may be, you will gain more of it.”
Hendrith Smith, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“You are not blessed until you recognize that you are blessed.”
Toyin Omofoye

J.S. Felts
“The extent, to which you are happy, is in direct proportion to your recognition of what you have to be thankful.”
J.S. Felts, Ageless Wisdom: A Treasury of Quotes to Motivate & Inspire

James Patterson
“When she was free, the whale didn’t rush out to sea. Instead, she swam around and around her rescuers in joyous circles. The whale came up to each and every diver one at a time. She nudged them, pushed them gently -– maybe as her way of thinking them. What else could it have been?
Several of the rescuers wept and later said it was the most incredibly beautiful moment of their lives.
They said they would never be the same after the experience.
And that is the best story I’ve heard to explain how it feels when you do a good deed and help somebody. You’ll never be the same after the experience.”
James Patterson, James Patterson by James Patterson: The Stories of My Life

Elizabeth von Arnim
“We are none of us ever thankful enough, and yet we each get so much, so very much, more than we deserve.”
Elizabeth von Arnim, Elizabeth and Her German Garden

Donna Goddard
“Birthdays are a day for being grateful that someone exists. We shouldn’t take it for granted. What if they died tomorrow? They could. Anyone could. We should say what we want without fear of it being taken the wrong way.”
Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

“When my gratitude fully became a daily habit in my life, it was as though my subconscious mind wrote down “joy” and put it in an envelope of gratitude to deliver to me.”
Stephen D. Edwards, The Branch and the Vine: How Jesus Gave Me Freedom from Depression

Kelly Corbet
“In those 84,600 seconds we call Today, how many of them we can fill with thanks?

The more we train our brains toward 'grateful,' the more grateful there is to see.”
Kelly Corbet, BIG: the practice of joy

Kelli Russell Agodon
“Even a small amount of nectar
is a greater sum than none.”
Kelli Russell Agodon, Dialogues with Rising Tides

“In life if you decide to assist and render a helping hand other do not expect much from your recipients. Just do it for your own sake and never wait for them to come back and appreciate you. From ancient times it is known that only one out of ten will return or reciprocate the favor.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Amit Kalantri
“If you succeed its not only because of you, if you fail its only because of you.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Wealth without thankfulness is nothing more than well-heeled squalor.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“In recognition of the magnanimous heart ... [o]ur engagement with participation in the world begins to shift from viewing this world as a field of consumption to experiencing this world as a field of appreciation, and we can't help but bow down in gratitude.”
Narayan Helen Liebenson, The Magnanimous Heart: Compassion and Love, Loss and Grief, Joy and Liberation

Manuel Corazzari
“Giving is simply a state of mind of thankfulness”
Manuel Corazzari

Euginia Herlihy
“God is a divine director of my life and His love draws me near to His throne of grace. His love conquers all my battles. His grace fills me up with joy and strength. His presence is with me twenty four seven and it protects me. Thank you Lord for Your unconditional love and Your faithfulness! Amen and Amen.”
Euginia Herlihy

Isaac Nash
“We learned when we were younger that if someone does something good for you, you say "thank you". By nature, if someone has a stable life, won the lottery, won an Oscar, won a championship, won an individual medal, got a specific job promotion, got pregnant, was cured of any illness, his/her children graduated from college, maintain a healthy body and/or mind, got on a flight on time, etc; then he or she is thankful. On the other hand, we were not told to be thankful if none of these great things existed or even the opposite of them.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It is far too trite to simply say that we should be ‘thankful,’ for that renders thankfulness as some sort of socially conditioned practice empty of everything and full of nothing. Rather, we should sternly commit to being perpetually thankful so that we might become people empty of nothing and full of everything.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“If our wants have to be met before we are grateful, we stand the chance of missing countless blessings.”
Shaun Brooks

“Taking a moment to be thankful for the things that easily could be, but are not.

If we live in a place where there are no bloodthirsty lions walking around on the roads, let's be thankful.

If there's no inbound asteroid or other imminent extinction event befallen on us, let's be thankful.

If we are mostly free of disease or disorder in ourselves and those around us, let's be thankful.

If there's no starvation in our own house or the house of neighbour, let's be thankful.

If there's no lifethreatening pollution in our parts of the atmosphere, or water, let's be thankful.

If we're not isolated, imprisoned, without any real prospects of a good future, let's be thankful.

If we do not live near an active volcano, or within an area prone to earthquakes, super storms or other destabilizing natural phenomenae, let's be thankful.

If it's not raining diamonds or acid [as is reality on some cosmic bodies], and if every part of our mighty Earth is habitable and healthy, let's be thankful.

And if we collected some parts of tranquility for ourselves, or others, in this otherwise brief life, let's be thankful.

It can be difficult to see, without concious effort to remind ourselves, that things are probably pretty good, also. Though, it is no excuse for laziness and inaction with regards to our duties in lending a hand according to the size of our hand, and perhaps with some regard for our own dignity, and to foresight.”

Ken Follett
“He might have to go hungry tonight, but he could put up with that, grateful that today God had asked him to sacrifice his dinner but not his life.”
Ken Follett

Melanie Dickerson
“Could her heart be any fuller?”
Melanie Dickerson, Court of Swans

“While moving ahead in life, look back to be grateful, look up to give thanks, look forward and carry on.”
Sekoni Sullivan

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“There was a moment when we sat unaware in great abundance, when suddenly the walls collapsed under a maelstrom that savagely scoured bare the landscape of our lives. And in the resulting carnage we either chose to cry for the lack of justice, or we chose to smile for the presence of God.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“What I’ve taken for granted may well be the very privileges that will be taken from me unless I take a very different view of them.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough