
Teen Series Quotes

Quotes tagged as "teen-series" Showing 1-13 of 13
Kailin Gow
“Words are so powerful. It can win wars, create kings, and sustain civilizations. - Wordwick Games by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Wordwick Games Trilogy (An Epic Fantasy with SAT Prep Words) Books 1 - 3

Gwenn Wright
“They had pulled me from the hemorrhaging, dying body of my mother and turned me over to the care of the man who was not my father. He had taken me home to their tiny apartment above the old hardware store and done what little he knew to take care of me.
It took less than six weeks for him to realize his mistake. Maybe even less than six hours, but he never abandoned me. He clung to me as though I was the last remnant of some great and powerful love.
And that gave me hope that maybe my mother was really something else and not just some girl who got knocked up by a guy whose name she didn’t even know. She was something special, someone worthy of a man’s loyalty and devotion.
--Rocky Evans”
Gwenn Wright, Filter

Sally Henson
“From Summer's End
What we have is enough. It's more than we consciously realized.”
Sally Henson, Summer's End

Emilia Ares
“Unfortunately, I was realizing more and more that to understand my own privilege was to know the misfortune of others.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Emilia Ares
“I felt a powerful compulsion to reach out and touch her, as though her body was a familiar place—as though she’s someone I’d known all my life, someone I was relieved to see again.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Emilia Ares
“Half the chocolate bar was stuffed in my mouth when it dawned on me: I was totally going to break out from crushing that hard.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Emilia Ares
“It was a dangerous thing for me to know what I wanted.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Sally Henson
“You and I have been friends long enough to know how to treat each other . . . I'm leaving for college. I think I've outgrown the rules.”
Sally Henson, Summer's End

Emilia Ares
“I have an idea. Next time, when you’re randomly freaking out about, you know, the world rotating and stuff, what we do is we come here, and we climb on this pendulum thing. And problem solved . . . we’ll be the only two people on the planet who are standing still while everyone else is turning.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Emilia Ares
“It was a strange sensation, the thawing of a frozen heart.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Emilia Ares
“What do I feel? Like a large winged creature dropped you into my life but forgot to leave the operating manual.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Emilia Ares
“It was intimate . . . a strange and beautiful feeling. We were breathing life into each other.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins

Emilia Ares
“But you have to push back against the fear and the only way to do that is by arming yourself with knowledge and practice. Why? Because when it’s all over, even if you die and are rotting in the ground, at least you’ll know you didn’t leave quietly.”
Emilia Ares, Love and Other Sins